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The Kolamba

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(2) The Kolamba

Baba took Bhiksha and mixed the food in the Kolamba. He partook of it

and gave it as prasad to the devotees. Only the tongue can taste after

its gulped there is no taste. This small organ is responsible for all

happenings. Baba had total control over His tongue. Whether the food was

tasty, good or stale mattered little to Him By taking Bhiksha from

Nandram a Jain Marwadi He taught equality of vision that caste or creed

mattered little. Thus we should treat food as Bhrama and not hanker

after tasty food. Life may shower bitterness or sweetness. We should

accept it with good grace as prasad given by Baba. Baba took Bhiksha

from 5 houses instead of 7 houses as is followed in the Madhukari system

[Parampara] of Datta Bhaktas. The 5 houses symbolizes the 5 Pranas.

Which are 1. Prana or the vital forces that receives everything into the

body 2. Aapana excretes what is not required. 3. Samana receives all

that is brought by Pranas and assimilates it. 4. Vyana is the

circulatory system that carries assimilated food to the different parts

of the body. 5. Udayana protects and serves as a body-guard to the

individuality and the ego helping it to lift the thoughts to new height

of better understanding.

Baba lead a life of Fakiri [poverty]. It was a simple life. His needs

were few. Baba's attire states that philosophy and His Kafni reflected

this. His Kafni though torn and tattered was clean and 'snow white'. The

Kafni is symbolic of Maya. Maya functions through two powers known as

Avarna [covering] and Viksepa [projecting]. Kashya or white dress

represent the state of having burnt all desires. If they are smoldering

in cinder form, they wear yellow. If they have reached beyond that, they

wear white, a symbol of purity and flawlessness. So one learns that we

are covered and mired in Maya; which should be torn apart and uncovered.

1. He always carried His Satka [Danda] with Him. The Satka is

symbolic of [deha-dand] or discipline.

2. The Tumeral or Kamandulu symbolizes compassion to all living


3. Kaupin [Head dress] symbolizes sacrifice.


(to be contd...)

Source Shri Sai Leela Magazine





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