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Experience Vaidya Naram

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I am Dr. Giovanni Brincivalli, a practicing medical doctor in Italy.

During last year, while my tour with Vaidya Naram, received an urgent

phone call from my mother describing disturbing symptoms signaling a

rise in her blood pressure. I immediately informed Vaidya Naram. He

asked my mother to come to the clinic as soon as possible. Upon

arrival, her blood pressure registered at a dangerously life-

threatening level of 205/115. Vaidya Naram asked her to lie down and

relax, and he began the process of lowering her blood pressure. My

mother was very anxious and apprehensive, causing her blood pressure

to rise to an even more critical level. Within moments, using the

secret art and science of Marma Siddhi techniques, Vaidya Naram was

able to lower her blood pressure. This process was repeated over a

short period of 10 minutes. Subsequently, checking her blood pressure

again, I observed that her blood pressure had been miraculously

brought down by 55 points, registering at 145/84.


I am honored to be in Vaidya Pankaj Naram's presence to learn and

witness the miracles of healing taking place every day. And I am

grateful to him for helping my mother through such a life threatening

situation. " " We are checking her blood pressure daily and after five

days my mother's blood pressure still registers at a healthy level.

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Dear Dr Giovanni

There may be some practise for lowering of blood pressure. I suppose as you

are a doctor you must have encounter such patients of accelarated hypertension.

I too worked in emergency ward for 6 years in a reputed hospital under reputed

consultants of Allopathy. According to the latest hypothesis it is more risky to

lower blood pressure suddenly and it may damage brain.

Vaidya Upadhye




I am Dr. Giovanni Brincivalli, a practicing medical doctor in Italy.


Within moments, using the

secret art and science of Marma Siddhi techniques, Vaidya Naram was

able to lower her blood pressure. This process was repeated over a

short period of 10 minutes. Subsequently, checking her blood pressure

again, I observed that her blood pressure had been miraculously

brought down by 55 points, registering at 145/84.

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ayurveda , " brincivallig "

<brincivallig wrote:


> I am Dr. Giovanni Brincivalli, a practicing medical doctor in Italy.

> During last year, while my tour with Vaidya Naram, received an urgent

> phone call from my mother describing disturbing symptoms signaling a

> rise in her blood pressure. I immediately informed Vaidya Naram.



This post and another that was posted a few days ago about the

miraculous cures of P. Naram reminds me of when I was a girl my

mother's friend took us to see a lady in our neighborhood in Brooklyn.

That lady was a well-known healer; she was a person who gave holy

water to cure any possible disease. She put a

Silver statue of the Virgin Mary in water and then gave this water to

the patients to drink and put on their aches and pains. When you went

to see her she rubbed this water on your forehead and on your hands

while saying some

Hail Mary's. Everyday people lined up outside her house and people

were always talking about how she had cured their diseases, cancer,

arthritis, diabetes, she could cure anything and many people swore by

her. That lady got rich selling holy water. Eventually she was

arrested and charged with extorting thousands of dollars from some

people who had been her devotees, she had threatened to put a curse on

them if they did not give her a lot of money, and it came out that she

had threatened many people over the years.


Since that time I have been interested in that type of phenomenon and

have studied many such cases. One of my favorite cases in recent years

has been the case of the Filipino Psychic surgeon Alex Orbito. This is

a man who has been traveling around the world curing many people with

serious diseases such as cancer, cancer is his specialty, and he uses

psychic surgery to cut out the cancer. He has treated thousands of

people, he fully books in every place he goes and has become very

wealthy. He has been arrested in many countries, several years ago he

was arrested in Canada and thrown out of the country. He had seen

dozens of people in Canada, after his arrest the government did a

study on the many cancer patients he had seen where he claimed to have

cut out their cancers, every person who had his treatment had not had

their cancer removed or effected in any way, yet many of the patients

who had the treatments continued to tell the press and TV that they

had been cured of cancer. A Toronto newspaper told the story of two of

those patients who died of their cancers within a year of having the

Orbito treatment, both continued to believe they had their cancer

cured for many months.


Orbito went to India and the story of his Indian trip reveals many of

the problems with these kinds of people. Orbito got support from many

people, politicians, police officers, and doctors, none of whom really

knew anything about Orbito. There is an article about Orbito in India

at the address below. Hundreds of people who had the treatments around

the world have reported that the so-called surgery did nothing for

them yet many also claim to have been healed.




Here is a list of many articles on cults and false healers. Every

country in the world has many such people.




Another interesting case I have been following is the case of the

President of Gambia, Yahyan Jammah. He has claimed to have developed a

cure for AIDS. He has set up clinics and hospitals in the country

where he gives the medicine. He has refused to allow outside observers

to observe any of the cases or to explain exactly what he is giving

the patients. Many patients in the early days came forward and told

they had not been cured, but now it is very dangerous to say such

things in Gambia as you will probably go to jail, some of the patients

have been beat up and some others have disappeared. A few patients who

immigrated from Gambia have told their stories even though it has been

said that if a patient goes to another country and criticizes the

President's cures their families left in the country will be in

danger. Although no one knows what is being given or if it really does

anything still hundreds of patients from other countries try to go to

Gambia to get the medicine. There are people all over the world who

claim to cure AIDS.


There are people curing every disease from blindness to cancer with

everything from magic pills, holy water, laying on of hands, in Japan

people go to a volcanic mud bath and supposedly get cured of all kinds

of diseases, In Mexico City thousands of people go every day to the

Basilica of Guadalupe some crawling for miles on their hands and knees

to get a glimpse of the Virgin of Guadalupe praying to be healed of

their many mental and physical diseases, there is another healing spot

in Mexico City near the Alameda subway station where an image of Mary

is supposed to have appeared in the cement of the sidewalk in the

subway station, most people know about the shrines of Lourdes and

Fatima. There is a Taoist monk in Taiwan who is claimed to be 200

years old, he gives pieces of paper containing scriptures, people are

told to sleep with this paper under their pillow and they will be

healed of any disease they may have, people go from all over the world

to Taiwan for those pieces of paper. I read about a case of people

selling holy ash in Delhi who claims it cures any disease. There is a

temple in Karnataka where people go to let the rats run across their

feet in hopes of getting a cure.


Thousands of such examples could be given of non-scientific cures from

disease; each of these examples will have people who claim to have

been healed of their disease using this or that method. What is a

physician to think of these things?


There are no studies on any of this and most scientists and physicians

avoid such things like the plague. A few years ago when Dr. Kumar

posted on P. Naram I contacted him telling him my experience and he

put me in touch with Dr. Patil who told me a lot about Naram, I began

to see Naram in the category of these many cases of extra medical

cures. It is clear from the post the poster made about his mother's

BP, that Naram is not practicing Ayurveda he is practicing some kind

of magic, I was told by Dr. Patil that Naram is a tantric and has a

black tantric guru. I do not really know what black tantra is but have

been told that it is a system that uses symbols and substances to try

to control others for your advantage, such concepts are the darkest

part of human consciouness, why would anyone try to control another to

their disadvantage and your advantage. In my opinion this is the

opposite of the mentality of a physician.

The craving for money, fame, and power is not a healing attitude

toward life.


I have always wondered why those who support Naram have never really

asked themselves why Naram has all of these magic cures from disease.

On one hand he claims that he uses classic Ayurveda medicines and

classic true Ayurvedic panchakarma, if this is true then why does he

have all of these hundreds of miraculous cures using the same

techniques others use and they do not get miraculous cures. If one

goes to the Arya Vaidya Sala web site they do not claim to cure cancer

or AIDS, in fact they say that those diseases are incurable and that

their approach is to clean out and support the body so that the

patient can have a better quality of life. I always heard that Siddhi

powers were something that only a few have achieved and only then

after years of study and austerities, if Siddhi is something anyone

can pick up from books then why doesn't Naram teach it to all of his

students and the rest of the world? In cases like Naram's one has no

idea what is real and what is not except that what ever is going on it

isn't Ayurveda or any other medical science. It has much more to do

with modern marketing techniques, magic, and faith healing mixed up

with some Ayurvedic medicines and therapies.


Ayurveda is a science not magic.

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ayurveda , ajeya upadhye

<ajeyaupadhye wrote:

> There may be some practise for lowering of blood pressure. I

suppose as you are a doctor you must have encounter such patients of

accelarated hypertension. I too worked in emergency ward for 6 years

in a reputed hospital under reputed consultants of Allopathy.

According to the latest hypothesis it is more risky to lower blood

pressure suddenly and it may damage brain.




Any physician has seen reactive states where the blood pressure

suddenly soars. This is caused by rapid release of catecholomines like

adrenaline. Some patients with imbalances in brain chemistry have

panic reactions and other reactive states caused by excess

catecholomines. Such states can subside as rapidly as they started, in

fact many patients have several of these reactive states in one day.

It is surprising to me that a person who claims to be a physician is

not familiar with these types of cases. It is an ordinary loss of

control of the energy which one frequently sees in ageing people with

arrythmia problems or other electrical problems in the heart, like

A-fib. My mother has A-fib and her blood pressure soars and her pulse

suddenly goes up to over 120, sometimes she just as suddenly converts

and goes back to her normal upper 50 pulse, she can convert in most

cases within 30 minutes or an hour, although she has been hospitalized

with A-fib and once it took her over 24 hours to convert. These are

commonly seen cases.

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Dear Dr.G.Brincivalli,

I think such reduction of blood-pressure can be induced by carotid body massage,

which is a known procedure to cardiologists.

The forum will be more interested to know for how long the blood-pressure of

your mother stayed at 145/84 after Naram's techniques ? Did in not rise again

thereafter ever ?

What is status of her blood-pressure now ? Do you do the Naram style massage to

keep her blood-pressure in check ?

Does she not take any anti-hypertensive (blood-pressure reducing) medicines ?



M.D.Ayurveda-Medicine (Mumbai-India)

< dahpc >




Wednesday, March 05, 2008 6:15 PM

<ayurveda> Experience Vaidya Naram



I am Dr. Giovanni Brincivalli, a practicing medical doctor in Italy.

During last year, while my tour with Vaidya Naram, received an urgent

phone call from my mother describing disturbing symptoms signaling a

rise in her blood pressure. I immediately informed Vaidya Naram. He

asked my mother to come to the clinic as soon as possible. Upon

arrival, her blood pressure registered at a dangerously life-

threatening level of 205/115. Vaidya Naram asked her to lie down and

relax, and he began the process of lowering her blood pressure. My

mother was very anxious and apprehensive, causing her blood pressure

to rise to an even more critical level. Within moments, using the

secret art and science of Marma Siddhi techniques, Vaidya Naram was

able to lower her blood pressure. This process was repeated over a

short period of 10 minutes. Subsequently, checking her blood pressure

again, I observed that her blood pressure had been miraculously

brought down by 55 points, registering at 145/84.


I am honored to be in Vaidya Pankaj Naram's presence to learn and

witness the miracles of healing taking place every day. And I am

grateful to him for helping my mother through such a life threatening

situation. " " We are checking her blood pressure daily and after five

days my mother's blood pressure still registers at a healthy level.








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  • 3 weeks later...
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Dear Liz & Ajay & all,


You people are confusing healers, psychic things & stuff like that with what

Vaidya Pankaj Naram does. He does not do any miracle or some magical trick.


What he does is use the centuries-old science of " Marma-Vidya " of Ayurveda.

Marmas are certian vital points in our body physiology. Its a complete thorough

science which can studied, understood and practiced.


I request u all to do a research on the subject, maybe to correspond with

Vaidya Naram, before confusing his treatment with flimsy things.


Its like doctors of the Royal Society laughing at J. Z. Holwell, M.D., F.R.S.,

presenting a paper there, in 1767, saying that the Brahmins in India practice

inoculation of small pox since ancinet times and " They lay it down as a

principle, that the immediate (or instant) cause of the smallpox .......... is

multitudes of imperceptible animalculae floating in the atmosphere; that these

are the cause of all epidemical diseases... "


The Royal Society doctors had no idea of existence of germs ( " imperceptible

animalculae floating in the atmosphere " ) as this concept was alien to them !!!

They were laughing that

the Brahmin Vaidyas of India are fooling people about some non-existing

" imperceptible " organisms !!! ........................ Years later, when Loius

Pasteur & Jenner's works established the Germ Theory of Disease, Allopathy

appropriated it as an 'Allopathic' or Modern concept !!!!!!!!!!!!!


The Marma-Vidya, of India's Ayruveda, is a fully explained and throrugh

science, not some magic of the so-called healers !!!


Vaidya Pankaj Naram is one of the best experts of this in present times.



Mumbai, India

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Dear Yashendra

You have address your post to me. For your information I have never participated

in discussion regarding Vaidya Naram. What I have written about the sudden

lowering of Blood pressure by any means is dangerous. Here I wish to clear my

out look. I am not at all interested in writing at personal level. I do not know

Vaidya Naram. I heard about him through this forum. In my view making allegation

against any body or defaming a person with out giving him a chance to defend is

a sort of crime.

I think if Vaidya Naram is an expert in Marma vidyan then he will be a great

help for Ayurveda. If you know him personally then please ask him to en roll in

this forum and write about his experience. If his knowledge is going to help

mankind and Ayurveda then it dose not matter for me if he is a Vaidya or not as

claimed by some writer of this forum.

Vaidya Upadhye




You people are confusing healers, psychic things & stuff like that with what

Vaidya Pankaj Naram does. He does not do any miracle or some magical


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Dear All,

I too would like to add my voice in defending Dr Naram. I have been going to him

for the last one year for help for asthma and rheumatoid arthritis, and I must

say that I have experienced considerable relief. First, because i learnt that it

was faulty eating that was primarily responsible for my asthma (which I

contracted only two years back). He put me on a strict diet which was wheat-free

and milk-free as well as vegetarian. I was also given ayurvedic medicine. Thanks

to that I am today virtually free of the mucus build-up that used to affect me.

I have also seen his marma work in action and have personally benefitted from it

to free myself of spondilitis. He has also been helping hundreds of mentally

retarded children to improved their capacities with this process. Many of his

patients see him as a god.

I do feel that his medicine is very expensive, but otherwise I have no doubt at

all that he is an excellent vaidya.

Suma Varughese, Mumbai

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Probably Dr Naram doesn't need defending - we all have our favourite Drs and

if we have good results then it is good to share the good news - I thought

medications were very cheap in India so I cannot understand why medications

should be expensive for anyone over there, perhaps he treats only the rich

or the elite? How do you know that this Dr has helped hundreds of retarded

children? Have you seen them before and afterwards - it would be very

interesting to hear how Ayurveda can reduce retardation in children and

interesting to know why there might be hundreds of retarded children in the

first place?


How sad that patients even in Ayurveda see their Dr as a god - this is

something that Allopathy practises strongly and I thought it was lovely that

the Vaidya would be a friend rather than a god.






> I too would like to add my voice in defending Dr Naram. I have been going

> to him for the last one year for help for asthma and rheumatoid arthritis,

> and I must say that I have experienced considerable relief. First, because

> i learnt that it was faulty eating that was primarily responsible for my

> asthma (which I contracted only two years back). He put me on a strict

> diet which was wheat-free and milk-free as well as vegetarian. I was also

> given ayurvedic medicine. Thanks to that I am today virtually free of the

> mucus build-up that used to affect me.

> I have also seen his marma work in action and have personally benefitted

> from it to free myself of spondilitis. He has also been helping hundreds

> of mentally retarded children to improved their capacities with this

> process. Many of his patients see him as a god.

> I do feel that his medicine is very expensive, but otherwise I have no

> doubt at all that he is an excellent vaidya.

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Hundreds is an exaggeration. I think the exact number is 70. I know that he

treats them because I saw him at it, and also spoke with one of the parents who

told me that their son, who was violent and irrepressible is today virtually on

the border side of normal, with an ability to speak in four languages and knows

500 Hindi songs. They look up to Dr Naram, and it is quite undrstandable since

allopathy had not given them solutions.



Probably Dr Naram doesn't need defending - we all have our favourite Drs and if

we have good results then it is good to share the good news

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I am just speculating here but maybe he gets the medicines in

quantity and then resells them at a higher markup. That is common

practice at naturopathic and chiropractic clinics and other clinics.





- I thought medications were very cheap in India so I cannot understand why

medications should be expensive for anyone over there, perhaps he treats only

the rich or the elite?

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If a business man lives in a mansion and has several cars and drivers

and many servants, living a life of luxury, then he will have to

charge a lot for his medicines. Just go to the Malad clinic and you

will get the picture of why the medicines are so expensive. Naram

lives like a potentate not like a physician. When the medicines get

here to US the price is unbelievable. I constantly hear complaints

about the cost of the Naram medicines, especially since he prescribes

each patient to take many medicines. Selling medicines is his business.


This brings up an interesting point; Naram gives many medicines, one

patient told me she took 17 different medicines at one time, he gives

many more to rich people than he does to poor people. Does this mean

that he practices a higher type of medicine for rich people or does it

mean that rich people get better results from taking the medicines?

Naram claims he gets the same results with the medicines in all class

of people, so then why should rich people take more medicines. He also

claims to cure the most serious diseases with medicines alone, he

presents these cases all the time as proof that he can cure anything

from AIDS to cancer to mental illness with his magic medicines. I

heard him say that he cures AIDS with certain medicines. So what is

the purpose of taking many more medicines, changing diet, or doing

Panchkarma if people have gotten cured by taking particular medicines.

He has stated thousands of times that he has cured thousands of people

with every type of disease with his medicines, he goes on TV and

claims such things. There are countless cases that he has claimed to

cure of disease who changed nothing in diet or lifestyle and who took

no Shodhana therapies. Everything about Naram does not make common

sense but most people who go to him seem not to question these

rediculous contradictions. That is except those who got no results

whatsoever or who were harmed by taking all of those medicines, and

there are many of those. Taking many contradictory medicines at the

same time is bound to cause problems.


As far as the so called Marma chikitsa that Naram practices. it is

nothing but a performance. Everyone of intelligence I have talked to

about that one trick of straightening the spine that he uses has

laughed at it. You would have to see this one to believe it, he claims

to straighten the spine in about one minute, everyone watches this and

gasps in amazement. The problem is that if you perform the trick he

does ten minutes later the spine will need adjustment again. This like

many of the tricks of Naram are just to trick people into thinking he

is something wonderful. It is true that if you talk to many of the

Naram patients they praise him, but many more curse him for the fact

of having been tricked by his song and dance. The biggest frauds in

the world get people to support them but the fact of them being frauds

does not change.


My advise is to simply use your common sense, ask yourself what is the

real meaning behind the Naram show? What makes this better than all

other Ayurveda, as he and his advocates claim? Why has a person who

has never studied medicine been able to develop a medical practice

that is better than that practiced by any other real Vaidya? He can

not even discuss medicine. Go to one of his talks and listen carefuly

and ask a few simple questions about the technical aspects of disease,

medicines, pathology, or theraputics and you will see for yourself.

Once you have his knowledge of medicine demonstrated then consider the

fact that Naram is a long time student of self promotion techniques of

people like Tony Robbins then the whole Naram phenomenon will become



I am simply pointing out that not everything one hears about something

is necessarily true. Millions of people buy useless or bogus products

every day just because the company has a good advertising campaign. No

one can know if what I say or what Naram says is the truth on the

matter, I am just raising a warning to be alert and don't allow

yourself to fall into the trap of believeing the advertising on

anything. There are people all over the world making lots of money

selling false hope to vulnerable people. This is why I keep warning

people about Naram.




> I am just speculating here but maybe he gets the medicines in

> quantity and then resells them at a higher markup. That is common

> practice at naturopathic and chiropractic clinics and other clinics.

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The AmritVeda people came to Jacksonville, FL (2004) & I had a check

up with the Vaidya. I forgot his name. He took a pulse reading &

prescribed some meds which they were selling. The bill came to about

100 bucks. In the end I did not get any of the meds which they were

supposed to send me via mail. I called up the number listed in the

site a few times and I could never get through. I was planning to call

up my credit card company to dispute the charges. Eventually other

things took over in my life (health) & I forgot about it.

When I was reading about Dr. Naram in the files section, the AmritVeda

reference seemed pretty familiar.


After the experience I felt that they were taking advantage of people

who are into yoga (lots in the US). They tie up with yoga studio's.

The yoga studio that I went to where they conducted this clinic was in

a part of town where lots of rich people live.

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ayurveda , " harish " <harish6 wrote:


> The AmritVeda people came to Jacksonville, FL (2004)


To be fair, the AmritaVeda people are not associated with Pankaj Naram

now. At one time they were associated and they sold the Ayushakti

medicines, but from what I have heard there was a falling out between

the two groups.


All information that has been around about the AmritaVeda people is

that they are just like the Naram group. Completely unqualified

business people trying to exploit the popularity of Ayurveda. From my

understanding they have entered into business with some Vaidya's from

India and set up clinics where they prescribe medicines. This type of

business is becoming very popular. Unfortunatly there are many

Vaidya's who are having trouble setting up their practices in India,

who would be very happy to enter into agreements with foreigners to go

to western countries and see patients. It is a wonderful boon for

them, they could never make such money setting in their clinics in India.

My biggest objection to such practices is that such practices can end

up harming the name of Ayurveda. Already Pankaj Naram has harmed the

name of Ayurveda in the US. I often hear complaints from people in the

US who complain about the sales techniques of the Naram people, the

cost of the medicines, the lack of results, etc. Several people told

me that they took the over priced medicines and got no benefit. I

always try to explain to them that Ayurveda is much more than simply

taking some pills. In the minds of many people this type of Ayurveda

is all they know about Ayurveda and they end up with a negative

impression of Ayurveda as a medical science. Many of these medicine

salesmen promote their medicines to cure AIDS as an example, and then

many AIDS patients show up at these portable clinics and buy medicines

and go home and take them with no benefit whatsoever. All of those

patients tell many other people their experience with 'Ayurveda', and

before you know it there is a public sentiment that Ayurveda is snake



This morning I was discussing this issue with the Kumars, and Dr.

Vipin Kumar, who has watched the development of modern Ayurvedic

practice in Kerala for the past 60 years, said that in the old days

many Vaidyas made their own medicines or got them from the famous

families or other local people who handmade medicines. Slowly more and

more business men realized that there was money in Ayurvedic medicines

so they started making products with no regard to quality. Over time

many Vaidya's started using these cheaper medicines and the quality of

results declined and patients for this and other reasons, started

going to the Allopaths, traditional medicine became a second rate

system in the minds of ordinary people. This is one of the reasons why

there is so much controversy about bhasmas. Dr Kumar said that for

many years he has advised people not to take bhasmas from the

marketplace, because he saw many negative effects from those products.

One should have total faith, and not just blind faith, in those who

manufacture medicines before using their products. There is too much

fraud, carelessness, shortcutting, etc. in the medicine manufacturing

industry. Dr. Kumar fears that Ayurveda is going the way that

Allopathy has where the pharmacutical industry has taken over the

medical profession and doctors have become little more than salesmen

for the big drug companies.


Dr Kumar who is an old style practioner, uses few medicines in his

practice and prefers to use fresh plant juices and extractions, and

home made oils. He does not believe in the use of modern herbal

extracts, which are popular even with many respected companies here in

Kerala. He believes that this process destroys many of the aromatic

properties and the alkyloids in herbs. He also says that many

processed herbs like in churnas lose their potency because of being

kept too long. He says that he believes that any herb which is dried

and ground into a fine powder then kept for many months before being

encapsulated or presssed into pills, then sets on the shelf of the

shop or the doctors office for many more months, has lost most of its

potency. Also he says that herbs should never be pulverized in any

manner that generates heat in the process, which is often done.

Actually he makes many complaints about many modern techniques for

preparing Ayurvedic medicines as well as the distrubution and storing

methods commonly used. He points out that many oils and medicines that

contain oils are frequently rancid when they get to the patient. Take

a dose of fresh squeezed tulsi or amla juice and it is clear that this

is a very different substance from the many tulsi and amla products

most frequently consumed. Take a spoonful of properly prepared

Chyavanprash and compare it's wonderful very balanced taste to the

unpleasently sour over sweet stuff sold by most companies.


Last week my dear friend Dr. Rupa Kumar, the daughter of Dr. Vinod

Kumar, took me to a lady who prepares coconut and sesame (gingelly)

oil in small batches using traditional techniques. These oils are used

for medical, cosmetic, religious, and kitchen purposes. They can not

be compared to mass produced oils at all, they are beautiful and have

a lovely fragrance, the coconut oil is wonderful and has the most

delicious fragrance and one could eat it by the spoonful.


There are medicines and there are medicines. No medicine no matter how

greatly conceived is magic but a medicine made from good quality

herbs, prepared in a proper manner, and used before losing it's

potency is a great blessing to patients who are suffering disease

symptoms. Unfortuanately the important point for medicine

manufacturers is often only their bottom line and quality and the

welfare of the patient gets pushed to the side. It is a shame to see

Ayurveda being taken over by drug salesman. This is what has destroyed

what was valuable in the Allopathic system.



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