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Ths topic is Very relevant to our discussion




by Priyadarshini R. Banati




Karna as the son of Surya is a fascinating story in the Mahabharata. In one's

horoscope Sun reflects one's father and yet Karna was father-less. One can argue

his kavach and kundal were his father's but even that he gives away. This

rejection of his lineage and roots is striking. Karna wants nothing to do with

his lineage nor his identity. As a child, though he feels different from that of

a suta putra he doesn't dream of a fond reunion with his `true' parents. Despite

Kunti and Krishna offering him his lineage and welcoming him to his `true'

family, he declines. This further speaks of a quality of the Sun in the

horoscope especially when exalted in the Rasi of Aries. The quality is the

result of a powerful concoction of both self confidence and arrogance. Those

with a strong Sun in their horoscopes can find within themselves huge reserves

of confidence and when this is thwarted they are big enough to arrogantly

dismiss & obliterate any objections to their personal identity. Imagine the

plight of Karna – the very son of Sun who was forced to grow up constantly being

thwarted by those around him. He perhaps had a very good idea of the error of

his lineage and each time he was taunted about the same, he responded by

shirking the very need for any lineage. In a culture where lineage is

everything, this made Karna stand outside the square of culture. This is one of

the reasons his defeat at the hands of Arjuna and Krishna was inevitable.

The Sun in a horoscope also reflects an individual's leader-like potentials. Yet

in giving up his identity, Karna's story explains how he is unfit to assume the

role of a leader – despite it being given to him twice by Duryodhana: Once when

he's made King of Anga and second when he's made the senadhipati.

The fact that Karna was Duryodhana's military strength is akin to not Arjuna but

Bhima's role perhaps in the Mahabharata. Here again he reflects the Krura,

aggressive role of the Sun, ready to take up righteous battle. What is

righteous, you might wonder. For Karna, blind for his love for Duryodhana,

Duryodhana's insults became his righteous battles.

However Karna chooses Indra's son Arjuna as his adversary and not Vayu's son

Bhima. Here again Indra who represents the rain [water] and Krishna who is the

God in Moon bring together the clash between fire[sun] and water[Moon] – Both

adversial elements and also counter-balances of nature itself. Human actions and

time is recorded in Jyotish in the form of an interplay between the Sun and

Moon. It is this interplay that also gets enacted out in the Mahabharata.

Karna had a luminous quality to his character – Even in death his body is

supposed to have shone despite the soul having abandoned it. This is another

charaterization of Sun. Karna is also famous for his generous spirit. The more

he gives the stronger he gets. Once again this is similar to the characteristics

of the Sun. Karna can seem fixated at times – in his devotion to Duryodhana

especially. Contrast this with Arjuna and Krishna who both tend to flitter from

one stance to another, in no apparent logic to the reader. The Sun here in Karna

reflects his steadfast character, that is firm in good times and stubbornly

fixed in bad times.

Karna's sometimes referred to as destiny's child. Most people love him because

they pity his plight, his condition. Yet, he choose and followed the path he was

given, uncomplaining and immensely proud. This kind of strength of inner

conviction can come from nowhere else but his father, the Sun. This is what

makes his character so alluring – this is the aura that draws people to leonine

individuals. Despite all the charm of Krishna, Karna did not sway – perhaps the

only example of such behavior in all of the Mahabharata.

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sohamsa , " yousuf_i " <yousuf_i wrote:


> Ths topic is Very relevant to our discussion

> http://www.venoastrology.com/article11.htm



> by Priyadarshini R. Banati




> Karna as the son of Surya is a fascinating story in the Mahabharata. In one's

horoscope Sun reflects one's father and yet Karna was father-less. One can argue

his kavach and kundal were his father's but even that he gives away. This

rejection of his lineage and roots is striking. Karna wants nothing to do with

his lineage nor his identity. As a child, though he feels different from that of

a suta putra he doesn't dream of a fond reunion with his `true' parents. Despite

Kunti and Krishna offering him his lineage and welcoming him to his `true'

family, he declines. This further speaks of a quality of the Sun in the

horoscope especially when exalted in the Rasi of Aries. The quality is the

result of a powerful concoction of both self confidence and arrogance. Those

with a strong Sun in their horoscopes can find within themselves huge reserves

of confidence and when this is thwarted they are big enough to arrogantly

dismiss & obliterate any objections to their personal identity. Imagine the

plight of Karna – the very son of Sun who was forced to grow up constantly being

thwarted by those around him. He perhaps had a very good idea of the error of

his lineage and each time he was taunted about the same, he responded by

shirking the very need for any lineage. In a culture where lineage is

everything, this made Karna stand outside the square of culture. This is one of

the reasons his defeat at the hands of Arjuna and Krishna was inevitable.

> The Sun in a horoscope also reflects an individual's leader-like potentials.

Yet in giving up his identity, Karna's story explains how he is unfit to assume

the role of a leader – despite it being given to him twice by Duryodhana: Once

when he's made King of Anga and second when he's made the senadhipati.

> The fact that Karna was Duryodhana's military strength is akin to not Arjuna

but Bhima's role perhaps in the Mahabharata. Here again he reflects the Krura,

aggressive role of the Sun, ready to take up righteous battle. What is

righteous, you might wonder. For Karna, blind for his love for Duryodhana,

Duryodhana's insults became his righteous battles.

> However Karna chooses Indra's son Arjuna as his adversary and not Vayu's son

Bhima. Here again Indra who represents the rain [water] and Krishna who is the

God in Moon bring together the clash between fire[sun] and water[Moon] – Both

adversial elements and also counter-balances of nature itself. Human actions and

time is recorded in Jyotish in the form of an interplay between the Sun and

Moon. It is this interplay that also gets enacted out in the Mahabharata.

> Karna had a luminous quality to his character – Even in death his body is

supposed to have shone despite the soul having abandoned it. This is another

charaterization of Sun. Karna is also famous for his generous spirit. The more

he gives the stronger he gets. Once again this is similar to the characteristics

of the Sun. Karna can seem fixated at times – in his devotion to Duryodhana

especially. Contrast this with Arjuna and Krishna who both tend to flitter from

one stance to another, in no apparent logic to the reader. The Sun here in Karna

reflects his steadfast character, that is firm in good times and stubbornly

fixed in bad times.

> Karna's sometimes referred to as destiny's child. Most people love him because

they pity his plight, his condition. Yet, he choose and followed the path he was

given, uncomplaining and immensely proud. This kind of strength of inner

conviction can come from nowhere else but his father, the Sun. This is what

makes his character so alluring – this is the aura that draws people to leonine

individuals. Despite all the charm of Krishna, Karna did not sway – perhaps the

only example of such behavior in all of the Mahabharata.


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