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Satsang with Anil Kumar

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Sai Ram. Human beings are multitudes and no one is identical. We are

different in our body shape and in our psychology. Our views and

ideas are not identical. The western mind is different from the

eastern mind; the western mind has used the logical and scientific

part more. And the eastern mind has developed the mystical mind more

and goes by faith. What to do is to make a combination of both and to

realize that inside everyone there is a mystical irrational mind and

a logical rational mind. We have to accept both sides scientific and

mystical in us and in our mind. They both exist and work together and

it is the beginning of growth to understand and accept all parts of



Scientifically we cannot explain the three biggest mysterious of

life; birth, love and death. A lot of things in between these three

can be explained scientifically if we live a normal life in the

society. It is difficult to explain logically why we are born in a

specific country in a specific family.


The process of death is mystical; age, time, place reason and

situation is unscientific. If it was a fully known process and if

death would happen in a step by step manner now one would allow

himself to die.


Recently a famous film star died and the day before he died he said

in public that he would live till he was 90 years old not less than

that. That man had practiced yoga and said a day without yoga is not

worth to live. What happened; he had his yoga in the morning climbed

down the steps fell down and died nicely.


We like to explain everything with words and understand everything

with the mind. We go to wise people to hear from them, we want

everything to fit into words. This way of collecting information is

not fully correct. There are many things that cannot be said and

sometimes this unsaid word means more than those that are said.


If we sit with a close friend we do not have to talk all the time,

the connection is powerfully established in each other even though

they do not talk and there is harmony between them. This is what is

called love. That which is unspoken: it is the depth of inner

feelings which also can be felt by the other. This is what meditation



Some talk and talk with everybody and it doesn't mean anything. Some

talk in anger in disagreement, and confusion might be the result.


Between one thought and the next thought there is a small gap or a

small space, that gap the space is silence; that is meditation. All

the words that is said, that is spoken do not mean anything, but the

spirit between two words, between two thoughts is the state of

silence. Meditation is the gap and the silences within. The words

might be different but the gap between will always be the same. The

gap is one, this oneness is meditation.


It is the same with the breath. Before the breath is going in or

going out there is a gap a moment when you are not breathing. When

your breath comes in observe, for a single moment there is no

breathing. With sincere observation and attention you will be able to

feel that gap; if you do you are blessed.


A meditative mind is inwards, a meditative mind is always in a state

of silence. The oneness or union of silence which is beyond the

physical state is meditation. It is beyond the physical oneness,

which can be said to be the unconscious unity of oneness.


" Whenever and wherever you put yourself in touch with God, that is

the state of meditation. " Baba.


A meditative mind which is conscious will find union in silence. So

my friends all the oneness we usually speak about is physical

oneness, which gets disturbed quite often. Meditation is conscious

oneness in silence, beyond words, and we have to find that space

within all by ourselves.


The process to find this inner space, inner silence, bliss, and

oneness is individual. Meditation is not one single technique or a

mechanical happening, no it is a process. A conditioned programmed

routine is not alive. A process is full of life and it is



Please understand that meditation is a process and not one method. No

one can meditate on your behalf; no one can grow in awareness on your

behalf. You have to search and find the method which is suitable for

your temperament and personality. The state of awareness and bliss

which can be felt in true meditation cannot be transported or given

to you as if I give you a book.


Ultimately we will find it through seeking and searching; that which

always has been there, The Union with the Divine, the Silence, the

Bliss. Simple example; when there is darkness because of power cut

you will go on searching for something you know is there somewhere.

You will know when you find the right thing and you will also know

when you find a thing you do not looking for.


When you find it you have to welcome it and you have to take good

care of it; gently and carefully trying to follow the inner wisdom

and guidance. That will be possible when we have found the state of

meditation. You are not the doer you are the watcher. You can do

small things and big things, only one thing is not allowed in

meditation and that is your center should not be lost. That

awareness, that watchfulness, should remain unclouded, undisturbed.

Then we do not have to be a disciple of anyone we are the disciple to

the whole existence.


Everything will be your teacher, everything will speak to you, and

everything will guide you. You are the disciple of the whole

universe. You will establish a connection with the whole universe and

the whole creation around. Oneness with the totality of the whole is

meditation. Unfortunately meditation is known mostly as sitting

alone, imaging pictures or repeating mantras, which is also a part

but not the whole truth.


If sitting in meditation and Jappa takes you to sleep you have missed

the point. The other day when a program was going on and I had to get

up very early in the morning and somehow I did not find the program

fully to my taste and I do not know when I started to sleep and the

man close to me woke me up when I started to snore. Anything that

makes you to go to sleep is not meditation.


On the other hand when you repeat a mantra there is a state when you

don't repeat any longer, just you are awake and your mind is silent.

That is meditation; silence, peace, bliss, love and kindness is a

sign of a meditative mind.


The silence and the gap between all the noise, words and other

disturbance of the mind is what we should try to reach and aspire

for. Inner silence as well as outer silence is the attitude and

quality to experience in the spiritual sense.


I spoke about meditation this morning because many people ask me

about it, while we walk on the spiritual path the whole life should

be a meditation. Instead of asking why and how to meditate we should

ask ourselves way we do not meditate. What is the obstacles and

hindrances in the process of having a meditative mind? Once these

problems are gone you will be in a blissful state.


In the beginning you start to think of one object, you like to have a

rose flower and you go to the garden where many different flowers

grow. You search for a rose only, others will not do in this case. If

you have that single pointedness to find a rose you will find it.

This is concentration. Then what will you do with the rose? You bring

one beautiful rose to where you are; enjoy its beauty, and its

fragrance, that is contemplation. In the process of meditation there

is no contemplation. Meditation is not concentration, in other words,

contemplation should take you to meditation or to a meditative mind.


Concentration can be explained, contemplation can also be explained.

Meditation is not to be explained, it belongs to the unknown, to that

which is beyond the mind, beyond words. It is closer to the heart

than the head, if something has to be said. Express less ex-pression,

a thought free thought.


I hope you appreciate that I could make the meaning of meditation

clear and understandable. It is a deep subject and it calls for your

own eagerness to learn and know more. We cannot play with our toys

all our life, we have to evolve. I hope you haven't gone into any

state of sleep during this first part of the talk.

The rest of the time I leave for questions.


We will comtinue 2nd part of Prof Anil Kumar's Satsung.

(Sharing With Sai Love)


Ram Chugani

Kobe, Japan


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