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Feeling Suicidal

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Sat Nam,


Im writing in concern of my own mental health and the way it may

effect those around me...


Lately I have had such a feeling of unbreakable grief and uncertainty

about things that it almost seems there is no other way out... but



I feel this depressing feeling about my girlfriend, that I cant trust

her, or that she is stabbing me in the back with some other man. Then

I think about it and wonder if Im just going crazy.


I try to reason things in my mind and lift this veil that holds

behind the truth and on my side is nothing but paranoia and (false?)

feelings of betrayal.


I had done almost 40 days of sat nam meditation and an unknown number

of days for sat kriya, happiness in a figure eight, a prosperity

meditation and kriya to harmonize heart and head, but have missed the

last three days due to lack of self confidence and no motivation...


Please if there is anyway that anyone can help me at all... I would

appreciate it.


In all humility...


Harkirat Singh.

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Dear Harkirat Singh,


How are you today?


Remember the mind follows the breath, long deep


and love yourself. Smile with light into your soul.


We are all alone, yet one. Many know the suffering


speak of, many have learned that it is the thoughts


take you there. Change your thoughts to positive and

know that everything changes, nothing stays the same.


Breath of fire through the right nostril, has seen me

through some dark nights.


If you think you are truly depressed, a doctor or


may be necessary to see you through this darkness.


Peace be with you,












--- madhatterart <madhatterart wrote:


> Sat Nam,


> Im writing in concern of my own mental health and

> the way it may

> effect those around me...


> Lately I have had such a feeling of unbreakable

> grief and uncertainty

> about things that it almost seems there is no other

> way out... but

> conclusion.


> I feel this depressing feeling about my girlfriend,

> that I cant trust

> her, or that she is stabbing me in the back with

> some other man. Then

> I think about it and wonder if Im just going crazy.


> I try to reason things in my mind and lift this

> veil that holds

> behind the truth and on my side is nothing but

> paranoia and (false?)

> feelings of betrayal.


> I had done almost 40 days of sat nam meditation and

> an unknown number

> of days for sat kriya, happiness in a figure eight,

> a prosperity

> meditation and kriya to harmonize heart and head,

> but have missed the

> last three days due to lack of self confidence and

> no motivation...


> Please if there is anyway that anyone can help me at

> all... I would

> appreciate it.


> In all humility...


> Harkirat Singh.








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Let me tell you something...

Lot's of people on this board are just bored with life and/or think

of reality as some kind of a game...

Yoga (or any kind of discipline for that matter) requires bravery

(strength of spirit) or just spirit.

The help you're asking for lies in the absence of your own character.

A man can (may) not be dependant on a woman(en)!

There is a misconception about the term " ego " in a sense...

Sure, we want to get rid of it - on the other hand it's absolutely

impossible while we're still alive...

Let your " ego " be the totality of your efforts and understandings...

the ultimate YOU.

Learn to be a man by yourself while you're still young, hurting and

yearning for your own self (that's where your suicidal thoughts come


It's a " lonely " path in the beginning especially, yet more and more

full of LIFE as you progress...

You do not need anyone to travel with you... it's pretty much

impossible to have anyone as you go anyway...

So, either get serious about what you do (be a f.....g man) or steer

away from the road... yet, in any case -

again, you can (may) not depend on ANY woman in your life.


Stop the crap.





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Sounds like sat kriya is kicking your butt. It´s a blessing keep up with your

long term meditations. I felt alot of depression come up too. Keep going bliss

is around the corner, its just your mind resisting change thats all. Sodarshan

made me cry too and feel really down. You´re just getting rid of garbage thats

all, better now than to carry it around for the rest of your life. Try Mahan

Gyan mudra it will snap u out of it and get you going again. Or kriya for

conquering pain any arm kriya will do. Do a websearch, this saved me from my

dark thoughts. Will give you an energy wave to ride out the rough stuff. Love,



madhatterart <madhatterart wrote: Sat Nam,


Im writing in concern of my own mental health and the way it may

effect those around me...


Lately I have had such a feeling of unbreakable grief and uncertainty

about things that it almost seems there is no other way out... but



I feel this depressing feeling about my girlfriend, that I cant trust

her, or that she is stabbing me in the back with some other man. Then

I think about it and wonder if Im just going crazy.


I try to reason things in my mind and lift this veil that holds

behind the truth and on my side is nothing but paranoia and (false?)

feelings of betrayal.


I had done almost 40 days of sat nam meditation and an unknown number

of days for sat kriya, happiness in a figure eight, a prosperity

meditation and kriya to harmonize heart and head, but have missed the

last three days due to lack of self confidence and no motivation...


Please if there is anyway that anyone can help me at all... I would

appreciate it.


In all humility...


Harkirat Singh.








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Dear Harkirat Singh,


Nothing is ever final. Death never has the last word!


I have had many times the feeling that it was the end for me, I could

no longer go any further. I heard myself scream at God more than once

that I could not take one more day, one more minute. It was always

good to let it out. And you know... in the end... the screaming helped

me shut up and listen to some silence that no meditation could get me

to in such circumstances... Because I felt such pain that I could not

just feel it, I could not just sit and chant. There was some painful

stuff that needed to be heard first... and then felt.


What is your truth in this moment? Your truth! Not your girlfriend's!

Not society's... What is your truth? What does your pain want to say?


When I yell at God, I speak my momentary truth of not getting it, not

understanding why I should have to live through any of the shit that

comes my way... And I ask if there's any other way to look at it, some

healing way, that I am open to hear it. More than once I yell back

that I can't hear any other way! But I'm curious... if there is... I

really want to know!


So what is your truth today?


It used to take me days of suffering and of yelling. Then inevitably I

would see it an other way a way that made sense and I got exactly what

I had been screaming that I wanted. It made me feel ashamed each time

for having screamed for it... like a spoiled brat...


I am not saying this is for everyone... Some may be able to get beyond

the anger quickly. But you have to be you. We each have to find our

own way through the thick of it, our own way back to grace. Any way

beats calling it quits because in the end... there is no end... we're

all coming back to learn through the same stuff... until we get it...


So you know there is hope... it no longer takes me so long. I just

know how angry I feel now. I may still find some place alone so I can

scream it out... Then I listen to the echo of my screaming... and in

the echo I ask for the real truth... And then I hear: " Do you want to

carry your past into your present and your future? " I know then to let

it go. To agree to let it be unresolved, but leave it be. And live

right now the way I want to see myself live, with a smile, and

available to help others... because in my grief and despair, I'm no

soul to help anyone... not in that state!


And you know what? It works! It works to just agree to not know why

things are the way they are, and to agree to let it go just the way it

is. And to choose right then how you want to be.


If your girlfriend is cheating on you, you need to talk to her and if

she isn't then it's your stuff... It's time to be real and speak the

truth. Either way it seems to me there's a lesson in love somewhere in

your story. And that's the beauty of it because those lessons may be

painful, but if you find the courage to keep up to see through to the

other side it has got to be way better than what you ever knew! And

you'll know how to help those in despair and bring more love and light

to this planet. We need you.



Awtar Singh

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Thanks Linda for your email, after not doing yoga for quite a few months, i'm

feeling suicidal again, after all i'm in Denver, a god forsaken place, now i'm

ready to start up again doing yoga and especially do Har Haray Haree, and doing

the best i can till i can get out of here. And really a doctor or a therapist

can't help us who are in the dark, only Kundalini Yoga can really help us more

then a doctor of money or therapist of money can ever do.

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Lower chakra stuff, when it comes up can really get you down. back off on the

time with sat kriya and see what happens. Maybe your doing too much stuff at

once to assimilate 3 meditations is alot. Stick with two that you´ve been doing

the longest. Do Mahan gyan mudra with straight arms out like wings index and

middle finger out, rest folded under thumb like pistols or like jesus did.

Whatever image works for you. Inhale through mouth and teeth exhale through

nose. Don´t let arms drop below shoulders straight out like wings. Don´t bend

arms. Or Brahm Mudra two works too. These kriya open the heart center and

release the pain. 11mins full time, it will hurt but after you won´t feel sad

and you will recognize the beauty within your soul, to find the right words to

say to your partner. This kriya saved me for 3 years, always worked too. Also

purification of naval and lungs in transitions to a heart centered world,

balancing of immune and nervous systems, these two other kriyas

work in the same way. This will get you going for the rest of the day...then

the next morning you´ll have to do it again, you´ll be lifted out of the

depression for one day. The garbage is still there you just put prana on top

open heart center and pain is gone. Keep going with sat. this will rid you of

garbage. The first real releases are the most difficult after that the rest is

down hill. On days where i had real difficult releases or alot of work to do

these kriyas saved me from losing it with my loved ones and myself. It´s worked

for three years. I used to do this everyday, now only when needed because most

of my garbage is gone from SCK and SAT. ¨To have a strong mental foundation,

you must recognize the beauty in your soul...¨ This has worked for me everytime.

Give it a try. I been there you´ll make it. -Chris


madhatterart <madhatterart wrote: Sat



Im writing in concern of my own mental health and the way it may

effect those around me...


Lately I have had such a feeling of unbreakable grief and uncertainty

about things that it almost seems there is no other way out... but



I feel this depressing feeling about my girlfriend, that I cant trust

her, or that she is stabbing me in the back with some other man. Then

I think about it and wonder if Im just going crazy.


I try to reason things in my mind and lift this veil that holds

behind the truth and on my side is nothing but paranoia and (false?)

feelings of betrayal.


I had done almost 40 days of sat nam meditation and an unknown number

of days for sat kriya, happiness in a figure eight, a prosperity

meditation and kriya to harmonize heart and head, but have missed the

last three days due to lack of self confidence and no motivation...


Please if there is anyway that anyone can help me at all... I would

appreciate it.


In all humility...


Harkirat Singh.








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Hi Madhatterart:


I have a question. How long have you been feeling suicidal? If this

has been something that has been going on for a few weeks or months I

would suggest going to see a good qualified therapist in conjunction

with a solid Kundalini yoga practice. Suicidal depression is very

different than just having the blues. It can be debiliating and


I suffered from sucidical depression in the mid-nineties and it was a

combination of my yoga and mediation practice along with talk therapy

that helped me. Part of feeling suicidial are the overwhelming

feelings of loneliness that accompany it. Talking to someone who is

caring and objective was life saving for me. Yoga is wonderful and

also brings up a lot of repressed emotions which can feel overwhelming

at times. I saw a therapist who was focused on healing the inner child

as a lot of depression was caused by repressed feelings due to a

violent childhood. I had a tremendous amount of internalized rage,

anger, guilt and resentment.

We are blessed to live in time where therapist are more educated about

how the body retains emotions. Ideally since you are doing yoga there

are a lot of Kundalini Yoga Teachers who are also therapists. Also in

your search you want to find someone who practices some form somatic

psychology. These practioners recognize how the body retains the

emotions unlike traditional therapist.

My main point is the yoga is bringing a lot of stuff up and out which

is wonderful. You just need some help processing it. I hope you get


Also remember you are feeling suicidal not because you want to stop

living but because you can't live the way have been living any more.

You just need some help on to the next step. You have to have the

courage to take the steps to build an appropriate support system with

your yoga practice and the right kind of people to help you along the



Thoughts of suicide should never be taken lightly. I hope you get the

help you need.


I hope this helps and Sat Nam.





Kundaliniyoga , " madhatterart "

<madhatterart wrote:


> Sat Nam,


> Im writing in concern of my own mental health and the way it may

> effect those around me...


> Lately I have had such a feeling of unbreakable grief and uncertainty

> about things that it almost seems there is no other way out... but

> conclusion.


> I feel this depressing feeling about my girlfriend, that I cant trust

> her, or that she is stabbing me in the back with some other man. Then

> I think about it and wonder if Im just going crazy.


> I try to reason things in my mind and lift this veil that holds

> behind the truth and on my side is nothing but paranoia and (false?)

> feelings of betrayal.


> I had done almost 40 days of sat nam meditation and an unknown number

> of days for sat kriya, happiness in a figure eight, a prosperity

> meditation and kriya to harmonize heart and head, but have missed the

> last three days due to lack of self confidence and no motivation...


> Please if there is anyway that anyone can help me at all... I would

> appreciate it.


> In all humility...


> Harkirat Singh.


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Sat Nam,


After reading your message I was reminded of some of the initial shadow emotions

and what not, that arose for me, when I began to practice KY and meditation

daily, about 9 years ago.


Paranoia, was a big one. Fear that others were talking about me or plotting in

some way behind me back etc. I remember expressing this to my teacher. His

comment was " oh good " , your shadow is coming up to consciousness.


At the time it didn't feel so good. Number one, what is my shadow ....and number

two, what do i do about it!! It took me the next 9 years (and still working on

it) to fully understand how to work effectively with my shadow. I thought i'd

share a few thoughts on working with it...


1) Become self aware....ask yourself, how do these current feelings or worries,

reflect ways that I felt as a child? For myself, when i thought back, I

realized I remembered feeling this fear and paranoia, intensely, as a child and

when I really investigated further, i saw how paranoia (that people are going to

f_ _k you over) was absolulely a predominant undercurrent, in my household

growing up. I hadn't felt it in 10 or 15 years at that point so I thought it had

resolved, but it had only gone underground into my shadow and now was

re-emerging to be processed and let go of.


2) Use intention. When feedback such as difficult thoughts or emotions arise,

use intention. For example, once I realize I am feeling paranoia, my intention

might be to understand where it is coming from in a causal sense....or it may be

to release or transform this feeling and have it return to me as positivity that

reflects what i would like as well? or whatever way you may be guided. Then

chant a mantra or do a meditation and be receptive to the effect and what next

bit of feedback that might come to you to lead you into your next intention.


The point I am a making is that feedback, of any kind, is there for you to

" respond " to it. In learning to respond to feedback, in a skillful way,

especially through intention and meditation, it becomes an empowering experience

as you learn to " process your inner storms " and gleam the gift out of the



In every situation there is hope. There is potential for change and

transformation. Every situation holds within it a seedling of potential

transformation. When we can view our " storms " in this way, we then become a

co-creator, empowered to unfold and direct our life, as we learn to let go of

the past and to uplift ourselves.


One thing that i understand about our shadow self, is that, it is filled with

" unprocessed potential " , we need to learn to be the alchemist and grow roses out

of manure and spin straw into gold.


All Light,

Sat Sangeet Kaur

AB, Canada




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Sat Nam David

Denver may feel lonely but no place is god forsaken for the link to god is

within you. No one else is responsible for your happiness. Know that you have

the support of us all. You are not disconnected from the universe of all we who

seek union with the universal consciousness. You are right, actively doing and

focusing on the Kundalini yoga can bring you closer to the enlightenment of

Kundalini. Keep working at it, and know that you are not working alone.



David <kishor1

2007/09/02 Sun PM 11:42:53 CDT


Re: Kundalini Yoga Feeling Suicidal



Thanks Linda for your email, after not doing yoga for quite a few months, i'm

feeling suicidal again, after all i'm in Denver, a god forsaken place, now i'm

ready to start up again doing yoga and especially do Har Haray Haree, and doing

the best i can till i can get out of here. And really a doctor or a therapist

can't help us who are in the dark, only Kundalini Yoga can really help us more

then a doctor of money or therapist of money can ever do.

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david,I have been in the dark place you are in now.I really think you should

seek help.I did,and it really was a great helpI would not reley now on

kundalini.first,get stable,and then go for kundalini. god bless you and I will

pray for you.sincerly richard




Monday, September 03, 2007 12:42 AM

Re: Kundalini Yoga Feeling Suicidal



Thanks Linda for your email, after not doing yoga for quite a few months, i'm

feeling suicidal again, after all i'm in Denver, a god forsaken place, now i'm

ready to start up again doing yoga and especially do Har Haray Haree, and doing

the best i can till i can get out of here. And really a doctor or a therapist

can't help us who are in the dark, only Kundalini Yoga can really help us more

then a doctor of money or therapist of money can ever do.







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Have you been tested for HG/Heavy metals?


Have you been tested for Candida?


I usually just lurk this group. But with in my own experience Yoga a

lone will not heal a unpure contanimated body. I love yoga and and

meditate daily. But I tell you this... I came to yoga and meditation

trying to find answers and they quickly made health problems apparent.

It astounds me how many do not address this in America. We are more

conditioned and diseased than any other country. I think if you are

feeling suicidal there is a good chance your getting a good dose of

mobilized toxins from the yoga. Clear the pathways so your body can

heal. Yoga is extremely good for clearing and unjamming the lymphatic

system. But if the colon is full of lb's rotting filthy material...no

yoga is going to help you. The colon must be clean first for the

lymphatic system to do its job. Trampolines and rebounders are superior

to Yoga for lymph cleaning. I always do my yoga on my trampoline. I

enjoy a good mix of the two. Sweating is very important as well since a

large amount of toxins are eliminated through the skin. Increase your

potassium and magnesium intake as well. Potassium is VERY important for

the lymph system you will be working during your Yoga. Braggs apple

cider vinegar is the cheapest source of potassium you will find for the

dollar. However, note that is is pretty acidic... add sodium

bicarbonate afterwards.




get a sauna


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Get hair tested... look for answers outside of yoga. Your looking for

mineral deficiencies and heavy metal test. You can find urine test for

candida, ask on curezone.com as I dont have the links available.

Continue the yoga and listen to your body. Eat pure, no preservatives,

organic when possible. Most of your energy gos to your digestive

system. Tax it as little as possible. But make sure that colon is

clean. Go to the Bentonite and Pysllium shake forum at curezone.com.

Its basically Schultz's recipe with only the two most effective



Titrate your body in ascorbic acid.


Read about this guy.... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Linus_Pauling

Your body requires incredible amounts of vitamin C in a diseased state.

Titrate your body in vitamin C. Forget the dumb rumors or bull*

articles you may read on V.C. Theres more bullcrap propaganda vs VC

than any all the supplements in the world combined. If I were you I

would listen to the guy that made it his 90's and not media

propaganda(who is more qualified?). http://www.orthomed.com/titrate.htm

- This is not new news. Prince Charles used ascorbate IV's to beat his

cancer....look how the media trashed him when he advocated it. The

heart association should be out of business...but nope, they profit more

than any other sector in healthcare. Statin drugs are bull. Lysine +

VC has a proven track record for doing the job. Vitamincfoundation.org


Head over to curezone.com and start asking questions. Learn how the

human body works, make sure the pathways for healing are clear!

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“You will find there is a very calm, cozy, delightful, enlightened human being

in you; one who has the power to merge into the Oneness of that Unity which can

create sainthood.”

- Yogi Bhajan


When I was told I had cancer four years ago I found this chant to myself gave me

great strength as I faced my greatest fears. No person may define your life for

you, you are the only one who has that gift in your life. I suggest you try to

wrap your arms around yourself and love yourself without judgement. Chant this

to yourself.

May the long time Sun shine upon you,

All love surround you.


And the pure light within you,

Guide your way home.

Listen to it at: http://www.souledout.org/singing/longtimesunshine.html

In love and Metta always.

Sat Nam




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Bravo, well said. Thanks for sharing that infomation. I'm sure we can

all benefit from this.

Sat Nam,




Kundaliniyoga , Sat Sangeet

<satsangeetkaur wrote:



> Sat Nam,


> After reading your message I was reminded of some of the initial

shadow emotions and what not, that arose for me, when I began to

practice KY and meditation daily, about 9 years ago.


> Paranoia, was a big one. Fear that others were talking about me or

plotting in some way behind me back etc. I remember expressing this

to my teacher. His comment was " oh good " , your shadow is coming up

to consciousness.


> At the time it didn't feel so good. Number one, what is my

shadow ....and number two, what do i do about it!! It took me the

next 9 years (and still working on it) to fully understand how to

work effectively with my shadow. I thought i'd share a few thoughts

on working with it...


> 1) Become self aware....ask yourself, how do these current feelings

or worries, reflect ways that I felt as a child? For myself, when i

thought back, I realized I remembered feeling this fear and paranoia,

intensely, as a child and when I really investigated further, i saw

how paranoia (that people are going to f_ _k you over) was absolulely

a predominant undercurrent, in my household growing up. I hadn't felt

it in 10 or 15 years at that point so I thought it had resolved, but

it had only gone underground into my shadow and now was re-emerging

to be processed and let go of.


> 2) Use intention. When feedback such as difficult thoughts or

emotions arise, use intention. For example, once I realize I am

feeling paranoia, my intention might be to understand where it is

coming from in a causal sense....or it may be to release or transform

this feeling and have it return to me as positivity that reflects

what i would like as well? or whatever way you may be guided. Then

chant a mantra or do a meditation and be receptive to the effect and

what next bit of feedback that might come to you to lead you into

your next intention.


> The point I am a making is that feedback, of any kind, is there for

you to " respond " to it. In learning to respond to feedback, in a

skillful way, especially through intention and meditation, it becomes

an empowering experience as you learn to " process your inner storms "

and gleam the gift out of the garbage.


> In every situation there is hope. There is potential for change

and transformation. Every situation holds within it a seedling of

potential transformation. When we can view our " storms " in this way,

we then become a co-creator, empowered to unfold and direct our life,

as we learn to let go of the past and to uplift ourselves.


> One thing that i understand about our shadow self, is that, it is

filled with " unprocessed potential " , we need to learn to be the

alchemist and grow roses out of manure and spin straw into gold.


> All Light,

> Sat Sangeet Kaur

> AB, Canada




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Harkirat Singh,

Thank you so much for sharing. There are so many good & wise people

in this group and you have been given a lot of good advice. Many

times in my life, I also have struggled with deep grief and sadness,

and I know it can seem so overwhelming when you are in the midst of

it. I have a couple of ideas that may help.


1) Have you ever read " The Power of Now " by Eckhart Tolle? That book

helped me a lot, and finally solidified in me that I have everything

I need inside of me. Once you truly accept that, you will not believe

the peace you will feel. Of course, undesirable things can still

happen, and the feeling of peace may be great one day and distant

another, but it is always there.


2) Have you tried White Tantric Yoga? Maybe attending a one day

course would help you break through some of this. One day does the

same as ten years of meditation. You can see the schedule at



Do not forget that we are there for you. Reach out whenever you need



Sat Nam,



Kundaliniyoga , " madhatterart "

<madhatterart wrote:


> Sat Nam,


> Im writing in concern of my own mental health and the way it may

> effect those around me...


> Lately I have had such a feeling of unbreakable grief and


> about things that it almost seems there is no other way out... but

> conclusion.


> I feel this depressing feeling about my girlfriend, that I cant


> her, or that she is stabbing me in the back with some other man.


> I think about it and wonder if Im just going crazy.


> I try to reason things in my mind and lift this veil that holds

> behind the truth and on my side is nothing but paranoia and (false?)

> feelings of betrayal.


> I had done almost 40 days of sat nam meditation and an unknown


> of days for sat kriya, happiness in a figure eight, a prosperity

> meditation and kriya to harmonize heart and head, but have missed


> last three days due to lack of self confidence and no motivation...


> Please if there is anyway that anyone can help me at all... I would

> appreciate it.


> In all humility...


> Harkirat Singh.


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Adding to Jeanette's point, I'd really recommend you to read, totally absorb

and follow to the word " The Power of Now " . That book just captures the

whole essence - living in the moment takes every single problem away. It's

just as miraculous as it is simple.






On 9/4/07, Jeanette <jjproperties wrote:


> Harkirat Singh,

> Thank you so much for sharing. There are so many good & wise people

> in this group and you have been given a lot of good advice. Many

> times in my life, I also have struggled with deep grief and sadness,

> and I know it can seem so overwhelming when you are in the midst of

> it. I have a couple of ideas that may help.


> 1) Have you ever read " The Power of Now " by Eckhart Tolle? That book

> helped me a lot, and finally solidified in me that I have everything

> I need inside of me. Once you truly accept that, you will not believe

> the peace you will feel. Of course, undesirable things can still

> happen, and the feeling of peace may be great one day and distant

> another, but it is always there.


> 2) Have you tried White Tantric Yoga? Maybe attending a one day

> course would help you break through some of this. One day does the

> same as ten years of meditation. You can see the schedule at

> http://www.whitetantricyoga.com/schedule.htm


> Do not forget that we are there for you. Reach out whenever you need

> it.


> Sat Nam,

> Jeanette


> Kundaliniyoga <Kundaliniyoga%40>,

> " madhatterart "

> <madhatterart wrote:

> >

> > Sat Nam,

> >

> > Im writing in concern of my own mental health and the way it may

> > effect those around me...

> >

> > Lately I have had such a feeling of unbreakable grief and

> uncertainty

> > about things that it almost seems there is no other way out... but

> > conclusion.

> >

> > I feel this depressing feeling about my girlfriend, that I cant

> trust

> > her, or that she is stabbing me in the back with some other man.

> Then

> > I think about it and wonder if Im just going crazy.

> >

> > I try to reason things in my mind and lift this veil that holds

> > behind the truth and on my side is nothing but paranoia and (false?)

> > feelings of betrayal.

> >

> > I had done almost 40 days of sat nam meditation and an unknown

> number

> > of days for sat kriya, happiness in a figure eight, a prosperity

> > meditation and kriya to harmonize heart and head, but have missed

> the

> > last three days due to lack of self confidence and no motivation...

> >

> > Please if there is anyway that anyone can help me at all... I would

> > appreciate it.

> >

> > In all humility...

> >

> > Harkirat Singh.

> >







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Can you please remove me from the list.

Thank you. satmandir.


Jeanette <jjproperties schrieb:

Harkirat Singh,

Thank you so much for sharing. There are so many good & wise people

in this group and you have been given a lot of good advice. Many

times in my life, I also have struggled with deep grief and sadness,

and I know it can seem so overwhelming when you are in the midst of

it. I have a couple of ideas that may help.


1) Have you ever read " The Power of Now " by Eckhart Tolle? That book

helped me a lot, and finally solidified in me that I have everything

I need inside of me. Once you truly accept that, you will not believe

the peace you will feel. Of course, undesirable things can still

happen, and the feeling of peace may be great one day and distant

another, but it is always there.


2) Have you tried White Tantric Yoga? Maybe attending a one day

course would help you break through some of this. One day does the

same as ten years of meditation. You can see the schedule at



Do not forget that we are there for you. Reach out whenever you need



Sat Nam,



Kundaliniyoga , " madhatterart "

<madhatterart wrote:


> Sat Nam,


> Im writing in concern of my own mental health and the way it may

> effect those around me...


> Lately I have had such a feeling of unbreakable grief and


> about things that it almost seems there is no other way out... but

> conclusion.


> I feel this depressing feeling about my girlfriend, that I cant


> her, or that she is stabbing me in the back with some other man.


> I think about it and wonder if Im just going crazy.


> I try to reason things in my mind and lift this veil that holds

> behind the truth and on my side is nothing but paranoia and (false?)

> feelings of betrayal.


> I had done almost 40 days of sat nam meditation and an unknown


> of days for sat kriya, happiness in a figure eight, a prosperity

> meditation and kriya to harmonize heart and head, but have missed


> last three days due to lack of self confidence and no motivation...


> Please if there is anyway that anyone can help me at all... I would

> appreciate it.


> In all humility...


> Harkirat Singh.









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Dear Harkirat Singh


Sat nam.

I have been where you are. I believe Kundalini Yoga saved my life. In

your case, sounds like difficult, painful thoughts are coming up.


I cannot add to the good words you have received on this list, but I

would urge you to try to find some person in the real (non-virtual)

world whom you can speak to.

There is nothing like human contact. I believe you said you are in

Denver. I know there are Kun.Yoga places there.

Can you perhaps find a teacher or a yogi to share your thoughts with?


Wishing you the very best,

Kartar Kaur



-- In Kundaliniyoga , " madhatterart " <madhatterart



> Sat Nam,


> Im writing in concern of my own mental health and the way it may

> effect those around me...



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