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Unlocking The Values 27

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Dear Mukund svAmi,


You are right. It shoudl read as

'muyaR kombu' and not 'mAN kombu'


Obvoisuly , the rabbit does not have horns and therefore a non-existent one.


thanks for the correction


vanamamalai padmanabhan





Sunday, September 28, 2008 5:24 AM

Re: Unlocking The Values 27



 dear swamy

what is mAN kombu?






vanamamalai ; Sri Ramanuja ; oppiliappan ; ; divya desam ; parichaya

Saturday, September 27, 2008 6:16 PM

Unlocking The Values 27





'It is good if merged. This can happen only if an impossible happens. Therefore, that is that and this is this'


These are the words from Tiruvaimozhi -crudely translated.


How about trying to unravel the meaning of this statement.


Well. Let us leave that to our pUrvAchAryAs


The avathArikai to this pAsuram :IDu

'nithya samsAriyAna chethananaiyEa brahmAmhAgach sollugiRa mAyAvAdhikaLai shEbikkiRAr.'

'The concept of considering the permanent samsAris -the Atman- as Supreme is being denounced here'



’கூடிறà¯à®±à®¾à®•à®¿à®²à¯ நல௠உறைபà¯à®ªà¯à®•à¯ கூடாமையைக௠கூடினாலà¯,

ஆடல௠பà¯à®±à®µà¯ˆ உயர௠கொடி, எமà¯à®®à®¾à®¯à®©à®¾à®µà®¤à¯-அத௠அதà¯à®µà¯‡...’ 8-8-9


Let us go into IDu

kUDiTRAGil nal uRaippu-’கூடிறà¯à®±à®¾à®•à®¿à®²à¯ நல௠உறைபà¯à®ªà¯

If the Atman merges with the Supreme - it is wonderful.



This can happen only if impossible happens

kUDAmaiyaik kUDinAl-கூடாமையைக௠கூடினாலà¯


The commentator lists out a few such events


'AgAsath thAmarai-mAN kombu, maladi magan'


These are lotus on the sky, a child of the person who cannot beget one and so on.


These are not possible and therefore null set.




It will be wonderful if the Atman merges with Superme. However, this can happen only if non-existent things like

sky lotus or deer horn can occur.


The concept that the Atman merges with the soul ultimately, is not accepted by AzvAr and he stresses that this can happen only if 'null set' becomes true. Therefore, the Atman is Atman and Supreme is Supreme, different entities.-அத௠அதà¯à®µà¯‡à®†.


It is said that Sri RamAnuja had the great asset 'ThiruvAimozhi' to establish visishtAdvaitham.


'BAshyakArar idhu koNDu sUthra vAkyangaLai orunga viduvar' AchArya Hrudhyam-65

'’பாஶà¯à®¯à®•à®¾à®°à®°à¯ இத௠கொணà¯à®Ÿà¯ சூதà¯à®° வாகà¯à®¯à®™à¯à®•à®³à¯ˆ à®’à®°à¯à®™à¯à®• விடà¯à®µà®°à¯â€™ ஆசாரà¯à®¯ ஹà¯à®°à¯à®¤à®¯à®®à¯-65


Perhaps, this is one of the pAsuram-s which helped to establish the truth.


Our commentators decipher pAsuram-s in logical way and bring out our philosophies in lucid manner.


Treasures lay abound in periphery and inside. Scratching the surface or deep inside- we can lay hands of srivaishNavite theories, practices and concepts,

on and in the commentaries.

(the journey continues)



vanamamalai padmanabhan






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