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The law states that only a licensed MD can treat cancer, nothing more,

nothing less.





, <snakeoil.works@m...> wrote:

> Is this a problem even if you are not claiming to CURE cancer? Are

they saying you can't, say, try to address other health issues or the

side effects of chemo, etc.?

> ann



> Careful, young'un. There is a Cancer Care Control Act here in

> Colorado. Historically, all CAM practitioners (of which I am aware)

> who have been prosecuted in this state for practicing without a

> license or beyond their legally mandated scope of practice have been

> popped because of treating cancer patients. One of the first

> acupuncturists in this state was selling computers and then cars last

> I heard for this very reason. This is like waving a red flag in front

> of a bull.


> One of the scary things is that a patient may love and value your

> treatment, but their family may be the ones that sue you. Came within

> a hair's breath myself of this happening to me. When I did get popped

> by the BME, it was simply because of a case history I had PUBLISHED

> about treating a cancer patient. The patient herself never complained.

> The c-word is fraught with special perils.


> Bob




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This type of info is important for several reasons:


1) To combat the idea that we have no justification. It keeps the holy

rollers of WM from stating some ethereal supremacy.


2) Demonstrates a real need for unbiased research into what is truly best

and what has been shown to be effective.


3) As to the age of the study, it makes me wonder if things are not still

the same. Why change if not forced to? As we have not seen any published

studies updating this to show support for their continuance, I would

speculate that things have remained the same and maybe even worse (due to

wide spread reports and confusions of data manipulation due to corruption

with money/business interest.


4) Brings our nievity and willingness to trust to light.



Mike W. Bowser, L Ac




> " mpplac " <inquiry



> Re: Cancer

>Sat, 06 Aug 2005 18:11:58 -0000


> > > Alon,

> > >

> > > The Office of Technology Assessment (US govt office) did a study


> > > showed

> > > only about 15-20% of all the current WM procedures had any


> > > validity. This is not my feelings but a govt report.

> >

> > Can you cite this please...

> >

> > -




>Office of Technology Assessment, U.S. Congress, Assessing Efficacy and

>Safety of Medical Technology (Washington D.C.: OTA 1978).


>See introduction and summary statement for the explanation of the

>10-20% number that is batted around. Given that it is almost 30 years

>later how do those numbers shed any light on the current state of

>affairs? I don't think that they have much validity except when

>people are reaching for facts to make inferences. Does anyone have

>have any more current data of the same ilk? Come to think of it even

>if there is more current data what is the nexus of comparison? There

>isn't any data I'm aware of outside of the acupunture safety review to

>talk about safety, efficacy and or iatrogenic illness and the Chinese

>medicine profession. There is no way to honestly do an apples to

>apples comparison at least in terms of the aforementioned study. If

>there is anything to be garned from the study mentioned I think it is

>to question yourself about the assessment and question the diagnosis

>(western and eastern) when suspicious.







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  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks, Kel. I forwarded this to Joann.

Blessings, Renee"Kelly W." <kellykebby wrote:

If I had the money and I had cancer, I would try to goto the Gerson Clinic in Tijuana Mexico. www.gerson.org If I didn't have too much money, Iwould buy The Gerson Miracle video from the site andhope I would have the mental and physical disciplineto follow it. Kel--- Renee Judkins <msfitnes01 wrote:> This info is right on time, Kel. I have been> corresponding with a lady who has Metastatic high> grade sarcoma. She's been told she is one of only 10> women

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  • 2 months later...

Oh Doc,

I believe you and I respect everything you say. Yes curious and want more..LOL Happy Turkey Day...Hugs, Teri



In a message dated 11/22/05 3:36:11 PM Pacific Standard Time, DocShillington writes:


Dear Teri,

Hopefully, I'll get a chance to cover this more in depth in the future, but an interesting fact about every Cancer case I've ever studied, seen, helped cure, or seen fail, has one thing in common.

There is always a Sexual or Familial upset attached to Cancer. I've never run into a Cancer Case yet where there wasn't.

Interesting twist on Cancer. And the funny thing is that if you can clean up the mental anguish and mental stress that goes along with the Sexual or Familial upset, the Cancer disappears on its own.

Curious. Huh???

In Health and Love,




~~~~~~~~~~~~~"Create the inner world you want to live in, and your outer world will mirror it"

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Hello my name is Darla Mestanza my husband is from Peru and his mother sends me a bark thats used for killing cancer cells and many other things also its called (Cats Claw or unacaria tomentosa it also helps the side effects of radiation."Dr. Ian Shillington" <DocShillington wrote: Dear Teri, Hopefully, I'll get a chance to cover this more in depth in the future, but an interesting fact about every Cancer case I've ever studied, seen, helped cure, or seen fail, has one thing in common. There is

always a Sexual or Familial upset attached to Cancer. I've never run into a Cancer Case yet where there wasn't. Interesting twist on Cancer. And the funny thing is that if you can clean up the mental anguish and mental stress that goes along with the Sexual or Familial upset, the Cancer disappears on its own. Curious. Huh??? In Health and Love, Doc Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc - ABellaSoul herbal remedies Thursday, November 17, 2005 7:08 PM Re: Herbal Remedies - Help with pap smear-mammogram Well Suzanne Sommers Did the samething and she still got breast cancer she ate right, exercise and even had diet books out so you never know...Teri In a message dated 11/17/05 2:36:28 PM Pacific Standard Time, jalisic579 writes: I would say that you always can have ultrasound or now thermogram is available.But if you do cleanses, if you eat right, if you thinkright you are not at risk. I had the same problem butI did only ultrasound. When they decided to do biopsy,I said no. I did cleanse, breast excercise, evening primrose oil,vitamin E. hot/cold showers, good diet, and no cysts.RegardsJasmina

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Happy Turkey Day back at ya ;-)


In coming to the conclusion I came to below, there were just too many people in toxic relationships. It's amazing what we humans will put up with sometimes.


Some of the Sexual and Familial upsets that came up with my patients and others were:

(not in any special order)

1. Spousal abuse.

2. Rape.

3. Death of a child.

4. Parental abuse.

5. Death of a parent or sibling.

6. Divorce.

7. Physical debility which interfered with sexual performance.

8. Infidelity and lying.

9. Promiscuity.


This is such an interesting twist on Family and Sex as I said below, but it is present in every case of Cancer I've ever investigated, and I've looked into hundreds and hundreds of them.


Hope this helps.


In Health and Love,




Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc




herbal remedies

Wednesday, November 23, 2005 1:18 PM

Re: Herbal Remedies - Cancer




Oh Doc,

I believe you and I respect everything you say. Yes curious and want more..LOL Happy Turkey Day...Hugs, Teri



In a message dated 11/22/05 3:36:11 PM Pacific Standard Time, DocShillington writes:


Dear Teri,

Hopefully, I'll get a chance to cover this more in depth in the future, but an interesting fact about every Cancer case I've ever studied, seen, helped cure, or seen fail, has one thing in common.

There is always a Sexual or Familial upset attached to Cancer. I've never run into a Cancer Case yet where there wasn't.

Interesting twist on Cancer. And the funny thing is that if you can clean up the mental anguish and mental stress that goes along with the Sexual or Familial upset, the Cancer disappears on its own.

Curious. Huh???

In Health and Love,


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  • 1 month later...

Personally, it surprises me that more animals DON'T get Cancer. The action of spading and neutering is a direct threat to the procreation process. Then, the rest of our pets who haven't been spayed or neutered are not allowed to breed for the most part.


The same data applies.


In Health and Love,




PS. Furthermore, Radiation threatens the procreation process. This factor is also applicable. There are humans and animals that have been rendered sterile due to X-Rays, MRI's, and other scanning techniques without even knowing it.


Any threat against Family or Sex has a factor in bringing about Cancer.


Doc Shillington727-447-5282Doc



Bonnie Rogers

herbal remedies

Thursday, December 22, 2005 11:57 AM

Herbal Remedies - cancer



what is your feeling about the amount of cancer in animals vs your feeling in people that it is generally a familial/sexual issue?



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  • 7 months later...
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In 1994 Billy Best from Boston was given a round of chemo for Hodgkin's decease. He felt a second round would kill him so he ran away from home to Texas. After his mothers pleading for him to return home and a promise of no more chemo he returned home only to have the state try to force chemo on him. In this case however the judge ruled against the state and Billy was allowed to pursue alternatives. He went to Canada and used nutritional therapies along with Essiac tea. It is now twelve years later and Billy Best is still alive and well. I don't understand why his story is not out there front page news along with Abraham's. I have emailed Billy's mother (her address is on his website) and she informed me that she has been in touch with Abraham's mother. It still remains a mystery why Billy's story is not being put out for the world to hear. It makes me wonder if the power of Big Pharma is

keeping his story suppressed. I recently read an article about how to determine if a religious group was a cult. Some of the things to watch included having a leader who is to be followed unquestionable, members being kept away from family and sources of information, and attempts to leave the cult result in disciplinary actions from the group. Using these rules the medical industry can be described as a cult with doctors as their leader-gods to be followed unquestionably, information on alternatives and access to alternative healers being suppressed and the desire to try alternatives being met with the judicial system. I truly believe this system of cult medicine to be wrong! Firstly it assumes that our current allopathic medicine is the only legitimate and scientific form of medicine. In truth it is the new kid on the block, with much of the so called scientific study

being skewed in favor of who payed for the study (which is usually Big Pharme). Traditional medicines (herbal, Chinese, Ayurvedaic, homeopathic among others) have been around for centuries and withstood the test of time. While they may not have written controlled studies proving their efficacy, they have hundreds and even thousands of years of observational studies by the people of the world. They treat people holistically and seek to remedy the root cause not simply eliminate the symptoms. Modern medicines treat symptoms only and thus give the illusion of health because of a lack of symptoms. They keep people on medicines forever because they really haven't solved the problem only masked the body's warning system. This is akin to disconnecting the engine warning light in your car - the problem remains unsolved but there is no light to indicate there is a problem. It is my opinion that we all should be

free to choose the system of medicine that works best for us. The fact that modern medicine has had to resort to gunpoint encounters to both force people to use their system and to eliminate the competition indicates that it is perhaps not the best system to use - only the bully on the block. and lastly let me add that they frequently violate their first law of medicine "First do no harm".. Sincerely Cheryl Roundswww.blissfullyorganic.com Helping to heal the planet one person at a time

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hi cheryl and group yes i totally agree with your statement of ; below Cheryl Rounds <noworganics wrote: It is my opinion that we all should be free to choose the system of medicine that works best for us. The fact that modern medicine has had to resort to gunpoint encounters to both force people to use their system and to eliminate the competition indicates that it is perhaps not the best

system to use - only the bully on the block. and lastly let me add that they frequently violate their first law of medicine "First do no harm".. Sincerely Cheryl Rounds . why is that the take our freedom of choice away from us ive had first hand experience with cancer this shouldnt be alowed but it happens every single day and people dont ahve the freedom and there lives as they new it is taken from them in one second thankyou and i agree what can we do cheers

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Well CeAnne, that´s a point, where we here in Denmark are less communist

than the US. Here the government can´t force medical care on you. You have

the right to say no. (Except if they claim you are a nut).





" CeAnne " <ce_babe


Wednesday, August 09, 2006 9:01 PM

Re: Cancer



grrr... it just makes me upset Sounds like a communist country to me

when they force medical care on you.


Just my two cents,














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  • 1 month later...

Hi Sandra,

I do like peridot for gallbladder.....I also like green tourmaline to increase

t-cell count....and I always throw in a rose quartz for unconditional love and


God Speed in Healing to your sister and entire family,

Dawn Silver


tkdmom4mykids <tkdmom4mykids wrote:

Cancer has always run in my family. I don't have enough fingers and

toes to count how many members have had or have cancer. My son is one

of them but is now cured and has not gotten sick sence. Now, my sister

was just diagnosed this past Monday and I am asking for any crystal

healing to be sent to her. She not only has cancer but she has a blood

disease called ITP. Low platelet count. This could cause loads of

problems as treatment continues. I am going to give her a Peridot,

Smokey Quartz, and a Clear Quartz. I have read that Smokey Quartz good

for cancer and the Peridot is good for the gallbladder which is where

her cancer is. The doctor is unable to remove it at this point

becaused it too enlarged. Her name is Sandra and she lives in

Porterville,CA. I appricate all the healing light that can be sent to

her. Thank you in advance for all your help and support.

With Crystal Love,









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I would like to suggest Bloodstone, as well.







On Behalf Of tkdmom4mykids

Thursday, September 14, 2006 5:42 PM


[CrystalHW] Cancer




Cancer has always run in my family. I don't have enough fingers and

toes to count how many members have had or have cancer. My son is one

of them but is now cured and has not gotten sick sence. Now, my sister

was just diagnosed this past Monday and I am asking for any crystal

healing to be sent to her. She not only has cancer but she has a blood

disease called ITP. Low platelet count. This could cause loads of

problems as treatment continues. I am going to give her a Peridot,

Smokey Quartz, and a Clear Quartz. I have read that Smokey Quartz good

for cancer and the Peridot is good for the gallbladder which is where

her cancer is. The doctor is unable to remove it at this point

becaused it too enlarged. Her name is Sandra and she lives in

Porterville,CA. I appricate all the healing light that can be sent to

her. Thank you in advance for all your help and support.

With Crystal Love,









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That one came to me shortly after I posted this. I will be giving her a

Bloodstone as well because on top of having cancer she has a blood disease from

her childhood that could redevelop with the cancer. It is called ITP. She

develops low platelet counts. Thank you for your segestion. I will be using it.

With Crystal Love,



MysticAngel Laurie <hot-hands wrote:

I would like to suggest Bloodstone, as well.







On Behalf Of tkdmom4mykids

Thursday, September 14, 2006 5:42 PM


[CrystalHW] Cancer


Cancer has always run in my family. I don't have enough fingers and

toes to count how many members have had or have cancer. My son is one

of them but is now cured and has not gotten sick sence. Now, my sister

was just diagnosed this past Monday and I am asking for any crystal

healing to be sent to her. She not only has cancer but she has a blood

disease called ITP. Low platelet count. This could cause loads of

problems as treatment continues. I am going to give her a Peridot,

Smokey Quartz, and a Clear Quartz. I have read that Smokey Quartz good

for cancer and the Peridot is good for the gallbladder which is where

her cancer is. The doctor is unable to remove it at this point

becaused it too enlarged. Her name is Sandra and she lives in

Porterville,CA. I appricate all the healing light that can be sent to

her. Thank you in advance for all your help and support.

With Crystal Love,




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I will be giving my sister Sandra a Rose Quartz and I don't have a Green

Tourmaline but I think I will see about finding one. Thanks for the segestion.

With Crystal Love,



Dawn Silver <DawnSilver wrote:

Hi Sandra,

I do like peridot for gallbladder.....I also like green tourmaline to increase

t-cell count....and I always throw in a rose quartz for unconditional love and


God Speed in Healing to your sister and entire family,

Dawn Silver


tkdmom4mykids <tkdmom4mykids wrote:

Cancer has always run in my family. I don't have enough fingers and

toes to count how many members have had or have cancer. My son is one

of them but is now cured and has not gotten sick sence. Now, my sister

was just diagnosed this past Monday and I am asking for any crystal

healing to be sent to her. She not only has cancer but she has a blood

disease called ITP. Low platelet count. This could cause loads of

problems as treatment continues. I am going to give her a Peridot,

Smokey Quartz, and a Clear Quartz. I have read that Smokey Quartz good

for cancer and the Peridot is good for the gallbladder which is where

her cancer is. The doctor is unable to remove it at this point

becaused it too enlarged. Her name is Sandra and she lives in

Porterville,CA. I appricate all the healing light that can be sent to

her. Thank you in advance for all your help and support.

With Crystal Love,




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Please keep me informed You sound like you are on the right track in helping

your sister out. thats great. don't forget about when she is able to eat that

eating plain raw veggies mostly greens will help her alot! I saw this with my

own eye's with one of my friends mom's (she was in her 80's) and she came out

doing great! Keep the strong positive spirit flowing always. I know some days it

may be hard but we know when those days come it is only part of being human wil

still never really loose the faith if we always had it.


Blessed be,



VANESSA HUTCHESON <tkdmom4mykids wrote:

I will be giving my sister Sandra a Rose Quartz and I don't have a

Green Tourmaline but I think I will see about finding one. Thanks for the


With Crystal Love,



Dawn Silver <DawnSilver wrote:

Hi Sandra,

I do like peridot for gallbladder.....I also like green tourmaline to increase

t-cell count....and I always throw in a rose quartz for unconditional love and


God Speed in Healing to your sister and entire family,

Dawn Silver


tkdmom4mykids <tkdmom4mykids wrote:

Cancer has always run in my family. I don't have enough fingers and

toes to count how many members have had or have cancer. My son is one

of them but is now cured and has not gotten sick sence. Now, my sister

was just diagnosed this past Monday and I am asking for any crystal

healing to be sent to her. She not only has cancer but she has a blood

disease called ITP. Low platelet count. This could cause loads of

problems as treatment continues. I am going to give her a Peridot,

Smokey Quartz, and a Clear Quartz. I have read that Smokey Quartz good

for cancer and the Peridot is good for the gallbladder which is where

her cancer is. The doctor is unable to remove it at this point

becaused it too enlarged. Her name is Sandra and she lives in

Porterville,CA. I appricate all the healing light that can be sent to

her. Thank you in advance for all your help and support.

With Crystal Love,




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Dear Barbi,

Thanks for the veggie tip. I will let her know to eat her greens. Thank you

for the lovely words of encouragement.

With Crystal Love,



Barbara Martinez <bmartinez64 wrote:


Please keep me informed You sound like you are on the right track in helping

your sister out. thats great. don't forget about when she is able to eat that

eating plain raw veggies mostly greens will help her alot! I saw this with my

own eye's with one of my friends mom's (she was in her 80's) and she came out

doing great! Keep the strong positive spirit flowing always. I know some days it

may be hard but we know when those days come it is only part of being human wil

still never really loose the faith if we always had it.


Blessed be,



VANESSA HUTCHESON <tkdmom4mykids wrote:

I will be giving my sister Sandra a Rose Quartz and I don't have a Green

Tourmaline but I think I will see about finding one. Thanks for the segestion.

With Crystal Love,



Dawn Silver <DawnSilver wrote:

Hi Sandra,

I do like peridot for gallbladder.....I also like green tourmaline to increase

t-cell count....and I always throw in a rose quartz for unconditional love and


God Speed in Healing to your sister and entire family,

Dawn Silver


tkdmom4mykids <tkdmom4mykids wrote:

Cancer has always run in my family. I don't have enough fingers and

toes to count how many members have had or have cancer. My son is one

of them but is now cured and has not gotten sick sence. Now, my sister

was just diagnosed this past Monday and I am asking for any crystal

healing to be sent to her. She not only has cancer but she has a blood

disease called ITP. Low platelet count. This could cause loads of

problems as treatment continues. I am going to give her a Peridot,

Smokey Quartz, and a Clear Quartz. I have read that Smokey Quartz good

for cancer and the Peridot is good for the gallbladder which is where

her cancer is. The doctor is unable to remove it at this point

becaused it too enlarged. Her name is Sandra and she lives in

Porterville,CA. I appricate all the healing light that can be sent to

her. Thank you in advance for all your help and support.

With Crystal Love,




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  • 5 weeks later...

First of all STOP passing the thought of cancer threw the family

linage...Tell your self the !! Cancer STOPS here!! Make this affirmations along

with the family every day... " The Cancer Stops Here!!!! "


Next... Eat a LOT OF RAW GARLIC , drink as tea, cut up and eat on the food,

warm it up in Olive oil and garlic, and bathe the body..also recite the 23

psalms...while applying it...do this everyday...GARLIC KILLS CANCER!!!!


prayers and crystal light....ISIS


VANESSA HUTCHESON <tkdmom4mykids wrote:

Dear Barbi,

Thanks for the veggie tip. I will let her know to eat her greens. Thank you

for the lovely words of encouragement.

With Crystal Love,



Barbara Martinez <bmartinez64 wrote:


Please keep me informed You sound like you are on the right track in helping

your sister out. thats great. don't forget about when she is able to eat that

eating plain raw veggies mostly greens will help her alot! I saw this with my

own eye's with one of my friends mom's (she was in her 80's) and she came out

doing great! Keep the strong positive spirit flowing always. I know some days it

may be hard but we know when those days come it is only part of being human wil

still never really loose the faith if we always had it.


Blessed be,



VANESSA HUTCHESON <tkdmom4mykids wrote:

I will be giving my sister Sandra a Rose Quartz and I don't have a Green

Tourmaline but I think I will see about finding one. Thanks for the segestion.

With Crystal Love,



Dawn Silver <DawnSilver wrote:

Hi Sandra,

I do like peridot for gallbladder.....I also like green tourmaline to increase

t-cell count....and I always throw in a rose quartz for unconditional love and


God Speed in Healing to your sister and entire family,

Dawn Silver


tkdmom4mykids <tkdmom4mykids wrote:

Cancer has always run in my family. I don't have enough fingers and

toes to count how many members have had or have cancer. My son is one

of them but is now cured and has not gotten sick sence. Now, my sister

was just diagnosed this past Monday and I am asking for any crystal

healing to be sent to her. She not only has cancer but she has a blood

disease called ITP. Low platelet count. This could cause loads of

problems as treatment continues. I am going to give her a Peridot,

Smokey Quartz, and a Clear Quartz. I have read that Smokey Quartz good

for cancer and the Peridot is good for the gallbladder which is where

her cancer is. The doctor is unable to remove it at this point

becaused it too enlarged. Her name is Sandra and she lives in

Porterville,CA. I appricate all the healing light that can be sent to

her. Thank you in advance for all your help and support.

With Crystal Love,



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  • 1 month later...

I have kind of taken on that kind of attitude. And it is funny how you say that

garlic kills cancer. I have made it a part of my families diet for the past 10

years everyday in every meal. Thank you for the advice. I also want to

appoligize for not responding sooner. I haven't been on much. My sister is doing

very well right now. I have given her several stones to help with the journey

and to help keep a positive attitude. I just want to say thank you to everyone

who has been responding. Please keep the advice comming for my Unckle Jack has

also been diagnosed with cancer. They are only giving him a year but he is a

fighter and I give him many years. Thanks once again.

With Crystal Love,



sheba mekeba <crystalfyah wrote:

First of all STOP passing the thought of cancer threw the family

linage...Tell your self the !! Cancer STOPS here!! Make this affirmations along

with the family every day... " The Cancer Stops Here!!!! "


Next... Eat a LOT OF RAW GARLIC , drink as tea, cut up and eat on the food, warm

it up in Olive oil and garlic, and bathe the body..also recite the 23

psalms...while applying it...do this everyday...GARLIC KILLS CANCER!!!!


prayers and crystal light....ISIS


VANESSA HUTCHESON <tkdmom4mykids wrote: Dear Barbi,

Thanks for the veggie tip. I will let her know to eat her greens. Thank you for

the lovely words of encouragement.

With Crystal Love,



Barbara Martinez <bmartinez64 wrote:


Please keep me informed You sound like you are on the right track in helping

your sister out. thats great. don't forget about when she is able to eat that

eating plain raw veggies mostly greens will help her alot! I saw this with my

own eye's with one of my friends mom's (she was in her 80's) and she came out

doing great! Keep the strong positive spirit flowing always. I know some days it

may be hard but we know when those days come it is only part of being human wil

still never really loose the faith if we always had it.


Blessed be,



VANESSA HUTCHESON <tkdmom4mykids wrote:

I will be giving my sister Sandra a Rose Quartz and I don't have a Green

Tourmaline but I think I will see about finding one. Thanks for the segestion.

With Crystal Love,



Dawn Silver <DawnSilver wrote:

Hi Sandra,

I do like peridot for gallbladder.....I also like green tourmaline to increase

t-cell count....and I always throw in a rose quartz for unconditional love and


God Speed in Healing to your sister and entire family,

Dawn Silver


tkdmom4mykids <tkdmom4mykids wrote:

Cancer has always run in my family. I don't have enough fingers and

toes to count how many members have had or have cancer. My son is one

of them but is now cured and has not gotten sick sence. Now, my sister

was just diagnosed this past Monday and I am asking for any crystal

healing to be sent to her. She not only has cancer but she has a blood

disease called ITP. Low platelet count. This could cause loads of

problems as treatment continues. I am going to give her a Peridot,

Smokey Quartz, and a Clear Quartz. I have read that Smokey Quartz good

for cancer and the Peridot is good for the gallbladder which is where

her cancer is. The doctor is unable to remove it at this point

becaused it too enlarged. Her name is Sandra and she lives in

Porterville,CA. I appricate all the healing light that can be sent to

her. Thank you in advance for all your help and support.

With Crystal Love,




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  • 5 months later...
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Hi Gene,


Anything that balances the PH is good. Disease cannot exist in a body that has a perfect PH, including cancer. The doctors in America will not be thrilled if this got out. Their income might suffer greatly. Oh yes, and Big Pharma too.




























"Empowering Women Throughout the World"




gene98583 <eugene.mounceroleander soup Sent: Monday, May 21, 2007 8:44:55 PM Cancer


Tony,If it is all right I would like to post a letter I just received about using sodium bicarbonate ( common baking soda ) to kill cancer. It is about an oncologist in Italy that has been very effectivly killing cancer cells by raising the body PH with baking soda. It is quite lengthy but being written by an oncologist it probably works. I wonder what the oncologists here in the US think about this cheap cure getting known by the public.Gene

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Post away Gene!


My opinion is the same as that of Dr. Rath's: If it is cheap, safe

and it works we will likely never see it as an approved treatment of



I wonder if part of the treatment also involves getting more oxygen to

the cellular level. Cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment

nor in a highly oxygenated one.


The think about trying to make the body more alkaline is that no

matter what you do, the body tends to make adjustments to the pH level

to get it within a pretty narrow range.


I look forward to your post.



oleander soup , " gene98583 " <eugene.mouncer



> Tony,


> If it is all right I would like to post a letter I just received about

> using sodium bicarbonate ( common baking soda ) to kill cancer. It is

> about an oncologist in Italy that has been very effectivly killing

> cancer cells by raising the body PH with baking soda. It is quite

> lengthy but being written by an oncologist it probably works. I wonder

> what the oncologists here in the US think about this cheap cure getting

> known by the public.


> Gene


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Tony, Here is the letter about baking soda as a cure for cancer. Instead of printing the letter here I just pasted the link to it as it is quite long and would be easy to bring up on your computer by clicking on the link.


oleander soup , "Tony" wrote:>> Post away Gene!> > My opinion is the same as that of Dr. Rath's: If it is cheap, safe> and it works we will likely never see it as an approved treatment of> medication.> > I wonder if part of the treatment also involves getting more oxygen to> the cellular level. Cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment> nor in a highly oxygenated one.> > The think about trying to make the body more alkaline is that no> matter what you do, the body tends to make adjustments to the pH level> to get it within a pretty narrow range.> > I look forward to your post.> > Tony> > oleander soup , "gene98583" eugene.mouncer@> wrote:> >> > Tony,> > > > If it is all right I would like to post a letter I just received about > > using sodium bicarbonate ( common baking soda ) to kill cancer. It is > > about an oncologist in Italy that has been very effectivly killing > > cancer cells by raising the body PH with baking soda. It is quite > > lengthy but being written by an oncologist it probably works. I wonder > > what the oncologists here in the US think about this cheap cure getting > > known by the public.> > > > Gene> >>

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Very interesting article, Gene. Thanks for posting a link to it - and

I encourage everyone to take a look.



oleander soup , " gene98583 " <eugene.mouncer






> Tony, Here is the letter about baking soda as a cure for cancer.

> Instead of printing the letter here I just pasted the link to it as it

> is quite long and would be easy to bring up on your computer by clicking

> on the link.


> http://health.benabraham.com/html/stop_cancer_with_baking_soda_.html

> <http://health.benabraham.com/html/stop_cancer_with_baking_soda_.html>



> oleander soup , " Tony " @> wrote:

> >

> > Post away Gene!

> >

> > My opinion is the same as that of Dr. Rath's: If it is cheap, safe

> > and it works we will likely never see it as an approved treatment of

> > medication.

> >

> > I wonder if part of the treatment also involves getting more oxygen to

> > the cellular level. Cancer cannot survive in an alkaline environment

> > nor in a highly oxygenated one.

> >

> > The think about trying to make the body more alkaline is that no

> > matter what you do, the body tends to make adjustments to the pH level

> > to get it within a pretty narrow range.

> >

> > I look forward to your post.

> >

> > > >

> > oleander soup , " gene98583 " eugene.mouncer@

> > wrote:

> > >

> > > Tony,

> > >

> > > If it is all right I would like to post a letter I just received

> about

> > > using sodium bicarbonate ( common baking soda ) to kill cancer. It

> is

> > > about an oncologist in Italy that has been very effectivly killing

> > > cancer cells by raising the body PH with baking soda. It is quite

> > > lengthy but being written by an oncologist it probably works. I

> wonder

> > > what the oncologists here in the US think about this cheap cure

> getting

> > > known by the public.

> > >

> > > Gene

> > >

> >


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Ph control of the body has always been a very important step in controlling not only cancer but all diseases..Janicegene98583 <eugene.mouncer wrote: Tony, If it is all right I would like to post a letter I just received about using sodium bicarbonate ( common baking soda ) to kill cancer. It is about an oncologist in Italy that has been very effectivly killing cancer cells by raising the body PH with baking soda. It is quite lengthy but being written by an oncologist it probably works. I

wonder what the oncologists here in the US think about this cheap cure getting known by the public. Gene

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  • 5 months later...

Dear Donna,

As usual I'd recommend to you as I do with everyone else, that you start

with my FREE CD Lecture on the Natural Approach.

You can order this Lecture called, " Naturopathy " from my office at:


or listen to it on line at:


Once you've listened to it a time or two, I'd then recommend you order

my full lecture Series from the " Office " email addy above or from the

store at:

Http://www.OrganicSolutionsStore.com This contains the first lecture,

" Naturopathy " plus the second lecture, " Nutritional Secrets and Lifetime

Health " and includes a full set of transcripts to make your study of the

materials easier.

Chaparral is very common here in the US, and you can order the Total

Draw Poultice Powder which contains this and a couple of the other Super

Cancer fighting herbs from the online store above. Lastly, I'd

recommend you read the Cancer Articles I've written that are in the

Files section of the list. These cover the condition in great detail,

and offer what I consider the ultimate solution to it.

Yours in Knowledge, Health and Freedom,




Donna wrote:

> Hi there,


> Im hoping to find herbs i can take for cancer,im at present taking

> lapacho,but have read of a herb called chaparral but i cant seem to

> source it here in the uk and wondered if there was anywhere i can buy

> it in the uk. i realise this is an american site, but just wondered

> if you can advise. I have had a condition called V.I.N 3 for several

> years and several surgeries later they discovered a tumour to the

> posterior of the vaginal/bowel wall,i was told it was slow growing

> but needed radical surgery of which i could not bring myself to go

> through, as id require a colostomy as well as lymph removal etc, very

> radical surgery and internal radiotherapy, again i did not wish to

> take this route having undergone 17 ops already. i was told it was

> unlikely to spread to lymph nodes, but in the last 3 weeks the lymph

> node in my groin suggests it has,so even if id had their radical

> surgery which they also said would have a high chance of returning

> cancer due to pre existing vin, i doubt if the surgery would have

> worked anyway having discovered my groin lymph node swollen.


> can you advise


> donna


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