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Carla, you might want to contact Wendy Davis, she is the postpartum mood

disorder expert here in Portland, OR.

Sometimes a baby that size is hungry before the mother's milk comes comes in

on the 3rd day and lthe crying is unbearable. I sometimes have parents give

the baby a little sugar water to avoid the cows proteins in formula til mom

s milk comes in. That probably kicked in your anxiety disorder, for which

there might have been herbs, homeopathics, etc, You want to contact Holly

Scholles who owns the Birthingway College of Midwifery in Portland. She

knows an awful lot about herbs and grows them too. The hair loss is just a

result of the estrogen drop, normal for 6 months after any birth, mom's

adjust to the estrogen loss gradually. Did the prolactin of breastfeeding

help you some?

Anyway, Wendy is the one who would know about this stuff.






04/25/05 04:14:52


New Here



I'm am SO excited to find this!!! I am a moderator on a post partum

website. Someone here posted on the forum I mod on.


It's nice to see so many members here, too! I will be looking around

at all your info.


A little about my story:


I have 3 kids, ages 15, 11 and almost 3. I decided on a home birth

for my 3rd baby.


At age 38 I gave birth to a 10lb, 3.5oz baby girl. She screamed the

loudest scream after delivery and basically has never stopped!! She

was my " colicy " baby, but it wasn't like colic, it was more like

something was always wrong, not just the typical colic of one time in

the evening.


The second night after her birth, she was crying non stop for hrs. I

was so exausted and handed the baby to my husband. Right then I had

my first panic attack. After that my whole world became a nightmare.

I had what I've come to find out is chronic derealization coupled

with panic disorder. I also have low thyroid and had for the previous

3 or more years.


I was in a constant state of panic, anxiety and my world looked

strange and unfamiliar. I felt like I was on bad drugs. I couldn't

eat and was constantly sweating and my hair fell out in groves.


I felt it was a hormonal thing, but didn't have anyone to go to for

this. I tried herbs (motherwort, skullcap, vallarian root) to no avail.


I ended up, out of desperation, on an antidepressant (Zoloft).


When I did eat, I stayed completely away from sugar and ate whole

foods. When I finally was able to get around and leave the house, I

walked daily.


I finally started to recover about 3 weeks post partum when I added

estrogen. I had also tried progesterone, but again nobody was

following me on this so I eventually stopped as I wasn't finding relief.


I was still in a " fog " for the next couple months but the panic

attacks stopped and I regained an appetite.


I stopped the Zoloft and did fine for about a month and then had a

huge relapse. I was determined to NOT go back on the Zoloft. I went

to BASTYR naturopathic college here in Seattle and tried a homeopathic

remody....to no avail. I finally got so sick of the anxiety and panic

attacks, I went back on Zoloft and started therapy.


Slowly over time, the derealization got better and things started to

look " normal " again. I've had a few relapses in symptoms, but each

time is less intense and farther apart.


I have finally reduced my Zoloft to half the amount I was taking. I

feel like most of the nightmare is behind me now. But I'm on a search

for " why " this happens to women and what can be done to prevent this.


I have been very interested in herbs for help in this area and/or any

other natural means. I looked into Michael Tierra's herb book and

found that there are many herbs for hormone difficulties. Again, not

having anyone to guide me, I haven't taken it upon myself to experiment.


Thank you for this site and I'm looking so forward to continuing my












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Well, if you are in Portland, we are about a day away from each other.

Is there a contact e-mail or number for the 2 people you listed here?


I agree the baby's crying set off the anxiety disorder. And she is

still very moody and can cry and scream for reasons unknown. She is

also extreamly bright and funny! She will be 3 yrs old this month.


My midwives didn't tell me about the sugar water, that may have

helped. They did give me motherwort, skull cap and valarian root, but

it didn't seem to help at all.


The reason I mentioned the hair loss is because I never experienced

any of this when I had my first two baby's. I felt like this was a

very hormonal thing as I was in a constant sweat. I didn't wear

cloths for weeks and had to sleep with the window open and a fan

blowing on me. I WAS HOT! This also was different then with my

previous births.


Breastfeeding did not help me relax in the way of prolactin. But I

did feel I wanted to always hold my baby and absolutely didn't want to

stop. My OBGYN actually said that certain women stop breastfeeding

and there postpartum symptoms disapear. I did not want to stop and

only recently gave it up. I did take a small amount of estogen and

the sweating stopped and so did the panic attacks.


Thanks again for your time and if you could give me a way to contact

the ladies you mentioned, that would be appreciated.




ayurveda , " Vicky York " <vmyork@s...>


> Carla, you might want to contact Wendy Davis, she is the postpartum mood

> disorder expert here in Portland, OR.

> Sometimes a baby that size is hungry before the mother's milk comes

comes in

> on the 3rd day and lthe crying is unbearable. I sometimes have

parents give

> the baby a little sugar water to avoid the cows proteins in formula

til mom

> s milk comes in. That probably kicked in your anxiety disorder, for


> there might have been herbs, homeopathics, etc, You want to contact


> Scholles who owns the Birthingway College of Midwifery in Portland. She

> knows an awful lot about herbs and grows them too. The hair loss is

just a

> result of the estrogen drop, normal for 6 months after any birth, mom's

> adjust to the estrogen loss gradually. Did the prolactin of


> help you some?

> Anyway, Wendy is the one who would know about this stuff.

> Postpartumhope@a...


> ----


> carlahelin

> 04/25/05 04:14:52

> ayurveda

> New Here



> I'm am SO excited to find this!!! I am a moderator on a post partum

> website. Someone here posted on the forum I mod on.


> It's nice to see so many members here, too! I will be looking around

> at all your info.


> A little about my story:


> I have 3 kids, ages 15, 11 and almost 3. I decided on a home birth

> for my 3rd baby.


> At age 38 I gave birth to a 10lb, 3.5oz baby girl. She screamed the

> loudest scream after delivery and basically has never stopped!! She

> was my " colicy " baby, but it wasn't like colic, it was more like

> something was always wrong, not just the typical colic of one time in

> the evening.


> The second night after her birth, she was crying non stop for hrs. I

> was so exausted and handed the baby to my husband. Right then I had

> my first panic attack. After that my whole world became a nightmare.

> I had what I've come to find out is chronic derealization coupled

> with panic disorder. I also have low thyroid and had for the previous

> 3 or more years.


> I was in a constant state of panic, anxiety and my world looked

> strange and unfamiliar. I felt like I was on bad drugs. I couldn't

> eat and was constantly sweating and my hair fell out in groves.


> I felt it was a hormonal thing, but didn't have anyone to go to for

> this. I tried herbs (motherwort, skullcap, vallarian root) to no avail.


> I ended up, out of desperation, on an antidepressant (Zoloft).


> When I did eat, I stayed completely away from sugar and ate whole

> foods. When I finally was able to get around and leave the house, I

> walked daily.


> I finally started to recover about 3 weeks post partum when I added

> estrogen. I had also tried progesterone, but again nobody was

> following me on this so I eventually stopped as I wasn't finding relief.


> I was still in a " fog " for the next couple months but the panic

> attacks stopped and I regained an appetite.


> I stopped the Zoloft and did fine for about a month and then had a

> huge relapse. I was determined to NOT go back on the Zoloft. I went

> to BASTYR naturopathic college here in Seattle and tried a homeopathic

> remody....to no avail. I finally got so sick of the anxiety and panic

> attacks, I went back on Zoloft and started therapy.


> Slowly over time, the derealization got better and things started to

> look " normal " again. I've had a few relapses in symptoms, but each

> time is less intense and farther apart.


> I have finally reduced my Zoloft to half the amount I was taking. I

> feel like most of the nightmare is behind me now. But I'm on a search

> for " why " this happens to women and what can be done to prevent this.


> I have been very interested in herbs for help in this area and/or any

> other natural means. I looked into Michael Tierra's herb book and

> found that there are many herbs for hormone difficulties. Again, not

> having anyone to guide me, I haven't taken it upon myself to experiment.


> Thank you for this site and I'm looking so forward to continuing my

> education!!!


> Carla





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Carla, you are about 3 hours from Portland.

Wendy Davis at postpartumhope and Holly Scholles at


Wendy said she has experienced this herself (derealization) this is what she

says about it.

Chronic derealization is an experience that things don't seem real, kind of

a fog-like state. Derealization is something people feel usually when they

re in shock or grieving and also when they're having a panic attack. Can

happen after trauma. Chronic means that it goes on. People describe it in

various ways: like there's a film between them and reality, like things don

t seem real, also that things seem meaningless.


I have had this experience and I've understood it as a time when my

spiritual, physical, mental and emotional aspects of myself are having

trouble coordinating. The cure for me: being outside, breathing, walking,

enjoying the sensations of the world, and crying when I can.


that your baby is bright gives me the clue that she probably needs a lot of

stimulation and understanding and gets really frustrated when she can't make

herself understood and screams. When she is able to express herself better

you will find her much easier to get along with. Sign language might have

helped her a lot.







05/01/05 21:49:41


Re: New Here




Well, if you are in Portland, we are about a day away from each other.

Is there a contact e-mail or number for the 2 people you listed here?


I agree the baby's crying set off the anxiety disorder. And she is

still very moody and can cry and scream for reasons unknown. She is

also extreamly bright and funny! She will be 3 yrs old this month.


My midwives didn't tell me about the sugar water, that may have

helped. They did give me motherwort, skull cap and valarian root, but

it didn't seem to help at all.


The reason I mentioned the hair loss is because I never experienced

any of this when I had my first two baby's. I felt like this was a

very hormonal thing as I was in a constant sweat. I didn't wear

cloths for weeks and had to sleep with the window open and a fan

blowing on me. I WAS HOT! This also was different then with my

previous births.


Breastfeeding did not help me relax in the way of prolactin. But I

did feel I wanted to always hold my baby and absolutely didn't want to

stop. My OBGYN actually said that certain women stop breastfeeding

and there postpartum symptoms disapear. I did not want to stop and

only recently gave it up. I did take a small amount of estogen and

the sweating stopped and so did the panic attacks.


Thanks again for your time and if you could give me a way to contact

the ladies you mentioned, that would be appreciated.




ayurveda , " Vicky York " <vmyork@s...>


> Carla, you might want to contact Wendy Davis, she is the postpartum mood

> disorder expert here in Portland, OR.

> Sometimes a baby that size is hungry before the mother's milk comes

comes in

> on the 3rd day and lthe crying is unbearable. I sometimes have

parents give

> the baby a little sugar water to avoid the cows proteins in formula

til mom

> s milk comes in. That probably kicked in your anxiety disorder, for


> there might have been herbs, homeopathics, etc, You want to contact


> Scholles who owns the Birthingway College of Midwifery in Portland. She

> knows an awful lot about herbs and grows them too. The hair loss is

just a

> result of the estrogen drop, normal for 6 months after any birth, mom's

> adjust to the estrogen loss gradually. Did the prolactin of


> help you some?

> Anyway, Wendy is the one who would know about this stuff.

> Postpartumhope@a...


> ----


> carlahelin

> 04/25/05 04:14:52

> ayurveda

> New Here



> I'm am SO excited to find this!!! I am a moderator on a post partum

> website. Someone here posted on the forum I mod on.


> It's nice to see so many members here, too! I will be looking around

> at all your info.


> A little about my story:


> I have 3 kids, ages 15, 11 and almost 3. I decided on a home birth

> for my 3rd baby.


> At age 38 I gave birth to a 10lb, 3.5oz baby girl. She screamed the

> loudest scream after delivery and basically has never stopped!! She

> was my " colicy " baby, but it wasn't like colic, it was more like

> something was always wrong, not just the typical colic of one time in

> the evening.


> The second night after her birth, she was crying non stop for hrs. I

> was so exausted and handed the baby to my husband. Right then I had

> my first panic attack. After that my whole world became a nightmare.

> I had what I've come to find out is chronic derealization coupled

> with panic disorder. I also have low thyroid and had for the previous

> 3 or more years.


> I was in a constant state of panic, anxiety and my world looked

> strange and unfamiliar. I felt like I was on bad drugs. I couldn't

> eat and was constantly sweating and my hair fell out in groves.


> I felt it was a hormonal thing, but didn't have anyone to go to for

> this. I tried herbs (motherwort, skullcap, vallarian root) to no avail.


> I ended up, out of desperation, on an antidepressant (Zoloft).


> When I did eat, I stayed completely away from sugar and ate whole

> foods. When I finally was able to get around and leave the house, I

> walked daily.


> I finally started to recover about 3 weeks post partum when I added

> estrogen. I had also tried progesterone, but again nobody was

> following me on this so I eventually stopped as I wasn't finding relief.


> I was still in a " fog " for the next couple months but the panic

> attacks stopped and I regained an appetite.


> I stopped the Zoloft and did fine for about a month and then had a

> huge relapse. I was determined to NOT go back on the Zoloft. I went

> to BASTYR naturopathic college here in Seattle and tried a homeopathic

> remody....to no avail. I finally got so sick of the anxiety and panic

> attacks, I went back on Zoloft and started therapy.


> Slowly over time, the derealization got better and things started to

> look " normal " again. I've had a few relapses in symptoms, but each

> time is less intense and farther apart.


> I have finally reduced my Zoloft to half the amount I was taking. I

> feel like most of the nightmare is behind me now. But I'm on a search

> for " why " this happens to women and what can be done to prevent this.


> I have been very interested in herbs for help in this area and/or any

> other natural means. I looked into Michael Tierra's herb book and

> found that there are many herbs for hormone difficulties. Again, not

> having anyone to guide me, I haven't taken it upon myself to experiment.


> Thank you for this site and I'm looking so forward to continuing my

> education!!!


> Carla





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Thank you again for the contacts.


Everything else you have stated is " right on " ! That is a good

description of derealization. And I do believe that the baby's crying

set this whole thing off. I thought about signing with her but never

did. She is MUCH better now that she talks (and she is so

articulate!) Fresh air, walking and enjoying nature was very healing

for the derealization.


I am again so happy to be invited into this group!




-- In ayurveda , " Vicky York " <vmyork@s...> wrote:

> Carla, you are about 3 hours from Portland.

> Wendy Davis at postpartumhope@a... and Holly Scholles at

> holly@b...

> Wendy said she has experienced this herself (derealization) this is

what she

> says about it.

> Chronic derealization is an experience that things don't seem real,

kind of

> a fog-like state. Derealization is something people feel usually

when they

> re in shock or grieving and also when they're having a panic attack. Can

> happen after trauma. Chronic means that it goes on. People describe

it in

> various ways: like there's a film between them and reality, like

things don

> t seem real, also that things seem meaningless.


> I have had this experience and I've understood it as a time when my

> spiritual, physical, mental and emotional aspects of myself are having

> trouble coordinating. The cure for me: being outside, breathing,


> enjoying the sensations of the world, and crying when I can.


> that your baby is bright gives me the clue that she probably needs a

lot of

> stimulation and understanding and gets really frustrated when she

can't make

> herself understood and screams. When she is able to express herself


> you will find her much easier to get along with. Sign language might


> helped her a lot.

> Vicky



> ----


> carlahelin

> 05/01/05 21:49:41

> ayurveda

> Re: New Here


> Vicky,


> Well, if you are in Portland, we are about a day away from each other.

> Is there a contact e-mail or number for the 2 people you listed here?


> I agree the baby's crying set off the anxiety disorder. And she is

> still very moody and can cry and scream for reasons unknown. She is

> also extreamly bright and funny! She will be 3 yrs old this month.


> My midwives didn't tell me about the sugar water, that may have

> helped. They did give me motherwort, skull cap and valarian root, but

> it didn't seem to help at all.


> The reason I mentioned the hair loss is because I never experienced

> any of this when I had my first two baby's. I felt like this was a

> very hormonal thing as I was in a constant sweat. I didn't wear

> cloths for weeks and had to sleep with the window open and a fan

> blowing on me. I WAS HOT! This also was different then with my

> previous births.


> Breastfeeding did not help me relax in the way of prolactin. But I

> did feel I wanted to always hold my baby and absolutely didn't want to

> stop. My OBGYN actually said that certain women stop breastfeeding

> and there postpartum symptoms disapear. I did not want to stop and

> only recently gave it up. I did take a small amount of estogen and

> the sweating stopped and so did the panic attacks.


> Thanks again for your time and if you could give me a way to contact

> the ladies you mentioned, that would be appreciated.


> Carla


> ayurveda , " Vicky York " <vmyork@s...>

> wrote:

> > Carla, you might want to contact Wendy Davis, she is the

postpartum mood

> > disorder expert here in Portland, OR.

> > Sometimes a baby that size is hungry before the mother's milk comes

> comes in

> > on the 3rd day and lthe crying is unbearable. I sometimes have

> parents give

> > the baby a little sugar water to avoid the cows proteins in formula

> til mom

> > s milk comes in. That probably kicked in your anxiety disorder, for

> which

> > there might have been herbs, homeopathics, etc, You want to contact

> Holly

> > Scholles who owns the Birthingway College of Midwifery in

Portland. She

> > knows an awful lot about herbs and grows them too. The hair loss is

> just a

> > result of the estrogen drop, normal for 6 months after any birth,


> > adjust to the estrogen loss gradually. Did the prolactin of

> breastfeeding

> > help you some?

> > Anyway, Wendy is the one who would know about this stuff.

> > Postpartumhope@a...

> >

> > ----

> >

> > carlahelin

> > 04/25/05 04:14:52

> > ayurveda

> > New Here

> >

> >

> > I'm am SO excited to find this!!! I am a moderator on a post partum

> > website. Someone here posted on the forum I mod on.

> >

> > It's nice to see so many members here, too! I will be looking around

> > at all your info.

> >

> > A little about my story:

> >

> > I have 3 kids, ages 15, 11 and almost 3. I decided on a home birth

> > for my 3rd baby.

> >

> > At age 38 I gave birth to a 10lb, 3.5oz baby girl. She screamed the

> > loudest scream after delivery and basically has never stopped!! She

> > was my " colicy " baby, but it wasn't like colic, it was more like

> > something was always wrong, not just the typical colic of one time in

> > the evening.

> >

> > The second night after her birth, she was crying non stop for hrs. I

> > was so exausted and handed the baby to my husband. Right then I had

> > my first panic attack. After that my whole world became a nightmare.

> > I had what I've come to find out is chronic derealization coupled

> > with panic disorder. I also have low thyroid and had for the previous

> > 3 or more years.

> >

> > I was in a constant state of panic, anxiety and my world looked

> > strange and unfamiliar. I felt like I was on bad drugs. I couldn't

> > eat and was constantly sweating and my hair fell out in groves.

> >

> > I felt it was a hormonal thing, but didn't have anyone to go to for

> > this. I tried herbs (motherwort, skullcap, vallarian root) to no


> >

> > I ended up, out of desperation, on an antidepressant (Zoloft).

> >

> > When I did eat, I stayed completely away from sugar and ate whole

> > foods. When I finally was able to get around and leave the house, I

> > walked daily.

> >

> > I finally started to recover about 3 weeks post partum when I added

> > estrogen. I had also tried progesterone, but again nobody was

> > following me on this so I eventually stopped as I wasn't finding


> >

> > I was still in a " fog " for the next couple months but the panic

> > attacks stopped and I regained an appetite.

> >

> > I stopped the Zoloft and did fine for about a month and then had a

> > huge relapse. I was determined to NOT go back on the Zoloft. I went

> > to BASTYR naturopathic college here in Seattle and tried a homeopathic

> > remody....to no avail. I finally got so sick of the anxiety and panic

> > attacks, I went back on Zoloft and started therapy.

> >

> > Slowly over time, the derealization got better and things started to

> > look " normal " again. I've had a few relapses in symptoms, but each

> > time is less intense and farther apart.

> >

> > I have finally reduced my Zoloft to half the amount I was taking. I

> > feel like most of the nightmare is behind me now. But I'm on a search

> > for " why " this happens to women and what can be done to prevent this.

> >

> > I have been very interested in herbs for help in this area and/or any

> > other natural means. I looked into Michael Tierra's herb book and

> > found that there are many herbs for hormone difficulties. Again, not

> > having anyone to guide me, I haven't taken it upon myself to


> >

> > Thank you for this site and I'm looking so forward to continuing my

> > education!!!

> >

> > Carla

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

> >

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Buddhist path...



Hi. I just got introduced to the body-mind connection when I read

Candace Pert's Molecules of Emotion. I'd love to learn more, and this

looks lilke a great place to do it. One of the things I've been doing

to develop self-awareness is working with crystlas. I've also embarked


on a Buddhist paath..



Welcome. If you liked Candace Pert's " Molecules of Emotion, " you'll

probably enjoy the movie, " What the Bleep Do We Know. " Candace Pert is

one of those interviewed in the movie.


Lots of opportunities for exploration exist. If you have not already

read Donna Eden's " Energy Medicine, " it would be a good place to

start. Eden also has an excellent video series available that you

would probably enjoy.


The list has been relatively quiet lately, but if you'll ask

questions, you'll receive responses.


Enjoy the bodymind connection....



Joel P. Bowman, Ph.D.

Subtle Communication Systems

Voice: 269-267-1419


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Thanks for the warm welcome and book recomendation. My local metaphysical store

carries a wide variety of topics, including energy medicine, so I'm sure I'll

find it one way or another...


" Joel P. Bowman " <joel wrote:Buddhist path...



Hi. I just got introduced to the body-mind connection when I read

Candace Pert's Molecules of Emotion. I'd love to learn more, and this

looks lilke a great place to do it. One of the things I've been doing

to develop self-awareness is working with crystlas. I've also embarked


on a Buddhist paath..



Welcome. If you liked Candace Pert's " Molecules of Emotion, " you'll

probably enjoy the movie, " What the Bleep Do We Know. " Candace Pert is

one of those interviewed in the movie.


Lots of opportunities for exploration exist. If you have not already

read Donna Eden's " Energy Medicine, " it would be a good place to

start. Eden also has an excellent video series available that you

would probably enjoy.


The list has been relatively quiet lately, but if you'll ask

questions, you'll receive responses.


Enjoy the bodymind connection....



Joel P. Bowman, Ph.D.

Subtle Communication Systems

Voice: 269-267-1419









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  • 1 month later...
Guest guest

Chinese Traditional Medicine , " Bo " <bonytoes37@a...> wrote:

> Have been reading through all of the posts, new and old. Just

> starting to learn about TCM on my own.

> I have a question....

> I am in a small town in GA, and I would like to find a TCM doctor.

> Haven't been to a " real " doctor in years....haha. Basically healthy

> but I ordered the book Asian Health Secrets by Letha Hadady and have

> read it through and now am doing some studying with it.

> Any suggestions on learning or finding a TCM doctor south of Atlanta

> would be greatly appreciated!!

> I have already learned a lot just from reading through all the posts.

> thanks!!


Hi Bo, and welcome to Chinese Traditional Medicine.


I don't know about OMDs (Oriental Medical Doctors) or acupuncturists

or TCM herbalists in south Georgia. Have you checked the yellow pages?


Another good book is The Web That Has No Weaver.


You'll pick up a lot of the basics just from reading posts on here.

There are people new to TCM, TCM students, and various healthcare

professionals on the list.

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  • 4 weeks later...
Guest guest



> I have to say I know nothing about healing touch or Chakras, but

> I am intrigued by the thought of seeing the healing touch nurse.

> Could someone lead me to a book for beginners to help me.


The standard Healing Touch book is HEALING TOUCH: A RESOURCE FOR

HEALTH CARE PROFESSIONALS, by Dorothea Hover-Kramer. You may have to

order it. A book that you should be able to find on the shelves at any

large bookstore is ENERGY MEDICINE, by Donna Eden. It provides a good

overview of the human energy field, including the chakras.


Reading about your chakras will help you understand what you will

experience when the Healing Touch nurse works with you. The reason

" Truth " is sometimes called painful is that it can and does cause pain

to say some things, even when they happened a long time ago and are no

longer part of who we are now. When the truth has been buried for a

long time, it can be hard to finally let go of a painful memory.


One of the nice things about Energy work, including Healing Touch, is

that a well-functioning energy field is that we gain insight into who

we really are and what's important and what no longer serves our



I think that you will enjoy your session--or sessions--with the

Healing Touch nurse, and you'll probably find a number of books about

Energy Medicine in the bookstore.


Enjoy your journey.



Joel P. Bowman, Ph.D.

Subtle Communication Systems

Voice: 269-267-1419


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  • 1 month later...

Do you live close to Athens???




Wednesday, August 17, 2005 3:33 PM

new here




I've just joined the list. I live in Alabama (USA) and am looking forward to being here. I've had my second Reiki attunement (for the second time Sunday) but haven't used it enough! I want to use it more now and want to learn more about energy healing! Thanks for having me!


Amira, daughter of Aset

"Walk in beauty and don't step on the faeries!"


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  • 3 weeks later...

When I fast I usually stick to vegetable juices for the first 5 days and then do water for a minimum of 5 if not 18 and then 5 more of juice coming out the other side. This adds up to 28 which is the month of February!


However, I've just noticed I haven't eaten today and I'm feeling really good. I may, MAY, try fasting this week. I've got a raw food preparation class to teach on Saturday, but I already know what the menu will be so I don't have to think about planning.


Keep in touch and let us know what we can do to help you.



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whats up all,

I'm new to this group and i'm now on a water fast, I realize that the hunger comes for me when i'm in stressful situations. I never realy knew that i had emotional ties to food.rogueshae <rogueshae wrote:

Hello all,I'm new here and am trying a 10 day water fast for the first time. The longest I've fasted on water is 4 days. I would appreciate any/all advice you all have on what to expect and how to handle healing crises. Do you all continue working during the entire time of the fast? I found on my previous fast that the temptation to eat was the worst on the 2nd day, but the hunger never completely went away like I expected. Is that just the way it is? Please advise and thank you all for your support.Ro

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Yeah, me too. How long have you been fasting?


, Antwan Penn

<esiasemanuel> wrote:

> whats up all,

> I'm new to this group and i'm now on a water

fast, I realize that the hunger comes for me when i'm in stressful

situations. I never realy knew that i had emotional ties to food.



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Hey, guys.


I don't know if my ties are emotional, but when I fast, I realize

how much I like to eat food. It has nothing to do with hunger, I eat

food that tastes good to me.


And I seem to like things in my mouth. I'm constantly chewing on

pens and such. When I fast, my mouth seems to want to chew all of

the time.


Weird, huh...





, " rogueshae "

<rogueshae> wrote:

> Yeah, me too. How long have you been fasting?


> , Antwan Penn

> <esiasemanuel> wrote:

> > whats up all,

> > I'm new to this group and i'm now on a


> fast, I realize that the hunger comes for me when i'm in stressful

> situations. I never realy knew that i had emotional ties to food.

> >

> >

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Not as weird as me watching the Food Channel while fasting!! I am a raw food chef and some of my best recipes come when I'm fasting. I get fixated on something and try to figure out how to make it in a healthy, uncooked way. Last Feb when I fasted I read my old cook books and tried to figure out how to make some of my favorites raw. When the fast was over and I ate the recipes didn't look nearly as good!!



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I know! When I first fasted, I'd think about food all the time and

look thru magazines for pictures of food. Mmmmmm... And of course,

when I'm fasting is when I realize just how many food commercials

are on TV. There everywhere!


I'm not quite as 'advanced' in my nutrition as you, but I'm

definitely looking more at fruits and vegetables, raw and cooked,

for when I start eating again. I want to have some things in mind

so I don't head immediately for the 'crap' again.




, " SV " <shavig@p...>


> Not as weird as me watching the Food Channel while fasting!! I am


raw food chef and some of my best recipes come when I'm fasting. I

get fixated on something and try to figure out how to make it in a

healthy, uncooked way. Last Feb when I fasted I read my old cook

books and tried to figure out how to make some of my favorites raw.

When the fast was over and I ate the recipes didn't look nearly as



> Shari

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I experience this too. During a fast I will sometimes chew on a wine cork of a clean stick I might find...




ps, Welcome to the group David...David Laws <dlaws wrote:

And I seem to like things in my mouth. I'm constantly chewing onpens and such. When I fast, my mouth seems to want to chew all of the time.Weird, huh...David , "rogueshae" wrote:> Yeah, me too. How long have you been fasting?> > , Antwan Penn > wrote:> > whats up all, > > I'm new to this group and i'm now on awater > fast, I realize that the hunger comes for me when i'm in stressful > situations. I never realy knew that i had emotional ties to food.> > > >

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Hi Ro,


How is your fast going?




, " rogueshae "

<rogueshae> wrote:

> Hello all,

> I'm new here and am trying a 10 day water fast for the first time. The

> longest I've fasted on water is 4 days. I would appreciate any/all

> advice you all have on what to expect and how to handle healing

> crises. Do you all continue working during the entire time of the

> fast? I found on my previous fast that the temptation to eat was the

> worst on the 2nd day, but the hunger never completely went away like I

> expected. Is that just the way it is? Please advise and thank you all

> for your support.


> Ro

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Hey Nakota,

I started my fast again this past Saturday, so its day

3 for me. I'm still hungry...


--- nakotakaia <nakotakaia wrote:


> Hi Ro,


> How is your fast going?


> Nakota


> ,

> " rogueshae "

> <rogueshae> wrote:

> > Hello all,

> > I'm new here and am trying a 10 day water fast for

> the first time. The

> > longest I've fasted on water is 4 days. I would

> appreciate any/all

> > advice you all have on what to expect and how to

> handle healing

> > crises. Do you all continue working during the

> entire time of the

> > fast? I found on my previous fast that the

> temptation to eat was the

> > worst on the 2nd day, but the hunger never

> completely went away like I

> > expected. Is that just the way it is? Please

> advise and thank you all

> > for your support.

> >

> > Ro










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Day 3, good for you! Still hungry.....hmm....well it is not true

hunger. It's the kind of hunger you have if you are an emotional or

recreational eater...if you eat when you are happy, sad or highly

emotional. Or if you eat to celebrate or treat yourself or just eat

out of sheer boredom.


When I first started changing my eating habits and fasting 5 and a

half years ago, I was a recreational eater and I had a trigger. For

instance the only time I was 'hungry' is when I didn't have anything

else to do, when my hands and mind wasn't busy. Also I had a habit of

eating when the tv was on, so that when the tv was off I was fine but

as soon as it came on I had the munchies big time.....tv was my

trigger. As soon as I realized these problems then I could identify

them and when I started fasting I learned the difference between true

hunger and emotional hunger. They are two completely different

sensations. True hunger feels more like thirst, like when you are

thirsty for water (not soda, etc.). The other hunger feels more like

a withdrawl, like when you go on a chocolate binge or soda pop binge,

then stop.....that craving is the same feeling as emotional hunger.


If you are doing a long water fast you will eventually learn what true

hunger feels like.


Best of luck! Keep checking in when you can.




, Kay Dameron

<rogueshae> wrote:

> Hey Nakota,

> I started my fast again this past Saturday, so its day

> 3 for me. I'm still hungry...

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  • 8 months later...
Guest guest

Hi Mary,

Where have you taken classes in Tibetan Crystal Healing? And welcome to the

group. I have had both my babies (teenagers) at home.

Dawn Silver

Jewels of the Lotus Oracle


CreativeBirthing <creativebirthing wrote:

Hi, I haven't introduced myself to the group yet.so thought I should do

that now. My name is Mary,

I have two daughters and five grandchildren. I'm a Level 2 Reiki

Practitioner, Tibetan Crystal Healing and Hypnotherapist. I am also an

Ordained Minister, counselor and I'm a Doula (professional birth asst)

and childbirth educator. I have always loved rocks of any kind and

crystals hold a special place in my heart. I'm learning more and more

about them and trying to get intoned to the ones I have. I'm eager to

learn and be a part of this group. Mary in AZ






The Crystal healing workshop files are online at


some files, photos, and message archives can also be found At:






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  • 5 months later...





Prabhaker <libidusin wrote:

hi everybody. I am new here. nice to be with you all.










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Hello and welcome, Katrin to the group! Relaxation meditation saved me when

I was preparing for surgery!




Katrin Alyss Rosinski <dancingqueen312000 wrote:

I am new here. I am into alternative medicine. I love relaxation








Visit my online art gallery:






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  • 1 month later...

Hi Kelly! So glad you joined us. :-) Looking forward to hearing how Aromatherapy has added value to your life!Welcome to all our other new members too! Please feel free to introduce yourselves. ;-)Cyndi


In a message dated 12/29/2006 6:52:52 P.M. Pacific Standard Time, kelly writes:





I'm Kelly. I met Cyn on the BYB group - hi Cyn!. I'm into aromatherapy and make my own soap, lotion, lip balm and any other salve, etc., we might need.I look forward to meeting you all.



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  • 1 year later...

Hi Amy

Welcome to the group!

Where did you train? It may be they will do a refresher course for

you, or you can check out some CPD courses that you may like to do.

We have just introduced a suppliers data base, but its not covering UK - yet.

As the group is non commercial I wont make suggestions here but please

mail me privately and I'll drop you a line with some supplier




On 13/01/2008, geekgirlie08 <geekgirlie08 wrote:

> Hello, thank you to the moderator for approving my membership here.

> I trained a an aromatherapist over 15 yrs ago and I have been busy

> doing other things for the past 10 yrs. So as you can imagine I am out

> of practice in a big way! I think I will have to start over again

> really, so I am here to learn.

> I want to learn the right way and not from 'novels' so I am hoping to

> soon take Martin Watt's course.

> Can anyone recommend a reputable supplier in the UK as I would like to

> buold up my eo collection. After reading many articles on aromamedical

> I am worried I will get conned!

> Any advice you can give me will be greatly appreciated,

> Amy

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