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Sat Nam,


I have fairly recently quit smoking cigarettes and was wondering if

anyone would share with me a kriya or meditation that could heal my

body, bring youth back to my appearance and overall just help me to

feel good about myself again... I dont look like the young and

hopefull teen I was two years ago, and though I dont expect to

magically return there, it would be nice to at least heal my skin and

rid myself of the nicotines effect on my body.


Thank You,


Harkirat Singh.

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Dear Harkirat Singh:


It won't happen overnight (probably although nothing is impossible...)


What I would do is:

1) Do sadhana every day (a year and you'll see an incredible

difference already), no specific set, just the discipline of it.

People who do their sadhana everyday become naturally radiant.

2) Breathe deeply in the woods during the day, so your lungs start

getting used to fresh air again and demand it!

3) See yourself healed.


The 3rd item is often referred to as " if you can see you goal, you can

attain it. " It is more than just visualization. It is a mental

attitude. If you see yourself old and hurt by the effect of smoking,

you are sending yourself signals of being a victim, poor me, old me...

then you feel you need a fix. Needing a fix and seeing yourself like a

victim is just a vicious cycle. No end to it. The way out is to accept

that you are no victim, and you have to see yourself beautiful!

There's no other way!



Awtar Singh



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Kundaliniyoga , " thepsychedeliclove "

<thepsychedeliclove wrote:


> Sat Nam,


> I have fairly recently quit smoking cigarettes and was wondering if

> anyone would share with me a kriya or meditation that could heal my

> body, bring youth back to my appearance and overall just help me to

> feel good about myself again... I dont look like the young and

> hopefull teen I was two years ago, and though I dont expect to

> magically return there, it would be nice to at least heal my skin and

> rid myself of the nicotines effect on my body.


> Thank You,


> Harkirat Singh.


Dear Harkirat Singh.


I have helped many people with quitting smoking. As far a restoring

your appearance the rapid change will occur no matter what you do, as

within moments of not smoking the regeneration process begins. If you

can steam (in a natural setting is best) hot or sulfur springs but a

man made sauna will do. Carrot juice and green tea are rejuvenating

and help with nicotene cravings. Congratulations on accomplishing your

goal. Of course doing your breath work with intent on expelling those

toxins yes a big jump to regenerating. If you do find yourself in

places or situations where you are tempted to smoke, come up with 2 or

three pre-designated alternate things you can do in those situations

instead of smoking. PEACE Carolina

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Good to know that you have left taking poison for yourself and for your loved

ones.Please find down one very important meditation which can really assist in

your endevours but do it regularly for a month.







Kirtin Kriya



Some of us say we want to change, or at least we want things to be different in

our lives. We want to be happier and at peace within ourselves. We want more

satisfying relationships. We want to be healthier. We want more meaningful work

and to be more prosperous. We want to break destructive habits and stop

indulging in certain addictive behaviors. The question is how can we effect

these changes in our lives. Yoga recognizes that if we want to make changes in

our lives, we have to change ourselves. Yoga operates from the principle that

our inner reality creates our outer reality. We have to alter our vibrational

frequency so that we attract at a different level. Our frequency has to match

what we want to manifest. And equally important, we have to clear our

subconscious programming so it does not sabotage our conscious intent. For in

fact, it is the programming in our subconscious mind that creates our reality.


Mantras are powerful tools for clearing and restructuring the subconscious mind.

SAT NAM and its derivative SA TA NA MA are the two basic mantras taught by Yogi

Bhajan to reorient the mind and thus open us up to the possibility of

transformational change.

SAT NAM seeds the truth in our consciousness by waking us up to our divine

identity. SAT NAM is the seed or bij mantra.

SA TA NA MA incorporates the nuclear sounds of SAT NAM . SA TA NA MA uses the

primal sounds to connect us to the evolutionary nature of existence itself. It

is referred to as the panch shabd, which means a mantra with five sound

currents. The fifth sound is " A. " When we chant SA TA NA MA we imprint the

evolutionary code of the universe into our human psyche.

SA is the beginning, infinity, the totality of everything that ever was, is or

will be.

TA is life, existence and creativity that manifests from infinity.

NA is death, change and the transformation of consciousness.

MA is rebirth, regeneration and resurrection which allows us to consciously

experience the joy of the infinite.

SA TA NA MA is so primal that its impact on our psyche is like splitting an

atom. The power of this mantra comes from the fact that it rearranges the

subconscious mind at the most elementary level. It has the power to break habits

and addictions because it accesses the level of the mind where habits are


Yogi Bhajan says that " Behavior patterns are the result of the radiance of the

psyche and frequency of the magnetic field in relationship to the universal

psyche and magnetic force. " (*1)

The radiance of the psyche is dependent upon the active functioning of both the

pituitary and pineal glands. The pituitary gland regulates the entire glandular

system. The secretion of the pineal gland creates a pulsating radiance that

activates the pituitary gland. The mind goes out of balance when the pineal

gland is dormant. The imbalance makes it seem impossible to break mental and

physical addictions. The mantra SA TA NA MA to a powerful tool to recreate

balance in the mind.


Kirtin Kriya, often referred to as SA TA NA MA meditation, is the most important

meditation in Kundalini Yoga. It was one of the first meditations taught by Yogi

Bhajan and remains today as a foundation meditation recommended for every

student of Kundalini yoga. Yogi Bhajan says that if you can do only one

meditation, this is it. It does everything for you in the order that you need.

It is your teacher. And as you practice it, you will come to realize that it is

your best friend. Whatever you need at the moment, it will readjust and align

you to bring balance into your mind and thus your life.

This meditation is given for everything from breaking habits to achieving

emotional balance. It helps you focus and center yourself.. It is a catalyst

for change because it is a very powerful spiritual cleanser. You may go through

a lot because you will be releasing a lot. Be present to what you are

experiencing and be willing to let it all go. The process will allow you to give

all your garbage back to God. If you want to maintain the status quo, don't do

this meditation. If you are willing to change and welcome a new dimension of

being into your life, this meditation is for you. The bottom line is that this

meditation works. All you have to do is do it. You can trust the process and the

technology. **Now here is one of the best selling points. Do you think about an

old lover and want to be liberated from the grips of the past and release him or

her from your aura? This is the meditation! There is nothing more powerful to

release the auric pain we

suffer when we break up with a lover. It will reestablish your aura as your



Sit with a straight spine. Bring your mental focus to the brow point.

Chant SA TA NA MA. While chanting alternately press the thumb with the four

fingers. Press hard enough to keep yourself awake and aware of the pressure.

Keep repeating in a stable rhythm and keep the hand motion going throughout the

whole meditation.

SA press the thumb and the first or Jupiter finger together with pressure.

TA press the thumb and the middle or Saturn finger together.

NA press the thumb and the ring or Sun finger together.

MA press the thumb and the small or Mercury finger together.

The Jupiter finger brings in knowledge, expands our field of possibilities and

releases us from limitations.

The Saturn finger gives us patience, wisdom and purity.

The Sun finger gives us vitality and aliveness.

The Mercury finger aids clear communication.

Each time you close a mudra by joining the thumb with a finger, your ego " seals "

its effect in your consciousness.

Visualize or feel each individual sound come in the crown chakra at the top of

the head, down through the middle of the head and out to infinity through the

third eye. This is very important and must be done with each sound. It is an

essential part of the cleansing process. If this part of the meditation is not

done, you may experience a headache.

While doing the meditation, you may experience pictures of the past come up like

on a movie screen in your mind. Let them dance in front of your eyes and release

them with the mantra. This is part of the cleansing of the subconscious mind. If

emotions come up, you can also incorporate them in the chanting, i.e. if you

feel anger then chant out the anger. Whatever you experience is OK. Do not try

to avoid or control your experiences. Simply be with what is going on and go

through it. It is all part of the cleansing process.


For the first 5 minutes chant OUTLOUD. (The voice of humans.)

For the second 5 minutes chant in an audible WHISPER. ( The language of lovers.)

For the next 10 minutes chant SILENTLY. (The language of the divine) Keep the

hands, L in the head and tongue moving.

Then 5 minutes WHISPER.

End with 5 minutes OUTLOUD.

The last minute, listen inside and hear the mantra and experience the L in the

head. Do not do the finger movements.

Optimally this meditation is done for 31 minutes. It can also be done for 62

minutes by doubling the times.


It can also be done for shorter times. Yogi Bhajan has said that during this

stressful time it should be done for at least 11 minutes every day. For the

eleven minute version do:

2 minutes OUTLOUD

2 minutes in an audible WHISPER

3 minutes chant SILENTLY. Keep the hands, L in the head and tongue moving.

2 minutes WHISPER.

2 minutes OUTLOUD.

Then sit quietly and listen inside, hear the mantra and experience the L in the

head. Do not do the finger movements.

At the end, inhale deeply, raise the arms up in the air and vigorously shake the

arms and fingers. You can involve the whole body and spine. Exhale. Repeat 1 or

2 more time if you desire. This is an important part of the meditation as it

helps move and release the energy in the body. Relax for a few minutes before

going about your day. Or relax on your back. If it is before bed time, simply go

to sleep.







thepsychedeliclove <thepsychedeliclove


Sunday, 4 November, 2007 7:14:29 AM

Kundalini Yoga Youth.


Sat Nam,


I have fairly recently quit smoking cigarettes and was wondering if

anyone would share with me a kriya or meditation that could heal my

body, bring youth back to my appearance and overall just help me to

feel good about myself again... I dont look like the young and

hopefull teen I was two years ago, and though I dont expect to

magically return there, it would be nice to at least heal my skin and

rid myself of the nicotines effect on my body.


Thank You,


Harkirat Singh.







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Nadi Sodhana

(Alternate Nostril Breathing)

If you don't do anything else, this is a simple yoga breathing exercise that can

be done virtually anywhere, anyplace. You will be glad you did. It is simply


The name alternate nostril breathing is due to the fact that we alternate

between the two nostrils when we do the breathing. Yogis believe that this

exercise will clean and rejuvenate your vital channels of energy, thus the name

nadi sodhana (purification of nadis or channels).

With this exercise, we breathe through only one nostril at a time. The logic

behind this exercise is that normal breathing does alternate from one nostril to

the other at various times during the day. In a healthy person the breath will

alternate between nostrils about every two hours. Because most of us are not in

optimum health, this time period varies considerably between people and further

reduces our vitality. According to the yogis, when the breath continues to flow

in one nostril for more than two hours, as it does with most of us, it will have

an adverse effect on our health. If the right nostril is involved, the result is

mental and nervous disturbance. If the left nostril is involved, the result is

chronic fatigue and reduced brain function. The longer the flow of breath in one

nostril, the more serious the illness will be.



The exercise produces optimum function to both sides of the brain: that is

optimum creativity and optimum logical verbal activity. This also creates a more

balanced person, since both halves of the brain are functioning property.

The yogis consider this to be the best technique to calm the mind and the

nervous system.


The Scientific Confirmation

Medical science has recently discovered the nasal cycle, something that was

known by the yogis thousands of years ago. Scientists have recently found that

we don't breathe equally with both nostrils, that one nostril is much easier to

breathe through than the other at any particular time and that this alternates

about every three hours. The yogis claim that the natural period is every two

hours, but we must remember these studies were done on people who do not have an

optimum health level.

Scientists also discovered that the nasal cycle corresponds with brain function.

The electrical activity of the brain was found to be greater on the side

opposite the less congested nostril. The right side of the brain controls

creative activity, while the left side controls logical verbal activity. The

research showed that when the left nostril was less obstructed, the right side

of the brain was predominant. Test subjects were indeed found to do better on

creative tests. Similarly when the right nostril was less obstructed the left

side of the brain was predominant. Test subjects did better on verbal skills.

Medical science has not quite caught up with the ancient yogis yet. The yogis

went one step further. They observed that a lot of disease was due to the nasal

cycle being disturbed; that is, if a person breathed for too long through one

nostril. To prevent and correct this condition, they developed the alternate

nostril breathing technique. This clears any blockage to air flow in the

nostrils and reestablishes the natural nasal cycle. For example, the yogis have

known for a long time that prolonged breathing through the left nostril only

(over a period of years) will produce asthma. They also know that this so-called

incurable disease can be easily eliminated by teaching the patient to breathe

through the right nostril until the asthma is cured, and then to prevent it

recurring by doing the alternate nostril breathing technique. The yogis also

believe that diabetes is caused to a large extent by breathing mainly through

the right nostril.



Close the right nostril with your right thumb and inhale through the left

nostril. Do this to the count of four seconds.

Immediately close the left nostril with your right ring finger and little

finger, and at the same time remove your thumb from the right nostril, and

exhale through this nostril. Do this to the count of eight seconds. This

completes a half round.

Inhale through the right nostril to the count of four seconds. Close the right

nostril with your right thumb and exhale through the left nostril to the count

of eight seconds. This completes one full round.

Start by doing three rounds, adding one per week until you are doing seven


Alternate nostril breathing should not be practiced if you have a cold or if

your nasal passages are blocked in any way. Forced breathing through the nose

may lead to complications. In pranayama it is important to follow this rule:

under no circumstances should anything be forced. If you use the nostrils for

breath control they must be unobstructed. If they are not, you must practice

throat breathing.



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---- Original Message ----

" thepsychedeliclove " <thepsychedeliclove

<Kundaliniyoga >

Sunday, November 04, 2007 2:44 AM

Kundalini Yoga Youth.


> Sat Nam,


> I have fairly recently quit smoking cigarettes and was wondering if

> anyone would share with me a kriya or meditation that could heal my

> body, bring youth back to my appearance and overall just help me to

> feel good about myself again... I

> ...


Sat Nam!


" Smoking depletes vitamin c and iron so if you're trying to quit, add those

to your diet " (from " Relax and Renew " of Gururattan Kaur Khalsa)


....about kriyas, any kriya working on purification is very good for you, as

well kirtan kriya to break old (bad) habits.


Fateh Dharma!


Sujan Singh



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In a message dated 11/4/07 3:34:14 AM, kundalini_yoga writes:



> The 3rd item is often referred to as " if you can see you goal, you can

> attain it. " It is more than just visualization. It is a mental

> attitude. If you see yourself old and hurt by the effect of smoking,

> you are sending yourself signals of being a victim, poor me, old me...

> then you feel you need a fix. Needing a fix and seeing yourself like a

> victim is just a vicious cycle. No end to it. The way out is to accept

> that you are no victim, and you have to see yourself beautiful!

> There's no other way!







SO SHALL WE BE. I wish all these wonderful things were available when I quit

smoking almost 30 yrs. ago. If I conquered that, I can conquer this. I am

sure they were always available but I was too busy with other stuff to see







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I don't know if there is anything to bring back youth other than taking care of

yourself now and as you know within roughly 7 years your entire being will be

renewed, so that will definetely help. Also, if you look into the journal of

alternative complementary medicine volume 10, Number 1, 2004, pp91-101 written

by David S. Shannahoff-Khalsa it does describe how you can use Kundalini for

addiction and other wonderful medicinal benifits that can help keep the anxiety

down which also ages one quickly.

Great Job on your quiting smoking- That is one hard habit to kick =)


thepsychedeliclove <thepsychedeliclove wrote:

Sat Nam,


I have fairly recently quit smoking cigarettes and was wondering if

anyone would share with me a kriya or meditation that could heal my

body, bring youth back to my appearance and overall just help me to

feel good about myself again... I dont look like the young and

hopefull teen I was two years ago, and though I dont expect to

magically return there, it would be nice to at least heal my skin and

rid myself of the nicotines effect on my body.


Thank You,


Harkirat Singh.






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2 mediations that I can suggest are:


a) meditation for addiction

b) Mediation for self animosity


Botha re very powerful and really help to heal the self. I find that 40

days is the best for each (if you can manage that), but just do them



These mediations are in Aquarian teacher and on the KYA website.


Sat nam,






[Kundaliniyoga ] On Behalf Of Carolina

Sunday, 4 November 2007 3:28 PM


Kundalini Yoga Re: Youth.



<Kundaliniyoga%40> , " thepsychedeliclove "

<thepsychedeliclove wrote:


> Sat Nam,


> I have fairly recently quit smoking cigarettes and was wondering if

> anyone would share with me a kriya or meditation that could heal my

> body, bring youth back to my appearance and overall just help me to

> feel good about myself again... I dont look like the young and

> hopefull teen I was two years ago, and though I dont expect to

> magically return there, it would be nice to at least heal my skin and

> rid myself of the nicotines effect on my body.


> Thank You,


> Harkirat Singh.


Dear Harkirat Singh.


I have helped many people with quitting smoking. As far a restoring

your appearance the rapid change will occur no matter what you do, as

within moments of not smoking the regeneration process begins. If you

can steam (in a natural setting is best) hot or sulfur springs but a

man made sauna will do. Carrot juice and green tea are rejuvenating

and help with nicotene cravings. Congratulations on accomplishing your

goal. Of course doing your breath work with intent on expelling those

toxins yes a big jump to regenerating. If you do find yourself in

places or situations where you are tempted to smoke, come up with 2 or

three pre-designated alternate things you can do in those situations

instead of smoking. PEACE Carolina






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Hi could you please explain exactly where these meditations are on the

website. I went to the lesson for addictions and it mentions the 4 part

breath...but do not see the one for self animosity.


I would be very grateful for the link or instructions on how to get there.


Sat Nam,

Carol Saunders




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Sat Nam: Look into the old Sadhana Guidelines mAnual.

On page 67 & 68 is a set for the magnetic field and

heart center. It has a number of exercises for

repairing the heart and damage from drugs, tobacco and

alcohol. Perfect it as it talks about at the end of

the set. Students love it.


KartaPurkh S Khalsa

Your job is to deal with everything in life with affection, love and

kindness. --Yogi Bhajan






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