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Living in the Presence of God (Vol I/Pt II - 3)

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CHAPTER 3Each lifetime gives you the

opportunity to open the doors and escape from the grave walls of solitary confinement - yet, you choose to refuse the help of the many hands of God and remain hopelessly dependent and enslaved - in fact, truly compelled to serve the evil hands of your ego. The fear of the unknown lies in the minds of the ignorant - Yes! The ones that fear the world of God and have convinced themselves in finding a moment's joy in their reality of untruths! The one that dreams, while still awake, will never complete his given tasks and will lag further behind with the stresses and pressures to face tomorrow. Tomorrow will come, My dears, and he will dream again - for he has developed a fear to work and finds his security and feels successful in his wishful fantasies. One can aspire, and one can dream, but until he makes true effort in the waking state, nothing can be accomplished. It's time that your dream of meeting

with God and becoming Him became the purpose of this life - Yes, this lifetime, this moment on, begin the work that you have ignored and made excuses with - and with all seriousness accept Him as the only true reality, and let the dreamer wake up, just this once, into the reality of his dreams.The words, "want to try", is the language of the one that holds in his one hand the key to unlock the self from the prison of misery, but still, on the other hand, has tightly closed his fist to the string that holds the balloon of desires afloat. In these riots of confusion, the mind will superimpose its evil powers upon you, discouraging and ridiculing every step you take towards the self. The self holds in its arms the potential of all divine strengths, where the mind contains only

the laziness of excuses that convince you to stay spiritually inert.No work will be done, until

you will allow the self to walk the steps ahead and lead the mind with its commands of the self supremacy. The mind, My dears, will cowardly admit its inferiority over the true you, but know that the ego will resist every step of yours and will drag in its pain of rejection - slowing the drive in you to walk this marathon of eternal bliss. Pay no attention to the threats of the ego leaving you - in fact, know that to be your truest blessing, for once it has said its sorrowful goodbye - you, My dears, have come closer to attain Me.Know that when the lion is confined to a small cage in the zoo and is fed a large meal without him having to hunt - he, too, will lose his fierceness and ability to stand in the domain of independence - and that lion that could once fight any danger to survive, will become lazy and will, one day, be the victim of a

much weaker and smaller animal. In the same way, you, too, must sustain

every attack of the mind and ego, for your true nature dwells in the strength of divinity that can fight any attack of weakness and dependence.It is a short life, My dears - there is less time, and you have a

lot to accomplish - a lot to sacrifice - a lot of pains to endure - a lot of confusions to sort - a lot of strengths to develop - a lot of weaknesses to trample - Yes! You may think it is a lot to give up - Give

it up, O child of truth, for there is a lot more to attain!- Divine Messages received and recorded by Mrs Seema M Dewan(Copyright

reserved by the Author) SAI DIVINE INSPIRATIONS FLOWERS FOR MY LORDSai Divine Inspirations on Facebook"Aham Brahmasmi" I am not this body, I am not this mind, I am Atma.

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