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Maa - Oneness

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It is good, Vish, that you are quoting these sections from the book. I have

read it a couple of times and it is so packed with spiritual experiences and

wisdom that it is very easy to skip right over it and not get the full impact.

Like this passage. I have always been talking to " Mom " , ever since I realized

that my physical mother could not be everything for me that I wanted. I always

wanted Divine Mother to be a prescence in my life. And yet, I cannot always

" feel " Her presence, my spiritual radar is so weak. When I reflect on things

that have happened to me, though, I know She is watching over me, even though

our communication is not always perfect. This passage from Living With The Soul

makes it clear that the goal is to always behave in this way, every day, every

minute. What a blessing it is to know that you are never alone.


Jai Maa!



, " inspectionconnection108 "

<inspectionconnection108 wrote:


> Namaste all family: Maa says in " Living with the Soul " : P. 178


> A higher soul lives with each individual soul, that's the theme of this book!

{laughing}. You can see how beautiful the Rudrashtadyayi is!{text on Rudra-a

form of Shiva who removes suffering}. You are with everybody. If you can see

yourself with a higher soul everywhere, it will be so beautiful. You will not

be alone; even in the jungle, you will not be alone.

> I always see Ramakrishna everywhere, everywhere " Thakur " . If anybody comes to

me, they were sent by Thakur; wherever I went, Thakur was taking me. In that

way I saw that everything is Thakur. {laughing} Still now, if anybody comes to

me, I still see Ramakrishna. Thakur is there even if that person is living in


> Remember you have a relation with everything and you're with everything. You

are never alone. Your action and reaction are going on constantly with

everything. But Maya is so strong; it makes us forget. {laughing}. Fun, huh?

We came into this world to play. It is play! It's completely a play. Just play

the game.


> Dear family, Maa gives us a vision of the Goal. Over and over, in so many

ways, She tells us that we are Infinite, Eternal, and One with all Creation and

the Creator. She lives her life to demonstrate the truth of her words. She is

the Higher Soul with us always.

> Wow!

> I have found every quote I could locate in order to remind each of us of Maa's

love for us all, and her prayer that we will aspire and work to reach and

experience the Truth she lives.



> Jai Maa Jai Swami


> vishweshwar


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Interesting that Kumari should mention something that has been a matter of

contemplation for me for some while with respect to the comment that " I have

always been talking to " Mom, " ever since I realized that my physical mother

could not be everything for me that I wanted. "


My own physical mother was a tortured soul and died miserably because of

lifelong addictions to alcohol and cigarettes, her own unfufilled ambitions no

matter how much she appropriated from others from any means, and of a lifelong

bitterness of a broken relationship with my father and having been left with a

damaged child (me) due to her addictions that looked exactly like the husband

she chased away. I absorbed all the hatred and disappointment she had and never

understood any of it until I was in my 50s and she was long gone and buried.


But when I look back and see the kind of assistance to become the person I am

today because of all of this,... I can say that it is a hard road to go, but I

wouldn't trade what I have or am today for anything. Sure, the deafness from

Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder that I deal with on a daily basis, even on every

single interaction--I quickly sort the wheat from the chaff with people who are

willing to meet me halfway in communication or not. Many people want to work

out their own frustrations on me because I'm an easy target that way. Many

opportunities are lost. But, on the other hand, it is easy for me to see the

angels who help me on my path. They glow like avatars from God. The deafness

has made me learn to listen and become musical and have blessed me with a love

and facility with languages, and to appreciate what I CAN hear. To try to

please my unpleasable mother, I excelled in my studies and became a well paid

professional. This stood me in good stead when she disowned me from the family

fortune in her anger of being unable to keep me down to satisfy her own

disappointment in life.


Oddly, on her deathbed, she asked her friends " Did I do right by Charlene? " No

one would answer her. I can only imagine that this must have been a powerful

moment for her, because there was a prized turquoise bracelet she then had

secretly " smuggled " out of the hospital and delivered to me. All of the people

who were inheriting from her considerable fortune were fighting over this

bracelet, especially my younger brother's wife. It is the only thing of value

that I have from my mother. I don't wear it, but I do look at it once in a

while, maybe once a year. Sometimes not even that--mostly because The Great

Mother has been a better mother for me.


So, bottom line is, adversity is something that shapes us. The greater the

adversity, the greater the potential to come away with great inner riches. When

the adversity becomes so great that it threatens health and life, it is very

difficult to deal with and sometimes it is hard to see where the benefit is--it

is hard to see the big picture.


But I can say that my short association with the Devi Mandir, Shree Maa, and

Swamiji has been one of the most blessed events in my life. Hearing Sri Maa

sing on CD (where I can turn the volume up) changed my life completely.

SOMETHING HAPPENED!!! I finally heard the magic and majesty of mantra and a

whole world opened itself to me and I experiences states of non-duality and

union with God that I never understood to be possible. Everything I have

experienced to date all have worked together to bring me to this point and to

the Devi Mandir.


Granted, I still have things I have to work out (such as co-workers who like to

make themselves feel better by playing mean-spirited tricks on me that are

physically and emotionally injurious) but this just means I have to work on

myself more. Meanwhile, I use the music skills I have to take sound clips of

mantra from the CDs, loop sections I want of them to repeat the number of times

I want, and learn them that way. I even had a compliment on my Sanskrit

recitation last Sunday while learning Siva Puja after the Chandi. Secretly, I

sing complete improvisations of the Gayatri that I have learned with new

melodies and cadences and amazing moments of vibratory power surprise me and

inspire me. I am working hard on other verses and mantras so that they can be

channels for this power as well. Eventually, I will learn whole pujas and the



Even though I do attend the Chandi at the Devi Mandir whenever possible, I have

only approached Shree Maa once and I was struck totally speechless. She had the

kindness to ask me my name and Swamiji blessed me with many lives (not sure

about that since this one was a doozy, but ok--that's all the blessing I need, I

think, thank you very much). I'm just happy to be here.


Anyway, my point here is that the Mother is there, regardless of anything else

going on,...and that the adversities we face have an ultimate good to them. And

Maa always seems to not only speak to me in spirit, but answer questions as

well. Swamiji also is there and answers my questions from the subtle regions.

Distance is nothing.


Jai Maa! Jai Swamiji!














, " mjfisher2005 " <mjfisher2005 wrote:


> It is good, Vish, that you are quoting these sections from the book. I have

read it a couple of times and it is so packed with spiritual experiences and

wisdom that it is very easy to skip right over it and not get the full impact.

Like this passage. I have always been talking to " Mom " , ever since I realized

that my physical mother could not be everything for me that I wanted. I always

wanted Divine Mother to be a prescence in my life. And yet, I cannot always

" feel " Her presence, my spiritual radar is so weak. When I reflect on things

that have happened to me, though, I know She is watching over me, even though

our communication is not always perfect. This passage from Living With The Soul

makes it clear that the goal is to always behave in this way, every day, every

minute. What a blessing it is to know that you are never alone.


> Jai Maa!

> Kumari

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