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Thus Spake The Lord

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Thus Spake The Lord




The fourth flower is Kshama pushpam. Kshama or forbearance truly is the highest quality of a human being. But in human life, because he develops narrow ideas, man wants to live in a constricted place. He thinks 'I' and 'my family' are what matter, others are all different from 'me'. It is not possible for us to develop the flower of forbearance as long as these ideas are in us. It is only when we love that we can have patience and forbearance. One's love should encompass all living beings. That will fructify as forbearance.


There is a small example. In our home there are our children. Along with our children, there is also a servant. In the house, a son may be pilfering something or the other and developing bad habits. In many ways we will try and control that son by beating, by scolding, and persuading him to return to good ways but we will never take him and hand him over to the police. In the same house, if the servant boy steals a small spoon, at once we will take him and hand him over to the police. What is the inner meaning of the situation in which we do not punish a son, even if he steals day after day, but we hand over a servant boy immediately to the police when he steals even a small thing? The reason for this is the narrow idea that 'this boy is my son'. Because the servant does not belong to you, there is no place for forbearance and patience. So you see that when you have the broad idea that 'everyone is mine', there is room for patience and forbearance. It is only then that our love will also grow.




Reference: Sathya Sai Speaks, Vol. XV, Chapter 9.

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