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Hair loss

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Vinegar, also, makes a great shampoo and conditioner. I only shampoo once a

week, with an organic shampoo, and every other day I use vinegar. Vinegar is

the only thing that keeps dandruff at bay with me too. I just spray it on from

a spray bottle while I'm in the shower, let it sit a minute and then rinse it

off. I like apple cidar vinegar the best.

Also, try putting a waterfilter on your shower, it makes a huge difference in

the quality of the hair. I dont know if it will help with losing hair, but if

your going to forgo shampooing these are things you will want to look into.


tulu 489 <tulu489 wrote:

Minoxidil is known to interfear with hormonal balance and should be

avoided at all costs. Moreover one has to use it throughout the life. Some

chinese herbs like polygonatum do give relief. Tell him not to use shampoo,

chemicals in them are bad for his hair. Herbals like shikakai, ritha do a great

job of cleaning hair.


jknarang542000 <jknarang542000 wrote: My son is 21 yr old and is

alredy suffering from excess hair fall.

Recently he is trying minoxidil topical solution. Can somebody help me

by suggesting some precautions and home mady prepration to arrest this

hair fall.







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Kelp is rich in iodine. Hypothyroid may also cause hair loss. If the symptoms

are of Hypothyroid (deficiency) then Kelp will help. If symptoms are of Hyper

(excess) then avoid Kelp.




Always Naturally Great <Alwaysnaturallygreat wrote:

You could try " Kelp " I have used this and had great success with hair growth and

healthier hair all round. However if there are any thyroid issues you need to

avoid using kelp.



Caroline Hayes


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Thursday, March 08, 2007 6:48 PM

Hair loss


My son is 21 yr old and is alredy suffering from excess hair fall.

Recently he is trying minoxidil topical solution. Can somebody help me

by suggesting some precautions and home mady prepration to arrest this

hair fall.


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Too much omega -6 in the diet leads to falling hair, ( too much white

bread, too much white rice, too much sugar, processed meats )


To stop hair from falling out revert to whole wheat bread, whole

bron rice, brown sugar.


Recommended to use cod liver oil for a week or two daily.


Please read full details of diet at www.cidpusa.org/


Dr I. Khan



, Jessika Stone

<remindersofthen wrote:


> Vinegar, also, makes a great shampoo and conditioner. I only

shampoo once a week, with an organic shampoo, and every other day I

use vinegar. Vinegar is the only thing that keeps dandruff at bay

with me too. I just spray it on from a spray bottle while I'm in the

shower, let it sit a minute and then rinse it off. I like apple

cidar vinegar the best.

> Also, try putting a waterfilter on your shower, it makes a huge

difference in the quality of the hair. I dont know if it will help

with losing hair, but if your going to forgo shampooing these are

things you will want to look into.


> tulu 489 <tulu489 wrote:

> Minoxidil is known to interfear with hormonal balance and

should be avoided at all costs. Moreover one has to use it throughout

the life. Some chinese herbs like polygonatum do give relief. Tell

him not to use shampoo, chemicals in them are bad for his hair.

Herbals like shikakai, ritha do a great job of cleaning hair.


> jknarang542000 <jknarang542000 wrote: My son is 21 yr old and

is alredy suffering from excess hair fall.

> Recently he is trying minoxidil topical solution. Can somebody help


> by suggesting some precautions and home mady prepration to arrest


> hair fall.







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Dr. I. Khan wrote:


Too much omega -6 in the diet leads to falling hair, ( too much white

bread, too much white rice, too much sugar, processed meats )


To stop hair from falling out revert to whole wheat bread, whole

brown rice, brown sugar.


Recommended to use cod liver oil for a week or two daily.


Please read full details of diet at www.cidpusa.org/


Dear Dr Khan,


I quite agree with you that dead food and processed meat

are bad, but my son was pretty much " organically grown "

and he still went bald in his twenties.

Though we did not do the cod liver oil. And when the kids

were little we actually (shudder) ate margarine.

Who knows...


Ien in the Kootenays




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Anybody used scalpmed to stop hairloss?




Ieneke van Houten <ienvan wrote:

jknarang wrote:


<My son is 21 yr old and is alredy suffering from excess hair fall.

Recently he is trying minoxidil topical solution. Can somebody help me

by suggesting some precautions and home mady prepration to arrest this

hair fall.>


I am sorry to admit I have no solutions here,

just shared experience.

My son started losing his gorgeous hair when he

was only 19.


His father and both grandfathers had typical male

pattern baldness, but my husband had hair till his



I later heard from the hairdresser that this is quite

common now.

If Dad went bald by 40, son is likely to be bald by 25.

This is one of the reasons for the shaved head fashion.

Alex decided that he looked cooler with a shaved head

than with the old man's fringe. Now that he is a bit

older he has grown into the monk look and is at peace

with it.


This process may well be irreversible.

Tell your son that most women pay more attention

to the contents of a man's head than to the topping.

Life is too precious to waste it on worrying overly much

about hair! He is just a bit ahead, evolution-wise.


Ien in the Kootenays




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My son lost his hair young also. It started out in a round patch and

subsequently increased in size until he lost most of his hair. Before we

did, we did consult an md and he gave cortisone shots which helped a little.



Before the hair loss, he had a beautiful head of auburn hair, he choose to

use dog shears to cut his hair instead of going to the barber( to save

money, kids, huh?). His friend cut his hair and accidently nicked his

scalp. Evidently foreign dog bacteria, etc...entered in and his hair

follicles started to shut down in the nicked area and then all over his

body. Sometimes his eyelashes and eyebrows do come in, but sometimes he

loses those too at times. He is now 26, and hair free for about 8 years

now. His condition is alopecia areata and is autoimmune. Some people

spontaneously regenerate their hair at some point, and some don't. Not

saying that's what your son had, but I too was at a loss. Hope the herbal

stuff works, but if it doesn't, there are resources on the web to help.


Just my experience and two cents worth, but hope this helps somewhat.




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  • 4 months later...
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The best and most complete product I have tried for my fine, thin hair

is Mangosteen and Minerals. My hair has gotten thicker and grown a lot

since I started taking the liquid nutritional supplement Oct. 2006.



, Teddyberen wrote:


> Best product I know for hair loss is a product call Shou Wu Pian

and is

> distributed by Quality Life Herbs.

> It is slow working, but anyone that I know that has tried it , it

has helped.

> I have seen this work in women who had hair that was thinning or

hair that

> had been lost in one spot.

> Diane M




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  • 2 months later...

I think some hair loss is normal as we age. My hair is much thinner than it used

to be. Unless you are going bald or have some severe hair loss, they may not be

too much you can do about it. I know there are some herbs that are supposed to

help, like horsetail or something, someone else here might have some other

suggestions. Good luck to you. Hope you find something that will help.




---- Gina W <gina64114 wrote:

> I wondered if anyone had a good suggestion on curing

> hair loss. My hair has been falling out for over a

> year and it isn't getting better. I take vitamin

> pills that are supposed to help hair loss and there

> might be some impovment, but I can't tell yet. I am

> 52 and mostly healthy, except for mild diabetes. I

> have heard that hair loss can be connected with

> thyroid problems, but I don't think I have a thyroid

> problem. I would appreciate any good suggestions,

> since I like having long hair and have had to cut mine

> shorter recently.








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have fun with this................a good massage of raw porridge

plan b......make two soft fists...and rub the finger nails together up and


about five minutes.....4 times a day

this frees up the fingerflows............the areas on each side of the

fingernails are each associated flow points

hold thumbs gently too in palm of yr hands



rod helfenstein; crescentwrench2003




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Hi Gina,


Remember, the goal is not " curing hair loss " ~ but addressing the



Compromised thyroid and/or adrenal function are likely involved. Even

if you're not diagnosed with Hypothyroidism, changing hormones impact

your entire endocrine system ~ which is also why blood sugar issues are

common in midlife.


You might want to follow the adrenal support protocol I posted.

Without knowing more about you, I might suggest using a good B-100

complex, taking essential fatty acids and drinking more pure water.


Well wishes,





I wondered if anyone had a good suggestion on curing

hair loss.

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Hy Gina,


Hair loss can be because of many functions, physical or emotional. But is

is mostly the function of kidney meridian in TCM and is conected to bones. It is

best to do holistic aproach, not just one cure. I do Qigong and Taijiquan forms,

but it is best to do traditional Long Taijiquan forms from Yang, Chen, Wu or Sun



It is best to do qigong from the teacher, but if no teacher in Your area try

www.taijiworld.com or www.springforestqigong.com


It is best to relax, breathe deeply in Your lower stomach (no force just do

it) it means that You inhale push stomach in, exhale let all abdomen , and

kidneys expand. This is best bbreathing to fill up bones. The other way around

is called abdominal breathing and it is good to relax. This method is called pre

natal breathing ver ygood for extra energy.


And smile is the best method to activate everythging, and dont worry.




Gina W <gina64114 wrote:

I wondered if anyone had a good suggestion on curing

hair loss. My hair has been falling out for over a

year and it isn't getting better. I take vitamin

pills that are supposed to help hair loss and there

might be some impovment, but I can't tell yet. I am

52 and mostly healthy, except for mild diabetes. I

have heard that hair loss can be connected with

thyroid problems, but I don't think I have a thyroid

problem. I would appreciate any good suggestions,

since I like having long hair and have had to cut mine

shorter recently.















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---according to edgar cayce hair loss was attributed to glandular

problems ---interesting you ahve mild diabetes ---

their was a regime of balencing the glands --look at the a.r.e. web


or the meridian institute

or e mail me and i will send what i have on this pho

phil;l In , Gina W <gina64114



> I wondered if anyone had a good suggestion on curing

> hair loss. My hair has been falling out for over a

> year and it isn't getting better. I take vitamin

> pills that are supposed to help hair loss and there

> might be some impovment, but I can't tell yet. I am

> 52 and mostly healthy, except for mild diabetes. I

> have heard that hair loss can be connected with

> thyroid problems, but I don't think I have a thyroid

> problem. I would appreciate any good suggestions,

> since I like having long hair and have had to cut mine

> shorter recently.







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  • 8 months later...
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If you receive information on this, will you please forward it to me, as I'm

having the same problem.




--- On Thu, 7/17/08, Diane <drauch wrote:


Diane <drauch

Hair Loss


Thursday, July 17, 2008, 12:32 PM







This list covers a wealth of alternative answers in healing. Discuss health,

spiritual, and healing issues...Wondering if anyone out there know of

alternative helps for Alopecia Areata - hair loss. I am losing all my hair and

is frightening. Medical help for this is scarce. Any help you can give is

appreciated. Diane



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I have baby fine hair and it's been thinning. My doctor didn't take

my concerns seriously, said it was middle-age and possibly linked to

my Type 2 diabetes so it was inevitable.


This will sound strange but my hair dresser had me grind up birth

control pills and put them into my shampoo. An entire package of

pills for the BIG bottles of shampoo, 1/2 a package of pills for a

smaller bottle of shampoo. It seems to have helped. Just yesterday, I

was complimented on my hair but it's taken a year to get here.


I know birth control pills aren't " natural " but I thought I'd offer

the suggestion for what it's worth.


- Anna





, " Diane " <drauch wrote:


> This list covers a wealth of alternative answers in healing.

Discuss health, spiritual, and healing issues...Wondering if anyone

out there know of alternative helps for Alopecia Areata - hair loss.

I am losing all my hair and is frightening. Medical help for this is

scarce. Any help you can give is appreciated. Diane




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, Ltningblt23 wrote:


> I am having excessive hair loss the past 2 months. I am

> afraid within a couple more months I may be bald or something. If

anyone has any information on what could be causing this or how I

> could treat it, from teas to herbal supplements, just whatever, I am




Hi Amy!


I'm not sure what the problem you have is realted to, but it may be

hormonal. The only supplement I can recommend is Biotin, it

definitely makes the hair grow quicker and may help thicken it. Right

now we're using some from Swanson Vitamins.




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My son began losing his hair and we found out it was ringworm. We treated the

areas with Ring Worm No More(found it on the internet) and he got better.. I

guess it's worth a check to see if ring worm might be the culprit.


--- On Sun, 7/20/08, Jean <fjd2002 wrote:


Jean <fjd2002

Re: Hair Loss


Sunday, July 20, 2008, 5:07 PM







, Ltningblt23@ ... wrote:


> I am having excessive hair loss the past 2 months. I am

> afraid within a couple more months I may be bald or something. If

anyone has any information on what could be causing this or how I

> could treat it, from teas to herbal supplements, just whatever, I am



Hi Amy!


I'm not sure what the problem you have is realted to, but it may be

hormonal. The only supplement I can recommend is Biotin, it

definitely makes the hair grow quicker and may help thicken it. Right

now we're using some from Swanson Vitamins.






















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hi, i've been doing alot of reading on hair loss also. yes, biotin really works.

and, another very promising food is cucumber juice. there in season and the

juice tastes great, & can add a spot of lemon juice or apple juice. hope you can

try it. laura


--- On Sun, 7/20/08, Jean <fjd2002 wrote:


Jean <fjd2002

Re: Hair Loss


Sunday, July 20, 2008, 4:07 PM


, Ltningblt23 wrote:


> I am having excessive hair loss the past 2 months. I am

> afraid within a couple more months I may be bald or something. If

anyone has any information on what could be causing this or how I

> could treat it, from teas to herbal supplements, just whatever, I am




Hi Amy!


I'm not sure what the problem you have is realted to, but it may be

hormonal. The only supplement I can recommend is Biotin, it

definitely makes the hair grow quicker and may help thicken it. Right

now we're using some from Swanson Vitamins.









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hi Amy,

in case your problem is not related to any specific thing

and you are having great hair loss

which could be due to change in weather conditions

or change of place and water

or some other general reasons,

all you need to do is....

take some pure form of coconut oil

take a little at a time

pour in a few drops of Arnica 200(homeopathic medicine)

massage the mixture on to the scalp thoroughly once a week


do this for about six weeks and see the results

i am sure this would help you a lot


best to you






, laura mundorf

<mundorf54498 wrote:


> hi, i've been doing alot of reading on hair loss also. yes, biotin

really works. and, another very promising food is cucumber juice.

there in season and the juice tastes great, & can add a spot of lemon

juice or apple juice. hope you can try it. laura


> --- On Sun, 7/20/08, Jean <fjd2002 wrote:


> Jean <fjd2002

> Re: Hair Loss


> Sunday, July 20, 2008, 4:07 PM


> , Ltningblt23@ wrote:

> >

> > I am having excessive hair loss the past 2 months. I am

> > afraid within a couple more months I may be bald or something. If

> anyone has any information on what could be causing this or how I

> > could treat it, from teas to herbal supplements, just whatever, I am

> open.



> Hi Amy!


> I'm not sure what the problem you have is realted to, but it may be

> hormonal. The only supplement I can recommend is Biotin, it

> definitely makes the hair grow quicker and may help thicken it. Right

> now we're using some from Swanson Vitamins.



> Jean



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I often put a cucumber and a tomato in the blender. You don't need to add water.

Its delicious.





laura mundorf

Monday, July 21, 2008 2:23 PM

Re: Re: Hair Loss



hi, i've been doing alot of reading on hair loss also. yes, biotin really

works. and, another very promising food is cucumber juice. there in season and

the juice tastes great, & can add a spot of lemon juice or apple juice. hope you

can try it. laura


--- On Sun, 7/20/08, Jean <fjd2002 wrote:


Jean <fjd2002

Re: Hair Loss

Sunday, July 20, 2008, 4:07 PM


, Ltningblt23 wrote:


> I am having excessive hair loss the past 2 months. I am

> afraid within a couple more months I may be bald or something. If

anyone has any information on what could be causing this or how I

> could treat it, from teas to herbal supplements, just whatever, I am



Hi Amy!


I'm not sure what the problem you have is realted to, but it may be

hormonal. The only supplement I can recommend is Biotin, it

definitely makes the hair grow quicker and may help thicken it. Right

now we're using some from Swanson Vitamins.







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  • 8 months later...
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If the hair loss is in a male, I'd suggest a good hat.


For a female, I'd need to know the context (aka pattern).


If with tight shoulders, consider acupuncture to loosen up the muscles which

enables the blood flow to rise and nourish the hair.


If with a bright red tongue, nourish Kidney yin with herbs such as he shou

wu, plus liu wei di huang wan (that's a formula).


If with a pale tongue, I'd nourish blood, again starting out with he shou

wu, but then adding Si Wu Tang, another formula.


Those are a few options, there are others.


On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 3:29 PM, <gamponia888 wrote:


> Hi Al,

> What would you recommend for falling hair @ age 50?

> Thanks,

> Joy

> Sent on the TELUS Mobility network with BlackBerry








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Boy, Al, I'm glad Joy asked that & you answered. I never thought that tight

shoulder muscles would be a contributing factor!


From old injuries, my shoulders are always a little sore & very tight.

Sometimes, it's much worse depending on any number of things. I get treated

for the pain & stiffness but old muscle memories soon kick back in. I do

extra in keeping them limbered up too but nothing works as well as I " d like

it. I wonder if scalp massage that Joy could do herself would help. What do

you think? I find that it simply feels SO good to do it & I also grab hold &

pull on my hair. A big handful & not so hard it pulls out the hair but it

also is relaxing & seems to loosen things up. If it hurt, I'd know I was

pulling too hard.


Kidney yin naturally fades with age so is that implicated in hair loss too?

Why older people tend to have thinner hair than when they were young? Better

to compare their thinning to their younger selves rather than others as

everyone's seem to be different.


My problem seems to be rapid turnover. My hair grows very fast & I seem to

lose far more hair than is normal. (Normal supposedly being about 100 hairs

per day. I've collected & counted hairs from brushing & combing & it's closer

to 300 per day.) Yet, my hair doesn't seem to get thinner but remains the



I also sleep mostly on my back with a bit to either side. Hence, my hair is

much thinner where I lay & toss my head about on my pillow. Sort of the

thinning one sees on babies when their hair is growing. Tangled & thin where

they lay. I have chronic sleep problems, not a deep sleeper so toss & turn a

lot. I guess if I were to sleep in one position without moving a lot it

wouldn't be so bad. On the top of my head, side above my ears & above the

nape of my neck, it's normal as it should be. I've never figured out a

solution to the problem. I was thinking of making a silk satin pillowcase to

see if it helps.




On Tuesday 31 March 2009 3:49:51 pm Al Stone wrote:

> If the hair loss is in a male, I'd suggest a good hat.


> For a female, I'd need to know the context (aka pattern).


> If with tight shoulders, consider acupuncture to loosen up the muscles

> which enables the blood flow to rise and nourish the hair.


> If with a bright red tongue, nourish Kidney yin with herbs such as he shou

> wu, plus liu wei di huang wan (that's a formula).


> If with a pale tongue, I'd nourish blood, again starting out with he shou

> wu, but then adding Si Wu Tang, another formula.


> Those are a few options, there are others.

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On Tue, Mar 31, 2009 at 4:53 PM, Judy Wilkins <isomorphixwrote:



> I wonder if scalp massage that Joy could do herself would help. What do

> you think?



I made this " Miracle Hair Growth " remedy once. Had my girlfriend massage it

into my scalp at night. The benefits of that scalp massage far exceeded

growing any hair, actually. I can't speak more highly of massage, though I

find it better when it comes from a second party.



> I have chronic sleep problems, not a deep sleeper so toss & turn a

> lot. I guess if I were to sleep in one position without moving a lot it

> [hair loss]

> wouldn't be so bad.



OR, better blood would both help root the shen (spirit) AND serve as a

precursor to hair growth. There's a Chinese herb that's made of human hair.

It's called " charred excess blood " (xue yu tan). The assumption there is

that with enough blood, one can produce hair. Blood is also what is

deficient in some cases of insomnia. So, there's actually a relationship



On the top of my head, side above my ears & above the

> nape of my neck, it's normal as it should be. I've never figured out a

> solution to the problem. I was thinking of making a silk satin pillowcase

> to

> see if it helps.



If you're okay with your appearance, I think that this " 100 strands per day "

thing shouldn't define your state of health. :)








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Thanks Al and Judy.

I do massage my scalp both manually and electronically. It does help a bit but I

noticed that the top of my head has thinned with my age. I probably lose more

than 300 strands in 2 days. What was your Miracle hair growth?

Al, my tongue is pale, used to be red on the tip but has been corrected by

herbs. I also have blood & chi stagnation on the left side of my tongue. I am a

light sleeper like Judy at the same time I fall asleep so easily. I previously

had low iron level but normal hemoglobin. I think with the herbs I have taken,

my iron has gone up.










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On Wed, Apr 1, 2009 at 7:34 AM, Joy Gamponia <gamponia888 wrote:


> Thanks Al and Judy.

> I do massage my scalp both manually and electronically. It does help a bit

> but I noticed that the top of my head has thinned with my age. I probably

> lose more than 300 strands in 2 days. What was your Miracle hair growth?









Mostly " interior warming " and tonics, stepped in a vodka base. Think of it

as ahot sauch that you rub into the scalp. It wasn't so miraculous, so I

never made a second batch, but it was created with the same treatment

principle as similar formulas found in China. In particular, there's this

line of shampoos called " 101 " . There are something like five of them, one

focuses on hair growth, so it includes some He Shou Wu and blood activators

as did mine. I wouldn't hold your breath on any miracles from this kind of

product. There is no classical history of using he shou wu topically (to my

knowledge) and many manufacturers (East and West) simply ignore this fact.



Al, my tongue is pale, used to be red on the tip but has been corrected by

> herbs. I also have blood & chi stagnation on the left side of my tongue.







What's chi and blood stagnation look like on the tongue?



> I am a light sleeper like Judy at the same time I fall asleep so easily. I

> previously had low iron level but normal hemoglobin. I think with the herbs

> I have taken, my iron has gone up.







Probably your iron levels have improved. However, while there is a lot of

overlap between a lack of hemoglobin and the CM concept of " blood

deficiency " it isn't a perfect fit. For instance, our blood deficiency can

also manifest as Parkinson's disease in which case our blood is a Western

neutransmitter such as dopamine.


Or when it comes down to anxiety and insomnia, our blood is other

neurotransmitters or melatonin, etc.


So, with the pale tongue, I like the idea of nourishing the blood. However a

Liver blood deficiency can also produce stagnation of qi and/or blood which

can prevent the blood from actually rising to the head to nourish the growth

of hair. That's why Si Wu Tang, the most commonly used blood tonic formula,

is so cool. It contains three herbs that create more blood and one herb that

helps it circulate. This circulation herb is called Chuan Xiong (Rz.

Chuanxiong). Not only does it help the blood circulate systemically, but

actually has a lifting quality to help guide it to the head.


Chuan Xiong for instance is added to just about any headache formula to

guide the efficacy of the ingredients up to the head. I think of Chuan Xiong

as lifting the blood in much the same way as Chai Hu (Radix Bupleuri) lifts

the qi upward. (hint: they both enter the Gallbladder channel)


So yeah, Chuan Xiong in Si Wu Tang (Four " Substances " or " Ingredients " or

" Things " Decoction) totally rocks for hair loss.


However, if you're a guy, you may not be so lucky. On the other hand, if you

look at all the Chinese immortals and wise guys, they're all bald. So

consider baldness a precurser to wisdom. :)







Pain is inevitable, suffering is optional.




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