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MYSORE Question

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Just was wondering if anyone had any advice on...

Either getting a car straight thru from Bangalore to Mysore in the mddle of the

night or

staying the night in a hotel and then getting a car to Mysore the next day?


For safety most comforatable scenerio.


Just curious! First time.




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I would reccommend having a car meet you at the airport and heading

straight to Mysore when you arrive.

From Mysore here are 2 " go to " guys for any transportation and/ or

housing needs.

Murthy at tskittymurthy

Ganesh at anugan. I got my ride back to the airport in the

middle of the night through Ganesh.


Good luck and have fun.

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Either is fine. If you have accomodation arranged in

mysore then it's nice to be collected at the airport

by Manju or Krishna and delivered to your door so that

you can wake up in mysore in the am. The drive is only

2 hours along a new highway. If you're going to stay

in Bangalore make sure you get the hotel to pick you


Personally I go straight to Mysore when I arrive.

Manju and Krishna's info is listed on ashanga.com I


Hope that helps!



Enjoy Mysore! It's amazing...



--- flutterag1 <flutterag1 wrote:


> Hi,


> Just was wondering if anyone had any advice on...

> Either getting a car straight thru from Bangalore to

> Mysore in the mddle of the night or

> staying the night in a hotel and then getting a car

> to Mysore the next day?


> For safety most comforatable scenerio.


> Just curious! First time.


> Thanks!

> Aaron:)





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i would go straight to mysore. I stayed in bangalore for a couple of

days and wish i would've just gone right to mysore. Bangalore is busy

and can be overwhelming especially if it's your first trip. I would

recommend the train on the way back if you can. It's a lovely trip and

you get to see a lot of the country side at a fraction of the cost of a


Jennieashtangayoga , " dixiemoonshine "

<dixiemoonshine wrote:


> I would reccommend having a car meet you at the airport and heading

> straight to Mysore when you arrive.

> From Mysore here are 2 " go to " guys for any transportation and/ or

> housing needs.

> Murthy at tskittymurthy

> Ganesh at anugan I got my ride back to the airport in the

> middle of the night through Ganesh.


> Good luck and have fun.


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Thanks for the advice!





--- Jennie <whydoyoga wrote:


> i would go straight to mysore. I stayed in bangalore

> for a couple of

> days and wish i would've just gone right to mysore.

> Bangalore is busy

> and can be overwhelming especially if it's your

> first trip. I would

> recommend the train on the way back if you can.

> It's a lovely trip and

> you get to see a lot of the country side at a

> fraction of the cost of a

> taxi.

> Jennieashtangayoga ,

> " dixiemoonshine "

> <dixiemoonshine wrote:

> >

> > I would reccommend having a car meet you at the

> airport and heading

> > straight to Mysore when you arrive.

> > From Mysore here are 2 " go to " guys for any

> transportation and/ or

> > housing needs.

> > Murthy at tskittymurthy

> > Ganesh at anugan I got my ride back to the

> airport in the

> > middle of the night through Ganesh.

> >

> > Good luck and have fun.

> >









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I'll be in mysore from May. What do you do during the day in Mysore ? I know

the self practice in on the morning, but what do you do during the rest of the

time ?

I hope its not only a physical practice, but also we may study yoga philosophy

there ?


Aaron Giles <flutterag1 wrote:

Thanks for the advice!



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Well, this will be my first trip so it will be new to

me as well!

I know that there are ayurvedic scools in Mysore that

offer classes and I haven't done all the research yet

but I would like to maybe enroll in one of them. But I

agree, I hope to be able to learn about the other

limbs of Ashtanga too. If you hear of anything let me

know. Will this be your first trip here? How long are

you staying?






--- Barbara Aubert <barbara.aubert wrote:


> Hi

> I'll be in mysore from May. What do you do during

> the day in Mysore ? I know the self practice in on

> the morning, but what do you do during the rest of

> the time ?

> I hope its not only a physical practice, but also

> we may study yoga philosophy there ?


> Aaron Giles <flutterag1 wrote:

> Thanks for the advice!


> Aaron:)







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Hi Aaron

Yes it'll be my first trip and I plan to stay 6 months (or a little bit less

because of the visa). When are you going and how long ?

I am interested in ayurvedic as well. I'll tell you if I hear something that

seems interesting.

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you can swim at a pool- can;t remembr hotel but lots of yogis go

also study sanskrit with jayashri- again ask, poeple will know!


In ashtangayoga , Barbara Aubert <barbara.aubert wrote:


> Hi

> I'll be in mysore from May. What do you do during the day in Mysore ? I know

the self

practice in on the morning, but what do you do during the rest of the time ?

> I hope its not only a physical practice, but also we may study yoga

philosophy there ?


> Aaron Giles <flutterag1 wrote:

> Thanks for the advice!


> Aaron:)


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Hi Aaron and Barbara,


This is my first trip to Mysore too, from May thru

July. I have heard about this amazing voice and

chanting teacher named Jayashree, apparently a lot of

the yogis study with her too, I am planning to do this

as well. She is in the movie " Guru The Movie " so you

can learn more about her from watching this excellent

film about Guruji. Also, I understand it is quite

easy to take up a musical instrument and find teachers

for very cheap. Also my friend Nick mentions studying

chanting with the Brahmin priests in one of the

temples. And my friend Jenny has an art teacher

there, so it seems there is no shortage of options. I

myself am hoping to take something like two classes in

addition to studying yoga. I look forward to meeting

you both then.


Warm greetings from Goa,


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Ok Laura, thank you !


gilmore_laura <gilmore_laura wrote: you can swim at a

pool- can;t remembr hotel but lots of yogis go

also study sanskrit with jayashri- again ask, poeple will know!


In ashtangayoga , Barbara Aubert <barbara.aubert wrote:


> Hi

> I'll be in mysore from May. What do you do during the day in Mysore ? I know

the self

practice in on the morning, but what do you do during the rest of the time ?

> I hope its not only a physical practice, but also we may study yoga philosophy

there ?


> Aaron Giles <flutterag1 wrote:

> Thanks for the advice!


> Aaron:)








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Hi, Aaron--


There is a lot to do during the day in Mysore.

Believe me, your schedule will fill up easily-- I took

a wonderful class on the Yoga Sutra while I was there,

and a couple of yoga anatomy classes, you can take

Thai Massage classes, pranayama classes, meditation

classes, do panchakarma (several locations), take

Sanskrit classes, chanting classes, and of course, the

pool... The classes are offered at various locations

near the shala -- just look at the bulletin boards at

the usual places where the students hang out (Shakti

House, Tina's, Anu and Ganesh's, etc.). There are

also several ashrams in the area near Mysore that you

can visit, even as a day trip.


Guruji also leads a conference every week where he

speaks about yoga philosophy and you can ask him



Hope this helps,




Seek to greet each moment with an awake and compassionate heart. A. Cushman


Dream no small dreams, for they have no power to move the hearts of men.

J.W. von Goethe

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What is the normal/average/typical cost per month to stay in Mysore?




I'd like to eventually go to Mysore, but will need to save up first and

then won't be able to go until I stop working due to the time

commitment. Thanks for any help/info!




Laura J. Valle, RN, BSN

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Thank you so much!





--- " Yamilee B. " <heliotrope_yoga wrote:


> Hi, Aaron--


> There is a lot to do during the day in Mysore.

> Believe me, your schedule will fill up easily-- I

> took

> a wonderful class on the Yoga Sutra while I was

> there,

> and a couple of yoga anatomy classes, you can take

> Thai Massage classes, pranayama classes, meditation

> classes, do panchakarma (several locations), take

> Sanskrit classes, chanting classes, and of course,

> the

> pool... The classes are offered at various

> locations

> near the shala -- just look at the bulletin boards

> at

> the usual places where the students hang out (Shakti

> House, Tina's, Anu and Ganesh's, etc.). There are

> also several ashrams in the area near Mysore that

> you

> can visit, even as a day trip.


> Guruji also leads a conference every week where he

> speaks about yoga philosophy and you can ask him

> questions.


> Hope this helps,

> Yamilee



> Seek to greet each moment with an awake and

> compassionate heart. A. Cushman


> Dream no small dreams, for they have no power to

> move the hearts of men.

> J.W. von Goethe










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Last summer I was there for a few months and this was my breakdown:

700$ first month at AYRI ~450$following months

200$ Rent

100$ food/ internet/chai/rikshaw

200$ music lessons


Hope this helps and it can be done for much cheaper or much more expensive

depending on your situation.

Hari Om





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That is good to know - thanks for the info!




Laura J. Valle, RN, BSN


10 months until I graduate!




ashtangayoga [ashtangayoga ]

On Behalf Of teresa mcdonald

Sunday, February 24, 2008 8:52 PM


ashtanga yoga Re: MYSORE Question





Last summer I was there for a few months and this was my breakdown:

700$ first month at AYRI ~450$following months

200$ Rent

100$ food/ internet/chai/rikshaw

200$ music lessons


Hope this helps and it can be done for much cheaper or much more

expensive depending on your situation.

Hari Om




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