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[Sapta Chiranjeevi]

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SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:

Dear SrI MAlOlan CadAmbi,


An ancient SlOkam in this regard came to my mind, which is

as follows:

aSvattAma bali: vyAsa: hanumAn cha vibhIshaNa: |

krupa: paraSurAmaScha saptaitE chiranjIvina: ||


aSvattAma - mentioned in SrI mahA bhAratham as son of DronAchArya


Bali - Bali-chakravarti mentioned in SrI VishNu purANam, SrI bhAgavata mahA

purANam etc in vAmanAvatAra vruttAntAm


VyAsa - BAdarAyaNa - pArASarya - KrishNadvaipAyaNa Rishi VEda vyAsa


HanumAn - mentioned in SrImad vAlmIki rAmAyaNanam as son of vAyu and anjanA


VibhishaNa - mentioned in SrImad vAlmIki rAmAyaNanam


KrupAchArya -- mentioned in SrI mahA bhAratham as a guru of kuru-vamSam


ParaSurAma -- an avatAram of bhagavAn.


The above mentioned seven personalities are the sapta ChiranjIvIs

as per this SlOkam. I have also heard this SlOkam to be in

anusandAnam from swAmi SrImath azagiya singar once when swAmi was at

tiru-evvUL (tiruvaLLUr - SrI vIra rAghava perumAL sannadhi) SrImath

ahobila maTam, explaining certain Aahnika vishayams regarding Oil-bath

to me and few others there at that time (before some 4/5 years).


Thanks & Regards,

naidhruva mAdabhUshi S. HARI rAmAnuja dAsan (mshari)


Malolan Cadambi <mcadambi wrote:



NamO narayana


Dear Members,


Who exactly are the the Sapta Chiranjeevigal?.. .

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SrImathE rAmAnujAya nama:

Dear SrI MAlOlan CadAmbi,


An ancient SlOkam in this regard came to my mind, which is

as follows:

aSvattAma bali: vyAsa: hanumAn cha vibhIshaNa: |

krupa: paraSurAmaScha saptaitE chiranjIvina: ||


aSvattAma - mentioned in SrI mahA bhAratham as son of DronAchArya


Bali - Bali-chakravarti mentioned in SrI VishNu purANam, SrI bhAgavata mahA

purANam etc in vAmanAvatAra vruttAntam


VyAsa - BAdarAyaNa - pArASarya - KrishNadvaipAyana Rishi VEda vyAsa


HanumAn - mentioned in SrImad vAlmIki rAmAyaNam as son of vAyu and anjanA


VibhishaNa - mentioned in SrImad vAlmIki rAmAyaNam


KrupAchArya -- mentioned in SrI mahA bhAratham as a guru of kuru-vamSam


ParaSurAma -- an avatAram of bhagavAn.


The above mentioned seven personalities are the sapta ChiranjIvIs

as per this SlOkam. I have also heard this SlOkam to be in

anusandAnam from swAmi SrImath azagiya singar once when swAmi was at

tiru-evvUL (tiruvaLLUr - SrI vIra rAghava perumAL sannadhi) SrImath

ahobila maTam, explaining certain Aahnika vishayams regarding Oil-bath

to me and few others there at that time (before some 4/5 years).


Thanks & Regards,

naidhruva mAdabhUshi S. HARI rAmAnuja dAsan (mshari)


Malolan Cadambi <mcadambi wrote:



NamO narayana


Dear Members,


Who exactly are the the Sapta Chiranjeevigal?.. .

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