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Swami and Viswaroopa Darshan

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Sairam to one and all, The contents of the mail are really good particularly to all the devotees of swami it is a time for testing our faith which we havew imposed in him, I am sure many of the doubting thomases would have spoken to their hearts content. But we devotees should be firm in faith about our beloved Lord who can do some of the impossible things which manking has never witnessed before. As the student has written one word from swamy has sent the whole world for a toss yeah we had the darshan of swami the "VIRAT VISWAROOPA DARSHAN" as many channels were beaming the video of Swami. may lord sai give us enough strength to follow his path and make us instruments in his divine hands. K. SRIRAM.kumar mahadevan <mahadevan12 wrote: Swami and Viswaroopa Darshan The Following is a Most Wonderful mail written by a Sai Student in Prashanti Nilayam : There was a lot of commotion the world-over, last evening. Here is what actually went on.Swami came for darshan at around 5.05pm, after the bhajans started. He went to bhajan hall and asked for Sri Chakravarti and told him something. I believe Chakravarti sir was unable to get the import of what Swami was saying. The people in bhajan group said, "Swami was in some other plane." Swami then went to the interview room and called him alongwith Sri Giri. After a while Dr

SSS was summoned and he came out running and asked for Anil Kumar sir. Anil Kumar sir had already left mandir, so warden-sir went out in search of him. In a few moments Chakravarti sir also came out looking for Anil Kumar sir. Sometime later Giri sir too came up near the teacher's block and asked if Anil Kumar sir had come. Then after around 10 minutes Anil Kumar Sir arrived. Swami then went into bhajan hall and Anil Kumar sir followed. After Arati was over, Swami made Anil Kumar sir announce, "Today is avery auspicious day. This evening, VISWA VIRATA SWAROOPAM will be granted to all in the direction of the airport, till 7.00pm." Swami then asked him to add on, "People of all nations, religions, caste, creed and colour will be able to have this magnificent vision." The moment the announcement was over, we were in a state of

confusion as to what it was all about. People had already started moving to the airport. People were madly rushing to the south-west. It was "festival-time" for all autowalas and taxis! We thought for a while as to whether we need to go all the way or we would be able to see, whatever it was, from the terrace or from near Hanuman (Familiarity breeds contempt, no doubt!). As some of us neared the hostel, there was some commotion. "Swami is coming!", they said. "What! Swami coming?!" Yes, he was coming indeed! He sped off towards the airport. Most of our boys were already on the hostel-terrace or near Hanuman.When I saw Swami going, I too set off towards the airport, as fast as my legs could carry me. "It was going to be surely something that I could not miss." I reached the airport and saw Swami's car parked on the runway. There were people all around the car. Swami kept sitting for around 20 minutes or so. He did not even come out of the car. The car door

opened once, but He didn't come out. Nothing visible to my eye went on in the skies. It was all as it was. The sun had gone down and it was getting darker. People were craning their necks to see if they could get a glimpse of anything. Some had cameras, and mobile-phones filled in for the rest. Swami sat for a few more minutes and it was 7.20pm. Swami's car then started moving back. Sorry, to say there was not a single light-source, (not even one!!!) on the airport. Swami's car and the Qualis in front struggled to find the road leading to the outside amidst all the crowd and the darkness. There were hardly a few seva-dal and a handful of students (SSSU, CT-BT, SSSIHMS included) who tried to form a barricade around Swami's car. The crowd was ecstaticjust with Swami's darshan. Believe it or not, it took Swami's car (driven by Satyajit) close to an hour to get from the runway to about 200 metres from the airport (on the road towards mandir). All vehicles that

had come (I'm sure if not all, atleast 95% of Parthi was at the airport) were parked haphazardly on both sides of the road making things much more difficult for the drivers of both vehicles. It was about 8.15 by the time Swami's car could really speed on. He went by the bypass road and reached mandir. From what I hear, He did notretire upstairs until much later. By this time, I had already received calls from so many as to what was going on. Could I say nothing happened? No way! Something certainly had happened, only that we could not see it happening. The only explanations we could give to the whole episode were: Swami had beautifully demonstrated how He could get the entire world to think of Him for over an hour by just making a single statement. And for all that we know, all the Gods and Goddesses, in the heavensabove, must have peen pining for Swami's darshan and He granted them His Darshan to their heart's content, last evening. The sight of all these divine beings must have been the VISWA VIRATA SWAROOPA, or Swamimust have appeared as the VISWA VIRATA SWAROOPA to those devatas,which we were unfortunate or can I say unqualified not to witness. (I do agree with you that we cannot give these reasons to the doubting-Thomases; this would end in them getting a confirmation that we are lunatics of the first order, if not any thing worse.) Swami was shown on all TV channels. They did not have footage of the actual scene at the airport, so they were airing His darshan. All people in the country and maybe the world over were having His darshan. Wasn't that VISWA VIRAATA DARSHAN? What more can you ask for? Only two were fortunate to have the darshan in

Kurukshetra. Could it have been so easy for millions over the world to behold the Divine Spectacle? They did see him on the television, didn't they? Just imagine, if at all we could have seen something of the kind of what we were expecting, Parthi would have no more been the same. Poeple would have started pouring in from all corners of the world. As I walked back, I was worried about one thing - tongues wagging about the incident. This incident was certainly a dainty-dish served on silverware for those waiting to comment on Swami. And was I right! We heard some of the reports that were being aired... we were really pained but did not know what to do. All that we could do was to pray. Being students and Devotees of Bhagawan, we need to keep ourselves together and firm in our faith for Him. When we meet people we must be ready to face all sorts of questions (many of you must have already faced some I'm

sure, by the time you are reading this). TV channels, I hear, were broadcasting all sorts of rubbish. Swami being seen on the moon?! What rubbish!!(Not impossible for HIM I admit though). But, He never said anything like that. It was just the media, distorting all information, and sorry to say, even our devotees, as usual adding on masala to whatever they heard. Some even said that that the Central Trust issued some statement. What rot!! Utter nonsense! As things stand now, there has been no clarification from Bhagawan yet regarding the matter. It is only our Himalayan-faith in Him that should convince us that whatever He did was with a purpose and if not now, we'll surely realise it later. I got to see Swami from very, very close quarters last evening as the car was wriggling out of the airport and inching (literally, inch-by-inch) in the direction of the mandir. Swami apppeared so unlike usual. I need not tell you how he generally

reacts to crowds, but last evening He seemed to be in some higher plane, believe me! Most of the time He was just staring in front of the car, into the emptiness (which was actually not empty!).He was truly all of Himself. He is the kapata-nataka-sutradhari, adept at what He does... Impeccable! He has done His job, and we now have to do ours. Whether we can pull people into the Sai-path or not is not the thing of concern right now; rather we must hold-on to Him much stronger than ever before. This seems to me like a simple process of chaffing which He has adopted to separate the husk from the grain. In the hurricane, that was yesterday, some grains too would have been blown off along with the husk. I repeat again, we just need to hold-on, and we will be through. It is so easy to shake off people who are sitting precariously balanced (or in a state of imbalance should I say?) on the ledge, wondering which side to fall. They could just drop this way

or that that, by a mere shake! Are you one of those fickle-minded fools or we are standing firm on the Bhagawan's side? Judge for yourself.And to curtail the wagging-tongues, I pray to Bhagawan to give us all the strength to face them boldly and show them that we are still on His side, no matter what. This is merely a test of our faith, and as He has always given us the asssurance, He will always test us only according to our capabilities. There is never a tough test. We all have it in us to take us through. Some of us, who have a stronger foundation, will be able to take others along, too. If some of usfeel we are not yet ripe for taking the test, we can only pray and He will surely yield to it. Dear Sai Brothers and Sisters, I admit am nobody great, to be telling you all this motivational stuff. I am blindly typing all that is coming from my heart. If we have the "stubborn-faith" that what He is doing is for the good of the entire Universe, no force

on earth can do anything. HIS mission will anyhow go on, as it was always, with the same pre-programmed precision and perfection. Looking from our point of view, we need to march hand-in-hand with HIM. Let us all make a resolve to be by His side, no matter what. If Moses, a mere mortal, could take people to the promised land….what to say of Bhagawan!!! HOLD ON AND KEEP PRAYING. Sairam! Looking forward to everyone thoughts on This mail. Om Sai Ram

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SairamSure ..I echo the sentiments and the complete D-Rama was played out..our beloved and our precious Sathya Sai Krishnaswaroopa in this leela amply demonstrated the unpreparedness of the many...those of us who qualify and know the intent and the Divine Will behind this happening know that not unlike Sainatha our dear precious Swamy wanted to know ...It was apparent to all

The Countdown has begun my dear sisters and brothersThe number of messages discourse articles in Sanathana Sarathi and countless personal interviews and darshans sparshans and sambhashans apart our precious Lord wants us to know that from wherever we are the path of the pancha bhuthas the path of dharma and of following our Lords message to the T will make us see Him from the balcony of our bedrooms....since the Moon and the other prakritik creations of which He is the Omnipresent Creator and Maker, can do this in a jiffy sheerly through his own Will....

The mad sheep mentality must have pained our precious Lord and given Him such a joltsince we know Actions speak much louder than words and Hands deliver far more tellingly than lips that pray...for being truisms

For one who saw the Devas and the Devikas and all the Devalokas come and do obeisance to Our Precious Lord in Prashantiand to whom the Precious Lord comes when the Heart is In the Right Place and With the Correct True Intent...merger is complete

There is no doubting the veracity of the VisionHaving been with this experience and countless my Heart weeps and my thoughts are completely benumbed to know that amongst us number some who are still looking the elephant over and mistakenly stroking it not knowing the might and the gargantuan presence behind it as the Will the Intent and All that is indeed our Precious Swami

Om Sathya Sai Krishnaya NamahaPS: For those of you who have not seen or read the book Sai Smaran written by Dr Gadhia in whom our Lord saw the perfect Shepherd and who in turn was the Shepherd to our Lord and Master , our Swamy our Bhagwan...get a copy and read it...A copy is available at the Sai Central Book Trust Shop for Rs 40/ or thereabouts....Its filled with our Bhagwans pure unsullied presence in every nanno and every iota of space

Jai Sathya Saibabaji ki Jai, Jai ho aur Amar Rahe Dr GadhiajiOn 07/10/2007, kumar mahadevan <mahadevan12

> wrote:

Swami and Viswaroopa Darshan

The Following is a Most Wonderful mail written by a Sai Student in Prashanti Nilayam : There was a lot of commotion the world-over, last evening. Here is what actually went on.Swami came for darshan at around 5.05pm, after the bhajans started. He went to bhajan hall and asked for Sri Chakravarti and told him something. I believe Chakravarti sir was unable to get the import of what Swami was saying. The people in bhajan group said, " Swami was in some other plane. " Swami then went to the interview room and called him alongwith Sri Giri. After a while Dr SSS was summoned and he came out running and asked for Anil Kumar sir. Anil Kumar sir had already left mandir, so warden-sir went out in search of him. In a few moments Chakravarti sir also came out looking for Anil Kumar sir. Sometime later Giri sir too came up near the teacher's block and asked if Anil Kumar sir had come. Then after around 10 minutes Anil Kumar Sir arrived. Swami then went into bhajan hall and Anil Kumar sir followed. After Arati was over, Swami made Anil Kumar sir announce, " Today is a

very auspicious day. This evening, VISWA VIRATA SWAROOPAM will be granted to all in the direction of the airport, till 7.00pm. " Swami then asked him to add on, " People of all nations, religions, caste, creed and colour will be able to have this magnificent vision. " The moment the announcement was over, we were in a state of confusion as to what it was all about. People had already started moving to the airport. People were madly rushing to the south-west. It was " festival-time " for all autowalas and taxis! We thought for a while as to whether we need to go all the way or we would be able to see, whatever it was, from the terrace or from near Hanuman (Familiarity breeds contempt, no doubt!). As some of us neared the hostel, there was some commotion. " Swami is coming! " , they said. " What! Swami coming?! " Yes, he was coming indeed! He sped off towards the airport. Most of our boys were already on the hostel-terrace or near Hanuman.When I saw Swami going, I too set off towards the airport, as fast as my legs could carry me. " It was going to be surely something that I could not miss. " I reached the airport and saw Swami's car parked on the runway. There were people all around the car. Swami kept sitting for around 20 minutes or so. He did not even come out of the car. The car door opened once, but He didn't come out. Nothing visible to my eye went on in the skies. It was all as it was. The sun had gone down and it was getting darker. People were craning their necks to see if they could get a glimpse of anything. Some had cameras, and mobile-phones filled in for the rest. Swami sat for a few more minutes and it was 7.20pm. Swami's car then started moving back. Sorry, to say there was not a single light-source, (not even one!!!) on the airport. Swami's car and the Qualis in front struggled to find the road leading to the outside amidst all the crowd and the darkness. There were hardly a few seva-dal and a handful of students (SSSU, CT-BT, SSSIHMS included) who tried to form a barricade around Swami's car. The crowd was ecstatic

just with Swami's darshan. Believe it or not, it took Swami's car (driven by Satyajit) close to an hour to get from the runway to about 200 metres from the airport (on the road towards mandir). All vehicles that had come (I'm sure if not all, atleast 95% of Parthi was at the airport) were parked haphazardly on both sides of the road making things much more difficult for the drivers of both vehicles. It was about 8.15 by the time Swami's car could really speed on. He went by the bypass road and reached mandir. From what I hear, He did notretire upstairs until much later. By this time, I had already received calls from so many as to what was going on. Could I say nothing happened? No way! Something certainly had happened, only that we could not see it happening. The only explanations we could give to the whole episode were: Swami had beautifully demonstrated how He could get the entire world to think of Him for over an hour by just making a single statement.And for all that we know, all the Gods and Goddesses, in the heavensabove, must have peen pining for Swami's darshan and He granted them His Darshan to their heart's content, last evening. The sight of all these divine beings must have been the VISWA VIRATA SWAROOPA, or Swamimust have appeared as the VISWA VIRATA SWAROOPA to those devatas,

which we were unfortunate or can I say unqualified not to witness. (I do agree with you that we cannot give these reasons to the doubting-Thomases; this would end in them getting a confirmation that we are lunatics of the first order, if not any thing worse.) Swami was shown on all TV channels. They did not have footage of the actual scene at the airport, so they were airing His darshan. All people in the country and maybe the world over were having His darshan. Wasn't that VISWA VIRAATA DARSHAN? What more can you ask for? Only two were fortunate to have the darshan in Kurukshetra. Could it have been so easy for millions over the world to behold the Divine Spectacle? They did see him on the television, didn't they? Just imagine, if at all we could have seen something of the kind of what we were expecting, Parthi would have no more been the same. Poeple would have started pouring in from all corners of the world. As I walked back, I was worried about one thing - tongues wagging about the incident. This incident was certainly a dainty-dish served on silverware for those waiting to comment on Swami. And was I right! We heard some of the reports that were being aired... we were really pained but did not know what to do. All that we could do was to pray. Being students and Devotees of Bhagawan, we need to keep ourselves together and firm in our faith for Him. When we meet people we must be ready to face all sorts of questions (many of you must have already faced some I'm sure, by the time you are reading this). TV channels, I hear, were broadcasting all sorts of rubbish. Swami being seen on the moon?! What rubbish!!(Not impossible for HIM I admit though). But, He never said anything like that. It was just the media, distorting all information, and sorry to say, even our devotees, as usual adding on masala to whatever they heard. Some even said that that the Central Trust issued some statement. What rot!! Utter nonsense! As things stand now, there has been no clarification from Bhagawan yet regarding the matter. It is only our Himalayan-faith in Him that should convince us that whatever He did was with a purpose and if not now, we'll surely realise it later. I got to see Swami from very, very close quarters last evening as the car was wriggling out of the airport and inching (literally, inch-by-inch) in the direction of the mandir. Swami apppeared so unlike usual. I need not tell you how he generally reacts to crowds, but last evening He seemed to be in some higher plane, believe me! Most of the time He was just staring in front of the car, into the emptiness (which was actually not empty!).He was truly all of Himself. He is the kapata-nataka-sutradhari, adept at what He does... Impeccable! He has done His job, and we now have to do ours. Whether we can pull people into the Sai-path or not is not the thing of concern right now; rather we must hold-on to Him much stronger than ever before. This seems to me like a simple process of chaffing which He has adopted to separate the husk from the grain. In the hurricane, that was yesterday, some grains too would have been blown off along with the husk. I repeat again, we just need to hold-on, and we will be through. It is so easy to shake off people who are sitting precariously balanced (or in a state of imbalance should I say?) on the ledge, wondering which side to fall. They could just drop this way or that that, by a mere shake! Are you one of those fickle-minded fools or we are standing firm on the Bhagawan's side? Judge for yourself.

And to curtail the wagging-tongues, I pray to Bhagawan to give us all the strength to face them boldly and show them that we are still on His side, no matter what. This is merely a test of our faith, and as He has always given us the asssurance, He will always test us only according to our capabilities. There is never a tough test. We all have it in us to take us through. Some of us, who have a stronger foundation, will be able to take others along, too. If some of us

feel we are not yet ripe for taking the test, we can only pray and He will surely yield to it. Dear Sai Brothers and Sisters, I admit am nobody great, to be telling you all this motivational stuff. I am blindly typing all that is coming from my heart. If we have the " stubborn-faith " that what He is doing is for the good of the entire Universe, no force on earth can do anything. HIS mission will anyhow go on, as it was always, with the same pre-programmed precision and perfection. Looking from our point of view, we need to march hand-in-hand with HIM. Let us all make a resolve to be by His side, no matter what. If Moses, a mere mortal, could take people to the promised land….whatto say of Bhagawan!!! HOLD ON AND KEEP PRAYING.Sairam! Looking forward to everyone thoughts on This mail.

Om Sai Ram Why delete messages? Unlimited storage is

just a click away. -- sairamnayanika

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Sairam Dear Sai Brothers and Sisters, Swamy's methodology is unpredictable. Swamy is unfathomable. So why try??? Just Pray and Obey to our Beloved Lord. Non believers are there but why worry? Our worry should be thinking about how to be with Bhagavan all the time. Does anything else matter???? Jai Sai Ram Thankam Nair

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  • 2 weeks later...

Sai Ram Sir,


I read whole message,but i am confused as ZEE News on morning of 5th. october clarified that there was an misinterpretation of events as Sai Youth Gujarat were performing a laser show at the airport in which they have invited Swami,thats why Swami went to airport and nothing sort of VISHWAROOPA darshan was announced by Swami.I beleive if Swami wants to give us vishwaroopa darshan,HE need not to go to airport physically, HE is capable of doing so wherever HE is.When HE can make Vibhuthi oozing in HIS snaps thousands of miles away from HIS physical body,HE need not go to anywhere to show vishwaroopa.Please confirm the event and only then post it at group as group postings touches thousands.Please dont mind anything.




Rashmi Verma

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Its all Divine Play. Is Swami not in vishwaroopa form now?.. Its very difficult to interpret his movements and messages.. Lets enjoy his presence. He was, is and will be Truth and Love.


What swami thinks? who, in this universe can question? its all our small mind try to understand his mission and discuss..


Lets just ejnoy his presence.. love his presence.. If happens, let's enjoy more, if not too enjoy..Lets be in his fold.. thats more important than anything else..


this is my humble opinion..



On 10/21/07, Rashmi Verma <saivibhuthi wrote:







Sai Ram Sir,


I read whole message,but i am confused as ZEE News on morning of 5th. october clarified that there was an misinterpretation of events as Sai Youth Gujarat were performing a laser show at the airport in which they have invited Swami,thats why Swami went to airport and nothing sort of VISHWAROOPA darshan was announced by Swami.I beleive if Swami wants to give us vishwaroopa darshan,HE need not to go to airport physically, HE is capable of doing so wherever HE is.When HE can make Vibhuthi oozing in HIS snaps thousands of miles away from HIS physical body,HE need not go to anywhere to show vishwaroopa.Please confirm the event and only then post it at group as group postings touches thousands.Please dont mind anything.




Rashmi Verma

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Dear Rashmi


I totally agree with you and you are right in stating

that the gujrat group was to display a laser show and

it is truly disturbing when such rumors are spread by

our devotees themselves!!They should verify 100%

before spreading the message.

With regads


--- Rashmi Verma <saivibhuthi wrote:


> Sai Ram Sir,


> I read whole message,but i am confused as ZEE News

> on morning of 5th.

> october clarified that there was an

> misinterpretation of events as Sai Youth

> Gujarat were performing a laser show at the airport

> in which they have

> invited Swami,thats why Swami went to airport and

> nothing sort of

> VISHWAROOPA darshan was announced by Swami.I beleive

> if Swami wants to give

> us vishwaroopa darshan,HE need not to go to airport

> physically, HE is

> capable of doing so wherever HE is.When HE can make

> Vibhuthi oozing in HIS

> snaps thousands of miles away from HIS physical

> body,HE need not go to

> anywhere to show vishwaroopa.Please confirm the

> event and only then post it

> at group as group postings touches thousands.Please

> dont mind anything.


> Sai RAM


> Rashmi Verma




With Best regards





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