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Visit to the Devi Mandir #5

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Dear Family and Friends,

Being in the Divine aura of our Gurus at the Devi Mandir, and surrounded by devotees daily reciting the Chandi made me realize how important it is to use pranayam when chanting. Though it is somewhat difficult for me to speak Sanskrit, especially around others whom are well versed in the language, I realized that once my breathing was steady, it was easy to flow with the rhythm of the Chandi and the words just happened with no effort, the pace of recitation seemed easy, unlike trying to keep up when viewing via the WebCam. The presence of the fire, the harmony of the voices, Swamiji's continual intercession with Divine Mother on our behalf -- all of these things made it easier to concentrate on the text. At the end of my visit, I was revisiting the days, and the thought came to me that when paying close attention, one's mind becomes clear, and this allows us to see the play of the Chandi being acted out. Without being attached to the play and remaining the silent witness, we allow the Guru to work in our lives.Ironically, on this Friday, the festival day of the Kali Puja marks exactly the 10th-year since I first met Maa and Swamiji. During all these years, Maa and Swamiji have remained constant in their teachings and guidance. Swamiji said sometime ago that respecting the Guru is not a part-time activity; it is not only when performing sadhana or other external worship, but rather how we apply the teachings in our everyday life. He also said that spiritual freedom arises when one can surrender tensions while maintaining an inner focus. Our Gurus have given us many tools by which we can maintain this inner focus: puja, japa, singing, Chanting, Scriptures, Meditation, attending Satsangha, are just a few.


Our Beloved Gurus are beings of pure light, True teachers and Caretakers who teach by example and who seek only the very best for their children. I once heard this song and adapted it to explain my true desire – to be a child of God, a light to the world :


I want to be free, to live as a child of God

I want to be free to do the things i know are right

I want to be pure, pure as the falling snow

So I know i am living in Maa's eyes.


I want to be kind, gentle as a lamb

I want to feel the beat of your heart Maa and make it mine

Living Your Wisdom, on fire with Your Love

Your bliss and peace to share with all mankind.


Shree Maa make me over heal my wounded heart

Cleanse the living temple of my soul

Fill me with Your Spirit Maa and hold me into Your heart

And NEVER, NEVER, NEVER let me go


I want to love, love as a child of God

I want to be true in all i say and do

Trusting You Mother, to bring me holiness

To be the loving child You know I am

I want to be free,.. i want to love…..




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