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Meat Shock

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criiii dum <dumicita wrote:

> . . .

> i'm not eating eggs, because i don't like them.

> but some will condamn me for eating cheese. >:D<


No not you, but eggs, cheese and meat

can be condemned for their cholesterol

content alone. A comparison follows:


Cholesterol Content of Common Foods


(in milligrams per 100 gram portion

rounded to whole numbers)




Eggs, whole 550

Kidney, beef 375

Liver, beef 300

Butter 250

Oysters 200

Cream Cheese 120

Lard 95

Beefsteak 70

Lamb 70

Pork 70

Chicken 60

Ice Cream 45




All grains 0

All vegetables 0

All nuts 0

All seeds 0

All legumes 0

All vegetable oils 0


Source - Pennington, J., Food Values

of Portions Commonly Used, 45 Harper

& Row, N.Y., 1985.


Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi

Om Shanti

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tks for letting me now this. i guess u know we need some cholesterol in order to

make some hormons out of it. actually if we eat 2 boiled eggs a week, this is

maximum of cholesterol we need, and we shouldn't get anymore from other sources.

a pitta fire can handle more, but not kapha or vata type of agni




Jyotishi <jyotish2000


Tuesday, May 15, 2007 5:26:52 AM

Re: <ayurveda> Meat Shock


criiii dum <dumicita > wrote:

> . . .

> i'm not eating eggs, because i don't like them.

> but some will condamn me for eating cheese. >:D<


No not you, but eggs, cheese and meat

can be condemned for their cholesterol

content alone. A comparison follows:


Cholesterol Content of Common Foods


(in milligrams per 100 gram portion

rounded to whole numbers)




Eggs, whole 550

Kidney, beef 375

Liver, beef 300

Butter 250

Oysters 200

Cream Cheese 120

Lard 95

Beefsteak 70

Lamb 70

Pork 70

Chicken 60

Ice Cream 45




All grains 0

All vegetables 0

All nuts 0

All seeds 0

All legumes 0

All vegetable oils 0


Source - Pennington, J., Food Values

of Portions Commonly Used, 45 Harper

& Row, N.Y., 1985.


Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi

Om Shanti










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Dear Cristina,

This issue is not " a fighting on one's own beliefs and habits, and certainly not

a waste of time. "

Ayurveda has never forced a meat diet on anybody or abhorred its use. It is only

the air of mis-understanding regarding the views of Ayurveda that is causing the


I generally do not react when personal opinions are put on board, but when

Ayurveda is USED to confirm ones views, it should be original Ayurvedic and not

concocted Ayurvedic.

I think that understanding Ayurveda and discussing Ayurveda is the primary aim

of this group and that's why it is named " ayurvedonline " . Just limiting oneself

only with short-cut remedies, herbs, free advices without seeing/knowing the

patient and such things will be down-grading the vast potential of this group.

There have been long debates on such sensitive issues like veg vs non-veg, where

Ayurveda was side-tracked and all other aspects including religion were brought

into play, and at a stage the debate was so nasty and drifting from main

purpose that moderator had to intervene and stop the discussion on that subject.

So read Ayurveda, use it as much as you can, but don't get misguided in the name

of Ayurveda.




< dahpc >


criiii dum


pls excuse me for interfering with your conversation, but pls, don't waste

your time fighting on your beliefs and habbits.


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Colon cancer(C/C), a leading cancer in west, is now forging ahead in

India too! Industrial meat is being proposed as one of the major risk

factors. This cancer is now being found in Brahmins and Gujarathi

families, a surprise to this author. Author's experience on C/C is

limited to only one patient (from a brahmin family) but interestig.

Author brings here his partial post from another list " cancercured " ,

message 24279.


Re: pain relief (was Hoxsey and morphine)



Everyone is looking for a magic pill to relieve cancer pain.


But where is the root cause of pain? If you read some of the books

written by doctors/naturopaths who had a good success in curing

cancer or at least giving good quality of life, the pain root is in

toxins created by metabolic waste of malignant cells. The foul smell

is the key to this waste. Without going into more theory, author

writes his experience.


Treating a colon cancer patient, who is having 11 MDs in his family

relations. Conventional techniques (surgry, chemo etc) tried 14

months back and now the new (metastasized) tumors have grown near the

joint of rectum and sigmoidal colon. Everyday constipation, pain

while passing dry motions and oozing of blood, two months ago.

Colonoscopy revealed the location and state of tumors. about 1.5 cms

long, three in number.


Author treating him with panchgavya medicines and panchkarma

techniques of ayurveda for last two months, despite strong opposition

from MDs of his family, but according to patients' wish. Following

are the results.


1. Haemoglobin levels improved, weight is maintained.

2. Motions are soft, tooth paste consistency.

3. Through motions he eliminates black foul smelling toxins. more or

less thrice a day.

4. Pain is no longer there.

5. Increased energy is being felt, sleep is improved. Taste buds are

active, patient is demanding diversity in food.

6. Some of MDs came to examine him, everyone tried every equipment

they had and all unanimously declared that patient has improved a lot

and their earlier diagnosis that " another surgery is needed " needs to

be revised.


Unfortunately, since it was a family gathering, the lady of the

house prepared chicken, and the smell entered the patients nose.

(patient was a meat eater earlier, so thought nothing much might

happen). He

demanded a little. against dietary restrictions. During night had a

severe stomach upset, vomitted out blackish foul smelling vomit. Got

a great relief afterwards. Vomit means pitta, the sour acidic

content. Author gave him some ayurevdic powder to reduce the acidity

of blood. But this is a very positive sign. after checking patient's

liver, stomach, intestines are all OK. The Immune system has improved

to an extent that any food detrimental to health is being rejected

outright. Patient had a little pain in the rectum too, only after

vomit the pain stopped totally.



ayurveda , Jyotishi <jyotish2000



> criiii dum <dumicita wrote:

> > . . .

> > i'm not eating eggs, because i don't like them.

> > but some will condamn me for eating cheese. >:D<


> No not you, but eggs, cheese and meat

> can be condemned for their cholesterol

> content alone. A comparison follows:


> Cholesterol Content of Common Foods


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Our body can make all the cholesterol it needs.


Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi

Om Shanti



criiii dum <dumicita wrote:

> tks for letting me now this. i guess u know we

> need some cholesterol in order to make some

> hormons out of it.

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Shirish Bhate <shirishbhate wrote:


> Colon cancer(C/C), a leading cancer in west,

> is now forging ahead in India too! Industrial

> meat is being proposed as one of the major risk

> factors. . . .


Sad news. The Meat-Cancer Connection:


Colon Cancer and Meat:


" Populations on a high-meat, high-fat diet are

more likely to develop colon cancer than

individuals on vegetarian . . . diets. "


- Science, February 1974, page 416.


Breast Cancer and Meat:


" Breast Cancer Mortality


" (Highest Incidence ranked first)


1. Meat-eating women

2. Lacto-ovo vegetarians

3. Pure vegetarians "


- Robbins, J., Diet For A New America,

Stillpoint, 1987, page 266.


Prostate Cancer and Meat:


" Worldwide, autopsies reveal that wherever the

diet-style is similar to the American fare -- with

high animal fat consumption --close to 25 percent

of all men develop latent cancer of the prostate

by their old age. "


- Breslow, N., " Latent Carcinoma of Prostate at

Autopsy in Seven Areas "

International Journal Of Cancer, 20:680, 1977.


Lung Cancer and Meat:


Vegetarian smokers have distinctly lower rates of

lung cancer than do meat-eating smokers. "


- Stamler, J. " Elevated Cholesterol May Increase

Lung Cancer Risk in Smokers "

Heart Research Letter, 14:2, 1969.


Uterine Cancer and Meat:


" Many women today take estrogen pills to prevent

osteoporosis. They don't know they could

accomplish the same purpose by simply not eating

concentrated animal proteins. Nor do they know

they are greatly increasing their risk of

developing uterine cancer. "


- Robbins, J., Diet For A New America,

Stillpoint, 1987, page 268.

- McDougall, J., McDougall's Medicine, New

Century, 1985, page 6.

- Zeil, H., " Increased Risk of Endometrial

Carcinoma . . . "

New England Journal of Medicine, 293:1167,


- Smith, D., " Association of Exogenous Estrogen

and Endometrial

Carcinoma "

New England Journal of Medicine, 294:1262,


- Mack, T., " Estrogens and Endometrial Cancer . .

.. "

New England Journal of Medicine, 294:1262,



Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi

Om Shanti

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Dear Noel,

You always have the liberty to give yuor own opinions, but please do not tag

them as Ayurvedic unless you have double-checked with the original Ayurvedic

scriptures, not the translated ones.

In India, we study Ayurveda for full eight years, for post-graduate degree

course, with hands-on experience on patients from second year onwardsand after

post-graduation,rarely do we need to drag the Samhitas for finding the

references. That is the levelof acedemic training in Ayurveda. I think you

understand this before commenting on me without knowing me either.


My only wish is that people should know the correct stand of Ayurveda. AND

that's the reason why i feel it worth to waste my precious time to reply such

mails, inspite of my busy practicing schedule.


I would also like to clear that I am presently at such stage of practice that I

don't need to impress anybody, least of all you, whom I don't even know.


My only request to you would be - whenever yuo write in the name of Ayurveda,

see that you do not give peartial opinions, but stay true to the original spirit

and teachings of Ayurveda.


This is a clarification to your mail and I do not intend to pursue a war of

words, which has nothing to do with Ayurveda in general and this forum in


Lrt us all work towards proper propagation of Ayurveda.





Noel Gilbert

Dear Dr.D.B.Muzumdar. I apologize if my opinions seem to be half-

baked to you but I assure you that my opinions are fully cooked. <snip>

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Dear Noel,

I appreciate your approach. You have done a appreciable and laudable work for

Ayurveda. Probably, it is neither your fault nor the fault of meat.

What I have observed that Ayurveda which is taught to the Western world through

various courses have their obvious limitations, matters of convenience,

difficulty in explaining some original Oriental concepts and hence a partial

understanding of Ayurveda prevails.The student who has learnt thro' such courses

feels that this is the total Ayurveda, which is not true.

The reference to Tamasic nature of meat is highlighted basically in religious

texts. Ayurveda has never harped this issue. On contrary, it deals with physical

and physiological effects of meat, whether good or bad. And too much of good can

also be bad (ATIYOGA).

But,still you are doing your best within the given limitations.

Keep it up and all my efforts with you for REAL AYURVEDA.

With love and affection,





Noel Gilbert

This is from my food list in the files, and I thought it might be

helpful to Zjohnallan since he is significantly underweight. Noel


~~~~~~~MEAT ~~~~~~~


Energetics and general properties


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In 1993, I attended a family Thanksgiving dinner. I had been vegetarian for over

one year. I thought " it couldn't hurt to join in the meat for this one

occasion. " I ate turkey, giblets, gravy, stuffing ... everything in sight! Less

than an hour later I was lying on the couch with a fever, constricted feeling in

the throat and no energy - as though I had poisoned myself. That experience

cemented my conviction that a vegetarian diet was best for me. Over the ensuing

years I have determined that very occasional, cautious meat consumption is not

an issue. In that spirit, I am approaching this new adventure. As I will not

have any say in the menu for a week, I just want to be as prepared as possible

to mitigate any potential " meat shock. "


I wonder what it must be like for a vegetarian drafted into military service or

sentenced to prison?


- John



Shirish Bhate <shirishbhate

Colon cancer(C/C), a leading cancer in west, is now forging ahead in

India too! <snip>

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Dear Dr.D.B.Muzumdar… You'll have to forgive me… This is a sore topic

with me… I use to have the same debate with the founder of the school

I attended.


Since Ayurveda takes in consideration the body mind and Soul there

can be nothing outside of the {Science of Life} so therefore there

can be no separation. To me Ayurveda is this always-evolving science

that incorporates anything that improves upon life; and to do this

you must see Vata, Pitta and Kapha in everything and at the same time

see its destructive side, and its constrictive side, in everything to

find the best balance for any one particular person. The founder of

the school I attended always wanted to preserve the old ways in

Ayurveda, but when you do this, it puts limits on Gods ability help…

You have to leave all doors open… Ayurveda didn't have MRI's back

then so does that mean we shouldn't use them to help diagnose? I have

used it this way with great success in my practice for years. I have

two allopathic Doctors, one homeopathic Doctor and many other

therapists that I used for a long time… {I am retired now, so this is

why it is past tense} It is my hope that Ayurveda will incorporate

all other medicine in the world some day… leaving the bad parts of



I know there are members of this forum that take this forum more

seriously then I do. I think it is a great place for the exchange of

information; the do's and don'ts in life; as in a scientific

discussion… but the very worst! " And dangers " place, for diagnosing

and treatment of a disease. You can't do a good job on line… this

forum falls really, really short of a face-to-face meeting…


As far as the meat thing goes… Maybe I should have said that Ayurveda

should only advocate meat during wasting diseases. Mostly because of

the toxin and hormones. But we can debate that forever with no

winners Once again please forgive me for getting so defensive….

Namasta …Noel…



ayurveda , muzumdar <dahpc wrote:


> Dear Noel,

> I appreciate your approach. You have done a appreciable and

laudable work for Ayurveda. Probably, it is neither your fault nor

the fault of meat.


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this is very helpful. I have located all of these items. I am particularly eager

to try the Swedish Bitters as I have been attempting to increase the bitter

taste in my diet.




John Caldecott <todd

<snip>you had a general question about the challenge of eating meat after being

veg for several years

<snip>certainly taking agni-enhancing herbs such as trikatu may help, but

better still will be remedies that either enhance or supplement your native acid

production, including a tsp of apple cider vinegar before meals and a good full

spectrum digestive enzyme with HCl acid with meals you might also consider a

bitter remedy before meals, like swedish bitters, to promote sufficient bile

synthesis and fat absorption


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ayurveda , Jyotishi <jyotish2000 wrote:


> Noel Gilbert <noel_glbrt wrote:

> > . . .

> > There is perhaps nothing more nourishing or

> > strengthening than meat. . . .


> " A vegetarian diet can prevent 97 percent of our

> coronary occlusions. "


> - " Diet and Stress in Vascular Disease, "

> Journal of The American Medical Association,

> Vol. 176, No. 9, June 3, 1961, page 806.


> Jai Maharaj, Jyotishi

> Om Shanti



I do not want to get into the veg/nonveg argument, but I would like to

question the statement in this post. Heart disease is endemic in the

vegetarian population in India and elsewhere, in the many clinics and

hospitals I have worked in there are many many people with heart

disease who never ate one bite of nonveg in their life. But of course

this is not a argument against Vegetarianism, it is an argument

against bad eating practices and using bad oils in diet, which is true

for most people veg and nonveg. Liz

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ayurveda , Jyotishi <jyotish2000 wrote:


> criiii dum <dumicita wrote:

> > . . .

> > i'm not eating eggs, because i don't like them.

> > but some will condamn me for eating cheese. >:D<


> No not you, but eggs, cheese and meat

> can be condemned for their cholesterol

> content alone.


This is a commonly held belief that is not supported by the evidence.

Human beings are not at all harmed by the cholesterol content of

foods, in fact we need cholesterol to be healthy, if we are healthy

our body manufactures plenty of cholesterol every day. This is

absolutely necessary for adrenal hormone (adrenal hormones are nothing

more than different forms of cholesterol)production and many other

functions. The issue of cholesterol is much more complicated than

avoiding cholesterol containing foods. It is actually much more

related to liver health, acid (Pitta) conditions in the blood, Ama

accumulations, and inflamatory processes than to the amount of

cholesterol in food or in the blood.


Milk which is widely taken by vegetarians has plenty of cholesterol,

especially if it comes from healthy animals, Cows milk has 33 mgs of

cholesterol per cup, up to 14% of good milk can be cholesterol, this

of course is why cheese is high in cholesterol. It is time to give up

the myths about cholesterol, there was never such a concept in

Ayurveda about the causes of heart disease. Eating sweets is much more

relevant here than taking high cholesterol milk and other foods. There

are many issues to be considered in the development of heart disease.

Always mentioning cholesterol misses the main points in heart disease. Liz

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ayurveda , Jyotishi <jyotish2000 wrote:


> Shirish Bhate <shirishbhate wrote:

> >

> > Colon cancer(C/C), a leading cancer in west,

> > is now forging ahead in India too! Industrial

> > meat is being proposed as one of the major risk

> > factors. . . .


> Sad news. The Meat-Cancer Connection:


> Colon Cancer and Meat:


> " Populations on a high-meat, high-fat diet are

> more likely to develop colon cancer than

> individuals on vegetarian . . . diets. "



Although it is true that there are connections made between meat and

bad fats in the development of many degenerative processes, this not a

veg vs nonveg issue. We all can testify to our many vegetarian family

members, freinds, ands acqauantainces who have all of the same disease

processes as meat eaters. These issues simply must be looked at from a

broader perspcetive than just veg vs nonveg. As long as vegetarians

rely on these points the meat eaters can point their fingers at we

vegetarians and our disease processes, millions of vegetarians are

suffering degenerative disease and everyone knows this so why pretend

that vegetarianism by itself protects against disease, the issues are

much more complicated. Liz

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Dear Dr.D.B.Muzumdar

I can see why all the mythology trying to explain the different

aspects of God, and at the same time hiding it so it will make it

through the ages {Kala's} You see they did this in the bible also, so

someone like Alexander who ran around burning all the libraries,

would not see it as a threat. I know at some point in time that

Religion, Ayurveda, Joytish, surgery, and all the other category's

fell under the Vedas, and was considered one system. How and why it

got separated, I am not sure of, but I think it was a big mistake. It

is kind of like here in the US... where if you have a spiritual

problem you see you're spiritual advisor, and if you have a mental

problem you go see you're psychiatric doctor, and a physical problem,

you're Medical Doctor… and I personally, don't want to see this in

Ayurveda. It should be all one system because everything affects all

of us… I know that only 5% or 10 % of Ayurveda has been translated

into English, and I don't what to belittle anyone, or anything, but I

think it is made out to be way more complicated then it really is! If

you have a good understanding of Vata, Pitta and Kapha, the Srotas,

and how the properties of food and herbs affect the Srotas, then the

rest is quite obvious… Don't get me wrong here! The Indian Materia

Medica has been a big help in my practice, but I would hope that some

day Ayurveda would be taught in general schools as a way of life;

like proper hygiene is now. But that is never going to happen if it

is keep clouded in mystery and made to be this almighty complicated

system… It should be a simple way of life where prevention is

preferred over the cure… I know this is going to be hard on Ayurvedic

based occupations, but much better for the masses. I don't see this

happening in my lifetime, but I would like to think the world is

headed in this direction… Once again you'll have to forgive me… I am

a dreamer and I believe if you focus you attention on the all the

wars and disease in this world then we get to keep them… but if we

focus our attention on the solutions then we all get to live a better

life when it comes around again… Namasta …Noel…


ayurveda , muzumdar <dahpc wrote:


> Dear Noel,

> I appreciate your approach. You have done a appreciable and

laudable work for Ayurveda. Probably, it is neither your fault nor

the fault of meat.


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Hi Liz… A great teacher one said to me {and I never forgot it}, If

you take all the oil and fat out of your diet, you lean towards

cancer… but if you eat a lot of fat and oil, you lean towards

cardiovascular disease… This makes a lot of sense from a Vata and

Kapha point of view… The answer is to keep the good oils in your

diet and exercise… Namasta …Noel…

ayurveda , " Liz A Hall " <lizahallny


<snip> But of course

> this is not a argument against Vegetarianism, it is an argument

> against bad eating practices and using bad oils in diet, which is

true for most people veg and nonveg. Liz

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Dear Liz,

Very truly said. That's why Ayurveda has based its diet pattern on the Dosha and

Dhatu system.

Also heart disease has various causative factors besides bad diet. So it is very

obvious that vegans can also suffer from heart problems.

Statistics from research studies highlight the occuring coincidences in majority

in the group/cohort taken under study. Some conclusions and assumptions are

projected on these observations. Their importance lies in the broader

understanding and may be prevention in some grave disorders. But they are not

the ultimate truth. Most of our arguments are based on such research data which

is liable to change when different set of observations are brought into force.

Here lies the importance of individualisation pattern followed by

Ayurveda.Hence, instead of arguing, we should refer the issue to the dictums of

Ayurveda and get abetter understanding about the same.




< dahpc >


Liz A Hall

<snip> But of course

this is not a argument against Vegetarianism, it is an argument

against bad eating practices and using bad oils in diet, which is true

for most people veg and nonveg. Liz

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--- Liz A Hall <lizahallny wrote:

> it is

> an argument

> against bad eating practices and using bad oils in

> diet, which is true

> for most people veg and nonveg. Liz



Very true.

Indian people put enough oil in their food to float a


They also reuse that oil.

Fry gulab jamoon, then fry samosa and then use the oil

for cooking.

Cholesterol is indeed necessary, but it should be


Oils should not be carcenogenic.

The fat obtained in milk is agreeably better than that

available in fried food.

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Thank you… Spelling has never been my strong suit. If it weren't for

spell check my post would not be legible… of course it has never helped

that I do all my posting when I am fall asleep or waking up…. Seems

like the only time I can fit it in… Thanks again… Namaste …Noel…


ayurveda , mandv m <mandakiniven wrote:


> Noel

> The greeting is not namasta but namaste. hope you do not mind small



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Dear Noel,

I again appreciate your outlook towards Ayurveda.

As far as the question of me forgiving you is concerned, I feel that you have

not at all hurt me by any means and I will always remain open-minded and

open-hearted to all of the humankind. So there is no need for you to ask for my

forgivance. Besides all this I am trying to work out has absolutely no selfish

motto behind it. So I personally don't feel the necessity to bear grudge against


From your mail, you seem to be considerably elder person and more senior to me

in worldly experience. In India and in Ayurveda, it is customary to rever the

elderly irrespective of their knowledge and experience, and by that rule I have

no authority to forgive you. You are a man with big heart and I will always

respect you for your seniority and love for Ayurveda.


Yours Truly,



Dear Dr.D.B.Muzumdar. You'll have to forgive me. This is a sore topic with


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Dear Noel,

Ifeel that your interest in Ayurveda is really deep-rooted.

Ayurveda definitely started with Rishis (seers) and has been considered the

sub-text of ATHARVA-VEDA, one of the four main vedas. These Rishis Were more

concerned about the health and longevity of mankind. They percieved that various

diseases / disorders were becominga hindrance in the prime objective. Hence

Ayurveda was culled out of vedas to - 1) maintain health of healthy and 2)

regain the health of unhealthy.

Due to the vastness of Ayurveda it was divided into eight specialities,

including medicine,surgery, pediatric-gynaec, ENT-oral-dental, geriatric,

toxicology, sexolgy and graha. This graha chikitsa must be consisting of Jyotish

and Mantra treatment. I presume this because there is no actual exponent of this

branch among the Ayurvedists today nor is it taught in regular acedemic currcula

of Ayurveda. Religion was however non-existent in those periods. Charaka

mentions the various schools of thoughts like Sankhya, Vaisheshika, Charvaka


But as these things are not related to treatment parts of Ayurveda, many times

this interesting aspect is ignored or bypassed.

I wish that your wish be fulfilled in your lifetime as it is my wish too and the

wish of lots of people who love and respect Ayurveda. Let us all try to achieve

this mighty wish.


With Love,




I know at some point in time that

Religion, Ayurveda, Joytish, surgery, and all the other category's

fell under the Vedas, and was considered one system. How and why it

got separated, I am not sure of, but I think it was a big mistake. <snip>

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hear hear liz

best.. todd


On 16-May-07, at 3:33 AM, ayurveda wrote:


<snip> Heart disease is endemic in the

> vegetarian population in India and elsewhere, in the many clinics and

> hospitals I have worked in there are many many people with heart

> disease who never ate one bite of nonveg in their life.<snip>

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hi john


its ironic that most people feel this way after thanksgiving dinner

to one degree or another

thanksgiving indeed!


from a food combining perspective, the typical turkey dinner with all

the fixin's is a recipe for GI distress!


take a cautious approach and you will be fine

its probably a good idea for you to not the sweets after meals, or

lots of starchy foods with meat


best... todd





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