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Re:Awful side-effects of Kundalini

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Sat Nam,

When I first started learning kundalini yoga I read a book that

said it could " burn out the webs between your chakras for a life-

time. " Naturally, I brought it to the attention of my kundalini yoga

teacher of the time, who quoted Yogi Bhajan saying that all of the

problems one can have with kundalini energy can be avoided by doing

the sets/kriyas in the way they are taught/given by the master. That

was reassurance enough for me. That was 32 years ago, and I've yet

to have a problem with kundalini energy. (It's also affirmation of

the value of staying with the sequences prescribed.)

Harbhajan Kaur

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Sat nam Harbhajan!


Thank you for your response. It's reassuring to know this, and also, like you

said, an

affirmation of the value of staying with the sequences prescribed.


Warmest blessings,


Nadh Singh


Kundalini-Yoga , Harbhajan Kaur Khalsa <harbhajank



> Sat Nam,

> When I first started learning kundalini yoga I read a book that

> said it could " burn out the webs between your chakras for a life-

> time. " Naturally, I brought it to the attention of my kundalini yoga

> teacher of the time, who quoted Yogi Bhajan saying that all of the

> problems one can have with kundalini energy can be avoided by doing

> the sets/kriyas in the way they are taught/given by the master. That

> was reassurance enough for me. That was 32 years ago, and I've yet

> to have a problem with kundalini energy. (It's also affirmation of

> the value of staying with the sequences prescribed.)

> Harbhajan Kaur


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Dear Nadh Singh,


People who have been doing Kundalini Yoga as taught by Yogi Bhajan for a long time will dismiss these warnings of terrible difficulties as the powerful Kundalini rises as a great bunch of hooey!


I have been with this Kundalini outfit since 1976, have seen thousands upon thousands of people performing this very sacred yoga who have found only incredibly wonderful benefits from it--with no problems. I can't tell you how many times I have heard people say that it saved their lives. As a matter of fact, I have a friend who was writing a book about the benefits of all kinds of yoga. She put out a request for people to give her their experiences. Hatha yoga people reported many physical health benefits, but many of the Kundalini yogis reported much more dramatic benefits such as, "I wouldn't be on this planet now if it hadn't been for this Kundalini Yoga!" Now, I have to be very specific in identifying this as Kundalini Yoga AS TAUGHT BY YOGI BHAJAN.


I was inclined to discount those awful warnings about the rising Kundalini as well, until one summer when I taught meditation and gave energy healing at Omega Institute, the New Age spiritual summer camp in New York state. The staff, who were mostly about 20-23 year olds, who as part of their compensation were allowed to take a number of these amazing courses in every different kind of spiritual practice over the months that they were there. The administrators warned me that every year something strange would happen with a few staff members, so they would have to be sent home. And sure enough, that summer those affected staff members were brought to me by their friends. Some of the things that were happening to them were: leaving their body and not wanting to come back, getting lost in past lifetimes and not being able to relate to the present, and so on. There were about 5 of them. When I tuned in to find out what to do for these dear people, I "heard" that they should chant our tuning-in mantra "Ong Namo, Guru Dev Namo" for 11 mintues or 31 mintues once or twice a day. As you know, at the beinning of each yoga set or meditation we use this mantra for protection and guidance from the Golden Chain of Teachers. We usually don't give it much thought, we just do it as part of our format.


But believe me! That is the very most powerful mantra that I have come across! Within 2 days of doing their assigned mantra--some needing the help of their friends to do it, they all came back down to Earth and were their normal selves again! And the administration was very surprised that they didn't have to send anyone home that summer!


I heard Yogi Bhajan say a number of times, "You all want your third eye opened. But I spend my time closing your third eye so that you can see through your two eyes," meaning we need to heal and steady ourselves on this ordinary Earth level using Kundalini Yoga before we go on to using other energies that we are not yet ready for. So, it is my very real experience that he contains and protects us in this way. More stories on this some other time!


Therefore, my observation is that Yogi Bhajan has done incredible work in formulating this very powerful and very sacred practice into a system that all of us can use, and in which all of us experience only the benefits, while being protected from any of those difficulties described by others who do not have this incredible protection built into their practice! What a very outrageous gift to be grateful for!


Since then, I have learned that when you want additional guidance and protection, instead of chanting as we do before class for long periods of time, you can use a little different form of this Adi Mantra. "Ong Namo, Guru Dev Namo, Guru Dev Namo, Guru De-e-va." It is done quickly with a sort of catchy rhythm in a monotone. But at the end, the "Dev" goes down a little in tone, then the tone steps back up on the "e-a". Also I believe that both Snatam Kaur and Sat Kirin Kaur have recorded this musically, which are very delilightful and powerful to listen to, especially on continuous play.


And you will find a shortened version of this story on my website at www.SoulAnswer.com/tuning_in.html . So, "Keep Up and you will be kept up!"


Lots of Love,

Siri-Gian Kaur

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Just a reminder for everyone. NO SYSTEM works the same for every

person. We are unique individuals with unique Karma. I think we need to

trust our own experince:)


Wahe Guru!

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Nadh Singh


I have one year in this path maybe more, and at the beginning it was awful, insomnia, fear, and my stomach was very upset, then the symptoms smoothed, now I am beginning to feel cramps in my legs, and this is fatal, all the bad symptoms were gonne, and now I began to feel the cramps, I really don't understand why. Maybe it is because we are moving to different levels of consciousness and the body resents the changes. it's supposed to be that the cramps are symptoms for the beginners, and I am not a beginner, so I can understand that in this path is a continual beginning or a continual openess of the energy.



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Dear Ek Ong Kar Kaur, (I'm Ek Ong Kar Singh!), your wrote "

As I have never read the book, I cannot remark on the author's

experience. However, I can say that the rise of the Kundalini does

not create the emotional storm described in your post. Actually, it

is the opposite that happens. "


I would appreciate that you qualify your statement becuase its only

true for you and those you know of! I know many who have gone through

the emotional storms described and read many more books that describe

similar expereinces, expecially with drugs.


I think it's important for us to acknowledge many different

perspectives and yet Hold Our Own.


I respect these teachings and in generaly they seem quite safe and

not too high energy as to be dangerous but some people are quite

sensitive and do have these results.


Sat Nam

Ek Ong Kar Singh





Kundalini-Yoga , EkOngKaar wrote:


> Sat Nam.


> Dear Nadh Singh.


> Many blessings to you.


> Thank you so much for your post and your questions to the group.


> As I have never read the book, I cannot remark on the author's


> However, I can say that the rise of the Kundalini does not create


> emotional storm described in your post. Actually, it is the

opposite that

> happens.


> When we do the kriyas and meditation in Kundalini Yoga, we

stimulate the

> deeply powerful healing potential of the body/mind. When the


> channel opens and the Kundalini begins to rise - or, we can say in


> Western sense, when we do the kriyas and meditations, and they

change the

> blood chemistry, which impacts the composition of the spinal fluid,


> then when that enriched spinal fluid floods the brain and begins to

> activate what was previously dormant, we become more aware. More

aware of

> our amazing potential. And more aware of the blocks that keep up


> living in that potential. If depression, suicidal thoughts,

conflicts in

> marriage, etc. arise - it is only because those feelings and


> were there to begin with. Practicing Kundalini Yoga gives us the

power to

> shine the light on the garbage -and also gives us the tools to

clean the

> garbage out. To say that the Kundalini rising causes these problems

is to

> misunderstand the process. The Kundalini rising allows us to


> see the underlying issues that have been there all along.


> It is why practicing Kundalini yoga has been suppressed and is so


> Because it gives a person the power to see their own problems, and

then to

> access the Infinity within them in order to work out their own


> themselves. When you have the strength to see your own weaknesses


> consciously deal with them so they don't trip you up - then when

will you

> ever need a holy man? When will you need a religion? When will you

need a

> counselor? When will you need a politician? When will you chase


> money? When will you ask for your family to give you satisfaction?


> way that a human being can be used by another human being stops the


> you realize that you have the power to face your own problems and


> them out yourself - through your own sensory system that God gave

you as a

> gift of the human body. The art and science of Kundalini Yoga

teaches you

> to access that power.


> Here is an excerpt from a lecture that Yogi Bhajan gave during


> When he spoke in Gurdwara, sometimes he would talk about the

technology of

> Kundalini Yoga and the technology of the Shabad Guru, both. So keep


> mind his audience here are those Kundalini Yoga students who also


> to become dedicated students of the Shabad Guru. What some people


> call " Sikhs. " However, there's very powerful information here about


> process of the Kundalini rising.


> ?I was only a guide teacher. I was not a Guru. I know that without

> Kundalini, so long as it doesn?t awaken and open up the chakras,


> stands no chance. You are truly the students of Kundalini yoga and

> whether you know it or not, your chakras one way or the other shall


> opened. You have a lot of fears, a lot of paranoias because you


> understand when light opens up, when you light a candle, then you

also see

> all the garbage in the room. An awakened man realizes all his


> All he has to do is to sweep them away with the broom of the name

of God

> and with the trust of the Guru. When you cannot do it, you live in

a pit.

> You don?t clean yourself, but it is not true that you are not


> You are the students of the divine motherly power of the Kundalini,


> the science is true and the art is true. You will be awakened. And


> you will need the Guru, the real Guru, the Shabad Guru. You need a


> father and need a new mother when you get awakened, because you do


> awaken in the land you came from. You awaken at Guru Puri (Ram Das

Puri ?

> where the Summer Solstice is held), in the land of the Guru. In

your heart

> Guru smiles, at your destiny Guru rules and in your dignity Guru



> " I have not initiated any one person as my own student. They are


> of Kundalini yoga and one principle in Kundalini Yoga is you do not

> initiate. A person has to be worthy within himself to initiate

himself to

> learn that science and art. Once you know the Kundalini, and the


> will rise, it will glorify itself in your arc line. It will mix in


> shashara (central channel), then you will have awareness of two


> First, all your weaknesses shall be known to you. When you put a

light on

> in the house you do not find an empty house, you find a lot of


> If you would not have put on the light, you would have broken your


> hitting left and right. When you come to see your weaknesses, that?

s the

> first principle of the Kundalini rising. Then man starts feeling,

> realizing, seeing one?s own weaknesses in a magnified way. That?s


> first principle.


> " The second stage of the Kundalini is when you keep on chanting the


> and dedicating it to your Guru, things start happening around you.


> within you. Things starts happening around you. That?s the second

stage of

> the Kundalini. People start relating to you, because Kundalini


> the radiant body. It?s a Shakti. It?s a power of the Bhagvati. It


> ?Pritham bhagaute simar ke Guru Nanak lae dheaa-eh.? First worship


> Bhagvati, then meditate on Guru Nanak. Kundalini is the power of


> Bhagvati. It?s the power of the double-edged sword with which a

Khalsa is

> initiated to live pure. It?s no different. I am trying to remove


> barriers and misunderstanding which tomorrow they will put on you


> your self and your generations will rule this planet earth for five

> thousand years.


> " Everybody has a destiny and everybody has a fate and everybody has


> follow the law of the electromagnetic field of the psyche. No human


> is above it. No human being is below it. Anytime the magnetic

psyche will

> start glittering, that?s the first sign of the Kundalini. It starts

> glittering. Others feel good about you. The second stage is others


> good about you, but you feel bad about yourself. That?s the second


> of Kundalini because you start seeing your weaknesses as clearly as

> anything else. Others start seeing the shine and glitter in you,

but you

> don?t see it. The third stage of the Kundalini is, you start seeing


> outside and the inside. You start shining on the outside and

cleaning the

> inside. And the fourth stage is, everything becomes nothing and


> becomes everything. These are the four steps of Kundalini Yog and


> are the four experiences which everybody will go through

automatically who

> will practice these kriyas.?


> Siri Singh Sahib Bhai Sahib Harbhajan Singh Khalsa Yogiji. February


> 1989.



> Hoping this sheds some light on the conversation.


> With Divine Light, Love and blessings,


> Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa

> Espanola, NM


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I have found that drinking " SMART WATER " which has electrolytes in it

takes care of the leg cramps. I am not an expert but you might try it.


Sat Nam,


Sat Avtar Kaur

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Dear Neli,


I have been with this KY practice since 1976 and am also prone to cramps in my legs. However, I have discovered that if I take at least one tablespoon of Omega oils (omega oils are a specific structure of the fatty acid chain which is the linking of molecules), such as flax seed oil or very purified and non-smelly fish oil from Nordic Naturals, I don't get cramps! And when my dad who never did any yoga of any kind in his life used to get leg cramps, the medical doctor told him to eat either a banana or an orange everyday to increase his postassium. Is it possible that your leg cramps are the result of a nutritional deficiency?


Lots of Love,


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Dear Ek Ong Kar Singh,


Sat Nam and many blessings to you.


Perhaps I misspole myself and did not

state the position clearly. Grateful to clarify.


The Siri Singh Sahib taught that the

effects of practicing Kundalini Yoga is that our weaknesses become know

to us. Emotional storms do happen. The subtle, but I believe significant

difference, is that the practice of Kundalini Yoga does not cause these

issue. The practice of Kundalini Yoga shines the light on issues that are

already there - but that we are either ignoring or refusing to deal with.


Grateful for the opportunity to clarify

my statement.


With Divine Light,


Ek Ong Kaar Kaur Khalsa

Espanola, NM

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Muscle cramps are usually due to electrolyte imbalance... usually Low Potassium. No threat of getting too much when taking supplements as what the body does not use, is washed away. It is easy to think we are getting everything we need in a supplement, but if it does not contain minerals, deficiencies may be present. Cooking the vitamins and minerals out of vegetables and dumping them down the sink, (in the water they were cooked in), is another way we think we are getting nutrition when we are really not. To my knowledge the only supplemental vitamins and/or minerals that one may get too much of are the 'oil based' "A " & "E", so be careful of megadoses. These are the only two i am aware of. Remember, when it comes to vegetables... raw and fresh is

best! Life Love Grace channa :). earthday.net thehungersite.com freecycle.org myspace.com/lovespirit

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Sat Nam,


Here is an unusual way to get rid of charlie horse type cramps in the legs - massage the soft issue around the nipple of the breasts. It is amazing. It really works in just a few seconds.


Sat Nam,


Guru Rattana

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Dear Siri-Gian


What calls my attention is the fact that the Kundalini gives me this symptom now and not before, maybe cause I was on vacations and put aside my meditations and now I'm on my path again, otherwise I don't understand, I always eat bananas but not frequently, I don't discard the possibility of a deficiency of potassium, and mostly because I take pills to loose weight, and cholesterol. I have taken these pills for long time ago, but maybe my potassium is resented by the pill.


Sat Nam


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You mentioned that you take pills to lose weight. Also that you eat bananas to keep up potassium levels. Many 'weight loss' pills contain diuretics or stimulants that cause the same diuretic action. When our body is stimulated or forced to get rid of water, much of our electrolyte stores can be washed away with it, as electrolytes are water soluable. As we get rid of water, we also get rid of electrolytes. Sometimes it is better to let our body manage these areas without the help of stimulants and/or diuretics; but if you take them try to keep up electrolyte balance with a quality mineral supplement. Life Love Grace channa :) . earthday.net thehungersite.com freecycle.org myspace.com/lovespirit

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Sat Nam


I'll try next time I feel the cramps, I have just felt them twice, but is awful, hope what you are saying will work.


Sat Nam


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Thanks Channa,


I'll try to eat more bananas. I wish I could "surrender" with my weight, but I can't, I feel fat, and that makes me feel bad, although I'm not that fat, I think its part of the ego, and of course I don't want to be a size bigger.


Love and Light


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If I'm not mistaken, the original post had to do with relaxation and

bananas were suggested to help because of the magnesium. Celery is

another food that has lots of magnesium. Not so many calories.

Of course, there is the banana fast. It is 3 days of bananas taking

3 a meal for 3 meals taking one cardamon seed after each banana.

Bananas have roughly 100 calories so you would only take roughtly 900

C a day. There is the celery diet. Eat steamed celery without

cutting the celery.



Kundalini-Yoga , neli neilim <neli_nelis



> Thanks Channa,

> & nbsp;

> I'll try to eat more bananas. I wish I could " surrender " with my

weight, but I can't, I feel fat, and that makes me feel bad, although

I'm not that fat, I think its part of the ego, and of course I don't

want to be a size bigger.

> & nbsp;

> Love and Light

> Neli


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Hi this is my first post however I have been practicing Kundalini for

more than seven years. One of the things I learned about dieting and

yoga is that forgiveness it a large part of it. Forgiving yourself for

feeling the way u do, forgiving your body for where it's at in the

moment, and forgiving your mind for using those negative thoughts to

describe the situation.


Sometimes to battle the ego is use forgiveness as the weapon.










Kundalini-Yoga , " Guru K " <greatyoga wrote:


> If I'm not mistaken, the original post had to do with relaxation and

> bananas were suggested to help because of the magnesium. Celery is

> another food that has lots of magnesium. Not so many calories.

> Of course, there is the banana fast. It is 3 days of bananas taking

> 3 a meal for 3 meals taking one cardamon seed after each banana.

> Bananas have roughly 100 calories so you would only take roughtly 900

> C a day. There is the celery diet. Eat steamed celery without

> cutting the celery.


> GuruBandhu

> Kundalini-Yoga , neli neilim <neli_nelis@>

> wrote:

> >

> > Thanks Channa,

> > & nbsp;

> > I'll try to eat more bananas. I wish I could " surrender " with my

> weight, but I can't, I feel fat, and that makes me feel bad, although

> I'm not that fat, I think its part of the ego, and of course I don't

> want to be a size bigger.

> > & nbsp;

> > Love and Light

> > Neli

> >


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Guru K


Thanks for your advice, the cramps are gone, I think it was because I left my KY meditations for a couple of weeks (while in vacations) and I think the energy wanted to flow but it was stuck, cause I was not meditating. Now I feel great.


Sat Nam



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