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Mouth bad breath and sneezing smell

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My wife is complaining about a kind of smell from my mouth even

immedeatly after brushing. I'm healthy and have no problems except

hypertension and taking medicines. I'm using Listerene mouth rinse

regularly twice a day. I live in USA.


Only change is that, recently (Aug-2007)I started taking Triphala

and Suddha guggulu, one capsule each after lunch and also after

dinner. Even my sneezing is also smelly, I have noticed this after

started taking these medicines, and wanted to know whether this is

from using these medicines? As I know there should not be any contra

indications for these herbal medicines. I have stopped taking

guggulu for the past 1 month, but continuing Triphala. I'm taking

Harde from Zandu for the past 3 days, and I have no constipation,

but taking as a detoxification medicine. But this foul smell from

sneezing and bad breath is there for the past 3-4 months, that's the

time I have started taking Tripahala and guggulu, hence these doubts.


Except hypertension I have no problems, why this foul smell. Please

let me know many suggestions from viadhyas, this is bothering me

alot, and also a hurdle at workplace, awaiting many more solutions

to resolve this issue.

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Dear Mr Kumar

Your problem is due to the Pitta dosha. Because Pitta dosha has a characteristic

Gandha guna termed as Visra.

I will advice you to start Arogyavardhini tab by Baidhyanath pharma, 2 tablets

with pure ghee [ 1tease spoonful] before breakfast,lunch and dinner. Stop taking

Triphala churna. If you wish good deoxidant then try fresh fruits. I think with

in 15 days you will get satisfactory results.

I will appreciate if you can send your birth details [time,date and place] They

are for my study.

Vaidya Upadhye



Vaidya Upadhye


My wife is complaining about a kind of smell from my mouth even

immedeatly after brushing. I'm healthy and have no problems except

hypertension and taking medicines. I'm using Listerene mouth rinse

regularly twice a day. I live in USA.

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Listerine is damaging to the mucous membranes which will not help your

condition. Apart from other aspects of harm Listerine will dry out your

mouth whereas moisture will help keep your mouth healthy. Cleaning your

teeth with plain simple soap has proved to be more effective than anything

else for keeping teeth and mouth healthy. When my daughter had a similar

problem she was found to have an infection in her nose and possibly in her

sinuses. To reduce sinus involvement eliminating milk from the diet can

help together with Pranayama and Hatha. Water intake should be at least 2

litres a day. Diet will be a contributing factor in your problem.




> My wife is complaining about a kind of smell from my mouth even

> immedeatly after brushing. I'm healthy and have no problems except

> hypertension and taking medicines. I'm using Listerene mouth rinse

> regularly twice a day. I live in USA.

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Thanks Upadhye for your suggestions. Can I know the rational behind

stopping Triphala, as this controls all the tridoshas, and a good

tonic per any ayurvedhic sites and vaidhyas. And no where it's

mentioned that bad breath and sneezing smell is due to Triphala.

Can you through somemore insite is appreciated.


I have habit of consuming fresh fruits (like pears, oranges, grapes,

etc.,) daily and even fresh vegetable salads for years before and

after lunch. I also take nuts like pistachios, cashews in moderate

every day / week.


Vaidhyas please let me know if you have treated a situation like

this. Many thanks in advance...


> Your problem is due to the Pitta dosha. Because Pitta dosha has a

characteristic Gandha guna termed as Visra.

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Mr. Kumar, It may be known to you, but I'll mention it in case it is

not. Drinks must be swished around the mouth many,many times to embed

some saliva into them. Food must be masticated/chewed 32 times each bite.

Maybe mint teas would be of assistance. Mint is always inspiring. best

of luck, Chamae

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Dear Kumar

Thanks for queries

I do have treated with sucess the cases like yours.

I think you are mixing many things. I have written that if you are taking

Triphala as an anti oxidant then it is better to have fresh fruits. Triphala

will never cause bad breath nor it is harmful even you have taken it lifelong.


Triphala churna is used specifically as mild laxative [ Pitta shodhana].


If you wish Triphala should act as Rasayana [ anti oxidant or tonic] then you

have to use it in adequate doses and with specific ways.


Triphala controls all Trodosha is a blanket statement. If it is true then there

is no need of any medicines except Triphala.


Ayurveda says Nastimulam anaushadham


That means every plant is a medicine but that should be used in proper situation

and adequate doses.


Hence I think using Triphala in your case is is not required.


Vaidya Upadhye


Can I know the rational behind

stopping Triphala, as this controls all the tridoshas, and a good

tonic per any ayurvedhic sites and vaidhyas.

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