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how to remove negative energy

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please tell me how to remove negative energy from my body and tame

my mind as my servent so that no negative thoughts never in my mind

please through some light on disorders caused by practising kundilini

yoga incorrectly and to overcome them

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As far as getting negative energy out of your body/mind you need to

stop being scared of negative energy and simply laugh when a negative

thought enters your awareness. Don't think that negative thought is

yours and that you have anything to do to get rid of it. Just laugh

and don't think it is yours.


If you stop thinking it is yours then you will open yourself to the truth.


For instance you meet someone who is rude to you and your thoughts

turn to anger and perhaps the words you think toward that person are

negative. If you interrupt these thoughts and the emotion, accept the

feeling in your body and recognize those thoughts are not yours and

are not a reflection of the TRUE reality. Then you will open yourself

to a new thoughts: what is real here? What is the truth? If you are

patient with your feelings you may perceive that the other person is

stressed out and wasn't really present to you, or something else...

that person's energy did not have anything to do with you...


As far as negative results in your body due to doing Kundalini Yoga

improperly it may be better to see a Kundalini Yoga trained teacher. I

don't know what your experience is.


One thing you can always do is start practicing Kundalini Yoga

properly and you should be able to find relief. Again to do this find

a trained teacher to help you...


Blessings, Awtar Singh

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Sat Nam,


There is a serious problem with the idea of 'removing negative energy. " In my

experience we have to transmute the negative frequencies of our emotional body

to higher frequencies.


When we feel fear in our emotional body, we can't get rid of our emotional body.

But we can allow this energy and LOVE it. We can chant to it and use the high

frequencies of the mantras to transmute it. The emotional body loves mantras

and chanting.


The emotional body is a life time project. It is much more complicated and

shifty than the neutral mind -- where we access the male polarity of our soul.

It changes every moment. Healing the emotional body includes bringing

subconscious programming into consciousness. Now that is a project!


Most people try to avoid it, which leads to the idea that we can remove it and

be done with it. But since it is the feminine polarity of our soul, it is not

going to go away.


We can try to live our life in denial, but the emotional body does its thing and

creates problems until we experience it in our physical body and love it. Try

both approaches and see what works for you.


Just keep in mind that our emotional body is our power, our charisma, our

nurturing energy and the human substance of love. It is the glue that holds

Spirit in our human body. So it is worth all the effort it takes to embrace it

and love it with all our heart.


Sat Nam,


Guru Rattana :+)



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Kundaliniyoga , " yogahs " <kundalini_yoga


> Blessings, Awtar Singh


Can u tell me a good trainer of kundalini yoga which can help me out

in my problems in rajasthan near kota


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contact siddhashram


jaigurudev... Pls help gauravji in getting our ashram address



On 11/14/07, gaurav_ahl <gaurav_ahl wrote:


> Kundaliniyoga <Kundaliniyoga%40>,

> " yogahs " <kundalini_yoga

> wrote:

> > Blessings, Awtar Singh


> Can u tell me a good trainer of kundalini yoga which can help me out

> in my problems in rajasthan near kota

> >








! Jai Gurudev !




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Sat Nam,


It's important to remember that the energy is neutral. It is we who bring

meaning to the experiences we're having. That meaning is shaped by the momentum

of our personality and our mind (karma.)


We live in the world of opposites and this duality makes us forget the one

source within. The pain that's caused out in the world is designed to get us to

re-member what's within and seek it out so we can re-unite with it (yoga). In

that light, it's not really negative energy or bad, but rather " it's all good. "

I'm not saying it feels good though. We call things negative and positive

because of this duality and because the negative is usually painful, we assume

it's bad while positive is good... but, we've been given the negative mind for a

reason. It protects us from danger, allowing us to assess the negatives in life

against the positives and thus act from the neutral mind. This is what

kundalini yoga and meditation gives us... the ability to lift our energy so that

we can come from the neutral mind. Then with practice, the whole thing becomes

joyful-- even the things that seem painful or negative.


Just as Guru Rattana aptly stated in her discussion of the emotional body: " In

my experience we have to transmute the negative frequencies of our emotional

body to higher frequencies. "


It's never really about removing negative energy, but rather raising the

vibration of the energy that is there. Keep adding light as it were. When you

shine light on a shadow it becomes light.


This is why Yogi Bhajan's great mantra was " Keep up and you'll be kept up. "

It's also why, when you ask " What should I do? " about any problem, all great

masters will answer: " More yoga, more yoga, more yoga. " By simply doing more

yoga you will align yourself with your higher frequency and the unwanted aspects

of your life will fall away effortlessly, leaving behind the good aspects for

you to continue using. The practice isn't effortless though, it can be tough at

times, but when you practice regularly the things that fall away seem to do so

naturally and without effort.


Yoga creates a flow where depression and anxiety can't live because they are of

a lower, more earthly vibration. Bless you and may the universe lift you up so

that you may keep yourself up.


Sat Nam,


Jai Gopal ~ Patrick Lacho

YBC40.com ~ Kundalini Yoga Boot Camp for Self-Mastery




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What a fantastic post!! Thank you GRK. This forum is such a blessing, many times

I experience huge leaps in my journey by all your wonderful insights when put

into practice.

Wahe Guru!!



Guru Rattana <gururattan wrote: Sat



There is a serious problem with the idea of 'removing negative energy. " In my

experience we have to transmute the negative frequencies of our emotional body

to higher frequencies.


When we feel fear in our emotional body, we can't get rid of our emotional

body. But we can allow this energy and LOVE it. We can chant to it and use the

high frequencies of the mantras to transmute it. The emotional body loves

mantras and chanting.


The emotional body is a life time project. It is much more complicated and

shifty than the neutral mind -- where we access the male polarity of our soul.

It changes every moment. Healing the emotional body includes bringing

subconscious programming into consciousness. Now that is a project!


Most people try to avoid it, which leads to the idea that we can remove it and

be done with it. But since it is the feminine polarity of our soul, it is not

going to go away.


We can try to live our life in denial, but the emotional body does its thing

and creates problems until we experience it in our physical body and love it.

Try both approaches and see what works for you.


Just keep in mind that our emotional body is our power, our charisma, our

nurturing energy and the human substance of love. It is the glue that holds

Spirit in our human body. So it is worth all the effort it takes to embrace it

and love it with all our heart.


Sat Nam,


Guru Rattana :+)


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Dear Akkama


Sat Nam!


What a fantastic post!! Thank you GRK. This forum is such a blessing, many times

I experience huge leaps in my journey by all your wonderful insights when put

into practice.


* Putting into practice is the key. When we meditate on these insights and work

with them while we are practicing KY, they integrate into our energy field and

emotional body and expand our mind. But we have to consciously feel what we

want to shift in order for the shift to happen.


Many blessings,


Guru RAttana :+)





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