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The Richest man on Earth -

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*The Richest Man on Earth*There was a learned man who, for several years, longed to be shown the wayto God. Everyday, he sat apart from men and prayed that he might be broughtinto contact with a Sage, a Saint, and a Knower of Truth. One day, as he sat in prayer, he heard a Voice say, " Go to such and such aplace, and you will meet the man who will show you the way to blessednessand bliss! " Great was his joy when he heard the words. Forthwith he went to the placeindicated by the Voice. He was surprised to find a man, humble, simple,poor, with tattered cloths on his body, his feet soiled with mud. Thelearned man looked all around him, but found no other man seated there. So,to this man, he said, " Good morning to you! " Quietly, answered the poor man, " I have never had a bad morning! " " God give you good luck! " said the learned man.

" I have never had ill-luck! " answered the poor man.The learned man's astonishment grew. " May you be happy! " he said to the poorman.To which the poor man answered, " I have never been unhappy! " " I am unable to understand, " said the learned man, " Pray explain it all tome. " " Gladly, " said the poor man. " You wished me a good morning. I have neverhad a bad morning. For, if I do not get food to eat, I praise God. If itrains or snows, or if the weather is foul, I still praise God. If I amdespised and have no human company, I praise God! So I have never had a badmorning, never an evil day. " You wished me good luck: but I have never had ill-luck. For I always dwellat the Lotus Feet of the Lord: and I know that whatever God sends to me isthe very best that can ever happen to me. I cheerfully accept everythingthat comes to me ? health or sickness, prosperity or adversity, joy or sorrow ? as a gift from God. I have never had ill-luck. " You wished me happiness. I have never been unhappy. For the deepestlonging of my heart is to live in union with God's Will, and I have so

entirely yielded my will to the Will of God, that what God wills, I will! " Astonished, the learned man asked, " What if God's Will should cast you intohell? " " Cast me into hell! " exclaimed the poor man. " God too loves to do that. Buteven if He sends me to hell, I should have two arms with which to embraceHim. *One is the arm of humility, the other of love. With them I should soembrace Him that He would have to go to hell with me.* I would rather be inhell and be with God, than be in heaven and remain away from God! " *The poor man taught that in self-surrender, in utter humility, is thesimplest, surest, nearest way to God.*When asked who he was, he answered, " I am a king! " *He was the very picture of destitution: and yet he felt he was a king! Forhe had learnt to walk the way of acceptance. He accepted all that came hisway and rejoiced in all that happened. He expected nothing: he hoped fornothing: he needed nothing: he lacked nothing. * ***Was he not the richest of men on earth?***

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