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This made perfect sense and is why I began the Sacred K list.I also used

to get very caught up in which direction was North,did I have the

correct pointed crystal now exactly what position are the hands in for

this reiki thing,what was that name of that angel I was to invoke?,

until one day I caught up with myself and said whoa!!!Things were

happening but it wasn't because of all of the tools,which can be very

useful to bring one to a heightened awareness.One of my goals over the

last couple years is to be able to do it with no tools,(Isn't that how

the Master did it?)(It being healings)

I admit,there is a part of me that stills loves all the accoutraments

involved in saying Mass.And six candles instead of two ahhhh etc.And

just one whiff of frankincense and I'm there! !And then I re-picture the

last Supper and see once again,leave the tools,remember the message.When

one " stands " in The Presence there is only a physical body and the soul.

Thanks for bringing that back to my mind.


+ M

merlin wrote:


> merlin


> At 06:38 PM 11/30/98 +0000, you wrote:

> MAureen wrote:

> >> These extremely powerful Love forces of the Christ,Buddha or others

> >> are of such a level that the first instinct,when encountered is simply

> >> soul shock....and what does this have to do

> >> with kundalini?The Fire of Divine Love the Sacredness of it?Handling

> >> symptoms,realigning chakras,getting the nerve to nerve connections

> >> smooth,connecting the mind/heart,all these are excellent and necessary

> >> preparations to be able to " stand " in the Presence.


> Thanks for your words, Maureen.

> When I first read them, my instinctive

> response was: Oh. Of course. Then I stopped and re-read. They are another

> and timely reminder that the decorations on the tree aren't Christmas,

> the costumes in the ritual aren't the purpose, the symptoms of the journey

> aren't the reason.

> I do tend to get distracted from my purpose, which is to live in the

> Presence. I forget and take the journey itself personally. Umm. DOesn't feel

> like I'm being very coherent here. Oh well. Maybe I'll go out and get to work.

> DOn't need to talk to do clay!

> love,

> Blythe


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At 06:38 PM 11/30/98 +0000, you wrote:

MAureen wrote:

>> These extremely powerful Love forces of the Christ,Buddha or others

>> are of such a level that the first instinct,when encountered is simply

>> soul shock....and what does this have to do

>> with kundalini?The Fire of Divine Love the Sacredness of it?Handling

>> symptoms,realigning chakras,getting the nerve to nerve connections

>> smooth,connecting the mind/heart,all these are excellent and necessary

>> preparations to be able to " stand " in the Presence.


Thanks for your words, Maureen.

When I first read them, my instinctive

response was: Oh. Of course. Then I stopped and re-read. They are another

and timely reminder that the decorations on the tree aren't Christmas,

the costumes in the ritual aren't the purpose, the symptoms of the journey

aren't the reason.

I do tend to get distracted from my purpose, which is to live in the

Presence. I forget and take the journey itself personally. Umm. DOesn't feel

like I'm being very coherent here. Oh well. Maybe I'll go out and get to work.

DOn't need to talk to do clay!



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>Maureen Heffernan <morlight


>This made perfect sense and is why I began the Sacred K list.I also used

>to get very caught up in which direction was North,did I have the

>correct pointed crystal now exactly what position are the hands in for

>this reiki thing,what was that name of that angel I was to invoke?,

>until one day I caught up with myself and said whoa!!!Things were

>happening but it wasn't because of all of the tools,which can be very

>useful to bring one to a heightened awareness.One of my goals over the

>last couple years is to be able to do it with no tools,(Isn't that how

>the Master did it?)(It being healings)




I agree totally with this, It has been my practice to stay away from ritual

and tools, only because I have some inner sense that they are not for me. I

grew quite well without them and I found that the more I found the answers

within myself and lived this truth the more I grew and came to understand.


I just finished a meditation where there was no strong focus, no

expectation, just being there in the silence and not noticing the color just

knowing it was there, and it was quite different. I even recieved some words

that came out of the blue and they were, " I invoke Divine Truth " and I feel

that is what we do when we leave all behind but ourselves, we invoke Divine

Truth, it was so cool.


Divine Truth Lives Within


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At 02:10 PM 12/1/98 -0400, you wrote:

> " Florence Slaunwhite " <mslaun




>>Maureen Heffernan <morlight


>>Things were

>>happening but it wasn't because of all of the tools,which can be very

>>useful to bring one to a heightened awareness.One of my goals over the

>>last couple years is to be able to do it with no tools,(Isn't that how

>>the Master did it?)(It being healings)




>I agree totally with this, It has been my practice to stay away from ritual

>and tools, only because I have some inner sense that they are not for me. I

>grew quite well without them and I found that the more I found the answers

>within myself and lived this truth the more I grew and came to understand.


>I just finished a meditation where there was no strong focus, no

>expectation, just being there in the silence and not noticing the color just

>knowing it was there, and it was quite different. I even recieved some words

>that came out of the blue and they were, " I invoke Divine Truth " and I feel

>that is what we do when we leave all behind but ourselves, we invoke Divine

>Truth, it was so cool.


>Divine Truth Lives Within




When I was 13, & my brother was 16, we spent the better part of a year

going in to speak with our family minister. What we were asking him

revolved around something we both felt strongly: why should we sit

in a church every week listening to someone tell us what God and Jesus

required of us, when we could sit quietly and ask Them directly.

That wise man eventually told us we sounded like Quakers and that we

should go to Meeting before coming back to talk with him. He gave us bus

schedules and directions and called Cleveland Friends Meeting to tell them

he was sending us. I went and didn't look back for almost 30 years.

Even when my husband and I began drumming and entering altered states

through drumming, I approached it as a Quaker: minimal trappings.


It is only in the last few years that I have begun to study ritual

and to allow that it has a place in spiritual practice. I had become attached

to plainess in lieu of trappings. Both have their purposes, yet neither

matters. When I craft a ritual, I ask for quidance in what will speak most

deeply to those present. Lacking the weight of historic context in much

of what I do, I look instead to speak to the pre-verbal parts of us, to

cause others to open up to *-----* by whatever name they experience *----*.


Normally I can avoid concern about whether I am using the appropriate

this or that. Where I get caught up and tripped is over times of luminous bliss,

flowings of love, experiences of transcendence, moments when I Know i can lay

my hands on another and heal them... but forget that I may not have to wisdom

to know if this is for their/my/our highest good. I get puffed up. I tell

myself that it is just that some donkeys require frequent carrots to keep

them moving on their right path...but there is still a bit of me taking

all these experiences very personally, being attached to them nd judging myself

as 'spiritually advanced' because of them. I think it was Chogyam Trungpa hwo

used the phrase 'spiritual materialism'. That catches me.


Human relationships also catch me into being unbalanced and attached to my



Still haven't gotten out to do clay. Maybe now. It's the thought of having to

put on all that raingear to go work in a cold old barn/studio, when the house

is so warm(finally got the fire to start).


rainy blessings!


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