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touched his thumb on the center of my forehead

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Sat nam,


Some years ago, I had an experience that was a lot like the one you described.


I was in Indonesia, together with my husband. Our marriage was not so good (we

got divorced some years later) and we had quite a few arguments, also at the

time this story is about. We were walking in the street, the atmosphere between

us was not very pleasant, and I realised our marriage just didn't work out the

way I wanted. No need to tell you both the look on my face and my aura must have

had some unhappy signs in it.

We walked past a building, I thought it was an education center, there were a

lot of people going in. And in the midst of these people was a man with a

turban. He walked past us, turned around, looked at me, pointed at his third

eye, and said " You are very lucky " .

Since I didn't feel lucky at all at that particular moment, I looked at him with

an frown of not-understanding. What did this stranger say to me? And he repeated

his line " You are very lucky " , while he kept pointing at his third eye. And then

he left.

I didn't understand what had happened. How could a total stranger tell me I'm

lucky, right then when I felt quite miserable? Maybe this was a sign for better

days ? I decided that was how I wanted to remember this moment, as a good luck



Reading the first message in this topic, I really would like to know the meaning

of what happened.



Siri Sant Kaur

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By Googling, I have come up with this information:


The centre of forehead situated at the third eye on which auspicious mark

(Tilak) is applied with the ring finger & thumb. The energy of the ring finger &

thumb activates the energy flow of the centre of light (pituitary gland) which

helps develop spiritual knowledge.


The Brow or Third-Eye Chakra, aka the " Anja " (Brow) or " Bindu "


The sixth chakra is located at the center of the forehead, just above the

eyebrows and governs the forehead, and temples. It includes the pineal gland,

which is light sensitive and may be used in visioning as well as the body's

manufacturing of melatonin. It may also include the pituitary gland.


& #8232;If you've heard the expression " Indigo Children " it is referring to

children who seem to be born with a higher consciousness - with their sixth

chakra already open.


The Brow chakra deals with intuition, spirituality, spirit-to-spirit

communication. As the center of the three chakras devoted to consciousness, it

is pivotal to the higher levels of understanding and knowledge and balancing the

higher and lower self. Clarity as well as psychic abilities are governed by the

sixth chakra. Seeing clearly, both physically and intuitively are important

aspects of this chakra.


An unopened or unbalanced Brow chakra will result in the inability to see the

big picture. The egoic self will be out of balance with the spiritual

self. & #8232; & #8232;Although opening the Third-Eye may result in psychic

phenomenon like clairvoyance, seeing auras, etc., it also may not.


Any one else want to contribute some info?




Sat Avtar Kaur

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Ha! Possibly. I was in Jakarta, Indonesia some years back waiting in a hotel

lobby. This guy came up to me and shook my hand and while so doing tickled my

palm. I didn't know what that was for until my then girlfriend explained he was

a prostitute and offering sex, urrrgh yuk.

Still we live and learn,



Kundalini-Yoga , Paula Lucidi <plucidi wrote:


> Maybe the guy who touched the forehead, just does it for fun. You know so

> that people read more into it then what it's worth, and mess with their

> head?

> ;)


> Paula


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Sat nam,


As far as I know, most likely he recognized you as someone who has risen their

Kundalini energy. Touching of the third eye initiation is the " other " way that

Kundalini is raised and initiated in disciples of consciousness.


Osho did it with his initiates, and Yogi Bhajan was also able to do it as well,

although he chose not to. This is generally the secretive practice in the East

of the higher levels of attainment. Nothing really happened to you because your

Kundalini had already risen, your third eye was open, and your chakra pathways

and centers were already clear.


When Yogi Bhajan once did it, as I read once in a lecture, it was the last time

he did it because the woman he did it with was not prepared for the energy

rising so quickly (I assume without first strengthening the nervous system) and

I believe she had some issues after wards.


This is probably why in part you hear about these stories of " Kundalini

syndrome " and other such fringe patho-psychological reports... People are not

prepared for the leap in consciousness and can generally freak out. That is why

Yogi Bhajan only raised the Kundalini energy through the tried and true and safe

way, which is gently and slowly through consistent practice, sadhana, kriyas and



Everything he did was to keep us from freaking out anyways, right?


Anyways, he never again touched anyone on the forehead after than, even though

once another rich disciple lauded him with offerings and, I believe, a very nice

car for an initiation, which at the time was very early in 3HO... But he stuck

to his word like Guru Arjan - a true teacher of sacrifice. At least, that's how

I understood the story.


I'm certain can find these stories in the teachings of Yogi Bhajan and the

lectures on Sikhnet.


If you want to read a really funny story about Osho told from the perspective of

one of his initiates that for me is one of the best spiritual reads I've ever

enjoyed, check out: " Please Don't Tell My Guru " . It's also a book by the father

of one of our own.


Blessings and Happiness and many more Awakenings,

Fateh Singh

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What I find most incredible about this post is that Yogi Bhajan wanted a Diet



**New Diet Coke Gold, now with Turmeric**


How great!


Kundalini-Yoga , " krishnakhalsa " <krishnakhalsa



> As long as we are sharing…

> Yogi Bhajan did tap on my 3rd eye point to help me get out of fear. It's a

funny story. He was in Toronto, staying at 333 Palmerston and I was helping to

serve him. He was in the other room and he wanted a Diet Coke – NOW! I guess I

wasn't fast enough so he walked into the kitchen where I was trying to pour him

a Coke and of course it was fizzing and foaming all over and going over the

sides of the glass while I was pouring it over the sink.. He said to me " what

are you afraid of? " - of course I was terrified that he was standing there,

that I couldn't even do what he was asking of me so he stood there and started

tapping on my 3rd eye point continuing to ask " What are you afraid of?, What are

you afraid of?…Tell me when you're not afraid " – Finally I mustered up enough

courage to say " Nothing, Sir " and he stopped the tapping, laughed and said, " I

thought so " .. I can't say that I had Kundalini energy shooting up my spine or

anything unusual but it forced me to look at my own mind, my own fear and my

reaction to the situation. It is a memory I cherish.


> Sat Nam

> Dr. Krishna Kaur

> Placerville, CA



> Kundalini-Yoga , " Fateh Singh " <fatehsinghnyc@> wrote:

> >

> > Sat nam,

> >

> > As far as I know, most likely he recognized you as someone who has risen

their Kundalini energy. Touching of the third eye initiation is the " other " way

that Kundalini is raised and initiated in disciples of consciousness.

> >

> > Osho did it with his initiates, and Yogi Bhajan was also able to do it as

well, although he chose not to. This is generally the secretive practice in the

East of the higher levels of attainment. Nothing really happened to you because

your Kundalini had already risen, your third eye was open, and your chakra

pathways and centers were already clear.

> >

> > When Yogi Bhajan once did it, as I read once in a lecture, it was the last

time he did it because the woman he did it with was not prepared for the energy

rising so quickly (I assume without first strengthening the nervous system) and

I believe she had some issues after wards.

> >

> > This is probably why in part you hear about these stories of " Kundalini

syndrome " and other such fringe patho-psychological reports... People are not

prepared for the leap in consciousness and can generally freak out. That is why

Yogi Bhajan only raised the Kundalini energy through the tried and true and safe

way, which is gently and slowly through consistent practice, sadhana, kriyas and


> >

> > Everything he did was to keep us from freaking out anyways, right?

> >

> > Anyways, he never again touched anyone on the forehead after than, even

though once another rich disciple lauded him with offerings and, I believe, a

very nice car for an initiation, which at the time was very early in 3HO... But

he stuck to his word like Guru Arjan - a true teacher of sacrifice. At least,

that's how I understood the story.

> >

> > I'm certain can find these stories in the teachings of Yogi Bhajan and the

lectures on Sikhnet.

> >

> > If you want to read a really funny story about Osho told from the

perspective of one of his initiates that for me is one of the best spiritual

reads I've ever enjoyed, check out: " Please Don't Tell My Guru " . It's also a

book by the father of one of our own.

> >

> > Blessings and Happiness and many more Awakenings,

> > Fateh Singh

> >


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On 16/04/2010 19.33.11, Sat_Avtar_Kaur (satavtarkaur33) wrote:


> Coke with Tumeric and maybe vitimins!


....and if we'll be lucky...we'll have just tumeric and vitamins!!! ;-)



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Yogi Bhajan once touched my navel point! It was at a White Tantric course here

in Kansas City. He adjusted me in a Tantric position. As he was walking away

after the adjustment he said, " What is this Kansas City ... a spaghetti

factory? " I'll never forget being touched by a holy man!


Kundalini-Yoga , " Yoga Jap " <noi wrote:


> On 16/04/2010 19.33.11, Sat_Avtar_Kaur (satavtarkaur33) wrote:

> >

> > Coke with Tumeric and maybe vitimins!


> ...and if we'll be lucky...we'll have just tumeric and vitamins!!! ;-)


> SS


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Sat Nam

Re Coke!

When I lived in Los Angeles in the 1980's I used to do Yogi Bhajan's

grocery shopping. It's true, he loved diet coke and ordered large

bottles of it. One version he enjoyed was mixing coke half and half with

Yogi Tea and milk. It tastes great and is supposedly good for digestion.

Try it!



SS Guru Prem Kaur Khalsa


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and while we are talking about it! One of my students at winter solstice went up

to get a spiritual name, as I remember he was walking out through the group and

he hit her on top of the head. rather a strong slap, and said " Siri Simran, one

who meditates much! " and walked on..it was quite funny!

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