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Agatha Apriliani <a.agatha írta:


> My patient... had cancer in her stomach...

>cancer bloks energy in meridians

ask your patient if she feel cold or warm before healing in

her stomach

> I scan, sweep, then energize her. Then she felt cold..especially in

> stomach

> cold means yin at chenese medicine meridians cancer means mainly yang also ok!

but individual investigations required in all falls...

> Is it okey ... ?

> hope i helped u..... bye AVM

> Tks fr yr answer





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2 Oct 2000


Dear Agatha,

I would like to ask you on the present condition of your patient,

you see i also have a patient in switzerland with whom i have been doing

distant healing for the past 2 months. 1.at what stage is her cancer? is it

confined only to the stomach area? how strong or weak is your patient? what

is her latest condition? and is she subject to any radiation or chemotherapy

at the moment?

Maybe we could share data and compare information on our

treatment of Cancer. As for myself whatever sensation the patient may react

to pranic healing would be outweighted by the healing benefits

so i would just go on and continue,


In Light & Love

Enzo Neri





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Talking to a friend who has cancer, the following idea came up. Thought

I'd share it with you, see how it looked to you. It feels absolutely

right to me ...


She believes that cancer cells are part of us, normal cells gone to the

bad. Like children turned delinquent. So maybe instead of punishing

them, attacking them, trying to kill them, we should somehow find a way

to love them, teach them, turn them back to the family. So no chemo, no

radiotherapy, no surgery. Good food, positive thinking, kindness,

gentleness - but firmness too - no giving in to bad behaviour, no

letting them get away with murder ....





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Interesting ideas, and I believe Louise Hay does speak of

some such things. I'd like to share my personal experience.

Years ago I was knocked off my feet with the epstein barr

virus. At the peak of my career I became virtually bed bound.

I began to do meditative visualizations and saw the virus(ii) as

'guests' in the hotel of my body : ) I lovingly, gently and firmly

told them that it was time to leave and visualized them leaving

one by one and dissolving into the universe. I did this daily

for about 6 months. Indeed I used other healing technologies

and I *did* heal this virus. So you never know.


This might work for cancer, certainly Dr. Bernie Siegel has wonderful

meditations re releasing cancerous cells. To totally abandon chemotherapy?

My father is undergoing chemotherapy at this moment and personally I

am very happy he has elected to do that. What I would imagine could

work would be *absolute* faith that the visualization would work

*absolutely*. Interesting healing possibilities. Our minds as well

as our faith in the universal healing energies are our powerful tools.


best, Maya


On Thu, 05 Oct 2000 20:09:27 +0100, wrote:


> Talking to a friend who has cancer, the following idea came up. Thought

> I'd share it with you, see how it looked to you. It feels absolutely

> right to me ...


> She believes that cancer cells are part of us, normal cells gone to the

> bad. Like children turned delinquent. So maybe instead of punishing

> them, attacking them, trying to kill them, we should somehow find a way

> to love them, teach them, turn them back to the family. So no chemo, no

> radiotherapy, no surgery. Good food, positive thinking, kindness,

> gentleness - but firmness too - no giving in to bad behaviour, no

> letting them get away with murder ....


> Thoughts?


> Arabella










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I would recommend that your friend read and listen to the books and tapes

by Dr. O. Carl Simonton. The Simonton Center in California does wonderful

things through nutrition, meditation and visualization as an *adjunct* to

more traditional medical treatments. They have a remission rate that is far

above average.


Warm wishes to your friend, Arabella and also to your father, Maya. Sounds

like they are both fighters. Fighters win!



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Dear Arabella,

Such a beautiful insight. Thank-you for sharing it. May I take the idea and

share it with others?

Love and Light, Ninox


She believes that cancer cells are part of us, normal cells gone to the

bad. Like children turned delinquent. So maybe instead of punishing

them, attacking them, trying to kill them, we should somehow find a way

to love them, teach them, turn them back to the family. So no chemo, no

radiotherapy, no surgery. Good food, positive thinking, kindness,

gentleness - but firmness too - no giving in to bad behaviour, no

letting them get away with murder ....





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As you may know, I used to teach Pathophysiology to massage therapy

students. Part of the curriculum was a layman's explanation of the dis-ease

called cancer, which is such a charged word that I hardly like to use it

except that people are familiar with it.


The term for what happens when a cell doesn't do what it is supposed to do

is a neoplasm, or new form. It is a mutation, and can be caused by any

number of things. The body may or may not recognize a neoplasm as an enemy

(after all, the cells are made of the same stuff as everything else in the

body) and usually lets them congregate, multiply, and clog up the works

whatever way they see fit.


The difference between a malignant and a benign neoplasm has a lot to do

with the extent of mutation, and if it stays put or travels.


If there is loving to be done for neoplastic cells, I think it should

contain an element of tough love... like delinquent kids, ignoring them

seems to make them worse, and the punishments (i.e. radiation and

chemotherapy) take out a lot of innocent cells with them. It's like trying

to weed your garden with napalm.


If I were to speak to the neoplastic cells, it would be to ask them why they

were not going with the program, and to explain to them why they had to

" shape up or ship out " so to speak. Their presence and the chemicals they

produce to survive confuse the rest of the cells and cause chaos. When they

get together they can create mobs and crowd out healthy functioning and

circulation, and when they travel to remote areas of the body they erode and

destroy their surroundings. They may not be able to help what they are, but

they are " rebels without a cause " so to speak, mutations with no useful

purpose to the system supporting them.


It is just too bad that neoplastic cells can't be taught a new and useful

job for the system, like helping rebuild injuries, remove warts, regrow hair

where it is supposed to be and remove it from where it isn't, etc.<LOL> Then

perhaps they could be more like mercenaries than terrorists. Dangerous, but

hired guns rather than loose cannons.


IMO, your friend is on the right track!




" Look for Rainbows in the Darkness "



----Original Message Follows----

Arabella McIntyre-Brown <abs



Re: cancer

Thu, 05 Oct 2000 20:09:27 +0100


Talking to a friend who has cancer, the following idea came up. Thought I'd

share it with you, see how it looked to you. It feels absolutely right to me



She believes that cancer cells are part of us, normal cells gone to the bad.

Like children turned delinquent. So maybe instead of punishing them,

attacking them, trying to kill them, we should somehow find a way to love

them, teach them, turn them back to the family. So no chemo, no

radiotherapy, no surgery. Good food, positive thinking, kindness, gentleness

- but firmness too - no giving in to bad behaviour, no letting them get away

with murder ....










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I am finding this conversation extremely interesting also. A young

21 yr old friend of both my sons has been diagnosed with Ewings

Sarcoma and has now undergone 4 chemo treatments. Next they want to

remove his arm and shoulder. Makes me sob as I write this... He has

never been exposed to information that he can overcome this rare

cancer, or any other thing that happens to him. Where to I begin??

Should I be so bold as to ask him why he has chosen cancer? I

believe that building immune system and oxygen to cells in

imparative, but nothing will give lasting results unless he knows he

can affect his own disease.


Any information from you wonderful healers will be greatfully



Francie Smart

-- In , Talks-withtrees@w... wrote:

> Crow, I like your imagery on these defiant, devious cells. This


> concept of talking to

> those areas that are not complying with harmony and health is


> dialogue. Give us more :+)



> http://community.webtv.net/Talks-withtrees/PrayerChain

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I am not a healer per se, but I have learned much along

the way in attempting to heal myself. I think your young

friend may be overwhelmed with the question of why he

has chosen cancer. We are not taught to understand health

and dis ease in this manner and this might shock him and

make him angry.


What I would suggest however is that you, or someone else

very close to him, explore the work of Dr.Bernie Siegel,

he is a very loving practitioner (I have done a workshop with

him) and has many tapes and books that deal with healing cancer

that your young friend may benefit from. Especially meditiations

on tape. As well, I would recommend the work of Dr. Jerry

Jampolsky, his 'Center for Attitudinal Healing' is based in

the San Franciso area and he also deals with cancer in this

way. He has books and tapes as well and his Center for

Attitudinal Healing first began with helping children/young

people who had cancer. His work is profound. You can learn

about both of these healers on the net.


Lastly my father has cancer and is currently receiving chemo.

It's colon cancer. My father would not be able to see how

he has 'chosen' cancer or why he got it - but the important

and amazing thing if that I, YESTERDAY realized why he got it!

So I will be able to give him all the assistance he needs beyond

chemoo to help him heal it.


I hope this has helped in some way.


best to you and your young friend,




On Sun, 08 Oct 2000 17:18:39 -0000, wrote:


> I am finding this conversation extremely interesting also. A young

> 21 yr old friend of both my sons has been diagnosed with Ewings

> Sarcoma and has now undergone 4 chemo treatments. Next they want to

> remove his arm and shoulder. Makes me sob as I write this... He has

> never been exposed to information that he can overcome this rare

> cancer, or any other thing that happens to him. Where to I begin??

> Should I be so bold as to ask him why he has chosen cancer? I

> believe that building immune system and oxygen to cells in

> imparative, but nothing will give lasting results unless he knows he

> can affect his own disease.


> Any information from you wonderful healers will be greatfully

> apprecieated.


> Francie Smart

> -- In , Talks-withtrees@w... wrote:

> > Crow, I like your imagery on these defiant, devious cells. This

> whole

> > concept of talking to

> > those areas?that are not complying with harmony and health is

> great

> > dialogue. Give us more :+)

> >

> >

> > http://community.webtv.net/Talks-withtrees/PrayerChain








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I don't know about the wisdom of throwing something like causation into the

lap of someone undergoing a crisis. Instead, you may offer your friends

support and energy, prayers and sympathy. None of us know what the lessons

are in what this young man is experiencing because of our lack of

perspective, and to attempt to tell him what we think they might be is

patronistic. He will have to find those lessons himself if he desires. That

is not to say that he can't accept energy, because his higher self and

subconscious mind are more aware of his situation than he is consciously,

and can work towards his healing on all levels, including eliminating the

illness if that is in his higest good.


You can, however, provide him with some books to read (Simonton, Myss,

Siegel, Hay, Dossey). Tell him that he can use his mind and his spiritual

life to help him cope with the trials of dis-ease, with pain, anxiety and

fear. Reinforce that he is a good person, and that he did not do anything

" wrong " to have an illness. Even people who have lived clean and exemplary

lives (such as Linda McCartney, a vegetarian and animal activist with access

to the finest medical and holistic care available) sometimes succumb to the

dis-ease we know as cancer.


Offer some affirmations supportive of the place where he is now, and where

he would like to be, such as " Every day, in every way, I am becoming better

and better. " " I always love myself, no matter what " and even something as

basic as " Shit happens and I can survive it " .


When he has reached a place of being able to discuss his relationship with

the disease, he can anthropomorphize his mutated cells in order to relate to

them, and hopefully reach a peace agreement.


The beauty of our journey is not always in perfection and avoidance of

tribulation, but as Lena Horne said, " It's not the burden you carry that

breaks you, it's the way you carry it. "


I hope this helps... and remember that a person undergoing a crisis has to

experience all the phases of grief related to their loss, no matter what

that loss is, whether financial, physical, emotional or all of the above.

Denial, anger, depression, bargaining with God, all are part of the process.

Staying calm and present with him will provide him a way to find his own

center again.



" Look for Rainbows in the Darkness "


----Original Message Follows----

" Francie Smart " <francies2



Re: cancer

Sun, 08 Oct 2000 17:18:39 -0000


I am finding this conversation extremely interesting also. A young

21 yr old friend of both my sons has been diagnosed with Ewings

Sarcoma and has now undergone 4 chemo treatments. Next they want to

remove his arm and shoulder. Makes me sob as I write this... He has

never been exposed to information that he can overcome this rare

cancer, or any other thing that happens to him. Where to I begin??

Should I be so bold as to ask him why he has chosen cancer? I

believe that building immune system and oxygen to cells in

imparative, but nothing will give lasting results unless he knows he

can affect his own disease.


Any information from you wonderful healers will be greatfully



Francie Smart



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  • 2 years later...

ESSIAC is my choice. Do a search in the message archives.... you'll find lots on this.

SuziRik <bliksemskater wrote:

hello all,i'm asking for a family member about cancer. does anyone have any experience tackling cancer with herbal methods? if so, could you give me some advice/comments please. thank you, rik

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I have seen cancer, an advanced brain tumor to be specific, wiped out.

My husband's best friend had the initial surgery. They got all they could but just couldn't guarantee all the "fingers" or "roots" without doing major damage.

He even had that poisonous radiation (low levels) for 30 days.

Now, his daughter put him on 100% organic fruits and veggies. He bought a juicer and juiced apples and carrots, every day. We thought that man was going to turn into one or the other...

He began drinking reverse osmosis water, but Don says that steam distilled is even better. (It helps leach the bad stuff away from your system, while leaving the good.) With either, make sure it's a good source and you can trust who ever you get it from.

Bend over backwards to come up with ways to fix any and all kinds of fruits and veggies raw. I think Ms. Valerie has a cookbook for raw and I know there are lots of them in the archives...just last month we were on this stuff.

But, Mr. Fred didn't have ANYTHING else for months and months...just his herbs, and fruits and veggies.

No sugar, starch, flour, cooking oil, meat, alcohol, cigarettes, pasta, grains....nothing.

And he was supposed to walk even just a little every day. At first he had lost alot of his short term memory and motor functions...(supposedly the surgery, but I dunno if it was that or the tumor because he had that stuff before he had the surgery).

When he first started this new stuff, he accused everyone of trying to make him more miserable in his last few months than the surgery or radiation did....but, his daughter said that the diet and herbs is what kept him from getting so deathly ill with the radiation. And, in two or three months he said he felt like a new man.

I don't know exactly what herbs he took, but I do know there was DMSO, some kind of green or blue liquid drink he drank every morning and for his surgery wound he had tea tree oil, vitamin E caps broke open onto it. Tea tree pulled infection out and vit E oil helped heal it. And, he also got Echinacea, two droppers two or three times a day, two weeks on, two weeks off.

Lots of folks accused his daughter of "witchcraft" so she wasn't too keen on telling anyone what all she gave him.

I know he had about two coffee enemas a day and some garlic suppositories. I just happened to go visit one day while she was making the garlic suppositories. She put loads of fresh minced garlic into some thick (beeswax maybe) stuff and believe it or not, she used plastic tampon holders to form these things with. She even told me you can use the card board ones, but it's a little hard to get them out of those. Then you put them into the fridge and run under hot water when you're ready to use one. Sometimes poor ol Mr. Fred got two at a time. But, he would rather have those than the enemas, even though he said he felt years younger after a good strong coffee enema.

He had lost circulation in his left side and they rubbed something like the deep tissue repair oil (in the files) on him for that.

But, I have great hopes in Essiac so much so that my living will has the recipe in it should my family decide to force feed me, that and total nutrition (also in the files) is the only thing I will allow even if only in a coma for some unknown reason. I know it may be too late then, but hopefully I won't ever get to that point...not with Doc, Suzi, Don and the rest of these folks on this list around.

If I found out tomorrow that I have cancer I can honestly say that I would start the diet, the Essiac and go with my own research and what this list has to say before I'd go to another MD of any kind.

I'd even try the Urine Therapy. And as many phone calls to doc as he could stand... The first call to Doc is free..., but Doc's so thorough, you don't have to call too often. And, he don't rush you, even when you get off track. And, there's loads this list can answer also. Doc and the people on this list more often than not even think of things and explain very well about things you may not even think about...

I'm on a roll today huh?

But, I guess you already know all this stuff from being here a while.

I also think that the total body cleanse would be good, but I'd check with Doc on that and any other things he may suggest.

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herbal remedies

Tuesday, September 09, 2003 12:15 PM

[herbal remedies] cancer

hello all,i'm asking for a family member about cancer. does anyone have any experience tackling cancer with herbal methods? if so, could you give me some advice/comments please. thank you, rikFederal Law requires that we warn you of the following: 1. Natural methods can sometimes backfire. 2. If you are pregnant, consult your physician before using any natural remedy. 3. The Constitution guarantees you the right to be your own physician and toprescribe for your own health. We are not medical doctors although MDs are welcome to post here as long as they behave themselves. Any opinions put forth by the list members are exactly that, and any person following the advice of anyone posting here does so at their own risk. It is up to you to educate yourself. By accepting advice or products from list members, you are agreeing to be fully responsible for your own health, and hold the List Owner and members free of any liability. Dr. Ian ShillingtonDoctor of NaturopathyDr.IanShillington

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  • 6 months later...
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In a message dated 3/16/2004 5:37:55 PM Eastern Standard Time,

the_ghost_of_dickens writes:

what does TCM have to say about cancer?

Qi and blood stagnation




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> what does TCM have to say about cancer?


What kind of cancer? For example, leukemia (like other serious blood

disorders) responds best to a combination of Western and Chinese

medicine. The TCM treatment of leukemia will vary according to what

type of leukemia it is. Herbs are the primary TCM treatment for

leukemias though acupuncture can provide secondary support. (A

Handbook of Chinese Hematology, Simon Becker, ISBN 1-891845-16-0.)

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In a message dated 3/17/04 11:20:01 AM Eastern Standard Time,

KarateStan writes:



> what does TCM have to say about cancer?

> Qi and blood stagnation




I Have heard that cancers are started by blood that is stagnant that a cyst

develops in and the mutant cells proliferate building on the cyst creating a

cancer. That is roughly how it went I cannot remember where i read that either

but it seems plausible to me.




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> > what does TCM have to say about cancer?

Tumor treatment has a long history,

so do the diverse theories and treatment methods.


The books that describe tumors belong partly to the 'disease in

exterior parts' section, partly to the 'inner medicine'.

I have yet to see a translation of tumor therapy books.


Treatment is very dependant on

- the location (different meridians/side meridians/muscle


- and consistency (slimy, rigid, palpable inpalpable)

- stage (in late stages the body fluids get consumed so

tumor eliminating herbs need to be combined with tonic herbs,

tonic herbs alone would feed the tumor, eliminating-quality herbs

would use up vital energy which is needed for proper cell

development, so the recipe has to be adapted constantly

thats why there will be no 'cancer pill' for everyone).


Main treatment principles:

-tonify qi, tonify spleen

-nourish yin

-warm yang tonify kidney

-clear heat expell toxins

-make the blood more dynamic to solve stagnations

-expell toxins using toxic material

-transform phlegm drain dampness

-'soften what is hard'-'dissipate what is clumped'

-regulate the qi flow - break up qi stagnations


there is 'oldschool' which uses classical recipes

and a recently developed new school which uses

herbs for certain kinds of tumors which has had effect in clinical



chinese herbals are very effective in treating sideFX

of chemo/radiation therapy and there are patent-medicines

ready available


just a brief overview...this is a huge topic

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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Yes. Although I work with several types of cancer patients at any

given time, and results are good, melanoma that has spread is vicious

and doesn't seem to respond to anything. I'd contact Michael Broffman

on this as well.



On May 5, 2004, at 10:17 AM, alon marcus wrote:


> As anyone on the list have experience treating melanoma mets ?

> Thanks


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I have treated several melanomas withgood results, using my method of treating

in Ko-cyclus.

I have described this method at my homepage, English, lectures, cancer.




Are Simeon Thoresen





alon marcus

Wednesday, May 05, 2004 7:17 PM

Re: cancer



As anyone on the list have experience treating melanoma mets ?



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Yes, more a few years ago than now. Personally, I think this is the

most promising western therapy for melanoma out there.



On May 5, 2004, at 1:31 PM, alon marcus wrote:


> thanks, have you seen anybody that tried vaccine therapy?

> Alon



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melanoma that has spread have responded good with my method.



Are Simeon Thoresen





Wednesday, May 05, 2004 7:32 PM

Re: cancer



Yes. Although I work with several types of cancer patients at any

given time, and results are good, melanoma that has spread is vicious

and doesn't seem to respond to anything. I'd contact Michael Broffman

on this as well.


On May 5, 2004, at 10:17 AM, alon marcus wrote:


> As anyone on the list have experience treating melanoma mets ?

> Thanks






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