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Reference of Lord Dattatreya in Upanishads-Shree Guru Dattatreya Vijayathe!!!!!!!!! PLS DON'T MISS TO READ IT

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Dear blessed ones! Pranams! Lord Dattatreya was mentioned directly or indirectly in some of the Upanishads. They were written around 1000 A.D. (as per the information given by Dr.N.B.Patilji) What is the implied meaning of ‘Datta’?Datta means ‘given’ - One who has been given the spiritual experience of the unmanifest principle that ‘We are Brahma, we are Liberated’. Lord Datta experienced the unmanifest principle from His birth itself, whereas seekers have to do intense spiritual practice to get this spiritual experience. This highlights the uniqueness of Lord Datta.

Lord Datta is also known by another equally popular name of ‘Avadhut’. Avadhut is one who washes away the temperamental defects i.e. the three attributes – Sattva, Raja and Tama. He destroys them. He bestows the spiritual experience of the unmanifest principle. Importance of Lord Datta from the seekers point of viewThere are many Gods in Hindu religion. But there is only who is worshipped in the form of the Guru – and He is Lord Datta. Hence the extolling( Jai-ghosh) of ‘Jai Gurudev Datta’. Datta is the ideal of the Guru principle and a proponent of Yoga. A few of His well known disciples are Yadu, Sahasrarjuna, and Parashuram. Shaivite and Vaishnavite sects revere Datta in equal measure, as He is acceptable to both in the form of a Guru. Since Datta performs the task of the Guru principle, His mission will continue till the last person in the universe attains Final Liberation. Sri Datta and His Gurus Every thing in this Universe is a

‘Guru’. From the negative, we learn what defects we must get rid of and from the good, we learn what qualities to strive for. For this purpose, Lord Datta identified 24 Gurus and many sub-Gurus. Let us take just one example – A tree was a ‘Guru’ to Him; the tree becomes more humble when it blossoms with flowers and fruits, only to help others in greater measure. So must a man become humble when he acquires wealth and should help others in greater measure. Learning from Lord Datta, we should ‘identify’ various Gurus, to reduce our defects and multiply our good qualities, so that we are able to attain God fast. Devotees of Lord Dattatreya show their devotion to Him by ritualistically worshiping Him, by singing His Aarti or by reciting His verses. This kind of worship (Kaliyuga) which is the most superior in todays times, that which can connect us to Lord Datta perennially. It also aims at explaining the spiritual science in His worship. We pray at

Sree Guru’s Holy Feet that devotees of Lord Datta understand the science in His worship and are able to get the maximum benefit of His principle. The reference of Lord Dattatreya was mentioned in the following Upanishads. 1.AVADHOOTHOPANISHAD 2. DATTOPANISHAD 3.SHANDILYOPANISHAD 4.BHIKSHUKOPANISHAD AND 5. JABALA DARSHOPANISHAD 1.AVADHOOTHOPANISHAD: This Upanishad is one of the minor

Upanishads where the characterstics of a realised soul (Brahmajnana) are narrated. The entire philosophy of realization is described here in 36 slokas. The Avadhootha who narrates this Upanishad is none else than Bhagavan Lord Dattatreya. Sanskriti, a devotee of Lord Dattatreya asks him to tell the signs of an avadhootha, his way of life and his style of passing throught the world. Out of compassion, Bhagavan Lord Dattatreya reveals this wisdom to Sanskriti. 2.DATTOPANISHAD:: This Upanishad contains the Datta Mantras for Upasana. This is treated as a mystic Upanishad in three parts. The first part mentions that in the Satyaksehtra, Brahma approached Narayana and asked him what will save him. He was told that he should worship the

place sanctified by Narayana. Narayana then made Brahma meditate on Dattatreya After meditating on Dattatreya, he spoke thus, Dama is a Hansa. DAAM is a word which protects. This will save one from the pangs of being born in this world. Saddashiva is the Rishi of this Upanishad and Dattatreya is Devata. The entire wrld is like a seed of a VATA tree and it rests in Datta. The Upanishad is of six letters. DA, OM, HRIM, KLIM, Glaum and DRAM. These six letters of mantra will lead to the yogic experience. Dattatreya is full of SAT, CHIT and ANANDA and NAMAHA is the embodiment of complete happiness.In this way several mantras with seed

letters are included in this Upanishad. One hwo recites these mantras with the vijaksharaas will be liberated and merges in happiness. In the second part of the Upanishad, Lord Dattatreya is praised that mere rememberance of him and will remove all fears and give one immense knowledge. In the third part, it is stated that who reads this is sanctified by Vayu, Agni, Soma, Aditya, Brahma, Vishnu and Rudra. The reading is equivalent to a recitation of 1,00,000 Gayathri mantra. He becomes free from the sins of Brahmahatya or Gohatya etc. So said Bhagavan Narayana to the Brahma. 3.SHANDILYOPANISHAD: It is classified as one of the later yoga Upanishads and Lord Dattatreya is said to be

a Yoga Saavanth. Dattaguru was described in this Upanishad as having four hands like Vishnu and with only one head. He is calm and he showers his grace on his devotees. He is a storehouse of knowledge and the Guru of this Universe. One who worships Lord Dattatreya becomes free from the bondage of the world. 4.BHIKSHUKOPANISHAD: This Upanishad classified Dattatreya guru as Praamahamsa, a category of bhikshus, the other three being, Kutichak, Bahudaka and Hamsa. According to this Upanishad, Dattatreya is detached, unfettered, devoid f internal conflicts, who would not keept anything with him, always dwelling in AATMAN and a Sannyasi, who would accept alms from all the castes. 5.JABALA DARSANOPANISHAD.: Sankriti wanted to know the secrets of ASHTAANGA YOGA. So Dattaguru describes the YOGA SHASTRA to him in 224 slokas. YAMA, NIYAMA, AASANA, PRAANAYAMA, PRATYAAHARA, DHYAANA, DHAARANA and SAMADHI. These eight steps of Yoga are described in this UPanishad. So kindly observe and see how Dattaguru was referred in these UPanishads. Every one of this Universe have to maintain trust and confidence on one's GURU and also on SHAASHTRAAS. The SHaastraas are clearly telling that LOrd Dattatreya is guru to Parashurama (teached the GNANA KANDA of Tripura Rahashyam) who is the incarnation of Lord VIshnu. Dattaguru avathara is a continuous one and no end for his AVathara. His main purpose is to give GNAANA to his servants. Hence, the sadhaks of Lord Dattatreya are calling him as GNAANA PRAKAASHA AND GNAANA SWAROOPA. As a result

of this, one can clearly observe that, the Datta devotees knowledge and the way of dealing the things in their lives will be changed and behaves with Gnana. The level of knowledge of such devotees will be increased to higher levels after entering into the Datta maarga. Even Shirdi Sainath Maharaj was also suggested to his devotee (one can know from Sai Satcharitra) to read Shree Guru charitra for 108 times means we are nothing to tell about the importance and greatness of SHree Guru charitra or about Lord Dattatreya. So, we request all the members to spread Datta nama (DIGAMBARA DIGAMBARA SHREE PAADA VALLABHA DIGAMBARA) to many more persons of the society by joining them in our group. Our duty is to tell about Dattaguru nama to each and every member of the society and the rest will take care by Lord Dattatreya about ourselves and the persons who recites his nama. It is TRUE...TRUE....TRUE.... ::SHREE GURU DATTATREYA VIJAYATHE:: Subrahmanyam.Bharathuladatta_gururayasmarthrugaami-dattavaibhavam

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