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Healing Hypothyroidism with Kundalini Yoga??

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Wow!  Thank you so much Devinder Kaur, for sharing your experience with the lady with the Chronic Fatigue Syndrome.  It definitely gives hope!  I will pass it on to a friend of mine.**  ALSO -- Does anyone know how to heal HYPOTHROIDISM naturally, with Kundalini Yoga?

Ive been taking Armour (natural thyroid hormone medication) for about 15 months now, but would really like to heal my thyroid naturally and not have to take daily medicine anymore..  Ive been practicing Kundalini Yoga for about 6 months now, and have been feeling all around better, but would like to know if anyone has had any particular experiences with healing Hypothyroidism.  

Thanks!Jade Rajbir Chen-- *  ~  *  ~  *  ~  *Live like a God.Give like an Angel.Be a bright, beautiful,bountiful Human Being..

            -- Yogi Bhajan

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This might help for Hypothyroidism. My friend told me to take a hot

bath with epson salt, baking soda and regular salt. One pound of each.

She said it would draw out radiation in the body, which affects the

thyroid. When you get dentist xrays, the radiation spreads to the

thryoid and that is not good. The exercise below is very similar to the

Miracle bend, but you do not come down all the way to the floor with the



Thyroid Gland Imbalance from Yoga for Health & Healing:

Thyroid Gland Imbalance (1-3 min)

Stand up, hands in prayer mudra at the chest, elbows relaxed at the

sides. Inhale deeply and extend the arms up and back to 60 degrees from

the horizontal (similar to a back bend), dropping your head back.

Exhale as you return to the original position. Continue 1-3 min.




Along with the parathyroid gland, the thyroid gland is the guardian of

health and beauty. Improper balance of these two glands can make you

age before your time. The skin, the complexion, and the outward

appearance are affected by the thyroid. Gas pose also works well to

stimulate the thyroid, on back with nose to knees & knees to nose

grasping knees with arms wrapped around and holding head up. A

meditation to balance the thyroid gland can be found in the Yoga Manual

on Pg. 27. A meditation to stimulate both thyroid and parathyroid can

be found in the Meditation Manual on Pg. 60.


Blessings, Atma



Atma K. Khalsa

951.696.9063 ext. 105


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Why should I be working on my thyroid???I have multiple life threatening issues.Jai JagdeeshDiane Warming <dwarmin1Kundalini Yoga Group <Kundalini-Yoga >Monday, March 2, 2009 5:18:17 PM Re:Healing Hypothyroidism with Kundalini




An excellent exercise for the thyroid is shoulder stand. Try it! Kartar Kaur

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