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THE GLAD GAMEOn days when Chellie came home from school complaining about something -- a bully on the playground, a harsh teacher, a skinned knee, or difficult homework -- Chellie's mom would hug her, kiss away her tears, then suggest,

" OK, enough complaining. Let's play 'The Glad Game.' " The Glad Game helps you focus on what's right in your world today, instead of what's wrong. Chellie's mom was a very wise woman, teaching her that no matter what your troubles, there are still plenty of things to be grateful for: a sunny day, good food to eat, a loving family, a house to live in, a family pet to love, a handful of friends to enjoy, and much, much more.

Chellie would follow her mother's suggestion: " I'm glad I have you as my mom. " " I'm glad the weekend is almost here. " " I'm glad I have some nice clothes to wear to school. "

" I'm glad I don't have to share my room with my sister anymore. " " I'm glad I get to watch TV when I finish my homework. " " I'm glad we have pie for dessert. " Playing " The Glad Game " is a terrific way to change your attitude in a hurry. We all slip into self-pity once in a while - after all, we're only human. The important thing is to cut the pity-party short and shift into gratitude. An attitude of gratitude will get you much farther in life than complaining and self-pity. Try it and see.

--from the book The Wealthy Spirit, by Chellie Campbell-- With Love,Ganesh BabaMy Group: Kriyababa_spiritualjourney- (Send a blank email)

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