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amino acids imbalance and autism

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My 3 year old son recently had blood test for amino acids and they said it shows

imbalance. I am giving him ashwaghanda, is there any relation?


Anyone knows what I can do herbally to make his imbalance to normal?

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Hari Om,


Yes, Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) is useful in AUTISM. But you

can prepare a MIX for the treatment though the process of recovery is

very slow. Ashwagandha ( Withania Somnifera), Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri),

Mandukparni (Centella asiatica), Vishnukrantha (Evolvulus alsinoides),

Jatamansi (Nardostachys Jatamansi), Tagara (Valeriana wallichii),

Vidanga (Embelia ribes), Vidari (Ipomoea digitata), Vatadha (Prunus

amy.), Vacha (Acorus calamus), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Amalki

(Emblica officinalis), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Jyotishmati

(Celatrus Paniculatus), Shyonaka (Oroxylum indicum), Ela (Elletarie

cardamomum) and Kapikachchhu (Mucuna pruriens) are very good to get the

improvement. This MIX improves mental functions by a modulation of the

cholinergic and GABAergic neurotransmission, mental quotient, memory

span and concentration ability.


With best wishes,


Swami Brahmavidyananda Saraswati


A Hindu Monk/Sannyasi from India




My 3 year old son recently had blood test for amino acids and they

said it shows imbalance. I am giving him ashwaghanda, is there any


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Swami ji ,

thank you for the post. A nephew's son has autism. Please can you tell us the

proportion of the herbs.







Yes, Ashwagandha (Withania Somnifera) is useful in AUTISM. But you

can prepare a MIX for the treatment though the process of recovery is

very slow.

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Hari Om,


In AUTISM, mental subnormality is a multidimensional condition with mild

to severe symptoms. It may present as a specific disorder or may occur

in combination with other disorders. The learning process in mentally

subnormal individuals is comparatively slower and they are less capable

of mastering abstract and complex concepts. Besides cognitive deficits

associated abnormal behaviour such as hyperactivity, distractibility and

aggression are the major complicating factors. So we need a few herbs

which can improve mental-capability, mental quotient, memory span and

concentration ability. I have gone through a few old volumes of

medical/health journals i.e. Neurosciences Today (2002), The Indian

Practitioner (1994), Probe (1999), Pharmacopsychoecologia (1990) and

Journal of community Psychiatry (1989).


I am not a doctor but due to my many years experiences of selfless

services as a wandering monk in the field……… I put forward a few

suggestions on the basis of practical experiences only. Yes,

sometimes, I am afraid but I have faith in this FORUM of

specialists who will modify my suggestion/statement ………….


Secondly, I have deep faith in Upanishads, God & His kindness. Our

destiny was shaped long before the body came into being. Today's

modern science, too, has accepted this theory of rebirth &

reincarnation. It would be impossible to experience and endure all

Karmas in one life. From the stock of sanchita karma/ accumulated karma,

a handful is taken out to serve one lifetime and this handful of

actions, which has begun to bear fruit and which will be exhausted only

on their fruit being experienced. Hence, it is the sum of one's past

karmas – all actions (good and bad) that follow through from one's

past life to the next. Prarabdha, fruit-bearing karma, is the portion

of accumulated karma that has " ripened " and appears as a particular

problem in the present life. This is the truth, you consult the

doctors …….. use herbs …….. do your best but Lord Krishna

only can absolve you of all sins. No doubt, if a specialist in

the area is consulted, it's better. Presently, a few autistic

children are getting improvement with this mixture ( alongwith a few

more tasks) though the process of recovery is very slow as it happens in

this case.


(a) Vidari (Ipomoea digitata), Ela (Elletarie cardamomum) and

Kapikachchhu (Mucuna pruriens)- take one unit each by weight.


(b) Vacha (Acorus calamus), Haritaki (Terminalia chebula), Amalki

(Emblica officinalis), Guduchi (Tinospora cordifolia), Jyotishmati

(Celatrus Paniculatus) & Shyonaka (Oroxylum indicum) - take two units



© Ashwagandha ( Withania Somnifera), Vishnukrantha (Evolvulus

alsinoides), Jatamansi (Nardostachys Jatamansi), Tagara (Valeriana

wallichii), Vatadha (Prunus amy.) & Vidanga (Embelia ribes) – take

three units each.


(d) Mandukparni (Centella asiatica) - take four units.


(e) Brahmi (Bacopa Monnieri) - take eight units.


With best wishes,


Swami Brahmavidyananda Saraswati


A Hindu Monk/Sannyasi from India




Please can you tell

us the proportion of the herbs.

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Thank you Swami ji . I have forwarded the post to the boy's mother..I hope she

will use your suggestions , I have a firm belief in it.

http://www.sivananda.com/afterdeath.htm#_VPID_105 if you copy this site you

will go to a page by Swami Shivananda of Divine Life Society of Rishikesh . he

has written about reincarnation.

And thank you so much about

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Hari OM !


Thanks for the link ............. I belong to the same

family i.e. Divine Life Society of Rishikesh founded by H.H.Revered

Swami Shivananda.


With best wishes,


Swami Brahmavidyananda




http://www.sivananda.com/afterdeath.htm#_VPID_105 if you copy this site

you will go to a page by Swami Shivananda of Divine Life Society of

Rishikesh .

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Raspected swamiji,

That Mridula he has refered to is me. I have been photographed with him and with

Vishnu swamiji but now I do not have those photographs. Is there any way to get

them. I can't write to you because there is no address of yours available.

Thanking you,




I belong to the same

family i.e. Divine Life Society of Rishikesh founded by H.H.Revered

Swami Shivananda.

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Mridula Ammanji,


Hari Om !


..........blessed Soul you are ! Regarding your

photograph with Gurudeva H.H.Swami Shivanandaji Maharaj, kindly

contact the General secretary. I hope the moderator of this group is

kind enough to pass this message to you. Presently I am not in

Rishikesh...............but if you get any problem, please inform me .

With my best wishes,


Swami Brahmavidyananda saraswati


Mailing Address for Rishikesh ...........


The General Secretary


Hqrs, Rishikesh

P.O. Shivanandanagar -249 192,

District Tehri-Garhwal, Uttarakhand.


Phone: (91)-135-2430040 / 2431190

Fax: (91)-135-2442046 (9:00 am to 5:00 pm IST)

E-mail - generalsecretary




but now I do not have those photographs. Is

there any way to get them.

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Hari Om !


Why do people with fragile X syndrome, a genetic defect that causes

autism and inherited mental retardation, recoil from hugs and physical

touch - even from their parents?


A study published in the Thursday issue of Neuron explains this. Summary at:




Swami Brahmavidyananda Saraswati

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It interrupts their reality - there was a very interesting book written on

the subject - it was just the boy's name as title - someone - perhaps his

mother - held him until he stopped struggling, stopped screaming, stopped

sobbing and cured him. The name was something like " Nibs " - someone might








Why do people with fragile X syndrome, a genetic defect that causes

autism and inherited mental retardation, recoil from hugs and physical

touch - even from their parents?

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Dear swamiji,

Is there any leha readily avaialble with these combindations?? or do you

recommend we make it every day?






Presently, a few autistic

children are getting improvement with this mixture ( alongwith a few

more tasks) though the process of recovery is very slow as it happens in

this case.


(a) Vidari (Ipomoea digitata), Ela (Elletarie cardamomum) and

Kapikachchhu (Mucuna pruriens)- take one unit each by weight.


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Respected Vani,


Hari Om !


Answer 2 ur question is NO…… But Kapikachhu (One capsule twice a

day after meals) and Mentat (One tablet twice a day after meals) may

please be taken regularly. These are the products of The Himalayan Drug

Co. Ltd (India) which contain all the herbs ( and a few more………..)

which were quoted earlier. Mentat Tab. is more important, here, in this

case. At first stage, an imbalance of two brain chemicals, dopamine and

acetylcholine, is controlled. Continue with medicines and have faith in



With best wishes,


Swami Brahmavidyananda Saraswati





ayurveda , " ard_mom " <ard_mom wrote:


> Dear swamiji,

> Is there any leha readily avaialble with these combindations?? or do

you recommend we make it every day?

> Regards,

> Vani


> -________________


> Presently, a few autistic

> children are getting improvement with this mixture ( alongwith a few

> more tasks) though the process of recovery is very slow as it happens


> this case.


> (a) Vidari (Ipomoea digitata), Ela (Elletarie cardamomum) and

> Kapikachchhu (Mucuna pruriens)- take one unit each by weight.

> ....








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May I suggest that Medhavati of Divyayoga Farmacy is very good for all mental

problems like depression, lack of concentration, extreme confusions, etc. They

can be taken when yoga and pranayam don't work ordinarily; just to support other

efforts. Then no other medication even ayurvedic may not be necessary. This is

the experience of many as per their testimonials given in the monthly Yoga






Nature Cure & Spinal Rehab Centre,

155 St. Patrick's Town, Pune 411013,

Ph: +91-20-26870204, Cell: 91-9422314693,

Email:smacharya Website: www.atbsnr.com






Is there any leha readily avaialble with these combindations? ? or do

you recommend we make it every day?

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Brahmi is very good along with any thing else that one does.







Is there perfect treatment for EPILEPSY in ayurveda ?

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Respected Mridulaji,


Hari Om !


Epilepsy is a psychic syndrome. It is known as Apasmara in Ayurvedic

terminology. Epilepsy is more likely to occur in young children or

people over the age of 65 years, but it can occur at any time. Epilepsy

is usually controlled, but not cured, with medication, although surgery

may be considered in difficult cases. However, over 30% of people with

epilepsy do not have seizure control even with the best available

medications. Not all epilepsy syndromes are lifelong – some forms

are confined to particular stages of childhood. Apasmara or Epilepsy is

divided into four other types according to the predominance of the three

doshas (Kapha, Pitta, and Vata) and their combination. It has been

divided into Vata, Pitta, and Kapha and due to vitiation of all doshas.

During the attack patient becomes unconscious, with jerky movements of

the arms and legs., convulsions, grinding of teeth, moaning, crying, and

hearing of nonexistent things. He may pass urine or stool and there may

be froth at the mouth. In Vata type, frequent loss of consciousness and

very quick regaining the same is main symptom. There may be stiffness,

bulging of the eyes, weeping, and visualizing nonexistent things. In

Pitta type, during the attack, face, eyes, nails and skin may become

yellowish, greenish or blood stained. Sensation of burning after

regaining consciousness is present many times. Kapha type – Loss of

consciousness, and slow regaining after a long time is present. The

patient falls to the ground heavily and there is profuse salivation at

the mouth with froth. All these symptoms and attacks occur during full

moon day and no moon day.


Daily massage the soles and head of the patient with til (black sesame)

oil and the patient should be kept busy with light physical work and

interesting mental puzzles. This obviates any possibility of the patient

brooding over any subject. Above all, ensure that the patient does not

have any mental strain.


The Ayurvedic treatment for patients suffering from this condition has a

two-fold strategy: While rectifying the nervous system, it significantly

works for strengthening the heart. There are several Ayurvedic

medications. The commonly prescribed effective medicines are the

following three. These are: Brihat-vata-kulantaka rasa, Vacha, and

Brahmi. Brihat-vata-kulantaka rasa is a compound preparation. Its main

ingredient is gold dust (bhasma) prepared in the Ayurvedic purification

methodology. Brihat-vata-kulantaka rasa brings about fast results. The

dose: The patient should consume 125 gram of Brihat-vata-kulantaka rasa

mixed with honey thrice daily. Vacha is prepared from the plant that

goes by the same name. It grows in the marshy places. One can find the

natural growth of this species near streams and rivulets. The medication

is prepared from the rhizome (root) of Vacha. The dose : One teaspoonful

of Vacha is to be mixed with half-a-teaspoon of honey to take care of

the acrid smell and make it palatable. Brahmi is prepared from the

juice of the entire plant that goes by the same name. The Brahmi plant

also grows like Vacha in the marshy areas. The reason why the juice and

not the root of Brahmi is used for preparing the medication is that the

leaves and stems of the Brahmi plant do not get dried easily. The Brahmi

medication has a slight bitter taste. Hence, honey should be added to

make it palatable for the patient. The dose: One teaspoon of Brahmi

juice needs to be mixed with one teaspoonful of honey and given to the

patient thrice daily.


If you are in Hyderabad you may visit: www.yes4health.co.in

<http://www.yes4health.co.in/> . As they claim, they have treated

epilepsy very effectively through an integrated method including

acupuncture / acupressure, breathing exercises, diet and lifestyle

changes in Hyderabad. They also train the patient / parents /relatives /

friends to prevent future attacks. Problem assessment is done by pulse

diagnosis. The treatment period varies from six months to one year for

complete control of the problem.


With best wishes,


Swami Brahmavidyananda Saraswati



Brahmi is very good along with any thing else that one does.

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There is an Ayurvedic Mental Hospital at Kottakkal, Malappuram, Kerala, India.

Probably the only one especially on the government sector in the whole of India.


U may find help from the institution to the maximum



Dr. Rajesh Babu






Is there perfect treatment for EPILEPSY in ayurveda ?

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