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Kriyas against migraine

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Sat Nam!


There's an interesting section about this topic in the book " Relax & Renew "

by Guru Rattana Kaur Khalsa.




Sujan S.


Friday, February 12, 2010 4:00 PM,

wwittstamm ha scritto:


> Sat Nam

> anyone there able to tell me fron experience which kriya i could

> recomment to a beginner against migraine?

> Thank you

> HerzLicht

> willem

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Sat Nam,

I'm speaking from 35 years of migraine experience, and 12 years of successful

migraine management. Have your student get checked out for liver and gall

bladder function. In my study and experience, migraine is essentially due to a

blood system that is toxic because the liver is sluggish and poorly functioning

in its role as blood cleanser. Classic migraines are almost always focused on

one side of the body (could be either side), and the most sensitive and painful

areas generally can be mapped out in relation to the gall bladder " meridians " as

per healing science of acupuncture. The nausea often associated with migraines

is also directly related to liver toxicity (a major organ of digestion).


Please understand that I am not a medical practitioner, I am sharing this

information as a yogi to other yogis and friends for educational purposes. It's

very important to coordinate with a qualified (preferably natural) healing

practitioner to integrate other aspects of diet, exercise, water consumption,

and other possible metabolic conditions. Of course, if you live in the United

States where qualified health care is systemically withheld from such large

percentages of the population, you may be on your own here. Pray to Guru Ram

Das if you can't afford professional help. And hope for the best, He is the

best " doctor " anyway, and is certainly also available to assist your

professional caregiver if you ask Him.


It's a waste of time to attempt to detox and cleanse this liver issue with

kriyas. It is far better to use holistic nutritional approaches for cleansing

the liver, to prevent the migraines, maintain a healthy natural, whole foods

diet, so that our kriya practices can be used to elevate us spiritually,

mentally and physically, not merely bring us up to ground zero. The attempt to

deal with migraine with kriyas is the same big mistake that allopathic medicine

makes in chasing and treating SYMPTOMS, rather than deal with ROOT CAUSES.


IF the root cause is liver toxicity, there are blood vessels in the lower colon

called the hemorrhoidal veins. Liver toxicity causes " hemorrhoids " to swell and

manifest in these same hemorrhoidal veins.


There is a very old, tried and true, practical home remedy for migraines that

also was used by Osteopaths and others. The practice was described in the Merck

manual until sometime in the 1920's or 30's (according to the best information I

have), that was eliminated in order to make room (presumably) for pharmaceutical

entries, because no one will become " wealthy " by applying this remedy, although

individuals (if they check with a qualified medical practitioner) can very

likely maintain " well being " by applying this remedy.


What the osteopaths discovered is that when one uses a coffee enema for at least

8 minutes or more (I have done so for a half hour or more, with great personal

success), the caffeine does not enter the blood stream as a stimulant as when

drinking coffee, but rather is taken up directly to the liver via the

hemorrhoidal veins. The caffeine becomes an herbal extract that directly

stimulates the liver to detox immediately. Bile is directly secreted into the

Gall Bladder which dumps into the transverse colon.


Because you want the gall bladder (which is in your right side lower abdomen) to

dump into the transverse colon, you lie down on your LEFT side when

administering the enema. This way gravity does its job to help you.


The detox happens rather quickly. One challenge is that the secretion of the

gall bladder into the colon causes a very powerful peristaltic response, which

has to be dealt with (obviously). You have to have a strong Muhl Bandh in order

to be successful with this, otherwise stay very close to the toilet.


At the same time this peristaltic action occurs it is often accompanied by

gurgling sounds as the gall bladder secretes the bile. AND (especially if I

have an actual migraine I'm attempting to deal with, which generally associated

with a lot of excess fire and heat in the body, especially along the gall

bladder meridian) I generally also experience a dramatic feeling of CHILL that

ripples through my body as the cleansing goes on. It's almost as if I can feel

the migraine (to some extent, immediately) begin to dissipate, and relief

begins. I've also found that when a migraine is in progress, that HOT SHOWERS

(especially on the head) are very helpful and soothing. by allowing cranial

capillaries to expand from the heat. There are no pain receptors inside the

brain. The pain of migraine is totally surrounding and outside of the brain.


I've found that regular daily practice of coffee enema in the early morning is a

wonderful way of preventing chronic migraines. I used to experience 4, 5 or

more severe migraines every month. Now, unless I'm under a great deal of

pressure and stress (because I live a very active, innovative, entrepreneurial

life) IF I just do this practice daily, eat proper, healthy, fresh, grounding

foods, green stuff, chlorophyll, etc., I can live migraine free. But my

creative lifestyle does sometimes " burn the candle " - but I've learned to

control and manage the process, and moderate myself accordingly. In other

words, this practice is a wonderful, self-organizing yoga practice with profound

benefits for me.


I brew the coffee with 1/4 cup of coarsely ground coffee per quart of filtered

water (no point to add more toxins), bring it to a boil and simmer for at least

20 minutes. Filter out the grounds, and allow it to cool to a warm temperature

that is comfortable. Warm coffee will be more bio-active than cold. It's

somewhat counter intuitive, but the lighter roasted coffees have more caffiene.

Dark roast coffee " tastes stonger " but caffeine is lost with more roasting.


For information and educational purposes, I would be happy to share more with

anyone who needs to know more.


for many Blessings and for greater health,

Krishna Singh



Kundalini-Yoga , " wwittstamm " <wittstamm wrote:


> Sat Nam

> anyone there able to tell me fron experience which kriya i could recomment to

a beginner against migraine?

> Thank you

> HerzLicht

> willem


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I have not suffered from migraines, but I have had headaches from toxic

energy in my hair and crown chakra. The other night I had one and

intuitively felt it was residual energy from the hair salon I had been

to that afternoon. Two of the people who work there are addicts, and I

have had intense reactions after being around them before. (I am

normally perfectly healthy.) The discomfort was keeping me awake, so I

got up and washed my hair. I rinsed it with cold water at the end.

Voila! Headache gone....I know magaines are severe, but I wonder if

this might help, energetically. Whenever I have taught students with

migraines it felt like repressed rage to me. Louise Hay says that sexual

release helps headaches.


Satpal Kaur

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