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I am just a humble reflexology/reiki practitioner with an interest in non

allopathic medicine in general.

My physician of choice is our local TCM, and I am always suggesting her to

people. I do look forward to the day when I can visit her and not have to

pay for it! The allopaths have a stranglehold on our Canadian medicare


I refuse to honor a very upstart system with the term 'traditional' and use

'alternative' for a system that is thousands of years old! I am here to

learn, don't mind me.


My personal experience with acupuncture came when early menopause had me

bleeding to anemia. My MD wanted to do scary stuff with biopsies. I went to

see Leslie

(my TCM) instead. She told my spleen was weak, and the spleen holds the

blood in the channels. Oh. She then proceeded to make me feel better than I

had in months.

The exhaustion and fuzzy feeling went away.

About 4 treatments took care of the problem which never returned. I go back


for maintenance and seasonal adjustments. If I were twenty something I

might very well be interested in taking TCM as a profession but at 56 it is

a bit late.

I always tell people TCM does not look to see what disease the person has,


asks what kind of person has the disease.

By the way, I am also an amateur astrologer, and I find the way of thinking

quite similar.

In both systems of philosophy we see the idea that one basic principle can

manifest in many different ways.

Blessings to you all!




The passion of my life is the lowest life form on earth!

Ask me about Aphanizomenon Flos Aquae ('the algae' to its friends.


Bernard GALLAT <bgallat

acupuncture <acupuncture >

Tuesday, September 07, 1999 10:25 AM

Re: acupuncture Presentation



> " Bernard GALLAT " <bgallat




>I'm 46 and studying TCM since 1 year at a French school.

>Have also some practice in acupuncture and herbs, so as in aromatherapy and

>Qi Gong.

>I've made good personal development based on Barbara Brennan's course of

>Healing during the last 3 years.


>kind regards






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Stay tuned Peter! This crowd is one of the best for sharing and they really do

know their stuff!








My name is Peter. I'm 47, married with no children. I first learned

of Aromatherapy about 5 years ago. It has been an interest ever since.

It's good to see such a community willing to share their knowledge on

this wonderful subject.


Best Regards,


(Upstate NY)

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Hi Don,


Yep, I do use crystals with essential oils. Crystals amplify everything the

come in contact with and since the oils have true frequency (that has been

studied and measured) then it seemed only natural to me to use them with

crystals. I've played with this simple test. One drop of Lavender on a clear

quartz in my living room. Wow! When working with clients, it's the same kind

of thing so I have to moderate a bit to be sure that nothing is overwhelming to

them. For grounding try this, black tourmaline with a small drop of

sandalwood. I've used clove, myrrh and cinnamon the same way.


Wishing you well in all ways,





Don Norris [dnorris]

Tuesday, December 07, 1999 12:46 AM


Re: [AX] Hello


Don Norris <dnorris


I am new to the list, but trying to learn as much as I can. I have been

interested in crystal all since I was 7 or 8. Does any one use crystal with



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Hello Don,


Welcome to the list. As you will see it is an active list.


You wrote

> I have been interested in crystal all since I was 7 or 8. Does any one use

crystal with aromatherapy?


I have been at the beck and call of the crystal kingdom since an early

age. Since my house is a repository of many crystals I will attempt to

answer you question. I use crystals to 'charge' the oils. I place the

bottle on a slab of agate then place the crystals around in a grid

fashion - cardinal (N,E,S & W) direction to set or strengthen;

non-cardinal (NE,SE,SW & NW)for movement. I sometimes have the person for

whom the oil is intended for sit with the crystals first to set intent

and align with them. When I have people on my table I place the

crystals that 'signal' (get my attention) where they want to be around

the person. I have found it enhances the work being done.


Sometimes when I make blends crystal chips 'ask' to be placed in the

bottle with the oils.


Sometimes I place a drop of oil on a crystal that is placed near me when

I sleep.


I hope this helps you as I feel as though I have danced around and not

said a thing! 'I does as I is told " is the only was I can explain.


You have a reason for asking, so what are you wanting to do if I may be

so bold as to ask?




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  • 1 month later...

Hi Again Ashley-

Well this is wierd, my email doesn't show up when I send a message to

- I'm still trying to figure this out! If you'd like to email me

my address is DarklingMuse



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  • 10 months later...

Hi, Ruth,


Welcome to the group! Glad to welcome another northerner! I grew up in

Leeds so know the country a bit south of you very well. You will find this

group is made up of some very kind and caring people.



Jo, in Sydney, Australia



ruth.harnish <ruth


Sunday, December 03, 2000 8:16 AM




> Hello to you all, my name is Ruth and I am from Hartlepool, North East



> I have just joined the list and I would like to also send thoughts and

prayers along with all of you to the baby and her family. I just feel she

is being well protected and with so much love surrounding her, she is in

safe hands. I pray for her life to be just like any other baby girl.


> I am so happy to be part of a group which shares such kind thoughts and



> Ruth

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  • 1 month later...

Hi Elaine:


Welcome to the group, and thanks for jumping right in. It seems we are

accumulating quite a contingent from Oz and NZ.


It might be useful to know what methods you have attempted in trying to

access your guidance, but here is a suggestion for you for a way you may be

able to discern more about them. If you do energy work, it may help to work

on yourself before you begin, or to do a progressive body relaxation.


Find yourself a quiet, fairly dark place to lie down. It would be all right

to do this at bedtime. Keep a pad or journal near you and a pen or pencil.

Give yourself the suggestion that you can be open to appropriate input from

your guidance, and that it is safe for you to perceive them visually if they

choose to appear in a form for you. Further suggest that you are ready to

actively interact with them so that you can work together for your highest

good. It also helps at first if you have a specific question in mind.


Visualize yourself in a place that is pleasant for you, where you feel very

relaxed and at peace. This might be a real place or simply a fantasy place

you have always desired to go and be. Your guides can use this opportunity

to approach you; be open to any images, sounds, colors, forms or beings who

might appear and ask if they represent your guides. You can ask that they

respond to you in a way that you will understand.


When you are ready to wake or return to your day, write down what has come

to you during your meditation. You can expect that every time you do this it

will be easier for you to return to your special place and that your

interactions will be more clear. Once you have established an active

relationship with your guides in this way you can begin to interact with

them in " real time " , as you will have softened the critical factor barriers

that sometimes prevent acceptance of intuitive input.


Hope this helps, let us know how you progress.




" Look for Rainbows in the Darkness "





> " Elaine " <elaineu



> Hello

>Fri, 19 Jan 2001 20:42:58 -0000


>Hi Everyone,


>I signed up with this group about 3 weeks ago and find it really

>intersting. My name is Elaine, I am 34 years old and am in Auckland

>New Zealand.


>I have a real interest in healing and am hoping to do my diploma in

>natural therapies and hypnosis soon, although that may be put on hold

>yet again as we may have to move back to the South Island where and

>where we will be is about 1 1/2 hours away from the nearest large



>I am just wondering if someone could tell me how I can go about

>meeting my guides. I have tried before but to no avail. I know that

>sounds like a dumb question but have had no luck with anyone else

>that I have asked.


>I look forward to talking to you all much more in the future.






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  • 2 weeks later...

Welcome, Audrey...


I know you will find a lot of " like minds " here who can help you explore and

support those trust muscles and those intuition muscles back into the shape they

were made to have.





audreylee wrote:


> Hi.

> I just joined and wanted to say hello. I have Theraputic Touch

> training and feel drawn towards a career of energy/intuitive healing.

> I am currently working on learning to trust my intuition, which took a

> beating in my childhood.

> Audrey






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  • 3 months later...
Guest guest

Dear Mary,


By all means you can do an intestinal cleanse by itself. The best bet is the Intestinal Cleanse #1 & #2 as outlined in the files. This will take you two weeks to do and should be done with Echinacea and Total Tonic as well so that you don't get sick from any detoxification. The formulae are all in the files. If you're not interested in making them yourself, send me a private e-mail.






Ian "Doc" Shillington N.D.505-772-5889Dr.IanShillington




herbal remedies

Friday, April 20, 2001 9:53 PM

[herbal remedies] Hello

Hello,My name is Mary and I am new here.I signed up for digest a couple of days ago, but have not gotten any as of yet.I have a question. Can I do a intestinal cleanse alone? I know there are other cleasnses.but this is the one I want to do. If I JUST do the intestinal cleanse, will I be hurting anything? Also, how long will it take to do this and does anyone have any product suggestions. I really don't want to spend that much. Mary

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Guest guest

if you find out let me know would you????


Angela Phillips wrote:


> Hi,


> My name is Angela, and I was wondering what I could do to cleanse the mind,

body, and spirit. I have been going through some very negative stuff and would

like to have a fresh start. I need a big " Do Over " . Does anyone have any



> Angela


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Guest guest


> My name is Angela, and I was wondering what I could do to cleanse the mind,

body, and spirit. I have been going through some very negative stuff and would

like to have a fresh start. I need a big " Do Over " . Does anyone have any



Hi Angela,


I would suggest you not focus on 'cleansing'... it puts your

energy and attention on the negative... trying to wash it

away... that puts out to the universe that you're still attached

to the negative stuff, if you see what I mean?


The 'fresh start' is a better thing to focus on. Put your

attention on what you do want rather than what you don't

want. The negative is already over. That's the only way to

be rid of it. If you try to undo it or make it go away, you are

just putting more attention on it and attracting more of it to you.


Ask yourself these questions: What do you want in life?

If the negative were completely gone, what would you fill

your thoughts and your days with instead? How would you

be living?


Then spend time each day picturing these things in detail.

Watch what happens!



" DrNature "



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Dear Linda:

What wonderful advice. I totally agree.




>> My name is Angela, and I was wondering what I could do to cleanse the mind,

>> body, and spirit. I have been going through some very negative stuff and

>> would like to have a fresh start. I need a big " Do Over " . Does anyone have

>> any suggestions.


> Hi Angela,


> I would suggest you not focus on 'cleansing'... it puts your

> energy and attention on the negative... trying to wash it

> away... that puts out to the universe that you're still attached

> to the negative stuff, if you see what I mean?


> The 'fresh start' is a better thing to focus on. Put your

> attention on what you do want rather than what you don't

> want. The negative is already over. That's the only way to

> be rid of it. If you try to undo it or make it go away, you are

> just putting more attention on it and attracting more of it to you.


> Ask yourself these questions: What do you want in life?

> If the negative were completely gone, what would you fill

> your thoughts and your days with instead? How would you

> be living?


> Then spend time each day picturing these things in detail.

> Watch what happens!


> Linda

> " DrNature "

> http://www.DrNature.net

> http://www.LifeCoachingRadio.com



> ****************************************

> Visit the community page:

> For administrative problems -owner

> To , -


> All messages, files and archives of this forum are copyright of the

> group and the individual authors.



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I am very happy for you. I love it when what one places in ones life is this

energizing! :)


Blessed Be,



<A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate</A> My personal site.

<A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My

Tarot site.

<A HREF= " http://www.crystalcrone.com " >Crystal Crone</A> My crystal healing site.




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In a message dated 9/9/01 8:24:07 PM Eastern Daylight Time,

spiritseeker writes:



> I am very happy for you. I love it when what one places in ones life is this

> energizing! :)




Oh you wouldn't believe all the different things that I experienced.

LOL or I guess yes you would.

When the teacher was showing us the right way to clear the room

I felt a very very icy wind blow across me. I guess I must have made

some kind of face because someone else caught it and they had the

same feeling of cold at the same time.

Last night I stated my intent and I " felt " all during the night. I

just can't explain it in words this morning. I know I slept but I

guess I was aware of sleeping all night kind of awake and " feeling "

like a ..... Gosh this is hard to figure out in words. I don't

know how. LOL But last night was just different. I hope you can

understand what I mean.


*~~*~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~*~~*

The grass isn't greener on the other side...It's greener where you water it!




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I have experienced that *cold* feeling often. Psychically, it is confirmation

that *something* is going on! LOL


It sounds as if your body is still aligning to the higher vibration brought

about by working with your crystals. :) What a joy to know that *stuff* is

going on that marks progress in our personal journeys. :)


Blessed Be,



<A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate</A> My personal site.

<A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My

Tarot site.

<A HREF= " http://www.crystalcrone.com " >Crystal Crone</A> My crystal healing site.




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Bonnie I see on your site you recommend the book

Love Is In The Earth. That book plus Crystal Healing and Crystalline

Transmission will be required for my #2 class.

I guess my teacher goes along with you also.


*~~*~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~*~~*

The grass isn't greener on the other side...It's greener where you water it!




email protected by http://www.grisoft.com      


















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LOL I love all books. :) I have finally come to grips that is it OK to

recommend books where I agree with only part of what they say. (I think Peggy

mentioned this recently too.)


Blessed Be,



<A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate</A> My personal site.

<A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My

Tarot site.

<A HREF= " http://www.crystalcrone.com " >Crystal Crone</A> My crystal healing site.




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In a message dated 9/10/01 9:09:23 AM Eastern Daylight Time,

spiritseeker writes:



> LOL I love all books. :) I have finally come to grips that is it OK to

> recommend books where I agree with only part of what they say. (I think

> Peggy

> mentioned this recently too.)




OK I'm reading between the lines here.. LOL You don't agree with the books?

Spill it. LOL Really, I'd be interested


*~~*~~*~~ Linda in Florida ~~*~~*~~*

The grass isn't greener on the other side...It's greener where you water it!




email protected by http://www.grisoft.com      


















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With the books you mentioned - I do agree 100%. It is the ones that read *My

way or the highway* - yet do have some good things in them, that I have had

trouble recommending. Now that I am doing books reviews - for my site and for

Inner Spirit - I am a bit more objective about things. :)


Blessed Be,



<A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate</A> My personal site.

<A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My

Tarot site.

<A HREF= " http://www.crystalcrone.com " >Crystal Crone</A> My crystal healing site.




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What a wonderful way to come to the crystal people. Many things come to us in

this way, and in their own time. :)


Blessed Be,



<A HREF= " http://www.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate</A> My personal site.

<A HREF= " http://www.tarot.thecrystalgate.com " >The Crystal Gate - Tarot</A> My

Tarot site.

<A HREF= " http://www.crystalcrone.com " >Crystal Crone</A> My crystal healing site.




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Jean Norton wrote:


> Hi all,



> I am now eager to read & learn more about crystals & healing.


> Jean


Welcome Jean there is quite a bit of material in the files section of

the list web pages at


all of the numbered lesson segments and a lot of other information is

on file there

Usually we have a lot of discussion going on i post a new lesson type


at least once a week though I suspect I may not post one this week as

the events have basically fried my brain and I have not been able to

write or organize anything . I have no idea how long it will take

before my mind functions again and Stuff gets posted



Peggy ~ Solarraven



Huna, Angels, Crystals, fairies, the aura, Reiki manuals,

spirituality} http://www.geocities.com/solarraven/index.html

Sparrows Fairyland} art http://www.geocities.com/pjentoft/index.html

Spirited emotion} http://members.tripod.com/~sunsparrow/index.html

Heretic Sanctuary http://people.we.mediaone.net/skygreen/index.html

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  • 11 months later...

Start with this site:http://www.doctoryourself.com


Read about diabetes, then about all areas of health and nutrition.


Most are interconnected.




Gettingwell, " lfreed59 " <lfreed59> wrote:

> Hi! I'm new to the group.I need suggestions on how to get a handle


> my diabetes. I want to try all the alternative measures that I can


> I can stay off of meds.thank you

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" lfreed59 " <lfreed59


Saturday, August 24, 2002 1:22 AM




> Hi! I'm new to the group.I need suggestions on how to get a handle


> my diabetes. I want to try all the alternative measures that I can


> I can stay off of meds.thank you


I gotta run to work now, but I thought I'd send you a post I

made to this group not long ago about diabetes. I can write more

later if you have any questions.




<snipped from previous post>


When I was diagnosed as a diabetic, my fasting blood sugar

was 360 & I had a non-healing diabetic ulcer on my foot which I had

had for about a year. For 5 months I followed the doctor's advice

& took glyburide daily to maintain blood glucose levels & got my

foot dealt with regularly by a physical therapist (weekly debridement

plus various changes to my footwear plus various bandage changes &

powder put on the wound).


I hated the glyburide & how it made me feel. I could tell

the glyburide was just not good for me long term. After doing quite

a bit of reading, I discovered Gourdin, an Aryuvedic preparation of

bitter melon & began taking it four times a day in conjunction with

the glyburide. When my foot had completely healed, I told my doctor

I was going to try going off glyburide & maintain my blood glucose

levels with diet plus gourdin alone. My doctor was very much

against this. She said at my age (56), I would not be able to

control my glucose levels with diet alone. but when I told her I was

going to do it anyway, she gave me some guidelines as to what was

acceptable glucose control.


After being totally off glyburide for four months, my doctor

had my bloodwork done & she e-mailed me the following:


>glycosylated hemoglobin Hb A1C--the biochemical measure of glucose

>control over the preceding 120 days--and it is 6.6, which is only

>slightly above normal. The normal range is 4-6.4. In short, you've

>been doing pretty well over the past several months, so I don't


>you need to make any changes presently as long as you keep eating



It has now been nearly 10 months since going off the

glyburide. My fasting glucometer reading vary between 85 and 120,

unless I have taken Niacin the day before. My post prandial

readings never exceed 150 & are usually 125-135. A year ago, my

fasting glucose was 360. I adhere to a strict diet -- but it is

*not* the diet suggested by the ADA & the allopaths.


I have just bought some Gymnema sylvestre tea (which I

mentioned in my previous post on this thread) which I have not yet

begun to use. Even if the experiment is not successful, what have I

lost? $15 a month. And if the tea actually does regenerate my

pancreatic cells? I will possibly extend my life by years and do

away with all the old age complications of diabetes -- saving me much

grief, physical degradation, and possibly tens of thousands of

dollars in medical expenses.


Aryuvedic medicine is far older than allopathic medicine.

It is a much gentler approach to healing & re-balance than allopathic

medicine. I do not think *any* branch of medicine is perfect in

all situations. If I get shot by a crook, or if I were to be in a

car wreck -- the allopaths are far better at trauma than anyone else.

But when the choice is taking an allopathic drug daily for the rest

of my life which has known bad side effects & leads inevitably to the

degradation of my body's organs & functions, and taking Aryuvedic

herbal preparations which may actually reverse organ degradation,

I'll go with the Aryuvedic preparations.


For more info, see http://www.gourdin.com/ I am not

affiliated with this website, other than being a satisfied customer.

It is not some multi-level marketing scheme.

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