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, " KeshiaAlexander "

<dandkalexander wrote:


> Pleased to be in the company of all Gods people, I'm looking for an

> alternative way of successfully treating ADHD. My 11 year old son


> diagnosed at 8 years old. Happy Thanksgiving to all!





Hello Keshia,

You can naturally fight ADHD by simply changing the food your son

consumes. Kind of like the saying you are what you eat. Your

nutritional intake reflects your mood swings, emotions, and the

overall way you feel. What you eat also affects your biochemical

state and is reflected in the actions you perform. There are many

different foods that can help/hurt a person that has ADHD, knowing

these foods is important to improve ones condition. The best source I

have found on to naturally fighting ADHD is the e-book below. This e-

book puts what I have written in the above into perpective.


Add to C3 Kids


(if link is not active copy and paste the complete address into the

address bar)


Hopefully this will help your son with his ADHD, it has helped a few

people in my family.


Have a great day,


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Biofeedback is also a wonderful tool for ADD/ADHD/ID/OCD and Autism. I use them

in my practice frequently and with good results. Diet is essential. Dr. Feingold

has a great diet for reducing symptoms and bad behaviors.


Jenny K



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, " Emily Young "

<eyoung33 wrote:


> Nutrition! please consider a brain mapping study to sort out


> needed to reverse your son's ADHD! It is proven.






> On Behalf Of


> Friday, November 24, 2006 11:52 PM






> Pleased to be in the company of all Gods people, I'm looking for


> alternative way of successfully treating ADHD. My 11 year old son


> diagnosed at 8 years old. Happy Thanksgiving to all!



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Merry meet,


I'm from an ADD ADHD family. Our conditions have always been kept in

check through our diets and not so much through man made medications. I myself

believe that earth mother holds the key to all that ails and ADD or ADHD is a

good example.


My brother could not have red dye #40 because of the amount of sugar used to

make the dye.


My other brother has never been on Ritalin or the like and is ADHD as well, he

has been on a healthy and stable diet his whole life. He has never had a problem

with his ADD controlling him as I and my other brother did.


Low carbs, low sweeteners. Limit the things that would produce over amounts of



Personally, I am ADD and I have a diet routine that I stick to. Tea and soda

with little sugar and a moderate amount of fruit and vegetables are my main

aspect. I do not eat a lot of sweets (I never have), I also have a meditation

and yoga routine which helps me push out the stress of the day. I highly

recommend encouraging your child to have a " time out " set aside each day where

they sit down to read a book, draw or something similar. Not video games or TV

time, this time is really to encourage their stability and focuses their

attention on themselves, in time they'll understand they're own perks and

weaknesses, but for now taking the time out can help them learn to focus their



My therapy with my ADD is art, I'm not great in Math but I excelled in English

and art. I suggest focusing on strengths as much as you would on weaknesses.


The key really isn't in medication or herbology, it's self discipline and

acceptance. No one that I have ever known that is ADD or ADHD has ever truly

benefited from medications as a child. Granted those that develop bi-polar later

in life do benefit. It's the habits that you learn as a child that help you to

recognize anything that may change and turn later on in life.


From my own personal experience, it is better to use learned behavior then

medication unless it can not be avoided. There are other ways of course, diet

and whatnot. But if my brothers and I can do it, we feel that anyone can.


Blessed be,

Jade Cat





Jade Cat

Find me on MySpace.com








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As far as I can tell after several years of

looking into the subject ADHD is both real

and grossly over-diagnosed.


Send a blank email to


to get a series of helpful articles in the mail,

one a day.

I should get back to writing a few more...


In ADDled friendship


Ien in the Kootenays




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  • 1 year later...

Dear All,


Warm wishes for a very happy new year and regret my long silence in

this forum...I've had good reasons for the same!


After undergoing visits to a Clinical pyschologist, Peadiatric

Neurologist etc, my son has been labelled as a kid with ADHD.


Maybe this particular issue has been discussed earlier but I would

request some fresh insights on the same and a possible Ayurvedic

approach to treating this " disorder " . Not that there have been any

drugs prescribed for my son yet, but I am totally against any brain

altering medication which will almost certainly have lot of side

effects in the long run...


I request all the learned members for their insights into this as my

son will begin schooling at a regular school soon and I want to get

way ahead of this problem before the schooling begins. While I am on

the subject, I have also had it upto my neck with all the advise

for " special schools " .


Thanks a ton, any inputs will help relieve my anxiety to a great





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Dear Bhairve

I would like to help by all possible way. I use to read horoscope for diagnosis

and treatment. Please send detail history of your son along with birth details

[time.date and place]

I will write you back my reading and corelation with disease and treatment on

this forum.

Vaidya Upadhye






After undergoing visits to a Clinical pyschologist, Peadiatric

Neurologist etc, my son has been labelled as a kid with ADHD.

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I would like to know a few things like:

Where do you live

What symptoms did he have

how old is he

School has been suggesting this about my son, but I hate the ADHD thing

My son is very bright and gets bored with the usual school atmosphere.

If you live in Canada or the US you could try a montessouri school where kids

learn hands on and self directed and do not get bored.

If he has restless legs - wiggles all night you can try iron suppliment.

Do not let him spend too much time on video games

keep him physically active

play brain stimulating games with him

give him lots of books to read

talk to him a lot

teach him interactively.

Give him herbs like brahmi and organic foods

avoid foods with color

lots of fruits and vegetables and dal



After undergoing visits to a Clinical pyschologist, Peadiatric

Neurologist etc, my son has been labelled as a kid with ADHD.

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Perhaps meditation and EFT would work.





After undergoing visits to a Clinical pyschologist, Peadiatric

Neurologist etc, my son has been labelled as a kid with ADHD.

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ADHD affecting 5% of world population.most common diagnosed

in children,increasing diagnosed adult also.according to modern

science its a neurological disorder.

psycological factor like anxiety,family-school stress,also

leads the disease.sometime mother's anxiety and diet factor also

become causative become factor.

abhyang-swedan(pre action of panchakarma),nasya(part of

panchkarma) meditation(not yoga) may helpful for adhd.

kindly consult nearest panchkarma clinic.


dr piyush shah




> My child has been recently diagnosed with ADHD. And the doctors

are trying to put her on medication. I don't want to give her any

medicine. Is there anything in Ayurveda which will help her?

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I would try removing anything with food dyes (like red dye #40-hot dogs,

jello)?from his diet and see if there is improvement.? Have you looked at the

diet/brain connection?? There's lots on the web--drugs are not the answer.? It

is often a biochemical cause from eating the wrong foods.? Try the Ayurvedic

diet for his body type.



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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

hi group!

I am adding some conventional knowledge. adhd is is quite complex and is not one

issue only.

there is a good side to being adhd. it means thinking visually, having an

immense drive, and the ability to hyper-focus. that right, to focus more than

others! they can store vast amounts of knowledge- but they don't know how to

access the details out of the salad that is in the brain. these kids are ether

the great achievers of the next generation or the bums of the next generation.

its important to know that adhd kids (and grownups- you don't grow out of it-

you learn to live with it and turn it to an advantage) are either on or off.

they ether love you or hate you. there is no in between, no middle ground. so

motivation is the key. if they really want to attain a goal - they will shake

the world and attain it. ideals are the way to go.

as an educator, I know these kids have a hard time in school. they thrive on

external discipline- because they don't have it internally. that's why they

excel in the police & army. soft parents or teachers are bad for them. they need

to follow a strong personality who gives them love and support- but insists on

achievement. they not only need it- they love it!

my experience shows that a good iridologist can give a custom diet & that works.

standerd diets work 20% of the time, but its healthy anyway- so do it.

many adhd kids have sensiomotor problems. better to do OT, than to take ritalin.

more on that some other time.

maybe Andrew can tell us more about TCM and adhd. I would very much like to hear

his opinion, his essays are great.


that's it for today folks.


may you all be well,







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