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Padhuka Sahasram-822

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SrimatE Gopaladesika MahadesikAya Namaha,


Translation by U.Ve. Dr. V.N. Vedanta Desikan Swamin:


822. santha: svadEshaparadhEshaviBhAgashUnyam

hantha svavrutthimanaGhAm na parithyajanthi

rAjyE vanE cha raGhupungavapAdharakshA

naIjam jahoU na Khalu kaNtakashODhanam thath


Good people will never forsake their duties, whether they be in their

own place or in a strange place outside. It is their nature. Sri

Rama's Paaduka performed its duty of 'thorn-removal' in this manner.

In the Ayodhya kingdom, it saw to it that no enemy force ever entered

into the land; in the forest, it safeguarded Rama's feet from the

thorns on the way.


Namo Narayana,


SriMuralidhara Dasan


Special Notes by V.Sadagopan (V.S):


SlOkam 822


1) UtthamUr Swamy's anubhavam: Here, Swamy Desikan points out that

one should never abandon one's own dharma for whatever reasons.He

says: " Righteous people will not abandon their codes of conduct

learnt from their teachers either in their ownland or foreign lands.

For instance, Raama PaadhukAs performed their assigned duties be they

were in AyOdhyA or in the DaNDakA forest. In AyOdhyA , it made sure

that the enemies of the kingdom do not cause any harm to the

citizens; in the forest, they protected RaamA's feet from thorns and



2) SrImath Andavan's anubhavam:The great ones execute their duties

without concern about time, place or state in an identical manner.

They will not change their way because it is day or night, different

locales and other dhvandhvams. That is why, SrI Raama Paadhukais

performed " kaNDa sOdhana vrutthi " equally well in the forest as well

as in the kingdom. In the forest, it freed the area from the thorns;

in the kingdom, it freed the land of enemies to the land. The inner

meaning is that the AchAryAs do not perform auspicious deeds for any

one in particular. They perform these acts because it is their

svabhAvam to do so.


3) The great ones do not abandon their noble activities because it is

their own home country or a foreign country ( Santha: svadEsa

paradEsa vibhAga soonyam anagAm svavrutthim na parithyajanthi). That

is why, the Raama PaadhukAs freed the forest as well as the kingdom

free from thorns ( Raghupungava PaadharaksdhA rAjyE, vanEapi tath

naijam kaNDasOdhanam na jahou khalu ) ...(V.S)..

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