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You are one of the lucky ones! A lot of women breeze through " the change " and

many others have a very challenging time. Much of it depends on your adrenal

health and lifestyle. Every woman experiences peri/meno in a unique way but

there's no reason to anticipate that it will be a bad experience. At 53, I can

honestly say that it's been an amazing journey.


It's important to remember that menopause is actually a point in time. Not a

long span of years. You officially reach menopause when an entire 12 months have

passed without a cycle. Until that time comes, you are actually in

perimenopause. I have women in my groups in their mid 30's that are already

experiencing the symptoms of perimenopause.






I think it is very important to realise that YES you CAN be in menopause at 42!

I'm living proof of that! AND I went through it symptomless and still have

absolutely NO symptoms of being post menopausal.

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  • 4 months later...
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I am sure there are different aryuvedic medications to ease out menopausal

syndrome. Lots of them go through water retention, urinary incontenence and

depression. aspecially water retension. Can one give suggestion on how to handle

this problem. which way one can chage diet or life style. Thank you


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Ayurveda provides a number of recommendations for women in menopausal years.

Depending on whether menopause is regular or premature, different regimens



Please check up:




Regular menopause offers a great opportunity to serve the society. Please visit

the link:



While yoga and offering love to grand children is a universal remedy, the herbal

approach to treat some of the health issues becomes simple and inexpensive if

you visit a vaidya. If it is difficult, there is a file " Menopause_Treat.doc "

stored in folder " Articles " , sub-folder " Dr.BhateFiles " on group website,

accessible by clicking " Files " button on left of screen.


Dr Bhate



Lots of them go through water retention, urinary incontenence and depression.

aspecially water retension. Can one give suggestion on how to handle this


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There r many medicines to treat this ,can u give some more info

 Dr Rupashree





> I am sure there are different aryuvedic medications to ease out menopausal

syndrome. Lots of them go through water retention, urinary incontenence and


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one of my participant is going through depression and bloting around abdome(

water retention) . She is 45 years old so these may be pre-menopausal changes. I

would appriciate suggestion from you




There r many medicines to treat this ,can u give some more info

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