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, aumji <no_reply wrote:


Dear Aumji,




Yes it is the same mentioned in BRAHMI AMLA KESH TEL.


If still need any guidance please ask.


With warm wishes,



HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)










> , " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9@> wrote:

> Dear Sudhakarji, is this Brahmi booty the same mentioned in Brahmi

> Anvla kesh oil? or something different?


> Aum


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, " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9 wrote:


> , aumji <no_reply@> wrote:



thanks sudhakarji,


i knew this herb as a herb for increasing power of memory. it

is good to know its other uses. Please tell exactly how it should be

taken, as some of my friends seem to be interested in it. Pls tell

exact place to get it, or how to pluck it(any ritual) and how to

consume it/





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, aumji <no_reply wrote:


> , " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9@> wrote:

> Dear Sudhakarji, is this Brahmi booty the same mentioned in Brahmi

> Anvla kesh oil? or something different?


> Aum


Brahmi booty is a herb found in upper parts of uttrakhand and himachal

pradesh. its an aurvedic medicine and is very bitter in taste. brahmi

powder is taken with milk in a small quantity of a tea spoonful for

enhancing the memory and to cure brain and psychological problems.

there are few enterprises which are making available this powder in

pachaged form in some markets. for its true effects it has to taken

contineously for 40 days without any break. brahmi amla kesh oil is

supposed to have same herb (as they claim)


so hum

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, aumji <no_reply wrote:


Dear Aumji,




Before this herb is taken it is necessary to purge yourself/friends

of existing impurities in the body and particularly in the large

intestine. It is advantageous if you could stay in a naturopathy

centre for 10 days so that through fasting and enema your body is

thoroughly cleansed.




You may say no time/money to do this cleansing then the next best

thing to do is on a weekend say saturday night miss your night meal

and instead just consume a teaspoonful of TRIPHALA CHOORNA (powder)

plus 1 teaspoonful of honey. Mix it and consume so that next day

i.e. sunday morning partial bowel cleansing takes place. If any of

your friend is having sugar problem then triphala powder same

quantity should be taken with water only. Now again repeat the

previous night dose of triphala with honey/water - for sugar people

after brushing your teeth. Now these two purging should be o.k. to

try on your own. Please note after an hour or two depending upon

the dirt inside your colon you may get one or two loose motion for

which you need not worry.


Now if you/friends have access to fresly grown Brahmi booty the

better. It should be always plucked atleast half an hour before

sunrise. Ofcourse before plucking it is advantageous to offer a

prayer of your choice and seek plants rather creepers permission

to take its 3 leaves. (This is one single dose for one person only)

Wash it by holding leaves under a running tap water. Then rinse it

with boiled cooled water and straightway put it in your mouth and

chew the leaves. When plucking leaves just cut it at the end without

pulling out the roots please and eat the leaf and the stem of it



Please note it is not bitter as mentioned by SOHUM elsewhere in

this forum. Bitterness will make you spit out like - try chewing

neem leaves which is bitter but brahmi has strong taste of astringent

and sweet along with bitter thus you won't be tempted to spit it



This is the first and the best way to consume brahmi leaves

everyday. Second choice is pluck about 10 to 15 leaves everyday

before sunrise after offering the prayers and boil it in a cup of

water. The essence of the leaves will be released in the water which

you can drink it as brahmi tea. You can add sugar candy which is

called as '' KHADI SAKAR '' or even organically grown sugarcane

juice solified called Gur, Gool, Jaggery but no honey as honey

in hot liquid is a poison. Third way which i am not in favour unless

the ghee is prepared from cow which is having regular exercise and

is not always tied in the barn then the brahmi leaves plucked in

same manner five in numbers should be fried in ghee and eaten on empty

stomach. It should not be burnt followed by the same cow's fresh

milk. (As you see this is not practical).


Now if you do not have access to brahmi booty then brahmi leaves

are frozen and powdered can also be consumed but comparatively

less effective i.e. 98 to 99 percent instead of 100 percent but

still it is a good percentage. This 3gms powder mixed in a cup of

milk of cow (nowadays they inject steroid and non-veg food to cows

leading to the milk being of not good quality at all) and heated on

a slow fire till it starts boiling. Then cool it and mix with any

sweetener mentioned above and consume it on empty stomach.


In any form you take this brahmi booty you should not consume

your breakfast till one hour has elapsed. This is important please



If you still have any queries please ask.


With warm wishes,



HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)




> thanks sudhakarji,


> i knew this herb as a herb for increasing power of memory.

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, " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9 wrote:


> have access to fresly grown Brahmi booty the

> better.

to take its 3 leaves. (This is one single dose for one person only)



Dear Sudhakar


This is very interesting. I have been putting brahmi hair oil on my

hair & thinking how wonderful it smells - it smells like you could eat

it! Where can you get the seeds to grow this yourself & would the plant

grow in England? Also, you say the dose is 3 leaves per person, but

wouldnt it depend on size & weight etc? I am half the weight of some of

my friends.


With love



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, " janfarah_strongspirit "

<janfarah_strongspirit wrote:


> , " spbyoga9 " <spbyoga9@> wrote:

> >

> > have access to fresly grown Brahmi booty the

> > better.

> to take its 3 leaves. (This is one single dose for one person on



Hellow Farahaji,




Apparently you have never seen Brahmi booty. It is a creeper.

The leaves are the size of English Penny. Some may grow a little

bigger - the size of old English Shilling. So here all you have to

do is consume 3 english penny size leaves, their weight hardly



It will definitely grow in England provided there is perennial

source of water and sunlight. I know english weather lacks sunshine

in which case you can try to grow it in countryside such as Dorset,

Hampshire, Sussex and Kent as the total sunshire over these counties

is 1750 hours of sunshine per year.


Actually with proper water and sunlight it would go a long way to

have a nice lawn of Brahmi. You can also plant it in a tin if you

do not have access to land and living in flat/apartment/condo.


I do not know about its seeds. Usually it is planted by uprooting

along with its leaves and replanted elsewhere. I have not seen any

flowers or seeds in this creeper. Maybe you should try your local

nursery centre or alternatively you could contact Aumji to send you

the creeper in an envelope by COURIER SERVICE and when you receive

the same immediately plant it - as being a creeper i do not know if

it will survive the journey in absence of sunlight and water though

i have read the travellers stealing it and planting it as soon as

they reached their destination and it has survived.


If still in doubt please do not hesistate to contact.


With warm wishes,



HARI OM TAT SAT! Cheers! :o)


> This is very interesting. I have been putting brahmi hair oil on my

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