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kaya kalpa Age lengthening process

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Rishis , yogis and some learned societies of ancient tried to lengthen their

life. It is a separate subject in siddha medicine. It has certain principles of

diet control daily routine life style along with taking of certain herbs and

medicines. This has to be practiced all over life Changing blood in to alkali is

one method for which they avoided acid food especially Tamarind which is

commonly used in food here .Also they avoided extensive use of sea salt. forty

age is best to start then the person will look forty all over life , can try at

sixty and after eighty not recommended won't work. first cleaning like pancha

karma. Then start haritaki one year , one month with honey , next month with

sugar , next month with rock salt , next with dry ginger decaution like this

process goes. Acalypha indica, eclipha prostrata , glinus laloides  one

combination for one mandala 48 days. similarly Guduchi with sugar 48 day slike

this there are 108 herb methods. chitramoola ,

semicarpus anacardium nut, alo Vera, ossimum , dry ginger and many. Iron ,

magnet bhasmas then silver, gold bhasmas, These bhasmas processed by mercury

combination products also used  similarly naval loga, nava rathina , nava 

pashana  are used. It is very interesting and one Can do a lot of research.


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