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eggs as per ayurveda

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Hello everyone,


Can anyone please tell me what are the gunas of eggs as per

dravyagunavigyana or any other standard authority on Ayurveda?


are there any negative effects of eggs on health as per ayurveda?


thank you.

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Eggs are less Tamasic (inert creating) than meat and fish as

they do not require the killing of a live animal. By strict standards,

however, they are still thought to be karmically impure.

Eggs are sweet and warm. They decrease Vata but increase Pitta

and Kapha. They are tonic, nutritive, demulcent and aphrodisiac. They

give vigor, promote fertility and are good for convalescence and sexual

debility. Some people find them heavy and hard to digest.

The egg white has more cooling properties and is better for

Pitta. The egg yolk is hotter and can aggravate toxic blood conditions.

Other animal eggs can be useful. Quail eggs are thought to be powerful

aphrodisiacs and tonics.

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Noel !

As per ur post , Eggs does not contain any life ( Eggs do not reuire

killing of live animal ) . I think , chicken born with the rupture

of the egg ! So u mean to say that Chicken in the egg which is in

Avyakta Rupa ( unseen manner ) does not have life before born ?

If yes , then foetus in the womb does not have life at all ! Will u

agree on this ?




Eggs are less Tamasic (inert creating) than meat and fish as

they do not require the killing of a live animal. By strict


however, they are still thought to be karmically impure.

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Dear Dr. Gandhi,


We usually are not aware of the physiology of Poultry animals as such. Egg would

definitely be produced by the female bird whether it is kept with the male bird

and having intercourse or even if kept alone. So the egg can be fertilised if

the bird is having intercourse or unfertilised if otherwise.


Just as in all human females, the egg (ovum) is released in a monthly cycle,

whether she is having any sexual relations or not. So either the ovum is

fertilised by the sperm and implanted in the uterus or is wasted based

on several other factors.


The difference in poultry birds and humans is that, in poultry, the fertilsation

is done inside the body of the organism and the egg is released out for hatching

and in humans, the entire process is done inside the body and a mature baby is

finally born.


So, definitely Not All Eggs Have Life ! Unfertilised have only nutritive

material and fertilised ones have both " Avyakt life and nutritive material "  


It is only fertilised eggs that are hatched and result in chicks emerging out as

a normal phenomenon.



Dr. Sanjay Sharma




As per ur post , Eggs does not contain any life ( Eggs do not reuire

killing of live animal ) . I think , chicken born with the rupture

of the egg ! So u mean to say that Chicken in the egg which is in

Avyakta Rupa ( unseen manner ) does not have life before born ?

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There will always be controversy of this, and what I believe does not

matter. But for the sake of this conversation I believe that when the

egg has been fertilized then there is life…

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In village folks there is a question whether the egg came first or the chicken?

In  my personal experience egg's qualities resembles like that of meat.


In fungal infections one has to avoid , fish , meat , egg too .as these food

encourage fast growth of fungus; of course milk is also a animal product  but it

does not encourage the fast growth of fungus. it is not a matter of killing

animals; all life is depending up on another life for survival .big fish

swallows small fish. tiger eats deer; all vegetarian foods are from living

plants; so one life is depending on another life. watch keenly. sounds new



I think , chicken born with the rupture

of the egg ! So u mean to say that Chicken in the egg which is in

Avyakta Rupa ( unseen manner ) does not have life before born ?

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Dear Dr . Sanjay Sharma !

I think , this is not the forum where we have to

discuss this. But I have some more querries regarding your answer.


According to you, fertilisation is done inside the body of the

organism & hatching ( coming out of the egg ) is done ouside . The

fertilisation itself is injecting male fertile product ( here is it

sperm ) into female fertile product ( here it is an egg ) . It is

the formation of Embryo . And I think , there is generation of life

into it as soon as it becomes fertilised . Then the hatching can be

inside or outside of the body . It doesn't matter . It is a live

animal . We cant say it does not have life !


Regards !!






So, definitely Not All Eggs Have Life ! Unfertilised have

only nutritive material and fertilised ones have both " Avyakt life

and nutritive material "  

It is only fertilised eggs that are hatched and result in chicks

emerging out as a normal phenomenon.

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Dear Dr. Gandhi,

That is precisely what I intended to convey. " Only fertilised eggs can be said

to have life "


Dr. Sanjay Sharma



And I think , there is generation of life

into it as soon as it becomes fertilised . Then the hatching can be

inside or outside of the body .

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Avoiding eggs has also other important factors: Chickens are kept these days

in tiny boxes where they have less space than an A4 sheet. Their wings are

without feathers, their picks are cut, and they never see sun light, never

get to walk on ground. The eggs are hatched in hatching machines and the

chicken are processed by machines. Modern day chiken farms are inhumane,

horrible hells on earth.









This kind of treatment of living beings should be made illegal. The people

who keep animals like this should be put behind bars in tiny metal boxes, as

they have done for these poor animals.





That is precisely what I intended to convey. " Only fertilised eggs can be

said to have life "

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> That is precisely what I intended to convey. " Only fertilised eggs

can be said to have life "


We are a bundle of nearly 100 trilion cells(Post# 5886). Each cell needs

nutrition, performs certain known function and produces waste matter just as we

do as a whole body. Cells communicate. Cannot they be thought of as " life " ?


While fertilised egg can be said to have life, what about the cells

from which the egg was made? They were not having any life when they

used oxygen, used nutrients and stayed with each other to produce

the entity called egg?


The conception is believed to be a phenomenon, where a sperms swims

to the ovum, enters and fertilizes it. Now sperm had energy to swim,

was moving, was it not having life? as long as we have life, we

possess electromagnetic aura(field) and in some time after death, the

filed vanishes, as seen by scientific scans. Should we not link life

to electromagnetic field rather than the idea that if a cell can

divide and multiply, then only it is said to have life. Even the egg is believed

to attract the sperm by electromagnetic potential, and keep it alternating to

produce male or femaile embryo. Egg too then qualifies for life! why and how

sperms and ovum are attracted to each other, how sperms find the ovum through an

arduous journey lasting only few inches is explained at:




Science is not fixed, it needs to change to accomodate new ideas. The

definition of life itself is loose in science. we have had some

discussion on this on one more occasion earlier(Post#11497).


Just as property " life " is distrbuted over all the cells of the body, so is the

property " mind " is equally distributed. Cellular intelligence is atributed to

all cells. Question remains, science cannot differentiate the cells which

possess " mind " , and cells which can together be called " spirit " .



Dr Bhate

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To answer Dr.Sachin's question, hens produce eggs whether they are

fertilised (i.e. had intercourse with male) or not. Therefore some eggs

hatch and some don't - that is my understanding anyway. Whether an

unfertilised ovum is considered " life " has not really been defined.


With regard to taking life, and whether it is violent, tamasic, or " bad

karma " , I believe this is subject to much personal opinion and

moralising. The taking of life has been going on since the beginning of

life on earth, and in all human traditions which have had great

spiritual understanding . Interestingly, I have found many people who

eat " sattvic " foods, wear " sattvic " colours and do " sattvic " activities

like praying etc., who preach, argue, and consider themselves morally

superior - isn't this a form of violence on those whom they consider

" tamasic " and " rajasic " ?


In the Baghavad Gita, Krishna told Arjuna that there is a place and time

for taking life. Further on he says, we must rise beyond " sattvic " mind

because it too can be a trap. The Buddha said he didn't mind a bit of

meat as long as he didn't have to kill it.


In my understanding ayurvedic writers like Charaka did not make moral

judgements about foods - every food serves a different purpose because

of its different qualities. In his description of foods he says, " Eggs

of swans, chakora, hens, peacocks, and sparrows are useful in diminished

semen, cough, heart disease and injuries. They are sweet, not causing

burning sensation, and immediately strength-promoting. " (Charaka

Samhita, Sutrasthana, 63-64)


Interesting that he says eggs are good for the heart - flying in the

face of modern medical " wisdom " that eggs raise cholesterol and thus

cause heart disease! Yet, this medical myth, which has been accepted the

world over for the last 50 years, is also being shown to be false.


When I was young, we ate the eggs of jungle fowl, which were rich and

nutritious; and bore little resemblance to the pale, watery globs you

find in the western supermarkets these days. Therefore if one is to eat

eggs, one should be mindful of their source, and choose the best quality



I hope the above quote from Charaka answers Arya_dev's original

question. As per these gunas, they may have negative effects in excess

Kapha conditions.


Best regards,

Gerald Lopez

Auckland, New Zealand

www.ScienceOfLife.co.nz <http://scienceoflife.co.nz>



And I think , there is generation of life

into it as soon as it becomes fertilised . Then the hatching can be

inside or outside of the body . It doesn't matter . It is a live

animal . We cant say it does not have life !

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Dear Dr. Bhate,

If this explanation is taken, may be all the vegetables that we eat should

also be included in the live category as well.

The debate is endless!

Warm Regards,

Dr. Sanjay Sharma 



We are a bundle of nearly 100 trilion cells(Post# 5886). Each cell needs

nutrition, performs certain known function and produces waste matter just as we

do as a whole body. Cells communicate. Cannot they be thought of as " life " ?

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> If this explanation is taken, may be all the vegetables that we

>eat should also be included in the live category as well.


You are perfectly correct. It is the scientific truth which fetched

Nobel prize to India! The following post emphasizes your throughts and

answers some thoughts expressed by Gerald, in post# 15412




above post from this author has one flaw regarding the statement " you

are what you eat " . Author will point it out in another post at a later




Dr Bhate

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Dear Dr . Sanjay Sharma .

U r right . When something is growing or developing , it must

have life . It can be a tree , fungus , small insects etc . As u

posted , vegetables have life is a genuine truth . But there r

certain categories of each living being ( may be Animal or

Vegetable ) described in many sciences . eg Shrub , Herb , Small

tree , Big tree etc . Everything depends upon some basic concepts .


The subject can be discussed much more . But a centrepoint should

exist somewhere , so that , there can be some outcome of the

discussion . The question was - Does life exists in any type of egg or

not ? And in my firm

opinion , there is life in any type of egg!!



If this explanation is taken, may be all the vegetables that we

eat should also be included in the live category as well.

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Dear Yashendra,


Thank you for your clear and excellent post, I agree with most of your

reasoning. I would love to discuss your subtle arguments, but fear we

will go way out of topic, and our good moderator will stop us!


However there are some points that I feel are still unclear, which for

the benefit of this forum, I will discuss.


I did not say the Buddha recommended meat or Tamasic foods to others. I

can only say that he is attributed to have said he would eat meat, as

long as he didn't have to kill and prepare it himself. This has sparked

many debates on what he meant!


You have not defined Sattvic (or Satvik) food, and what effect it has on

a person. Following your reasoning that food does indeed influence the

mind, I would make a preliminary definition of Sattvic food as " food

promoting clear and subtle thought " - please correct me if I'm wrong.


Following from that, I would give a tentative definition of tamasic food

as " food promoting dullness of mind " , and Rajasic food as " food

promoting stimulation of mind and aggressiveness " . Some people also

interpret Rajasic as " promoting sexual energy " .


The other matter that is unclear is: what factors result in Sattvic or

Rajasic or Tamasic food? Have these factors been clearly explained

anywhere - and are they objective factors, rather than cultural

preferences? Are you saying that such-and-such food is Tamasic or

Rajasic or Sattvic because it is objectively so, or because someone told

you it is so?


You have asserted that eggs increase Tamo guna, leading to " stupefying

consciousness " and " downfall " . How is this so? What authority says this,

apart from some religious gurus? As we know, gurus have some very good

things to say, but also can voice purely personal opinions.


You have further implied that meat is Tamasic. What is the criterion?

That some people don't like killing a creature that moves? And why not?

Isn't this part of the cycle of life on earth? And does eating meat, by

your reasoning, stupefy consciousness? In my experience, I have met many

egg- and meat-eating people with very sharp minds, clear intellect, and

subtle awareness; who appeared far from the downfall you speak of.


Contrary to what you say, Charaka and other ancient ayurvedic writers

have not said anything about Tamasic or Rajasic food. Charaka says

this, " Vayu (vata), Pitta and Kapha are the bodily doshas (disturbances)

and Rajas and Tamas are the mental ones. The former are treated by

divine and rational measures; while the latter ones are treated with

knowledge, restraint, memory and concentration. " (Charaka Samhita,

Sutrasthana 1, 57-58)


Where is the mention of foods to treat Rajas and Tamas?


" Eggs of swans, chakora, hens, peacocks, and sparrows are useful in

diminished semen, cough, heart disease and injuries. They are sweet, not

causing burning sensation, and immediately strength-promoting. " (Charaka

Samhita, Sutrasthana 27, 63-64)


If you are right in saying that eggs were meant to be used only in

disease, I do not see evidence of this in the texts. In fact Charaka

talks about these foods in a chapter on " Foods " not " Medicines " . I

highly recommend that anyone with an interest in food reads this

particular chapter.


Looking at the given qualities of eggs - even the unfertilised ones -

they are naturally meant to promote and nourish life. Otherwise, if

unfertilised, isn't it a waste of nourishment if uneaten? I cannot see

how the promotion of life can be considered Tamasic. Furthermore,

according to Charaka, eggs nourish vital parts of the body - heart and

reproductive organs. They are therefore Ojas-promoting, and this seems

to me a very subtle, Sattvic quality.


Looking at foods from different points of view changes their apparent

gunas, so how can this be objective assessment, and how can people make

such strong pronouncements on foods?


Yes, Yashendra, everything has consciousness. As we take consciousness

into our bodies in the form of food of any kind, let us be conscious and

give thanks, so that we may do our work and play our Earthly part in

this grand evolution of Consciousness.


Let us eat in comfort, in peace, and with quiet pleasure; that we may

best welcome the consciousness of our food into our bodies and our



Best regards,


Auckland, New Zealand

www.ScienceOfLife.co.nz <http://scienceoflife.co.nz>


> 1. As per Vedic scriptures, including Ayruveda, there is NO Non-Living

thing in creation. Everything has consciousness. The degree of awakened

consciousness varies though. And, that why we find so many beings or


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Very well said Gerald!

Perhaps all the critics need to read puranas where in clear mention is available

about offering flesh of various animals even for Shraadh karm, with mention of

the period of satiation of the pitras with various kinds of flesh.

If I am not wrong, it was Brahmins, like today, who used to be given the

offerings with religious rites for the satiation of the Pitras. So, clearly,

even the Brahmins used to accept the non vegetarian food. I wish I could

recollect the referece to quote here.

Dr. Sanjay Sharma



However there are some points that I feel are still unclear, which for

the benefit of this forum, I will discuss.

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Dear Gerald

The most important thing to keep in mind is - " You are what

you eat ! " If one is eating rajasik or tamasik foods , it will make him

likewise . The important aspect of eating Satvik food is to get a

Satvik mind in all aspects .


The Satvik mind have the ability to help the needy without any

expectation in any field . It can live happily & without hurting

anybody else comparatively more than Rajasik & Tamasik people . When

we all r living on earth , it should be noted that one should not

provide any harm or difficulty to other living members either human

beings or animals . Satvik foods have this original quality . This

quality is necessary as we are a single family on earth .


We can take an example for this . A simple example of a Tiger &

a Deer . A Tigre always eat other animals as its food . It will

never eat Grass ( vegetables ) . So what is its approach if any

human being or any animal will come in its way ? He will certainly

attack the human being ( Many will say if he is not hungry , he wont

do that ! ) or the animal & cause harm . It is its original instinct

to attack any live animal or human being . It is due to its tamasik

food . Not a single person will dare to go in front of a Tiger for

this reason . Even animals know this too .


Comparatively for Deer , it always eat grass , vegetables which

is Satvik food . We wont find any Deer attacking on any type of

living individual . People always like to go nearer to Deers for

touching them or to feed them without any problem .


We can understand the qualities of living from this example .

The people eating more rajasik or tamasik food , always have more

anger , envy etc than people eating Satvik food . Have U seen any

sanyasi or monk attacking on people ? You must have read or heard

about terrorists who eat all types of meat & drink alcohol . Why

this is the difference ? Specific communities which eat rajasik &

tamasik food always want to fight at any place at any cost ! You must

have heard about the people who always eat tamasik food ( here non

veg food ) have much more anger & fighting attitude . Then what is

the reason behind this ?


The main thing to be reminded is how do a person himself want to

live in his life ! There are certain rules for each thing to be

done . These rules are made by some researchers who found something

wrong in the path of their life with those things ! It came from the

experience of their own ! Today what we know is not the total

science . Much part of the science have vanished or got burned or

unable to get ! It is the attitude , which makes ur personal life

likewise & it always makes the difference in ur life .







You have not defined Sattvic (or Satvik) food, and what effect it

has on

a person. Following your reasoning that food does indeed influence


mind, I would make a preliminary definition of Sattvic food

as " food

promoting clear and subtle thought " - please correct me if I'm


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> A Tigre always eat other animals as its food . It will

> never eat Grass ( vegetables ) . So what is its approach if any

> human being or any animal will come in its way ? He will certainly

> attack the human being ( Many will say if he is not hungry , he wont

> do that ! ) or the animal & cause harm . It is its original instinct

> to attack any live animal or human being . It is due to its tamasik

> food . Not a single person will dare to go in front of a Tiger for

> this reason . Even animals know this too .


> Comparatively for Deer , it always eat grass , vegetables which

> is Satvik food . We wont find any Deer attacking on any type of

> living individual . People always like to go nearer to Deers for

> touching them or to feed them without any problem .



The most amazing effect of food and environment on the Tiger can be

read in a heart churning real life story. Please follow the link:




What is not emphasized in this story is, finally the tiger changed

the tiger-hunter into a human with vibrating satvik mind.


Though some of the qualities of the mind are with us since birth, the

environment around us can change it, as brought out by another member

in above link. Also, the tigress, even though she took goat meat, she

did not turn aggressive, except when a stranger was trying to walk

into house, a quality she shared with her cannine family. She used to

roar, but not kill anyone.


The satvik, rajasik, tamasik properties of the food cant be

established in scientific Labs. The closest scientific measure, as

proposed by many, and experienced by some patients of this author:

the non-satvik foods cause a pulse surge more than 5 beats per

minute, 30 minutes after the food intake(Post# 4511). Indian cow milk

with or without sugar, products made therefrom were noted to be

satvik by this test. Thus pulse difference before and 30 minutes

after food intake can be proposed as a guide for measuring non-satvik

quality. It is possible that a food which is satvik for one, may get

disqualified to be satvik for another person. That is the

individuality theory (Prakruti) of ayurveda.


One interesting observation just one patient had: She was allergic to

milk in USA, but while in India, Indian cow milk she could take

without pulse shooting up beyond 5 beats. She kept taking it as long

as she could get. There is nothing like a generic milk. It differs

from cow to cow, animal to animal.


People consuming satvik food, if they start looking upon those who

consume non-satvik food as inferior race, they should not be assumed

satvik, as the superior-inferior complex itself is Rajas.


Dr Bhate

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often elephants attack villagers near by,similarly bulls too attack , The

bufellow of the forest is a dangerous attacker. All of them are eating grass. Is

grass is rajasic food?


This letter sounds vegetarians are good people and non vegetarians are tough

people. it is certainly wrong to generalize such statement. Many scientists made

great discoveries and most of them took non veg food. are they thamasic or

inferior people? one cannot become superior by eating. but one can imagine

himself superior because of eating.




If one is eating rajasik or tamasik foods , it will make him

likewise . The important aspect of eating Satvik food is to get a

Satvik mind in all aspects .


The Satvik mind have the ability to help the needy without any

expectation in any field .

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We are all born with innate abilities, desires, and attitudes (or in one word

" samskaras " ) and they do not go away that easily. Also, sattvik food unless

consumed regularly for an extended period of time does not yield noticeable

changes in a person or being. It also depends on how much of Sattva, Rajas and

Tamas one is born with. That is why you will find many vegetarians who have

non-sattvic tendencies, while non-vegetarians displaying sattvic attributes.


Another thing to keep in mind is that we all are a mixed breed of Sattva, Rajas,

and Tamas. Very few of us can claim to be totally sattvic in nature. So, on some

occasions the same person may display a sattvic behavior while displaying

rajasic or tamasic behavior on other occasions.


All these observations should not undermine the role of sattvic diet in our

lives though. People or animals do change, though the relationship between the

degree of change and intake of sattvic food depends on other factors like the

ones mentioned above.



often elephants attack villagers near by,similarly bulls too attack , The

bufellow of the forest is a dangerous attacker. All of them are eating grass..

Is grass is rajasic food?

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Thanks Matthew for your great input!


Also, we should remember, that the five elements (earth, water, fire, air

and ether) are formed from sattva, rajo and tamoguna, in different

proportions. And further, all in this universe is formed of five elements.

Our body is formed of five elements. And the three biological energies, the

three doshas in our body, vata, pitta and kapha are formed of five elements.

Based on that, we as individuals have different intrisinct proportions of

tamas, rajas and sattva in our constitution. That already explains different

personality traits.




It also depends on how much of

Sattva, Rajas and Tamas one is born with. That is why you will find many

vegetarians who have non-sattvic tendencies, while non-vegetarians

displaying sattvic attributes.

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Dear Vaidyas,


The subject which was debated here is taking some turn . This

is not the issue for superiority or inferiority as raised in some posts.


Nor like the pure vegetarians are superior than non vegetarians .

What I wanted to tell was the qualities of food & the general

experience u get from that .


Vagbhata, one of the most respected ancient Vaidya stated a

very special sutra ( statement ) . It is as follows :


" Vruddhi Samanae Sarvesham Viparitae Viparyaya ! "


The meaning of this sutra is : - Everything ( Dravya , Guna or

Karma ) increases with the same quality of themselves . It means

that , Rakta Dhatu ( Blood ) increases with blood , Mansa Dhatu

increases with Mansa , Black pepper increases the Agni etc ! The

same law is applied for the Tridosha - Saptadhatu - Trimala . It is

applicable to the Manas Guna too !! Satva will increase Satva ,

Tamas will increase Tamas etc .


If this law is stated thousands of years back by a very well

known Vaidya , then i think , it is the baseline for us today .


To verify the authenticity of above statement in modern time, one simple

experiment will suffice. Eat only Satvik food 3 times a day for 30 days

regularly . And eat Tamasik food 3 times a day for 30 days regularly . You will

see the changes in ur daily habitat & mentality for sure .




often elephants attack villagers near by,similarly bulls too

attack , The bufellow of the forest is a dangerous attacker. All of

them are eating grass. Is grass rajasic food?


This letter sounds vegetarians are good people and non

vegetarians are tough people. it is certainly wrong to generalize

such statement.

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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

The reference to eggs is available in Charaka Samhita as well as Ashtang

Sangraha in chapters describing meats under the topic of foods. However the

description in Charaka is more detailed. In Ashtang Sangraha it is stated that

eggs are guru i.e heavy to digest/ highly nutritious. In Charaka, it is

mentioned that eggs are madhur (sweet), avidaahi (not causing heat in stomach),

sadyo-balakar (providing instant strength/energy), and are useful in people

suffering from oligospermia (reduced sperm count), cough, heart diseases and





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