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'Aim Hreem Shreem Kleem' - Does it make a complete mantra?

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jai gurudev,



hello brother,i am gopal from mumbai.


pls read srimad devi bhagwat puran.


even uttering single beej like aim or hreem has tremendous effect.


mataji adi shakti bhuvaneshwari mantra is : aim hreem shreem kleem


she is giver of dharma artha kam moksha.


she is divine mother adi shakti who is trigunatmika,

ie brahma vishnu rudra rupa.


so,these mantras have power yes 100% true.








On 11/6/08, Manish Madhav <madhav_man wrote:






Namaskaar,I wish to know if the collection of 4 seeds - 'Aim Hreem Shreem Kleem' makes a complete mantra to meditate upon?Saw the same in some good authentic references as a complete mantra

in itself for attracting Vak, Maya, Sri and Bliss...Also read at many places that adding more to what is desired may only dilute the mantra, so not keen/ sure to add many things, not even OM pranava. Hope the 4 seeds can take care of this also.

Thought of adding the 'Aim Kleem Sauh' to the end of it, making:'Aim Hreem Shreem Kleem Aim Kleem Sauh' which also sounds nice, sweet and easy to chant, creates a vibration, but again the same doubt, am

I diluting something, by just repeating a seed, of which the effect is already taken in 4 seeds...Please guide, please advise.Thanks and RegardsManish Madhav

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u can even exorcise water with beej mantra and drink it,its very useful

in disease elimination,getting intelligence,money,etc....




also,some good mantra is : om hraum jum saha [ sanjivani mantra ]






On 11/6/08, Manish Madhav <madhav_man wrote:






Namaskaar,I wish to know if the collection of 4 seeds - 'Aim Hreem Shreem Kleem' makes a complete mantra to meditate upon?Saw the same in some good authentic references as a complete mantra

in itself for attracting Vak, Maya, Sri and Bliss...Also read at many places that adding more to what is desired may only dilute the mantra, so not keen/ sure to add many things, not even OM pranava. Hope the 4 seeds can take care of this also.

Thought of adding the 'Aim Kleem Sauh' to the end of it, making:'Aim Hreem Shreem Kleem Aim Kleem Sauh' which also sounds nice, sweet and easy to chant, creates a vibration, but again the same doubt, am

I diluting something, by just repeating a seed, of which the effect is already taken in 4 seeds...Please guide, please advise.Thanks and RegardsManish Madhav

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Dear brother


I would like to make one little point clear without trying to make

things to complicated...


Beej mantras come under category of Tantrik mantras (vedic and shabar

are still different). They are base for tantrik mantras.


A beej mantra responds to the " Kaarn Deh " Causal body of the deity,

hence its the seed of growing their basic power


A mool mantra responds to the " Sookshma Deh " Subtle Body of the deity

hence it responds to harnessing an already developed (semi developed

you can say) form of the deities power in some way.


So you must also understand that use of a Beej Mantra is also totally



As for complete Mantra Anushthan for a Mool Mantra, you need atleast

these steps and they have following importance and hardwork:


1) Mantra Shuddhi (purifying mantra vibration in atmosphere) = 4%

2) Utkeelan (unlocking password as by creator of mantra) = 2%

3) Mantra Maitri (gaining friendship/compatibility b/w mantra and own

vibration) = 2%

4) Shraap Vimochan (removing cruse on mantra is any) = 2%

5) Mantra Sanskar = 5%

6) Mantra Jagriti = 5%

7) *** Purush-charan*** (Jap + Homa + Tarpan + Marjan + Bhoyan) = 70%

8) Mantra Arth (mantra meaning) = 5%

9) Others procedure if any = 5%


All this starts after Diksha and I have given approximate figures but

clearly Purush-charan is the most important and most time consuming,

and daily procedure for purushcharan requires usuage of Viniyog +

Nyas + Dhyan + Mudra + Fixed Jap (chanting)... and then 1/10 of jap

we do Homa (obligation of mantra with swaha in havan kund), 1/100

Tarpan (on yantra and/or in river/water), 1/1000 Marjan/Abhishek

(sprinkling water on self), 1/10000 of mantra jap is Bhojan (to

bhraman or kanya)


Lets say you are not doing a complete anushtan, you are doing just

some prayog... well in Prayog the procedure is again clearly defined

by the person given that prayog, that means guruji, it can be using a

yantra with specific mantra and tantra for 11, 21, 45... any no of

fixed days. Pryog is a specialised way, empowered by a guru, works

primarily for his disciples. Others have minimum effect (yes this is

the truth, try it)


Or you just want the normal benefit from a mantra, even in that case


It is a well known fact that the bare minimum required for working

any tantra/mantra/yantra is the knowledge of its Viniyog which



1) Mantra Name

2) Rishi (Creator of Mantra)

3) Chaand (pattern of pronouciation)

4) Devta (Name of deity)

5) Beejam (main seed for power)

6) Shakti (u can say main power enhancer)

7) Keelak (the unlocking password)


Although after that Nyas(Energizing body ports and finger by - Rishi

Nyas + Kar Nyas + Hridyadi Nyas) + Dhyan (deity image to concentrate

on Third Eye) + Mudra (Posture to invite and please deity) are also

required before real Mantra Jap... (Real Mantra Jap is useful only if

you are gaining Mantra Chetna = knowing+repeating the meaning of

mantra, sticking to deity image on third eye with devotion... ie

Mantra, Mantra Arth aur Devta ka eki-karn karke dhyan)



Even without their knowledge or knowledge of keelak also you can use

a mantra provided you have atleast first 6 part of viniyog. (for

keelak their is a special way of unlocking, call it a master key like

given in book mantra rahasya or their is one another little longer

way also). And their is a way to substitute Nyas and Dhyan also.


But for a Beej Mantra...

It responds to a the causal body of Deity, its like very basic and

raw form of energy. Procedure is totally different.


Now what you are trying to do is... trying to be a rishi of some

mantra! In my opinion, this is NOT a very wise thing to do. To be a

rishi you will have to know the complete compatibility of all the 50

alphabets " Varn Mala " (all devnagri letters) which has Swars (like

aa, ee, oo.. etc, one that dont use tongue) and Vyanjans (like ka,

kha, cha.. etc, one that initiate by moulding tongue)


There is hidden energy of various deities in various sounds, some

match while some don't... it all depends on the element they

correspond to. Like mixing water with air will not be a very good



All this is given in somewhat detail in the book mantra rahasya but

to be honest even that is just the beginning... because the shastras

says " jisey naad ka poorna gyan ho jata hai use bhram ka gyan ho jata

hai " (one who has complete knowledge of sound gets knowledge of



Mordern science says their is no matter, only energy... well indian

scholars always knew the same but they considered sound to be the

base of shakti (energy) in physical plane (hence its said in Mantra

Rahasya : bhramand Mantra-may hai, universe is made of sound) that

changes forms and its has its Maryada (rules). In higher planes the

bhav (feeling) and then Arth (meaning) and then Prakash (subtle

light, even higher frequency).


A real manta is supposed to combine all these Gunas (qualities) from

all planes for the Mantra Sadhak, how to prepare such a mantra is no

Childs play!


Although all mantrs are said to originate from Shivas Damru but as

for moon mantras, Mantras are given by

1) Bhrama (Vedic Mantras)

2) Shiva (Tantrik Mantras)

3) Rishi (Masters)

4) Some times deities themselves have offered


See, you need to be in level of one of these to actually form a

mantra! And then you will have to device the corresponding yantra

(physical tool for corresponding deities astral body) and tantra

(system/technique) for using it. I say leave that to masters and god.

Better safe than sorry because misuse can burn you... everyone knows

wrong use of Beej Mantras CAN harm.


Still if you want to use them, then just do one at time (thats my

suggestion)... do minimums like the initial


1) Pavitrikaran (purification sprinlikling water all around, keep

that water next to right knee)

2) Aachman (innver purification) +

3) digbandh (sealing direction to protect against evil) +

4) Deepak (hold lamp in lit b/w palms) +

5) Invite dear guru, ganesha and other deities you like with their

short dhyan and or mantra +

6) Guru dhyan +

7) Specific deity dhyan/meditation (whos mantra you use)

8) Prathrna (prayer for specific wish, like viniyog) +

9) Jap (chant as much you can do, let it be fixed per day) +

10) Shama Yaachna (Ask for forgiveness for any conscious or

unconscious mistake during like karma or during karmkand)

11) Offer Prasad and/or the water kept during ritual to Tulsi


Atleast this much you should do for a beej Mantra. Mind you, beej

Mantra is still easy way for those who cannot do Anusthans or Prayog

or even recite Storas and Kavachs. This doesnt take much time to do

but it will take time to actually start showing results in life.



And two final notes:


1) One very commonly confused point... is it Kreem or Kreeng...

Shreem or Shreeng... Aim or Aing... Hreem or Hreeng... and so on,

well listen, if you have not taken diksha, (i say this because i have

seen and done it, one with kreeng, shreeng, etc have a different

procedure) go for the Mmmm ending one. There is a simple scine,

whenever you use Mmmm, sound comes out of nose, it touches

bhramrandhra, and ideally this is the best situation for Dhyan and

transmitting your vibration to universe/deity. This WILL bring peace

to concentration to you.


2) The mantra you are trying to form... " Aim Hreem Shreem Kleem " is

obviously very similar to Navaran Mantra

" Om Aim Hreem Kleem Chamunda-yayi Vichye "


As a wise head, i would recommend Navarna Mantra, as it a very

special and already siddh Mantra in Atmostphere of earth. Also

considering your desires... this will cover all. Get a diksha for

that, the Tantra (technique) for this is also fairly easy.


Aim, Hreem, Kleem has powers (Shaktis = Sarawswati + Lakshmi +

Kli/Parvati) of Bhrahma,Vishnu and Shiva... and actually if you read

the Viniyog of the Navaran Mantra, you will realise what i am saying.



I hope this cleared most of your doubts and of anyone else who might

have had these.



Peace and Prosperity!


Gurudevo Maheshwaro Namo Namah!




, " Manish Madhav " <madhav_man



> Namaskaar,


> I wish to know if the collection of 4 seeds - 'Aim Hreem Shreem

> Kleem' makes a complete mantra to meditate upon?


> Saw the same in some good authentic references as a complete mantra

> in itself for attracting Vak, Maya, Sri and Bliss...


> Also read at many places that adding more to what is desired may


> dilute the mantra, so not keen/ sure to add many things, not even


> pranava. Hope the 4 seeds can take care of this also.


> Thought of adding the 'Aim Kleem Sauh' to the end of it, making:


> 'Aim Hreem Shreem Kleem Aim Kleem Sauh' which also sounds nice,


> and easy to chant, creates a vibration, but again the same doubt,


> I diluting something, by just repeating a seed, of which the effect

> is already taken in 4 seeds...


> Please guide, please advise.


> Thanks and Regards

> Manish Madhav


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One more query related to the same mantra chanting... which rosaty is

best in this king of mantra? It seems the kamal gatta rosary is best,

can someone confirm please?



Manish MAdhav



, " Manish Madhav " <madhav_man



> Namaskaar,


> I wish to know if the collection of 4 seeds - 'Aim Hreem Shreem

> Kleem' makes a complete mantra to meditate upon?


> Saw the same in some good authentic references as a complete mantra

> in itself for attracting Vak, Maya, Sri and Bliss...


> Also read at many places that adding more to what is desired may


> dilute the mantra, so not keen/ sure to add many things, not even


> pranava. Hope the 4 seeds can take care of this also.


> Thought of adding the 'Aim Kleem Sauh' to the end of it, making:


> 'Aim Hreem Shreem Kleem Aim Kleem Sauh' which also sounds nice,


> and easy to chant, creates a vibration, but again the same doubt,


> I diluting something, by just repeating a seed, of which the effect

> is already taken in 4 seeds...


> Please guide, please advise.


> Thanks and Regards

> Manish Madhav


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, " Manish Madhav " <madhav_man




> One more query related to the same mantra chanting... which rosaty


> best in this king of mantra? It seems the kamal gatta rosary is


> can someone confirm please?


> Regards

> Manish MAdhav



> , " Manish Madhav " <madhav_man@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Namaskaar,

> >

> > I wish to know if the collection of 4 seeds - 'Aim Hreem Shreem

> > Kleem' makes a complete mantra to meditate upon?

> >

> > Saw the same in some good authentic references as a complete


> > in itself for attracting Vak, Maya, Sri and Bliss...

> >

> > Also read at many places that adding more to what is desired may

> only

> > dilute the mantra, so not keen/ sure to add many things, not


> OM

> > pranava. Hope the 4 seeds can take care of this also.

> >

> > Thought of adding the 'Aim Kleem Sauh' to the end of it, making:

> >

> > 'Aim Hreem Shreem Kleem Aim Kleem Sauh' which also sounds nice,

> sweet

> > and easy to chant, creates a vibration, but again the same


> am

> > I diluting something, by just repeating a seed, of which the


> > is already taken in 4 seeds...

> >

> > Please guide, please advise.

> >

> > Thanks and Regards

> > Manish Madhav

> >


Mr.Manish !The mantra should b followed by OM AS FAR AS I KNOW.B



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Dear Guruji,


Would you mind to explain in detail how to unlock mantra with keelakam? please also furnish the different type of nyasas and its importants and where one can find indepth details about mantra rahasyam?




On Fri, Nov 7, 2008 at 2:07 PM, scorpion_1112in <scorpion_1112in wrote:






Dear brotherI would like to make one little point clear without trying to make things to complicated... Beej mantras come under category of Tantrik mantras (vedic and shabar are still different). They are base for tantrik mantras.

A beej mantra responds to the " Kaarn Deh " Causal body of the deity, hence its the seed of growing their basic power A mool mantra responds to the " Sookshma Deh " Subtle Body of the deity

hence it responds to harnessing an already developed (semi developed you can say) form of the deities power in some way.So you must also understand that use of a Beej Mantra is also totally different.

As for complete Mantra Anushthan for a Mool Mantra, you need atleast these steps and they have following importance and hardwork:1) Mantra Shuddhi (purifying mantra vibration in atmosphere) = 4%2) Utkeelan (unlocking password as by creator of mantra) = 2%

3) Mantra Maitri (gaining friendship/compatibility b/w mantra and own vibration) = 2%4) Shraap Vimochan (removing cruse on mantra is any) = 2%5) Mantra Sanskar = 5%6) Mantra Jagriti = 5%7) *** Purush-charan*** (Jap + Homa + Tarpan + Marjan + Bhoyan) = 70%

8) Mantra Arth (mantra meaning) = 5%9) Others procedure if any = 5%All this starts after Diksha and I have given approximate figures but clearly Purush-charan is the most important and most time consuming,

and daily procedure for purushcharan requires usuage of Viniyog + Nyas + Dhyan + Mudra + Fixed Jap (chanting)... and then 1/10 of jap we do Homa (obligation of mantra with swaha in havan kund), 1/100 Tarpan (on yantra and/or in river/water), 1/1000 Marjan/Abhishek

(sprinkling water on self), 1/10000 of mantra jap is Bhojan (to bhraman or kanya)Lets say you are not doing a complete anushtan, you are doing just some prayog... well in Prayog the procedure is again clearly defined

by the person given that prayog, that means guruji, it can be using a yantra with specific mantra and tantra for 11, 21, 45... any no of fixed days. Pryog is a specialised way, empowered by a guru, works primarily for his disciples. Others have minimum effect (yes this is

the truth, try it)Or you just want the normal benefit from a mantra, even in that caseIt is a well known fact that the bare minimum required for working any tantra/mantra/yantra is the knowledge of its Viniyog which

compromises1) Mantra Name2) Rishi (Creator of Mantra)3) Chaand (pattern of pronouciation)4) Devta (Name of deity)5) Beejam (main seed for power)6) Shakti (u can say main power enhancer)7) Keelak (the unlocking password)

Although after that Nyas(Energizing body ports and finger by - Rishi Nyas + Kar Nyas + Hridyadi Nyas) + Dhyan (deity image to concentrate on Third Eye) + Mudra (Posture to invite and please deity) are also

required before real Mantra Jap... (Real Mantra Jap is useful only if you are gaining Mantra Chetna = knowing+repeating the meaning of mantra, sticking to deity image on third eye with devotion... ie Mantra, Mantra Arth aur Devta ka eki-karn karke dhyan)

Still Even without their knowledge or knowledge of keelak also you can use a mantra provided you have atleast first 6 part of viniyog. (for keelak their is a special way of unlocking, call it a master key like

given in book mantra rahasya or their is one another little longer way also). And their is a way to substitute Nyas and Dhyan also.But for a Beej Mantra... It responds to a the causal body of Deity, its like very basic and

raw form of energy. Procedure is totally different.Now what you are trying to do is... trying to be a rishi of some mantra! In my opinion, this is NOT a very wise thing to do. To be a rishi you will have to know the complete compatibility of all the 50

alphabets " Varn Mala " (all devnagri letters) which has Swars (like aa, ee, oo.. etc, one that dont use tongue) and Vyanjans (like ka, kha, cha.. etc, one that initiate by moulding tongue)There is hidden energy of various deities in various sounds, some

match while some don't... it all depends on the element they correspond to. Like mixing water with air will not be a very good idea... All this is given in somewhat detail in the book mantra rahasya but

to be honest even that is just the beginning... because the shastras says " jisey naad ka poorna gyan ho jata hai use bhram ka gyan ho jata hai " (one who has complete knowledge of sound gets knowledge of

god/supreme/creator). Mordern science says their is no matter, only energy... well indian scholars always knew the same but they considered sound to be the base of shakti (energy) in physical plane (hence its said in Mantra

Rahasya : bhramand Mantra-may hai, universe is made of sound) that changes forms and its has its Maryada (rules). In higher planes the bhav (feeling) and then Arth (meaning) and then Prakash (subtle light, even higher frequency).

A real manta is supposed to combine all these Gunas (qualities) from all planes for the Mantra Sadhak, how to prepare such a mantra is no Childs play!Although all mantrs are said to originate from Shivas Damru but as

for moon mantras, Mantras are given by1) Bhrama (Vedic Mantras)2) Shiva (Tantrik Mantras)3) Rishi (Masters)4) Some times deities themselves have offeredSee, you need to be in level of one of these to actually form a

mantra! And then you will have to device the corresponding yantra (physical tool for corresponding deities astral body) and tantra (system/technique) for using it. I say leave that to masters and god. Better safe than sorry because misuse can burn you... everyone knows

wrong use of Beej Mantras CAN harm.Still if you want to use them, then just do one at time (thats my suggestion)... do minimums like the initial 1) Pavitrikaran (purification sprinlikling water all around, keep

that water next to right knee)2) Aachman (innver purification) + 3) digbandh (sealing direction to protect against evil) + 4) Deepak (hold lamp in lit b/w palms) + 5) Invite dear guru, ganesha and other deities you like with their

short dhyan and or mantra + 6) Guru dhyan + 7) Specific deity dhyan/meditation (whos mantra you use)8) Prathrna (prayer for specific wish, like viniyog) + 9) Jap (chant as much you can do, let it be fixed per day) +

10) Shama Yaachna (Ask for forgiveness for any conscious or unconscious mistake during like karma or during karmkand)11) Offer Prasad and/or the water kept during ritual to TulsiAtleast this much you should do for a beej Mantra. Mind you, beej

Mantra is still easy way for those who cannot do Anusthans or Prayog or even recite Storas and Kavachs. This doesnt take much time to do but it will take time to actually start showing results in life.And two final notes:

1) One very commonly confused point... is it Kreem or Kreeng... Shreem or Shreeng... Aim or Aing... Hreem or Hreeng... and so on, well listen, if you have not taken diksha, (i say this because i have seen and done it, one with kreeng, shreeng, etc have a different

procedure) go for the Mmmm ending one. There is a simple scine, whenever you use Mmmm, sound comes out of nose, it touches bhramrandhra, and ideally this is the best situation for Dhyan and transmitting your vibration to universe/deity. This WILL bring peace

to concentration to you.2) The mantra you are trying to form... " Aim Hreem Shreem Kleem " is obviously very similar to Navaran Mantra " Om Aim Hreem Kleem Chamunda-yayi Vichye " As a wise head, i would recommend Navarna Mantra, as it a very

special and already siddh Mantra in Atmostphere of earth. Also considering your desires... this will cover all. Get a diksha for that, the Tantra (technique) for this is also fairly easy.Aim, Hreem, Kleem has powers (Shaktis = Sarawswati + Lakshmi +

Kli/Parvati) of Bhrahma,Vishnu and Shiva... and actually if you read the Viniyog of the Navaran Mantra, you will realise what i am saying.I hope this cleared most of your doubts and of anyone else who might

have had these.WishingPeace and Prosperity!Gurudevo Maheshwaro Namo Namah! , " Manish Madhav " <madhav_man

wrote:>> Namaskaar,> > I wish to know if the collection of 4 seeds - 'Aim Hreem Shreem > Kleem' makes a complete mantra to meditate upon?> > Saw the same in some good authentic references as a complete mantra

> in itself for attracting Vak, Maya, Sri and Bliss...> > Also read at many places that adding more to what is desired may only > dilute the mantra, so not keen/ sure to add many things, not even

OM > pranava. Hope the 4 seeds can take care of this also. > > Thought of adding the 'Aim Kleem Sauh' to the end of it, making:> > 'Aim Hreem Shreem Kleem Aim Kleem Sauh' which also sounds nice,

sweet > and easy to chant, creates a vibration, but again the same doubt, am > I diluting something, by just repeating a seed, of which the effect > is already taken in 4 seeds...> > Please guide, please advise.

> > Thanks and Regards> Manish Madhav>

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kalam seed,or spathik,or moonga or rudraksha is ok.






On 11/14/08, vijay_1933 <vijay_1933 wrote:






, " Manish Madhav " <madhav_man wrote:>

> > One more query related to the same mantra chanting... which rosaty is > best in this king of mantra? It seems the kamal gatta rosary is best, > can someone confirm please?> > Regards

> Manish MAdhav> > > , " Manish Madhav " <madhav_man@>

> wrote:> >> > Namaskaar,> > > > I wish to know if the collection of 4 seeds - 'Aim Hreem Shreem > > Kleem' makes a complete mantra to meditate upon?> >

> > Saw the same in some good authentic references as a complete mantra > > in itself for attracting Vak, Maya, Sri and Bliss...> > > > Also read at many places that adding more to what is desired may

> only > > dilute the mantra, so not keen/ sure to add many things, not even > OM > > pranava. Hope the 4 seeds can take care of this also. > > > > Thought of adding the 'Aim Kleem Sauh' to the end of it, making:

> > > > 'Aim Hreem Shreem Kleem Aim Kleem Sauh' which also sounds nice, > sweet > > and easy to chant, creates a vibration, but again the same doubt, > am > > I diluting something, by just repeating a seed, of which the

effect > > is already taken in 4 seeds...> > > > Please guide, please advise.> > > > Thanks and Regards> > Manish Madhav> >Mr.Manish !The mantra should b followed by OM AS FAR AS I KNOW.B


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