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watermelon fast

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Has anyone ever done the 3-day watermelon fast? A group of us in Pasadena want

to do it before summer ends. Any experiences or suggestions would be



sat nam,

-Baba Singh

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Hey Baba, I've done it twice.

Women, if I remember correctly do it 3 days.

Men need to do it 10 days, but 3 days felt pretty good.

This from the "Ancient Art of Self Healing"


"Cleanses Liver and Kidneys - The watermelon fibers act like little

brushes cleansing the intestines. In the morning eat watermelon with

freshly ground black pepper and this will relieve any gas from the

night before and prevent gas from forming . For the specific cleansing

of the liver, three whole water melons should be eaten daily, with

salt. It is good to on a melon fast of some kind every summer when the

melons are in season and the weather is warm so that the heat producing

foods, such as grains, are not necessary for body warmth.


When the Liver is bad, the best you can have is watermelon juice, salt,

yogurt, and a thin drink of Japanese daikon radish. Early in the

morning start with the radish juice. in case the urine becomes reddish,

heed the warning that the liver is wrong; eat a protective diet. After

every three months, for one week, cleansing the liver is a must and

diet is the only way. Live on yogurt for one week, but remember the

fresh yogurt, none of that refrigerated old stuff . When you use salt

you must also use black pepper, and when you use honey you must also

use lemons and there is no better cleansing than this. This period will

also help the spleen. During this week sweating exercises may be taken."


Preeti Kaur described it as very soothing for the kidney and adrenals.

You will be blissed!

I'd eat a whole watermelon a day, and not one of those cute little ones.







baba_sf wrote:


Has anyone ever done the 3-day watermelon fast? A group of us in Pasadena want to do it before summer ends. Any experiences or suggestions would be appreciated.

sat nam,

-Baba Singh

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Sat nam,


The Watermelon Fast is a great summer cleanse. All you can eat of

watermelon (with black pepper) three times a day for three days. I've

done it several times. There is little problem with hunger and no

problem with low blood sugar. I've felt really light and happy.


Breaking the fast requires care. On the fourth day, begin by adding

other fruits for breakfast and lunch, and perhaps steamed zucchinis for

dinner. Add other steamed veggies on day five with steamed basmati rice

for dinner. After that add other foods in the order of digestibility.

You can be back to a regular regimen at the end of a week, with leaving

wheat and dairy and refined sugar out altogether or until the end.


The only time I had a problem is when I extended the diet by a day. It

is tempting because you feel great and life has become very simple but

breaking the fast becomes more complicated.



Gurusurya Kaur

Kundalini Yoga in Park Slope

Brooklyn, New York


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