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How to worship Shree Yantra

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Namaskar Tulsidas,

The most auspicious day for worshipping Shree Yantra is Friday as its Devi's day. Please read info below about placing yantras after puja:

Positioning of Yantras

It is generally recommended that a Yantra be placed in the north/north-west direction facing the south/south-east direction in a room. However, this rule of thumb does not apply to the Vaastu Yantra as it is supposed to be placed in the south-west corner of the house, facing north-east. The Sri Yantra is supposed to be placed in the east, facing west. The Lord Kuber Yantra should be positioned in the north facing south or in the east facing west.

Placing of Two or More Yantras Together

Two or more Yantras may be placed together but caution is advised that a Lord Kuber Yantra must always be positioned at the extreme left of any group of Yantras. This particular Yantra should be on the left-hand side when we look at the Yantras. The Sri Yantra should be in the exact center of the group. If an altar has only the Sri Yantra and a Lord Kuber Yantra, then the Sri Yantra should be to the right-hand side of Lord Kuber when we stand or in front of them. A Ganapati or Ganesha Yantra should always be placed at the extreme right side of any group of Yantras.


In busy times today, people have taken to setting themselves schedules when to perform pujas for specific deities. Some do it once a week, a fortnight or a month, etc.

Shree Yantra

Shri Yantra Sthaapana in your home/office/vehicle is done on a Friday . Soak in saline water overnight (Thursday night ) . This takes away all negativity from the crystal . Then take it out , wash in normal water and keep on moist earth (mud) under sunlight for few hours . Then take it for Puja .

Place Yantra on a plate and wash it with water, and milk mixed with saffron . Then wash it again with water . Light incense and sprinkle water where the Yantra is to be kept chanting "Aim Hreem Namah" . Place yellow cloth and a sheet of silver/gold and place Yantra on it . Put Kum Kum/ Sandal paste and a coral mala on the Yantra . A Shivling is also placed near the Yantra during Pran Prathistha . Offer flowers (yellow) , Gur (jaggery) , raw turmeric and incense to the Yantra . Chant 108 times the following mantra on a Lotus seed rosary: "Om, Shreem Hreem Shreem Kamle Kamalalaye Praseed, Praseed, Shreem, Hreem Shreem Om Mahalaxmaye Namah"

Then cover Shree Yantra with red cloth .

Pray and worship every Friday without lifting from Seat . Every Friday take off the red cloth and offer fresh flowers and offer Gur (jaggery) , raw turmeric and incense to the Yantra . Rest of the days only have sight (darshan) of the Yantra by lifting the red cloth.

The tip of the Shree Yantra is called the aerial or antenna in scientific term and is called Mahatripur Sundari which means Niwas Sthan (home) of Sampoorna (all) Devis and Devtas (God and Goddess) in religious term.

Meditation is done on the tip of the Shree Yantra (Mahatripur Sundari) and while chanting Mahalaxmi Mantra concentrate on the tip and meditate with open eyes. It is also helpful for students in achieving focus and intelligence .


Since Sri yantra works on the cosmic ray theory, apart from Hindus even Muslims, Parsis, Christians and people following other religions also believe in it because they believe in the cosmic ray theory of the stones. They do not do Puja like the Hindus but they keep it near their Holy Books or at the place of worship. They also concentrate on the tip and meditate while chant the lines from their holy books with open eyes.


Om Bholenath

, tulsidas chauhan wrote:>> Namaskaar,> Does this apply to 3D sriyantra as well?> What are the most auspecious days for the pooja?> Where to place the yantra after pooja?> Should the pooja repeated on regular interval?> > Thank you for enlightening us with the Sri Yantra.> > Kind regards,> > >

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do you provide the service at the office


like if i wish to get the shree yantra placed at my office with proper direction

and pooja done.


Please reply on my id xclancy







--- On Thu, 4/16/09, narasimhaye <no_reply > wrote:


narasimhaye <no_reply >

RBSC : How to worship Shree Yantra


Thursday, April 16, 2009, 8:13 PM




Namaskar Tulsidas,

The most auspicious day for worshipping Shree Yantra is Friday as its Devi's


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