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sikh/yogic views over vaccinations

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Sat Nam sangat ji,


I have been concerned about vaccinations to my soon-to-be born child. I have

heard some controversy regarding whether vaccinations are safe or they bring

more harm to the children (e.g. heavy metals in vaccinations, or autism) and

would like to hear from fellow sikhs or yogis on the subject.


I personally dont like the idea itself of the vaccinations, polluting the body

and modifying it. Many diseases that are supposed to be prevented by

vaccinations seem not to be so common anymore as in the times when these

vaccinations were introduced and widely spread. Other thing that I question, is

the philosophy behind vaccinations, which to my mind reminds of mass control,

that means control from the outside not from within (just as doctors recommend

having a c-section for " comfort " or " safety " purposes instead of having any

" risks " of having the baby naturally... my everyday fight now in my 8th month of



Did Yogi Bhajan ever comment on the subject?


Thank you all for your replies and blessings and light to you all!


Sukhdev Kaur from Estonia

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Sat Nam, I don't know YB's personal stance on vaccines, but I can tell you that

neither my husband nor my two children have ever been vaccinated, and I have had

none since becoming an adult, and we are all doing just fine :)

1 in 110 children have autism these days.

Read " Vaccines: Are they really safe and effective "


and articles from Mothering magazine:


They also have a reprint you can buy called " Vaccines: Still an issue for our

times "

Good luck and congratulations. Come join our KY Mamas group :)

Ravi Inder


Kundalini-Yoga , " sukhdev.kaur " <liliadelrio wrote:


> Sat Nam sangat ji,


> I have been concerned about vaccinations to my soon-to-be born child. I have

heard some controversy regarding whether vaccinations are safe or they bring

more harm to the children (e.g. heavy metals in vaccinations, or autism) and

would like to hear from fellow sikhs or yogis on the subject.


> I personally dont like the idea itself of the vaccinations, polluting the body

and modifying it. Many diseases that are supposed to be prevented by

vaccinations seem not to be so common anymore as in the times when these

vaccinations were introduced and widely spread. Other thing that I question, is

the philosophy behind vaccinations, which to my mind reminds of mass control,

that means control from the outside not from within (just as doctors recommend

having a c-section for " comfort " or " safety " purposes instead of having any

" risks " of having the baby naturally... my everyday fight now in my 8th month of



> Did Yogi Bhajan ever comment on the subject?


> Thank you all for your replies and blessings and light to you all!


> Sukhdev Kaur from Estonia


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Sat Nam


As far as I know, YB basically left it up to individuals. WE did not vaccinate

our son. We took our son to a person who does some sort of energy work similar

to NAET and the person who did it said it will work like a vaccine. I suppose

you could google and find out alternatives on the net.



Kundalini-Yoga , " sukhdev.kaur " <liliadelrio wrote:


> Sat Nam sangat ji,


> I have been concerned about vaccinations to my soon-to-be born child. I have

heard some controversy regarding whether vaccinations are safe or they bring

more harm to the children (e.g. heavy metals in vaccinations, or autism) and

would like to hear from fellow sikhs or yogis on the subject.


> I personally dont like the idea itself of the vaccinations, polluting the body

and modifying it. Many diseases that are supposed to be prevented by

vaccinations seem not to be so common anymore as in the times when these

vaccinations were introduced and widely spread. Other thing that I question, is

the philosophy behind vaccinations, which to my mind reminds of mass control,

that means control from the outside not from within (just as doctors recommend

having a c-section for " comfort " or " safety " purposes instead of having any

" risks " of having the baby naturally... my everyday fight now in my 8th month of



> Did Yogi Bhajan ever comment on the subject?


> Thank you all for your replies and blessings and light to you all!


> Sukhdev Kaur from Estonia


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My whole family( grandparents, parents, siblings, relatives, husbands

whole family as well) have all received vaccinations

and have had no detrimental effects, as well as we are not carriers

of disease, nor spreading them, nor contracting them.


The reason most of the diseases are uncommon now a days is because

the vaccinations came close to eradicating them!


When I had my first child, I gave serious thought to not vaccinating,

Yogi Bhajan was very clear that if you were not going to vaccinate,

then you needed to have a serious alternative that you followed very

diligently(homeopathy, and?). When people did not vaccinate and

did nothing else, he was very upset at them!


I talked to a Pediatrician, a fellow Sikh, and a father who works in

Tucson, he had seen many children with these preventable

diseases, Whooping cough, rubella, etc. and said that you do not want

to see your child with one of these diseases. He highly recommended



In Japan they wait until 1 years old to give vaccinations, so I

decided to wait for as long as I could. I gave the first round at about

6 months (also limiting the number of vaccines given at a time) as we

were traveling to Summer Solstice and people were coming

from all over the world, bringing with them, who knows what.


I also avoided any vaccine which I deemed unnecessary, Chicken pox

(non lethal ), Hepatitis B, etc


For a scientific fact based article on vaccination please see:




Educated yourself and ultimately you need to look inside yourself for

the truth and do what you know is right for you,

you and your child will be the one's to live with the outcome.


Many Blessings,

Simran Kaur

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sat nam,there are two very knowledgeable doctors/pediatricians on this topic, dr. jay gordon & dr. lauren feder.  i believe they also provide resources and or books on vaccinations, here are their websites  http://www.drjaygordon.com/development/index.asp     http://www.drfeder.com/

oh, also try dr. mercola, he does a lot of research as well & provides great information on vaccinations.  http://www.mercola.com/

good luck,karmap.s. we vaccinated our son, but on our own schedule & we did NOT bundle vaccinations!  i also have friends who have partially vaccinated based on what they felt were really necessary and which weren't.  so don't feel like you have to vaccinate all or nothing, you can pick and choose what you want for your baby!


sikh/yogic views over vaccinations

Posted by: " sukhdev.kaur "  liliadelrio   sukhdev.kaur

Wed Dec 30, 2009 5:10 pm (PST)

Sat Nam sangat ji,I have been concerned about vaccinations to my soon-to-be born child. I have heard some controversy regarding whether vaccinations are safe or they bring more harm to the children (e.g. heavy metals in vaccinations, or autism) and would like to hear from fellow sikhs or yogis on the subject. 

I personally dont like the idea itself of the vaccinations, polluting the body and modifying it. Many diseases that are supposed to be prevented by vaccinations seem not to be so common anymore as in the times when these vaccinations were introduced and widely spread. Other thing that I question, is the philosophy behind vaccinations, which to my mind reminds of mass control, that means control from the outside not from within (just as doctors recommend having a c-section for " comfort " or " safety " purposes instead of having any " risks " of having the baby naturally... my everyday fight now in my 8th month of pregnancy)

Did Yogi Bhajan ever comment on the subject?Thank you all for your replies and blessings and light to you all!Sukhdev Kaur from Estonia

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Sat Nam!

I am newer to KY, but I wanted to respond to this topic. Really, mama, it is

great you are asking this question, and the answer is you will need to do your

own research to find the answer for you. Someone posted about Mercola, Dr. Jay

Gordon. You might also want to look at The Vaccine Book by Dr. Sears, and

another by Stephanie Cave. Also, look at the World Health Organization website

or your country's center for disease control.


I vaccinated my oldest daughter on schedule. Intuitively I felt it wrong and

cried from my soul with every shot. My husband would have to hold her for it.

At 6 months, she developed a rash over the injection sites in her thighs. It

did not go away, but spread over her body and turned into eczema. She is the

only one in our family to have eczema. After much research I feel it is vaccine

related. We then chose to stop vaccinating her, and we have never vaccinated my

youngest daughter.


My nephew suffers from Aspberger's Autism which my sister believes is vaccine

related. My brother was hospitalized after his DTaP vaccination with febrile

seizures. My mother was told not to vaccinate him any longer for pertussis.

With that family history, I am completely comfortable with our choice to not



My viewpoint is I want to keep my family as healthy as possible. After

researching the ingredients of vaccines, I am more willing to nurse my children

through most of the illnesses that vaccinations cover than to inject them with

the stuff in these shots. Illness is not always a foe, and there are reasons

that these illnesses hit us in childhood. I believe we are created with the

ability to fight off disease if we do our part to keep our bodies healthy

through proper diet, spirituality, and exercise. If they have one of these

diseases and are healthy, the disease will not manifest in a dangerous way (the

majority of the time) and they will receive lifetime immunity. My sister just

had a blood titer to check immunity for her nursing job. She was no longer

immune to anything she was vaccinated for as a child - she was immune to chicken

pox which she had normally. My parents remember having the mumps and measles

and while they were very sick, they don't remember it being life threatening or

anyone acting as it was.

Polio is about the only disease that we vaccinate against that I would consider

highly dangerous and scary to the normal healthy person. But, that is my



In order for you to be comfortable with your decision it must be made through

your own research. Trust your informed mother intuition to keep your child

safe. I have been abused by the medical system personally through the

experiences of the births of my two children and from there have learned to

educate myself on whatever applies to us healthwise so that I am always making

informed decisions. What is right for one may not be right for another and we

have to respect that. If you have any questions, feel free to email me offlist.


I wish you peace in this decision. Believe that you are fully equipped to make

it. :)


Be blessed,


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Sat nam,


Vaccines and anything to do with " Big Pharma " needs intense self-education, so

one is comfortable with the decisions he or she makes. Unfortunately, with so

much money to be made by pharmaceutical companies with vaccines (and their other

prescriptions), a lot of suspicion has arisen with respect to the scientists who

publish studies that they are completely safe and effective. And with the

Government getting involved, threatening to make vaccines compulsory in the

event of a pandemic, ones skepticism has to rise for self-defense. So I agree

with the many posters on this topic who said doing ones research is paramount.

Here's some vaccine-related info from a former government affairs client of

mine, the Natural Solutions Foundation:




Choice and information are key here.


Amar Atma


Kundalini-Yoga , " greatyoga " <greatyoga wrote:


> Sat Nam


> As far as I know, YB basically left it up to individuals. WE did not

vaccinate our son. We took our son to a person who does some sort of energy

work similar to NAET and the person who did it said it will work like a vaccine.

I suppose you could google and find out alternatives on the net.


> GuruBandhu

> Kundalini-Yoga , " sukhdev.kaur " <liliadelrio@> wrote:

> >

> > Sat Nam sangat ji,

> >

> > I have been concerned about vaccinations to my soon-to-be born child. I have

heard some controversy regarding whether vaccinations are safe or they bring

more harm to the children (e.g. heavy metals in vaccinations, or autism) and

would like to hear from fellow sikhs or yogis on the subject.

> >

> > I personally dont like the idea itself of the vaccinations, polluting the

body and modifying it. Many diseases that are supposed to be prevented by

vaccinations seem not to be so common anymore as in the times when these

vaccinations were introduced and widely spread. Other thing that I question, is

the philosophy behind vaccinations, which to my mind reminds of mass control,

that means control from the outside not from within (just as doctors recommend

having a c-section for " comfort " or " safety " purposes instead of having any

" risks " of having the baby naturally... my everyday fight now in my 8th month of


> >

> > Did Yogi Bhajan ever comment on the subject?

> >

> > Thank you all for your replies and blessings and light to you all!

> >

> > Sukhdev Kaur from Estonia

> >


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A friend of mine posted this on facebook today and it is relevant to the

discussion. It's true, there is alot of info out there, and almost none of it

is un-biased.

Good luck with your decision.

We keep a bottle of sundew tincture on hand just in case we ever run into

whooping cough, which in my opinion is our must likely one we'll run into. We

have been trying to expose our older son to chickenpox for years with no luck.

It's hard to catch in our area.

Here is a link to some homeopathic alternatives:


type " nosodes " into the search window on the site to view homeopathic

alternatives to mainstream vaccinations.

I do remember reading on Gurmukh's website about her India Yatra that none of

her staff vaccinate before traveling over there.


Here is a lengthy excerpt from The Khalsa Way Teacher Training Manual (Gurmukh's

prenatal yoga teacher training manual)

She includes this link which is really worth your time visiting:


Things to Consider When Making Your Vaccination Decision:

The Diseases:

-severity and complications


The Vaccines:

-adverse effects

--both long and short term

--how long does immunity last?

-What is your child's exposure?

-Are you more anxious about the disease or the vaccine?

-What are your attitudes toward Public Health policies regarding vaccinations?

-Delaying the vaccinations: this could reduce stress on the child and possible

increase effectiveness.

-If you don't vaccinate, you and your pediatrician must know the symptoms of the

disease, and supportive care must be started in a timely fashion if your child

is infected.

-Vaccinations do not necessarily protect against disease, and avoiding them does

not guarantee health.

The decision to delay or refuse vaccinations is highly personal. For many

parents the answers lie not in science, but in your philosophy of health care

and individual perceptions of risk.

Asses your own needs. What works for your family may be different from what

works for the rest of the population, or even your next door neighbor or your

best friend. Continue to get as much info as you can, weigh your choices,

evaluate the pros and cons.

" Whatever your decision, make it one you will be comfortable explaining to your

child 20 years from now " (Peggy O'Mara, 1992)

And this about vaccine reactions:

Before you vaccinate, ask eight questions:

1. is my child sick right now?

2. has my child has a reaction to a vaccine before?

3. does my child have a personal or family history of a) vaccine reactions, b)

convulsions or neurological disorders c) severe allergies, d) immune system


4. do i know if my child is at a high risk of reacting?

5. do i have full information on the vaccine's side effects?

6. do i know how to identify a vaccine reaction?

7. do i know how to report a reaction?

8. do i know the vaccine manufacturer's name and lot number?

vaccine reactions

any vaccine can cause a reaction, and can occur even after a second, third, or

fourth shot in a series, or in booster shots. reactions can be mild to severe,

acute or chronic. different vaccines have different kinds of reactions (fever,

rash, join pain, etc)

3 categories of acute vaccine reactions:

mild: discomfort, swelling/redness at injection site, low fever 101 for a day,

slight irritability 1-2 days, 50% of babies experience this

medium: fever 102 for 24 hours, swelling at injection site, crying 24 hours,

irritable 1-2 days, then complete recovery

severe: call your doctor, temp 105, constant uncontrollable crying for more than

3 hours after shot, unusual high pitched cry, limpness, drowsiness, possible

convulsions. if after 24-48 hours the lump at injection site becomes red, hot,

tender, swollen, this may indicate infection at the site.

for a mild reaction, apply ice pack; oatmeal, chamomile or chickweed baths;




Ravi Inder



Kundalini-Yoga , " cfroh " <cfroh wrote:


> Sat nam,


> Vaccines and anything to do with " Big Pharma " needs intense self-education, so

one is comfortable with the decisions he or she makes. Unfortunately, with so

much money to be made by pharmaceutical companies with vaccines (and their other

prescriptions), a lot of suspicion has arisen with respect to the scientists who

publish studies that they are completely safe and effective. And with the

Government getting involved, threatening to make vaccines compulsory in the

event of a pandemic, ones skepticism has to rise for self-defense. So I agree

with the many posters on this topic who said doing ones research is paramount.

Here's some vaccine-related info from a former government affairs client of

mine, the Natural Solutions Foundation:


> http://www.healthfreedomusa.org/?p=3085


> Choice and information are key here.


> Amar Atma


> Kundalini-Yoga , " greatyoga " <greatyoga@> wrote:

> >

> > Sat Nam

> >

> > As far as I know, YB basically left it up to individuals. WE did not

vaccinate our son. We took our son to a person who does some sort of energy

work similar to NAET and the person who did it said it will work like a vaccine.

I suppose you could google and find out alternatives on the net.

> >

> > GuruBandhu

> > Kundalini-Yoga , " sukhdev.kaur " <liliadelrio@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Sat Nam sangat ji,

> > >

> > > I have been concerned about vaccinations to my soon-to-be born child. I

have heard some controversy regarding whether vaccinations are safe or they

bring more harm to the children (e.g. heavy metals in vaccinations, or autism)

and would like to hear from fellow sikhs or yogis on the subject.

> > >

> > > I personally dont like the idea itself of the vaccinations, polluting the

body and modifying it. Many diseases that are supposed to be prevented by

vaccinations seem not to be so common anymore as in the times when these

vaccinations were introduced and widely spread. Other thing that I question, is

the philosophy behind vaccinations, which to my mind reminds of mass control,

that means control from the outside not from within (just as doctors recommend

having a c-section for " comfort " or " safety " purposes instead of having any

" risks " of having the baby naturally... my everyday fight now in my 8th month of


> > >

> > > Did Yogi Bhajan ever comment on the subject?

> > >

> > > Thank you all for your replies and blessings and light to you all!

> > >

> > > Sukhdev Kaur from Estonia

> > >

> >


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This is such am important topic to bring up, and I commend you for being tuned

in enough to your own intuition to seek advice . As a mother, it was a very

difficult decision to make, but I knew we would continue to travel abroad as a

family when we got pregnant, and this was a big factor for us. I ended up doing

as many others (such as Simran) here have done--I waited to begin vaccinations

until my daughter (who is now a teenager) was around four months old, and I

broke them up after researching their key ingredients. I also worked with Dr.

Lauren Feder who prescribed homeopathic treatments coupled with the vaccinations

to prevent adverse reactions (especially when my daughter was a baby). Our

pediatrician is Dr. Paul Fleiss who is very receptive to all of these ideas. I

recommend that you interview and find a pediatrician who is open to working with

you and your thought-out philosophy, if possible. In addition, we have not done

the Hep B, HPV, and the Meningitis one for teens and young adults. We also

waited on the Chicken Pox one for almost 10 years, although we did eventually

get it as my daughter got older, as I didn't want her to get a more serious case

as the severity of Chicken Pox can increase with age and actually can be

life-threatening. As a prenatal and mommy & me Kundalini yoga teacher I also

remind students that this is a personal decision, but one that needs to be

thoroughly investigated no matter what side of the discussion you find yourself

in. One more nugget of thought to share; if you do decide to vaccinate make

sure to massage the site of injection both before and after the actual shot has

been given. Also, cold compresses or ice packs will help with swelling and

on-site rashes--and if you are nursing, try to nurse them immediately after the

inoculation. As I said, my daughter is almost 15 now, and she is extremely

healthy, and we have been happy with our choices in how we handled vaccinations

in our family. In the end, I believe information is equal to wisdom--do your

research and make the right, informed choices for your personal lifestyles and



Best of luck!


Kundalini-Yoga , Simran Khalsa <simrankaur1 wrote:


> My whole family( grandparents, parents, siblings, relatives, husbands

> whole family as well) have all received vaccinations

> and have had no detrimental effects, as well as we are not carriers

> of disease, nor spreading them, nor contracting them.


> The reason most of the diseases are uncommon now a days is because

> the vaccinations came close to eradicating them!


> When I had my first child, I gave serious thought to not vaccinating,

> Yogi Bhajan was very clear that if you were not going to vaccinate,

> then you needed to have a serious alternative that you followed very

> diligently(homeopathy, and?). When people did not vaccinate and

> did nothing else, he was very upset at them!


> I talked to a Pediatrician, a fellow Sikh, and a father who works in

> Tucson, he had seen many children with these preventable

> diseases, Whooping cough, rubella, etc. and said that you do not want

> to see your child with one of these diseases. He highly recommended

> vaccinating.


> In Japan they wait until 1 years old to give vaccinations, so I

> decided to wait for as long as I could. I gave the first round at about

> 6 months (also limiting the number of vaccines given at a time) as we

> were traveling to Summer Solstice and people were coming

> from all over the world, bringing with them, who knows what.


> I also avoided any vaccine which I deemed unnecessary, Chicken pox

> (non lethal ), Hepatitis B, etc


> For a scientific fact based article on vaccination please see:


> http://www.wired.com/magazine/2009/10/ff_waronscience


> Educated yourself and ultimately you need to look inside yourself for

> the truth and do what you know is right for you,

> you and your child will be the one's to live with the outcome.


> Many Blessings,

> Simran Kaur


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