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Venus mudra - why different for men/women?

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Had this question in my class, it is a seal and since man and woman is different

also probably on the nadi level one can think that the venus mudra would be

different too. Does anyone have any closer details on why it is this way - also

from the top of my head this is the only thing in KY that differs between



Sat Nam



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In general, and I emphasize the word " general, " Yogi Bhajan has said that men

naturally put their right thumb on top of Venus Lock (fingers interlaced) and

women naturally put their left thumb on top. I have asked classes to " interlace

the hands together " and found this to be true though there are exceptions,

generally in the minority. Some mudras call for the specific placement of right

on top for men and left on top for women, and these have a specific purpose. At

other times he has just said " hands in Venus Lock " without specifying any

different placements for men or women. I think I remember him specifying that

everyone should have right thumb on top no matter what their gender but I

couldn't point you to a specific kriya or meditation.


KartaPurkh S Khalsa


Take care of the spiritual facet of your life by joining with others to

experience and elevate yourself, the group, and the universe. Yogi Bhajan





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Sat Nam Karta Purakh Singh,

During the eighties David Singh Shannahoff met with the Siri Singh Sahib

where he received yogic techniques that would give strong, clear results

when put through scientific scrutiny. Venus Lock and how it differed for

men and women was one of those topics. Yogi Bhajan firmly emphasized how

important it is for men to interlace the fingers so that the right thumb

comes out on top and for women to interlace the fingers so that the left

thumb comes out on top. " On top " meaning that the pad of the thumb rests

on the Mound of Venus, which gives the mudra its name.


Yogiji added that if you watch how people interlace their hands, for

instance on television, you can see if they are doing it properly for

their gender or not. Women who do it the male way may be rude or bossy,

re-enforcing their male qualities. Men who cross their hands like a

woman could be evasive. Yogiji preferred for David to explore the

repercussions and take the flack through scientific channels rather than

for Yogiji to come out with everything openly, for it is easy for people

to abuse such knowledge, which can be character-damaging others.


At the time I interlaced my fingers the wrong way. At David's suggestion

I forced myself to do it correctly (it felt very uncomfortable) whenever

I had the chance--meditating, watching TV, riding in a car, switching

to the natural mode after a month of such practice.


Loving Blessings,

Guru Prem Kaur


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That's really interesting, especially the thumb on Mount of Venus. So the gender

specific thumb on top, does this also go for when sets specify 'interlace

fingers' in general.


And in Sat Kriya the hands are also interlaced differently - for what reason is

that since Mount of Vennus is not involved?

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Sat Nam


The right hand on top for men, in Venus Lock, is simply a natural expression of the man's dominance of right side of the body over the left. This equals left [rational] brain over right [intuitive] brain.

Then as women are more likely to be dominant intuitive brain and left side of the body, then it is natural to express this by putting the left fingers and thumb over the right fingers and thumb.


Blessings to All



2009 is the year to walk in the world spreading the fragrance of peace



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" Cosmic Anatomy " and " Yogas for the Hand " (MUDRAS)


The living human form is intricately perfect, deeply subtle, and profound. In

our industrial / post-industrial era, it is amazing how we tend to impose

mechanical paradigms and assumptions upon ourselves in our attempts to master

who we are. Yes, the kundalini exercise actions are like a " pump " that bring

fluid from the base of the spine up through spine and into the head. But if we

have " unconscious relationships " with all the machinery and technology in our

lives that make our actual life what it is, that is a blind approach. Yogiji

actually treated machinery, appliances, automobiles, etc. with great conscious

respect, almost like living beings in that they serve life, and deserve good

service in return (such as " maintenance " ). In our throwaway economic laziness,

we tend not to maintain or repair much of anything. He used to say in classes

(this was in the late seventies), " You know, the difference between you

Americans and me, is that you spend 90% of your resources to acquire things, and

10% on maintaining them. I spend 10% on acquiring things and 90% on maintaining

them. That's why my 1956 Lincoln Continental (20 years old) is in perfect mint

condition, and your cars are junky, dented, rusty, etc. " He was encouraging us

to live consciously and more " in presence " with whatever infrastructure and

assets we have in our lives, rather than leaving behind us a waste stream strewn

with loss, shabbiness and dysfunctionality. We can live a simple life perfectly

much more easily than we can live beyond our means successfully. In other

words, wholeness in caring for our being and existence is much than conveniences

that we use to cater to our lack of consciousness, or ignorance. He urged us to

master ourselves, not surge to the front of the pack without any sustaining



I'm saying all this because we're having a conversation about a hand mudra in

which the term " venus mount " is used as if it means something, but it's not

being made clear exactly what it means. And so the discussion tends to move

past what we're really talking about (spirit and intelligence as they expresses

themselves usefully through the human hand), and this so-called " venus mount "

begins to take on the quality of the red button on a video camera that you

" press " in order to make the camera work. But " how " that works not being

appreciated, whereas in some way this " HOW " is the greatest point to appreciate

and master. This mudra aligns us because it reminds us personally,

individually, kinesthetically that " I am a woman (or a man) " and I'm tuning my

womanly or manly energies in they way optimally work. I SHOULD BE AWARE OF THIS


in all my experience of 40 years on this pathway, it's just another unconscious

doughnut for breakfast. It means nothing. If Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi

Bhajan is just another set of instructions for pushing buttons to make coffee or

microwave a TV lifestyle automatically, it means nothing. Kundalini Yoga is

" The Yoga of Awareness and Experience. " If we don't add our awareness, there

will be no experience, and no yoga - Just of waste of time, pretending.


This is ALL prelude to pointing out that THE HUMAN HAND COMPLETELY EMBODIES AND


astrology) " THE INNER PLANETS. " These inner planets are those that tend to rule

the inner, individual person rather than mundane conditions of spiritual

environment, societal evolution, impersonal mind and reality. At that time

also, the planets beyond Saturn were not yet visible to human beings.


Little Finger – Mercury - Space

Ring Finger – Sun - Air

Middle Finger – Saturn - Fire

Forefinger – Jupiter - Water

Flat Area between Forefinger and Thumb - " Plain of MARS "

Thumb – planet Earth – element of Earth

Mound Underneath Thumb – Venus


So there, the hand contains reference points to at least TWO different cosmic

systems, which can be stimulated, exercised, contacted with and meditated in

order to channel the energies within us that run the universe, outside of us.

Isn't this beautiful? Isn't this more interesting that the User Manual for a

food processor, digital camera, or a new computer? Appliances are merely " made

up things. " This yoga of the human hand takes us into the very essence of our

Being. Sa-Ta-Na-Ma for example.


I'm attempting to " model " how one might yogically live through an experience of

our human, self-structures, that can enable us to integrate every detail of life

into a flow of intelligence communication with every living detail and portion

of life. If we treat the human body, in our yoga practice, as if it were just

another fascinating gadget to manipulate in order to " get " some interesting

result, we're only manipulating ourselves into a shallow kind of esoteric

consumerism. That's the opposite of a truly authentic experience of the

possibility to have an enlightened, self-organizing, beautiful life on the

Earth. When we feel ourselves, and love the feeling, THAT is the yoga of

awareness. That inner sensation is intrinsic to the genius of every living

cell, all 100 trillion of our living cells are experiencing it to some degree

all the time. But WE (the egocentric personalities who think we are in charge

of our lives) generally experience none of this miracle because we don't allow

or give ourselves time to allow the mind to drift out to us and to make contact

with our mechanized, media defined categories of " what is going on right now. "

So either we live conscious lives or robotic lives. Kundalini Yoga practiced

robotically is an oxymoron. It is our please to awaken into our humanity, and

share the experiences with everyone (and the universe – it's literally at the

tips of our fingers).


We can be deeply grateful to yogis such as David Shannahoff-Khalsa for the

profound, foundational work they've performed in rooting such ancient wisdom as

Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, into the psychiatric ground zero where

our civilization is most collapsing - which is in our minds, individually and

collectively. A new human mindset is on the way for everyone, but first we have

to clean out the debris and do a bit of cleaning up, re-organizing, etc. And to

discover the true meaning of Love - which is " To Experience selflessness within

the Self. " It is also called a life of Seva.


Bless you,

Krishna Singh Khalsa


Kundalini-Yoga , Guruprem Kaur <guruprem wrote:


> Sat Nam Karta Purakh Singh,

> During the eighties David Singh Shannahoff met with the Siri Singh Sahib

> where he received yogic techniques that would give strong, clear results

> when put through scientific scrutiny. Venus Lock and how it differed for

> men and women was one of those topics. Yogi Bhajan firmly emphasized how

> important it is for men to interlace the fingers so that the right thumb

> comes out on top and for women to interlace the fingers so that the left

> thumb comes out on top. " On top " meaning that the pad of the thumb rests

> on the Mound of Venus, which gives the mudra its name.



> Guru Prem Kaur

> yogagems.com


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" Cosmic Anatomy " and " Yogas for the Hand " (MUDRAS)


The living human form is intricately perfect, deeply subtle, and profound. In

our industrial / post-industrial era, it is amazing how we tend to impose

mechanical paradigms and assumptions upon ourselves in our attempts to master

who we are. Yes, the kundalini exercise actions are like a " pump " that bring

fluid from the base of the spine up through spine and into the head. But if we

have " unconscious relationships " with all the machinery and technology in our

lives that make our actual life what it is, that is a blind approach. Yogiji

actually treated machinery, appliances, automobiles, etc. with great conscious

respect, almost like living beings in that they serve life, and deserve good

service in return (such as " maintenance " ). In our throwaway economic laziness,

we tend not to maintain or repair much of anything. He used to say in classes

(this was in the late seventies), " You know, the difference between you

Americans and me, is that you spend 90% of your resources to acquire things, and

10% on maintaining them. I spend 10% on acquiring things and 90% on maintaining

them. That's why my 1956 Lincoln Continental (20 years old) is in perfect mint

condition, and your cars are junky, dented, rusty, etc. " He was encouraging us

to live consciously and more " in presence " with whatever infrastructure and

assets we have in our lives, rather than leaving behind us a waste stream strewn

with loss, shabbiness and dysfunctionality. We can live a simple life perfectly

much more easily than we can live beyond our means successfully. In other

words, wholeness in caring for our being and existence is much than conveniences

that we use to cater to our lack of consciousness, or ignorance. He urged us to

master ourselves, not surge to the front of the pack without any sustaining



I'm saying all this because we're having a conversation about a hand mudra in

which the term " venus mount " is used as if it means something, but it's not

being made clear exactly what it means. And so the discussion tends to move

past what we're really talking about (spirit and intelligence as they expresses

themselves usefully through the human hand), and this so-called " venus mount "

begins to take on the quality of the red button on a video camera that you

" press " in order to make the camera work. But " how " that works not being

appreciated, whereas in some way this " HOW " is the greatest point to appreciate

and master. This mudra aligns us because it reminds us personally,

individually, kinesthetically that " I am a woman (or a man) " and I'm tuning my

womanly or manly energies in they way optimally work. I SHOULD BE AWARE OF THIS


in all my experience of 40 years on this pathway, it's just another unconscious

doughnut for breakfast. It means nothing. If Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi

Bhajan is just another set of instructions for pushing buttons to make coffee or

microwave a TV lifestyle automatically, it means nothing. Kundalini Yoga is

" The Yoga of Awareness and Experience. " If we don't add our awareness, there

will be no experience, and no yoga - Just of waste of time, pretending.


This is ALL prelude to pointing out that THE HUMAN HAND COMPLETELY EMBODIES AND


astrology) " THE INNER PLANETS. " These inner planets are those that tend to rule

the inner, individual person rather than mundane conditions of spiritual

environment, societal evolution, impersonal mind and reality. At that time

also, the planets beyond Saturn were not yet visible to human beings.


Little Finger – Mercury - Space

Ring Finger – Sun - Air

Middle Finger – Saturn - Fire

Forefinger – Jupiter - Water

Flat Area between Forefinger and Thumb - " Plain of MARS "

Thumb – planet Earth – element of Earth

Mound Underneath Thumb – Venus


So there, the hand contains reference points to at least TWO different cosmic

systems, which can be stimulated, exercised, contacted with and meditated in

order to channel the energies within us that run the universe, outside of us.

Isn't this beautiful? Isn't this more interesting that the User Manual for a

food processor, digital camera, or a new computer? Appliances are merely " made

up things. " This yoga of the human hand takes us into the very essence of our

Being. Sa-Ta-Na-Ma for example.


When the hands are in " Venus Lock, " the thumb of one hand is " covering, locking,

protecting " the Venus quality for our " inner polarity " (for a man, the inner

polarity is feminine / for a woman, the inner polarity is masculine). So, if

one is female, the feminine oriented Thumb (left) is protecting, covering and

" grounding " the Venus quality of her inner masculine polarity. If one is male,

the masculine oriented Thumb (right) is covering and grounding the Venus quality

of his inner feminine polarity. " WHY " would this be important, one might ask?

Rather than expect a pre-fabricated answer, why not contemplate the whole

situation and discover wisdom directly from experience. That is the Way of a

Yogi, self-learning, self-organizing, and self-enlightening - " Saibhang " as Guru

Nanak says in the Muhl Mantra. God helps those who help themselves, as someone

else said.


I'm attempting to " model " how one might yogically live through an experience of

our human, self-structures, that can enable us to integrate every detail of life

into a flow of intelligence communication with every living detail and portion

of life. If we treat the human body, in our yoga practice, as if it were just

another fascinating gadget to manipulate in order to " get " some interesting

result, we're only manipulating ourselves into a shallow kind of esoteric

consumerism. That's the opposite of a truly authentic experience of the

possibility to have an enlightened, self-organizing, beautiful life on the

Earth. When we feel ourselves, and love the feeling, THAT is the yoga of

awareness. That inner sensation is intrinsic to the genius of every living

cell, all 100 trillion of our living cells are experiencing it to some degree

all the time. But WE (the egocentric personalities who think we are in charge

of our lives) generally experience none of this miracle because we don't allow

or give ourselves time to allow the mind to drift out to us and to make contact

with our mechanized, media defined categories of " what is going on right now. "

So either we live conscious lives or robotic lives. Kundalini Yoga practiced

robotically is an oxymoron. It is our please to awaken into our humanity, and

share the experiences with everyone (and the universe – it's literally at the

tips of our fingers).


We can be deeply grateful to yogis such as David Shannahoff-Khalsa for the

profound, foundational work they've performed in rooting such ancient wisdom as

Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan, into the psychiatric ground zero where

our civilization is most collapsing - which is in our minds, individually and

collectively. A new human mindset is on the way for everyone, but first we have

to clean out the debris and do a bit of cleaning up, re-organizing, etc. And to

discover the true meaning of Love - which is " To Experience selflessness within

the Self. " It is also called a life of Seva.


Bless you,

Krishna Singh Khalsa


Kundalini-Yoga , Guruprem Kaur <guruprem wrote:


> Sat Nam Karta Purakh Singh,

> During the eighties David Singh Shannahoff met with the Siri Singh Sahib

> where he received yogic techniques that would give strong, clear results

> when put through scientific scrutiny. Venus Lock and how it differed for

> men and women was one of those topics. Yogi Bhajan firmly emphasized how

> important it is for men to interlace the fingers so that the right thumb

> comes out on top and for women to interlace the fingers so that the left

> thumb comes out on top. " On top " meaning that the pad of the thumb rests

> on the Mound of Venus, which gives the mudra its name.



> Guru Prem Kaur

> yogagems.com


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Some of my left handed women students tell me that the left thumb on top feels very unnatural to them. Is it possible that left handed people are wired differently? Did Yogi Bhajan ever address this issue?



Jagatjeet Kaur

Barbara L. Coxblcox

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