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Reasons for low platelet count

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Hi all,


My mother suddenly started getting bruises in some

locations in her body for no reason. In addition to

bruises she started getting small red spots, tiny

spots on legs and hands. Doctors said it is due to

reduced platelet count.


Doctors then diagonized the condition as Purpura. She

has been given Immunoglobin doses and also some

steriods. But her count will be ok for one or two days

like 1 lakh to 1.5 lakhs and then again it drops to a

very dangerous level of below 10000.


Doctors are advising removal of spleen as they are

telling that spleen is eating up all the platelets.

She doesn't have Dengue fever. Tests have confirmed



Can anyone throw some light on the same as to why this

condition occurs. Is there any other way of increasing

the platelet count in any system of medicine . Any

kind of natural medicines will help her in any way.


Please advise, this is very urgent. Your help will be

highly appreciated.


Thanks and Regards,








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Vitamin K, will increase the platelets… and Papaya leaves should help

with Dengue fever … but you really need to get her to an Ayurvedic

specialist to hone in on her constitution… Noel

ayurveda , Aruna Lingegowda <arunal



> Hi all,


> My mother suddenly started getting bruises in some

> locations in her body for no reason. In addition to

> bruises she started getting small red spots, tiny

> spots on legs and hands. Doctors said it is due to

> reduced platelet count.

<snip>> Can anyone throw some light on the same as to why this

> condition occurs. Is there any other way of increasing

> the platelet count in any system of medicine . Any

> kind of natural medicines will help her in any way.

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From this distance, author is sensing heat in her body, she is suffering from

raised pitta dosha. [Y'day 10 have died due to heat wave].


The calf muscles and the forearm are the most common sites for those spots.


When platellates count goes down, the ability to form clots and stop

blood flow from a wound reduces. People who have sunlight allergy

often suffer by reddish spots on skin, which take

brownish/marron/violet color after some time and blackish after few

days. After bath, when skin is rubbed with towel, then too such

reddish regions develop for sensitive people.


From ayurvedic angle, when pitta increases, the thin walls of blood

vessels become fragile, cant withstand any pressure or shock and due

to their breakage causes internal bleeding. Blood does not coagulate

quickly, causing more flow. If you test the blood, reduced platellate

counts will be observed. Platellates cause sealing of the breakage of

micro arteries, just as M-seal can be applied to a leaking water pipe

joint for sealing. When platellates reduce, they loose coagulation

and clotting propery, causing loss of blood due to delayed sealing.


Lost blood accumulation gives brownish color after some time, and

when blood cells finally die, blackish color as a result of

stagnation. Most medications for acidity, pain-killers cause

increased internal bleeding due to reduced platellate counts. MOms

suffering from arthritis please note.


Reasons for breakage of microarteries:


1. Sunlight allergy, sunbath, steam sauna causes thinning of

blood vessels


2. Suppression of natural urges of bowel and bladdere movements.


3. Excess fatigue, long walks, treks, exposure to UV rays in

Himalayan treks, skiing etc


4. Excess irritability, lack of sleep till late night, anxiety,

fear of chronic diease, grief of loss of near-dear ones, spicy and

hot foods, loss of adequate sleep due to excess light in the bedroom

during night. The last reason depresses melatonin secretion causing

loss of immunity too. Excess estrogen/progesterone ration during post

menopause also one reason.


5. excess smoking, alcohol, nicotine, tobacco, gutakha, cola


6. Incompatible diet: difficult to digest items such as legumes,

meat, milk and legumes, fish, sour (citrus) fruits, spicy fried



7. The root of the condition lies in byproducts of incomplete phase-2 liver

detoxifications, which are quite toxic, and they raise blood acidity too, which

ayurvedist call blood heat. Increased bleeding, be it from nose, menses, wounds

is the result. That is why acharyas recommended not eating sour items,

especially in monsoon and summer.



Recommended Foods and lifestyle, herbs


Reduce heat in the blood by walking on wet grass early morning. Stay

in cool air-conditioned room, take cold bath twice or even thrice a

day. Go for a walk in moonlight.


Eat bottle gourd, snake gourd and leafy vegetables. Juice of pumpkin,

bottle gourd is best for cooling the heat.


Water melon, tender coconut water, cucumber, soaked dates, soaked

raisins, sugar cane juice, amalaki juice or powder with honey, cow

and goat milk strengthens blood vessel walls. cow milk with sugar is

also OK. Gulkand is ready to take pharmacy preparation, but check

that it is with " praval " and not preservative.


Three more home remedies:


1. Kokam sarbat.

2. soak ripened tamarind about beetlenut sized ball in a glass of water along

with 4 dates for 2hours. Crush and remove seeds, and drink in afternoon only.

3. Heem of cumeen, coriander seed and fennel seeds (Jira, dhana, sounf) each

half tsp coarsely pounded and soaked in a glass of water for 2 hours. drink this

water 2-3 times a day. This is already covered in detail earlier in archives.


Rice, barley, green gram, mataki can be eaten, but eat six month old grains.


mix cumeen seeds, crystal sugar (kal sakkare) and sonamukhi powder

(senna) all in powder form equally and take 2-3 times a day 1-2 tsp.

Drink water over it.


Mix following in equal proportion by weight.

Haritaki, ardusi, giloy, vibhitaki, neem bark, Chirait, Amalaki

Pound together, or mix well if they are already available in powder



20 gram mixture in 4 cup water, slow boil till ½ cup remains. This

kashaya to be taken only once early morning empty stoamach after

straining and mixing with crystal sugar so that bitterness is

withstood by patient.


Amalki, Vibhitakai and Haritaki remove blood impurities through

colon, giloy and ardusi cool down the blood heat and Giloy+amalaki

rejuvinate the blood vessel walls. Mixture of chirait, neem and giloy

reduce the excitation of pitta in blood and cause additional

generation of blood cells which increases platellates.

Author has used this kashaya for leukemia patient also.


Lastly, sleep in blue light, use blue bed sheet, clothes etc. Water

exposed to moon light also helps. If you can boil water in a copper

vessel in which some silver ornaments are dipped, boiling to 50%,

this water will also help.



ayurveda , Aruna Lingegowda <arunal



> Hi all,


> My mother suddenly started getting bruises in some

> locations in her body for no reason. In addition to

> bruises she started getting small red spots, tiny

> spots on legs and hands. Doctors said it is due to

> reduced platelet count.


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try NONI.

if u take noni juice from calivita (california fitness) than 6 spoons per day,

i don't know concetrations and doses from others, but they must have some label.

try to avoid removin spleen if possible, or else she will be exposed to


what kind of purpura she has (there are few types)? why is her spleen big? it's

not clear to me her disease, so i cannot treat the cause. is it lupus?




My mother suddenly started getting bruises in some

locations in her body for no reason. In addition to

bruises she started getting small red spots, tiny

spots on legs and hands. Doctors said it is due to

reduced platelet count.


Doctors then diagonized the condition as Purpura. She

has been given Immunoglobin doses and also some

steriods. But her count will be ok for one or two days

like 1 lakh to 1.5 lakhs and then again it drops to a

very dangerous level of below 10000.





Three replies to this querry in less than 30 minutes after querry posted. Thanks

to members. Keep the spirit.

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The kashaya mentioned in this authors' last message involving


Haritaki, ardusi, giloy, vibhitaki, neem bark, Chirait, Amalaki


Will be available as " Guduchyadi Kashaya " made by Nagarjuna Pharmacy,

Ahmedabad. Look for it in Chickpet/Bale pet/Avenue Road area in

Bangalore and you will get it ready to take by diluting it by adding 4

times water.



> From this distance, author is sensing heat in her body, she is

suffering from raised pitta dosha. [Y'day 10 have died due to heat




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