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The Key to God's Heart (7)

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has to take this process step by step because a relationship, any

relationship and more importantly this particular relationship, does

not develop over night. It is neither developed instantly nor are there

no misgivings. Despite the encouragement that He gives, it is a long

process and takes time to be able to trust Him, to be able to learn to

love Him, to develop faith in Him and to be with Him. If one adheres to

the path, it will eventually lead to divine visions and the actual manifestation of the divine before you in the flesh. According to your leanings, He will either become a companion, friend, teacher or beloved close love until such time as you are ready

for the ultimate illumination of mind and soul - total realization.

When you achieve the ability to view all forms as His, knowledge of the

future, the secrets of creation will be revealed to you. You will, in

effect, become God yourself. At that stage, there is no distinction

between the devotee and His Lord.We may say that we love

God but is it possible for us to understand and to appreciate the pain

that God also feels at His separation from us, from those who love Him.

Can you imagine Him telling you 'You tell me that you love me and that

your yearning and devotion is strong and that you feel agony at My

distance but I equally feel similar pain and longing to see you too.

This is how we become closer and closer to each other, the positive and

the negative current both. Your yearning for Me, your loving on its own

cannot accomplish it. It has to be both ways for only then do miracles

occur'. And to achieve this, it can be accomplished through meditation,

through silence without thoughts. He will speak to you and tell you of

His longing while He listens and quenches your aspirations for Him.The Lord has said, 'Those of you who see me as God, who place me on a

pedestal as a divine manifestation, as the ultimate reality, as the

creator of the universe, for them I am God. But to those who see me as

a friend, a beloved and dearest, to those who love utterly; they are

one with Me in every way. I am their beloved, their companion and their

friend and they are equal to Me. There is no difference, no higher or

lower, no status - we are one'. Does He mind being one? Does He mind

descending fro His high estate to be with persons such as you and I?

No! He does it out of His boundless love, out of the ocean of love that

He is, His unfathomable love.His anger is merely a corrective measure for He has NO anger or hatred

as He is totally unaffected. He is completely loving in spite of His

reprimands. Always remember that it is you who determines how

quickly, how efficiently and swiftly the relationship develops between

you and Him. Your love and the depth and extent of your desperation

decides, or whether you pose barriers between the two of you. Your own

beliefs and understanding of how God is an how you expect Him to

respond, governs His response to you. So you alone are the cause of any

curtains, barriers, partitions or hindrances that happen to arise

between you : He will merely follow your lead. He will respond as you

expect and

believe. You lay down the rules and regulations of the relationship.

The direction and how it will develop and how it will be determined to

continue. Everything lies in your own hands. As one thinks of God, so

He responds. If you view God as your nearest and dearest and your

closest, and you do not see Him as a distant deity, someone to fear,

then that is exactly how He will respond. On the other hand, if you

harbor reservations in your heart, then He cannot manifest, He will not

override your beliefs. So, be wary of the beliefs you entertain and

hold and what you expect because it will be the deciding factor of the type of relationship you create.Your

aim and goal in life must be to succeed in giving joy to the Lord, to

give to Him, and your reward should be that He is delighted, that He

should be pleased and that you triumph in capturing His heart. In such

relationships, words are inadequate. Something that you create,

something that you attempt, something that you try to be for Him alone;

when it finds favor in His eyes, that is when bliss begins. Each act,

each word you use, each time you speak, every thought you think, you

must choose solely for Him.One

of the secrets of this path is never to discuss what one is practicing

and the type of austerities one engages in. The rituals, path and

practices one has chosen; never relate them to anyone. They are your

personal private intimacies with the Lord. Do a husband and wife

discuss their intimate relationship in public? Do they talk about their

private life to others? No, that is something that is kept just between

the two of them. And so it should be between you and the Lord. For envy

lurks in unexpected places and it harms the personal all. Spirituality

and the path of love is a personal secret. No one else need to know

about your love, no one else needs to be aware of your love. Until

there is no distinction between giver and taker and both merge as one,

you in the Lord and the Lord in you. Otherwise, the grace so earned can

be diminished or destroyed. Especially when it is discussed with those

who have no knowledge of such things, who have no concept and therefore

attach no value to the Lord. Whether you pray, whether you meditate on

the Lord, or whether you have just a heart full of love for Him,

whatever it is, keep it locked in your heart. Do not be displaying your

merchandise, your gifts of grace to all and sundry. It is unseemly.

Everything you discuss, everything you know, all you do together,

everything you are doing to acquire Him, keep it to yourself. By

advertising, you will lose all that you have gained and it will take

longer to traverse this path. By secreting it in your heart of hearts,

the Lord Himself will become convinced of your sincerity, of your love

for Him, longing for Him and He will manifest all the sooner.Once He is yours and you are His, your preferences, joys, bliss, happiness

and your wishes will be His also. Just as you will desire to make the

Lord happy, to give Him of yourself, your heart, soul, mind, body, life

and your future, so will He desire to do the same for you. A complete

oneness, an intimacy that does not exist even between husband and wife.The

depth and breadth of love that is available to us with Him is not

present in human relationships. The incredible depth of feeling,

expanse of joy, intensity of bliss, it can never be attained except

with God. Therefore, the profundity of the relationship is on a much

higher, supreme footing than any other relationship in existence. The

closest that one can compare it to is a mother's love for her child,

for her new born babe, and that is merely similar but can never equal

God's love.(From : THE KEY TO GOD'S HEART by R SAI) Visit : Sai Messages : http://saimessages.blogspot.com/ Sai Divine Inspirations : http://saidivineinspirations.blogspot.com/ Love Is My Form : http://loveismyform.blogspot.com/ (for non-Sai members)

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