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Clarity needed for Balancing the Aura Kriya

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Sat Nam,


A student was asking about more details for the following kriya




Balancing the Aura


It says "


4. Sit in Easy Pose with a straight spine and play the tape of the Wahe Guru

Jeeo meditation. When you hear the words Wahe Guru or Wahe Jeeo, pull Muhl

Bhand, pulling in on the muscles of the rectum, sex organs and navel point for

the length of the phrase, then relax and meditate on the words in between. When

you hear the Toohee, take one powerful breath of fire, an equal inhale and

exhale from the abdomen, for the length of the word, then relax and meditate in

between. Continue for at least one cycle of the meditation (approximately 14

minutes). "


Is there a special recording of Wahe Guru with " toohee " in it ?


The only mantra I know of with 'toohee' in it is " I am Thine ... " . Could this

be a misprint?


Appreciation in advance for any clarity you can give.


peace to all,


Haribhajan Singh

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Sat Nam,


It's not a misprint. In the book there's a reference to the special recording

with the " toohee " in it...


It's a kirtan sung by Bhai Avtar Singh & Bhai Gurucharan Singh


At 11 minutes they begin reciting a whole bunch of 'toohees' for about 2

minutes... then back to Wahe Gurus/Jio. And there's sorta a musical pause/breath

at the 14 minute mark. The full length of the recording is 24 mins.


It's available through Spirit Voyage.


Good luck to your student.



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