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February 13 prayer club reminder

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Dear Prayer Club Participants,Hope you all had a blessed Shivaratri. May all beings be illuminated with the consciousness of Infinite Goodness! Om namah shivaaya!If you have any names of people you would like to add to the prayer club list please send in the names to parv108. Keep up the good work in praying for this

universe! Please

remember to recite the MM mantra at least 27 times today, February 13th

for all of the prayer club participants and recipients. If

possible please offer at least one maala for all the souls in Haiti.To view the February prayer club list click on:To listen to our most recent prayer "http://www.shreemaa.org/drupal-4.7.3/recent_prayer_2http://www.shreemaa.org/drupal/recent_prayer_2To hear Shree Maa chant the MM mantra: http://www.shreemaa.org/drupal/taxonomy_menu/21 (shree maa chantingMM)"Just as clouds screen and obstruct the sun, so also the cloud of sickness stands in your way. Even then you must not leave the practice of japa, concentration, and meditation. These small clouds of sickness will pass off soon. Give the suggestions to the mind,"Even this will pass away." Just as you do not leave your food even for a day, so also you should not leave your spiritual practice even for one day. The mind is ever ready to deceive you and stop you from the practice of meditation. Do not hear the voice of the mind. Hear the sweet voice of the soul. Meditation itself is a tonic, and a

panacea for all diseases. If you are seriously ailing you can do japa and light meditation while lying in bed." (Swami Sivananda-Concentration and meditation)May Divine Mother bless us all with Peace, Good health and Illumination!Devi Mandir Prayer Club

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