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Namaste all!


I've had a little something on my mind so I thought I'd consult the smartest

people I could think of!


I've never been a very decisive person. I over-think everything and I never

quite feel like I know the right thing to do. But lately I've been trusting the

process of self-realization to take care of it for me. " I don't know what I

should be doing now but once I'm living in that state of realization, I'll

figure it out. " " I don't know what the best option is but after I figure out

the important thing, I'll just know. " For a while, it has given me comfort but

I'm beginning to think it might be more of a pipe dream.


So I'm wondering what you all think. For those of us who are currently

householders and seeking realization of the self, how do we make major decisions

while we're still seekers? Buying a house or land, having children, getting

married, choosing a career, those sorts of things. I suppose there's no point

in putting our lives on hold until we figure it all out but it's hard not to

feel frozen. I haven't done any of those things yet and I'm afraid of getting

latched down to a mortgage or bringing another life into the world if it isn't

the best option for the long run. I know we have a wide range of people with a

wide range of experience in this group. I would love to hear about everyone's

experiences and thoughts.


Thank you!




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Namaste Manya,


here's something from The Nectar of Eternal Bliss (p275f):


" M. (thinking): Who am I? From where have I come? What will happen to me in

this lifetime? Where will I go? What will I experience? Only Mother knows, and

She knows everything. What human being cares for me even a particle as much as

my Divine Mother? She is my true Mother. She has given me my body, mind, vital

force and soul. I don't need to know any more than that. If there is something

that She wants me to know, She will tell me. Who else cares for me so much?

Truly, Mother's children live in unbroken bliss.


Outside the Master's room the moonlight was laughing, as it were. Within the

room Sri Ramakrishna was sitting immersed in the bliss of divine love. "


dear Manya, I hope this helps a little,


with love,




, " weeshe83 " <weeshe83 wrote:


> Namaste all!


> I've had a little something on my mind so I thought I'd consult the smartest

people I could think of!


> I've never been a very decisive person. I over-think everything and I never

quite feel like I know the right thing to do. But lately I've been trusting the

process of self-realization to take care of it for me. " I don't know what I

should be doing now but once I'm living in that state of realization, I'll

figure it out. " " I don't know what the best option is but after I figure out

the important thing, I'll just know. " For a while, it has given me comfort but

I'm beginning to think it might be more of a pipe dream.


> So I'm wondering what you all think. For those of us who are currently

householders and seeking realization of the self, how do we make major decisions

while we're still seekers? Buying a house or land, having children, getting

married, choosing a career, those sorts of things. I suppose there's no point

in putting our lives on hold until we figure it all out but it's hard not to

feel frozen. I haven't done any of those things yet and I'm afraid of getting

latched down to a mortgage or bringing another life into the world if it isn't

the best option for the long run. I know we have a wide range of people with a

wide range of experience in this group. I would love to hear about everyone's

experiences and thoughts.


> Thank you!

> Namaste!


> ~Manya


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Namaste Manya,


There is no right answer to your question, as you might have guessed.


I would say make a list of all your dreams. You could call these goals or

desires. Swami says to do prana pratishta (breathe life) into your dreams



Then figure out whether the mortgage, new life, etc. would aid or obstruct the

achievement of these dreams.


I recommend reading the workbook by John Maxwell called Dream Map. It would help

you better formulate and achieve your dreams. You can get the ebook from Barnes

& Noble for $9.99.


The principal challenge is social and family pressures which tend to ask you to

buy the house, etc. How you deal with these challenges are the test of how

strongly believe in your dreams.


And of course, pray.







, " weeshe83 " <weeshe83 wrote:


> Namaste all!


> I've had a little something on my mind so I thought I'd consult the smartest

people I could think of!


> I've never been a very decisive person. I over-think everything and I never

quite feel like I know the right thing to do. But lately I've been trusting the

process of self-realization to take care of it for me. " I don't know what I

should be doing now but once I'm living in that state of realization, I'll

figure it out. " " I don't know what the best option is but after I figure out

the important thing, I'll just know. " For a while, it has given me comfort but

I'm beginning to think it might be more of a pipe dream.


> So I'm wondering what you all think. For those of us who are currently

householders and seeking realization of the self, how do we make major decisions

while we're still seekers? Buying a house or land, having children, getting

married, choosing a career, those sorts of things. I suppose there's no point

in putting our lives on hold until we figure it all out but it's hard not to

feel frozen. I haven't done any of those things yet and I'm afraid of getting

latched down to a mortgage or bringing another life into the world if it isn't

the best option for the long run. I know we have a wide range of people with a

wide range of experience in this group. I would love to hear about everyone's

experiences and thoughts.


> Thank you!

> Namaste!


> ~Manya


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