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nightmares and ayurveda

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hello, just wondering if there is a cause of nightmares in ayurveda.


i have been having very vivid dreams all my life. some good, several



do dreams have meaning in ayurveda..can the type of dreams iam having

be a reflection on the illnesses effecting me?


do dreams in ayurveda help a doctor diagnose a persons illness? any

advice?do i need to discribe some of them

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Blue . The nightmares reflect one's mental status in terms of dreams . Ayurveda

described the dreams . Doshas can be assessed from the dreams & vice versa . It

can give a fair idea about the mentality of the person . Stress , Panicity are

some reasons behind the dreams .

 Your thinking is right , that , many times dreams helps in diagnosing the

health problem .


Dr . Gandhi S . C.

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ayurveda , treatment on-diseases

<ayurveda_for_you wrote:


> Blue . The nightmares reflect one's mental status in terms of

dreams . Ayurveda described the dreams . Doshas can be assessed from

the dreams & vice versa . It can give a fair idea about the mentality

of the person . Stress , Panicity are some reasons behind the dreams .

>  Your thinking is right , that , many times dreams helps

in diagnosing the health problem .




since a child i have been having dreams of places i have never been.


i have dreams where i am being chased by a demon.


which can be very scary when you r a child..and its always the same

demon in the dream.


he takes on different looks but its always the same one, just

appearing in a disguise.


in these dreams there is entity/person that helps me. and is trying

to talk to me, but i sometimes cant understand the words being

said. and sometimes silly dreams that dont make sense.


last night i had a dream i was in india, i have never been there.


the area in my dream seemed familar, high white walls a small

market,people where sitting on cloth on the ground with a few

baskets, smiled as i walked bye. i said hi.i was bare foot,the path

was sandy .dusty.


i walked into a door way into a large building and people were

waiting for me, 3 men.


one of them seemed to be a sikh gentleman who knew me . i felt love

in my heart for him but no idea who he was.like a father or brother

or close friend.


he then told me they were waitng for me and i must get dressed and

he presented me with a beatiful saree, he washed my feet,and then

preceded to help me dress.


i remember laughing with him and telling him the women should be

helping me with this, not him. and he smiled and kissed my cheek and

said something i didnt understand. the 2 men from before gave me

ornaments of gold to wear. the gentlemen put a bindi on me and told

me i must always wear a saree. then they had me leave the room down a

darker corridor. i heard him whisper always a sarre and woke up.

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Since you first started posting, my intuition said you needed to have clearing

of some energy that is with you.  Your dream was a reminder to  know how strong

you are and what support you have not just in physical form.  Don't be afraid. 

Perhaps you can find someone nearby skilled in regression therapy and luminous

field, energy work.  Blessings - you are a gift - believe.








since a child i have been having dreams of places i have never been.


i have dreams where i am being chased by a demon.


which can be very scary when you r a child..and its always the same

demon in the dream.

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Blue .

The dreams are the reflections of the thoughts , mostly . What u think in any

way , can be reflected in ur dreams in the same night or in the future . Many

times it seems that in small children this dream factor is related to day to day

activity too . Many times children feel to urinate in the dream . In the dream

they go to Bathroom  urinate . & in reality many times they are doing bed

wetting , literally .

The urge to have something or everything we want , more & more thinkings , dis -

satisfaction , depression , less sleep , sleeping with reading some literature

or novel or sleeping with watching movies or some T V programmes , leads to the

dreams .


The person himself should be calm & cool at the time of sleep . That's why , it

is told to remember good thoughts ( Prayers of God ) at the bed time & then go

to sleep . It have very positive effect .

The peaceful & calm mind always rests better than depressed , hyperactive or

stressed mind . So try to do this & u will feel much more better .


Dr. Gandhi S. C.

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it is funny that you mentioned''Many

times it seems that in small children this dream factor is related to

day to day

activity too . Many times children feel to urinate in the dream . In

the dream

they go to Bathroom urinate . & in reality many times they are doing


wetting , literally ''


i used to have those dreams when i was a child 3 -4 yrs old and would

sometimes wet the bed.i also used to sleep walk. i still sleep walk

sometimes.but even as a child i would have dreams that i was talking

to ghosts/people who died.other times i would have the dreams that

something evil is after me.


it is really amazing how the mind works.


i will try to relax before bed but it is getting harder and harder to

sleep at night.my doctor wanted to put me on sleeping pills but i

said no because i think it will just make my problems worse right?



> The dreams are the reflections of the thoughts , mostly . What u

think in any way , can be reflected in ur dreams in the same night or

in the future .

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With due respect to expert opinions online, please try ATBSNR (full details at

www.atbsnr.com) just to enjoy the exercises and you will not know when you have

fallen asleep. For any doubts, please feel free to let the author know. Best






Nature Cure & Spinal Rehab Centre,

155 St. Patrick's Town, Pune 411013,

Ph: +91-20-26870204, Cell: 91-9422314693,

Email: <smacharya Website: www.atbsnr.com





i will try to relax before bed but it is getting harder and harder to

sleep at night.my doctor wanted to put me on sleeping pills but i

said no because i think it will just make my problems worse right?

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Blue . Yes it is amazing . How the Mind works when the body is resting !!

I told one incident & u got the experience about urself . Ayurveda always

insisted on the Mind factor while treating any physical health problem for this

purpose only .

Sleeping pills is not the solution to overcome the dreams . U can do one simple

thing . There is one therapy of Panchkarma called as Nasya . U have to do that

therapy . For that , just put the 3 drops of sesame oil in both nostrils 2 hours

before going to bed . Do this for 30 days regualrly . U will feel much better .

U can do it for 3 months continuously to get better result .


Dr. Gandhi S.C.

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Hello Lisa


Please go through what really dreams mean, as writeen by a well known

and worshipped spiritual Guru:




The material written there is in harmony with ayurvedic concepts.






last night i had a dream i was in india, i have never been there.


the area in my dream seemed familar, high white walls a small

market,people where sitting on cloth on the ground with a few

baskets, smiled as i walked bye. i said hi.i was bare foot,the path

was sandy .dusty.

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  • 1 month later...

I missed the thread, but if children are having nightmares they can be helped.

The aura is more permiable for children and they can hear and see many beings

that we can not.

To protect them we can take away all evil with salt - give them a salt water

bath and then rinse them off before bed.

We can also play chanting of hanuman chalisa in the bedroom, keep a bed light

and tie a red thread to their arm.

These will help

WE can also pray before bed and tell the child to ask all spirits to rest and

not disturb them




i used to have those dreams when i was a child 3 -4 yrs old and would

sometimes wet the bed.i also used to sleep walk. i still sleep walk

sometimes.but even as a child i would have dreams that i was talking

to ghosts/people who died.other times i would have the dreams that

something evil is after me.


it is really amazing how the mind works.

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it is me that is being affected by nightmares strange dreams.this scares me

sometimes because some of them have come true. not all thankfully.

as strange as it sounds we believe our house is haunted.weird things happen in

our apartment and in the downstairs apartment as well.i sometimes worry it is

our family and not the building because the last building we lived in had spirit

in it.i put salt over the entry in my apartment. i was also told by a women that

someone is trying to curse me.


i honestly dont know what i belive anymore, whether it is real or not .




I missed the thread, but if children are

having nightmares they can be helped.


The aura is more permiable for children and they can hear

and see many beings that we can not.

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I had gone through your mail. Take the exact map of your house as prepared by an

architect and find the four corners in an exact distance. Then prepair four

nails of 1 foot and nail down at the four corners of your house. Nailing down

please dont look at the back unless you finish the job. I hope you will get the

desired results. Brijesh

_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _



as strange as it sounds we believe our house is haunted.weird things happen in

our apartment and in the downstairs apartment as well.

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It is very possible that there can be spirits, for this we can use sage, cedar

or frakinsense incense, wave the smoke with your right hand into all of the

coners of your home.

Sprinkle water around all the edges of every room of your home and ask for


Try to keep a night light on at all times - the house should not be dark.

You can use an image of Hindu God Hanuman or a native dream catcher on a window

especially the windows facing west and south.

If your doors open to west or south or south west hang a crystal or mirror in

front of the door to deflect negativity - if you feel that the curse is coming

from outside.

If you want to share details I may be able to help you - I have done a lot of

this work



as strange as it sounds we believe our house is haunted.weird things happen in

our apartment and in the downstairs apartment as well.

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I had nightmare problems before. My family in India sent me Anjaneya Yantra. Yes

surely chanting Hanuman Chalisa before retiring to bed can help.It helped me

during those days. An alternative is listening to Vishnu Sahasranama ( 1000

names of Lord Vishnu ). Its available online and can be copied to your mp3

player/cd player.






if children are having nightmares they can be helped.


The aura is more permiable for children and they can hear and see many beings

that we can not.

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The psychological problems described under the terms schizophrenia,

unmad, bhut-unmad, nij-unmad, nightmares have attracted much

discussion recently. A vivid patient experience was described in

post 14762, 14664, along with experiences gained while using remedies

offered by so called ghost busters. In Post#14888, apartment was felt

to be haunted, and simple home remedies were offered in post 14911,

which involved herbs, salt, and essences.


Indians believe that Hanuman Chalisa is the strongest mantra which

gives strength to the mind and takes care of fears, sudden

bottlenecks in the projects etc.


The purpose of this post is to touch upon this subject as Grahpeeda

caused by placements in natal chart. This subject was already

discussed under the anxiety and panic management post#13831, while

specific role of Rahu/Ketu in medical astrology was discussed in

post#12446. What remains now is the role played by Mandi, the leading

planet causing psychosis and schizophrenia.


Mandi is believed to exist only in south Indian astrology. The

sudden difficulties, haunting, the effects of displeasing family

deity etc are dealt with in details in south Indian texts on

astrology. Phal dipika, Devkeralam, Saravali are some texts which

touch upon the mandi as planetary satellite. There are others too,

but we focus only on Mandi here, as it is important for psychological

disorders. The planetary configurations which lead to such

possibilities will be dealt with in this post. The level of deapth

will be restricted to shallow, as several south Indian texts have

given adequate exposition and should be consulted by a serious

student of medico astrology.


The Mandi, when associated with Badhak house or its lord, it gives

malefic effects. Badhak house is 11th if the ascendent is a moving

sign (Char sign, e.g. Aries, Cancer, Libra, Capricorn). 9th house

becomes Badhak when ascedent is fixed sign(Taurus, Leo, Scorpio,

Acquarius). In case of variable signs as ascendants (Gemini, Virgo,

Sagitarius, Pisces), 7th house is badhak. If Mandi is situated in

Badhak house or is in conjuction with Badhak house lord, the risk

factor for mental disorders increases. Haunting chances increase.

Such person behave strange(become unstable) when moon transits over the natal



If mandi is in conjunction with sign-lord(Rasipati), it becomes more powerful.

Mandi occupying upchaya houses is considered less malefic, while its occupation

in 8, 12 th house is more malefic. The houses where Rahu is considered malefic,

same houses hold for Mandi also.


Astrologers have rules to predict who died in the family/relations

and whose soul is haunting the subject. In most cases, someone died

at young age without enjoying the material life much. If a family

member died due to the neglect by other members, or property share

was denied, due to incurable disease, was murdered/poisoned etc, the

mandi becomes stronger malefic as the signifactor of the past event.


Depending on which house of the chart mandi is situated, the

relationship of the person to the departed soul can be predicted. The

house-lord of the mandi can also predict the profession of the

departed person. While odd signs indicate male soul, even signs point

to female soul troubling the patient. The rules are also given to

predict at what age the haunting soul may have died.


Mandi is also used in Prashna-chart(chart cast based on time the

querry was communicated to the astrologer) to predict if the

bottlenecks in the project or illness is caused by black magic by

some enemy. Since the rules and calculations are complex, author

omits them here. OF more interest to us are the remedies for Mandi's

malefic actions.


As Mandakini pointed out, the worship of Lord Hanuman is very useful

when illness is caused by Mandi's presence in malefic house/sign.

Mandi is considered the satellite of Saturn and son of Saturn in

astrology texts. Hence worship of Saturn also helps overcome Mandi

malefic effects. Thus Hanuman Chalisa, Fasting on Saturday, Giving

away black urid dhal, sesame oil etc are believed to help. Nailing

the horse-shoe shaped iron piece on door frame is one remedy people



In addition, Saturn is the disciple of lord Siva. Hence chanting

Rudra mantra: " Om Namo Bhagvate Rudray " daily also becomes beneficial

for the person suffering from malefic mandi. Maha-mrutyunjay mantra

is also equally useful.


Many other mantras, procedures are of interest to those who trust

the " Karma-Kanda " , the subject matter open to belief and trust. In

this field, mantriks (ghost busters) exploiting the sufferers is

common. While vaidyas are comfortable, modern ayurvedic doctors avoid

the subject of Grahpeeda, as it is not a evidence based medicine, and

they are most of the time worried about the medico-legal aspects.


To reduce the malefic effects of natal chart, plant Tulsi in the house at

entrance. Tulsi has holy vibrations and takes care of many illnesses also. While

all plants take in corbon dioxide and exhale oxygen, Tulsi is believed to exhale

ozone, more active oxygen. Indian cow likes sunlight, Tulsi also flourishes in

sunlight. Nature produces strongest wide spectrum medicinal herbs when herbs

exploit sunlight for their growth. Strongest antibiotic, pesticide neem grows in

arid areas, where sunlight is plenty and water is scarce. If you have some

backyard, plant neem tree to take care of malefic vibrations.


Burning cow dung cakes also takes care of ghosts, especially if the dried

chillies are thrown in the fire. Several substances which cause holy smoke are

used in Yagyas as offering ( " Aahuti " ) to fire. Most well known substance is

Indian cow ghee, which is believed to create active oxygen when burnt in fire.

That is why, cow ghee is used in lamps during worship in all indian temples.


Author feels that calming the mind through breathing and meditation

are adequate measures, if some selfless Guru teaches these techniques.


Dr Bhate






it is me that is being affected by nightmares strange dreams.this

scares me sometimes because some of them have come true. not all


as strange as it sounds we believe our house is haunted.weird things

happen in our apartment and in the downstairs apartment as well.

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  • 5 years later...

I too have been afflicted with nightmares from a very young age. Circumstances, people and places i have not seen before come in my dreams. Sometimes its demonic energies, people, animals, or other planetary forces that appear it is quite scary. Last night i had three consecutive. One was about a friends family member in India who was possessed and i was one who could see it, i chant aum namah shivaya in dream when remember but feel it not as strong as can be at times. Next dream i dont recall and next one about being for muslim womens rights and these muslim men got aggressive, some lit themself on fire another was going to stab my heart and i awoke. This can go on a whole night or off and on for a whole week sometimes. When i little i got sleep paralysis often and paralyzed body while spirit would throw against wall and i would wake up after or be terrorized or choked i really want relief. I have rahu mars conjuct in cancer, 10th or 12th house (depending on chart reader)

Pls help

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