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Dear Pankaj,

I am pressed for time at the moment, will try to see the events with

KAS later on.

I do not understand what is the Quiz part ?

In the mean time please go through the file section, download the

lessons and cast your worksheet.

Then you will be able to understand and follow what myself or some

other much more learned members are saying.

Also make sure to use Krushnas Ayanamsa. There is a spread sheet in

which you enter the birth date and it will show the value of ayanasma.

Thanking you,

Cheers !!!



, " pankaj_astrology "

<ssa@n...> wrote:

> Respected Guruvar,

> Pranaam.

> Kindly analyse following birth chart on astrological basis.

> It'll help me learing the application part.

> The birth details are : Jul 08,1973 Time: 04:00AM

> Zone: 5:30 DST: 0 India Longitude: 75E49 Latitude:

> 26N55.

> The main events are : Qualification : BE Mech,

> MTech ; Prepared for Civil Services Exam 1996 to 1998

> but could not succeed; First job 6 July 1998; Second

> job 28 dec 1998; Marriage 22 Jan 1999; One mishap in

> family 18 Feb 1999; Child birth 28 June 2000;

> Transfers in the job (a) minor transfers: March 2001;

> September 2002; March 2003 (b) major transfers : 22Dec

> 2000; 1June 2001; 20 March 2002; First Promotion 18

> Sept 2002; Second Promotion due after Dec 2004.

> Accidents/injuries: front tooth broken by falling

> accidently 1983; scooter accident face injury Sep1998

> The native is facing problems in official

> circles, which are affecting/ ruining his whole life.


> regards,

> Pankaj

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Dear Pankaj and list members,


Here are my findings in your chart.


I have rectified your time by 4 mins to get Lagna at Gemini. Mostly

all events match as per this system.


Some observations


1) With 6th lord in 10th with 5 bindus, this makes u " allergic " to

authority. You do not like being told what to do.

2) You get 2 zeroes in SAV one given by Moon to lagna and Mars to 2nd


3) Mars is in 12th from 11th house.

4) Guru is in capricorn

5) Venus gets power from Moon (4:10)

6) Moon is in a house with 23 points in SAV and in nakshatra of Mars.


Timing of Events.


1) Preparation period and exams - 1996-98


Jupiter is LoE for 5th house and has good points however in 1998 the

period of Shani antra started. Shani has 2 points for 5th house.

However lagna/sun/moon is only in 1 sector of Shani in navamsa,

drekkhana and trimsamsa so average intellegence.


2) First and second job - july 6th 1998 and dec 28th 1998

Shani is with 5 bindus in lagna. Shani is in karak sthan for Job and

shani is samdharmi to LoD and LoE for 6th house i.e. Mars and Sun.

So it can come forward and give results. Shani is also LoD for 11th

house so is eager to give income. However Shani is giving -3 points

to 10th. So you may get a job however authority may elude u.


3) Marriage in Shani antra. Shani is samdharmi to 6th lord and Shani

has lowest points for 7th house and since there are 2 zeroes it

happened in the last sector of Shani antra. There is no delay in the

chart except for 2 zeroes in SAV.


4) Child birth happened in June 28th 2000. This means that

conception might have happened September 1999. September 1999 was

when Mercury antra started. Mercury is in House D with 5 bindus so

its eager to give results. Mercury also has 15 points for 5th house.

Gurus NK is samdharmi to Mercury as well as FK who is Venus in this

case is Samdharmi to Mercury.


5) Transfers have happened during 2001 march thru 2003 march. These

span thru Ketu antra (more like Guru) and Venus antra. Both Guru had

venus have high points for 3rd, 12th, 4th and 9th house.


6) First promotion - 18th Sept 2002.

This is during Ketu antra. Ketu here represents 3 plants namely

Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. He will act more like Jupiter as Juptier

has more bindus than venus and mercury for 7th house.

Guru has highest points for 10th house i.e. 25 points for 10th house

as well as Guru is LoD for 10th house so its eager to give results.

The result happened in last sector of Guru antra. Here guru also has

24 points for 11th house so he may also give higher income than

pervious period of Mercury as points are going up. Mercury has 20

point for 11th house and Guru has 24.


7) Accidents and Injuries happened in 1983 and Sept 1998.

If you observe closely, accidents are related to 7th house. Both the

accidents happened during Shani antra in different Mahadasha. In

1983, Rahu/Shani was running and in sept 1998, Guru/Shani was running.

Shani has lowest points for 7th house.


8) Currently shani is transitting a house with 0 bindus. Moon is

giving 0 points to lagna. Antra of Venus is running. Venus is

getting points from Moon and becoming very strong. There is

definitely going to be problems in marritial relations. Also Venus

is LoE for 12th house and Moon is 2nd lord. Moon rules 2nd house and

holds karaktwa for 7th house. Shani is transitting so it will create

full havoc. Next 2.5 yeas shani will be transitting 2nd house in

which Mars is giving zero points. Mars rules 6th and 11th.


This is a good chart to study Shanis transit over a house with zero

point and LoD or LoE antra running for 12th house.


Also here the native must be facing financial crisis also due to

Shani giving 0 points where it is transitting and Guru is giving 6

bindus to the place where he is transitting so the total is < 8.


When Guru moves into Virgo, Guru will be giving 3 bindus and Shani

will still be transitting a house with 0 points so total will be only



If interested you can attempt to time the events with Taurus lagna

and compare results.


A good chart study.


Thanking you,

Cheers !!!




, " pankaj_astrology "

<ssa@n...> wrote:

> Respected Guruvar,

> Pranaam.

> Kindly analyse following birth chart on astrological basis.

> It'll help me learing the application part.

> The birth details are : Jul 08,1973 Time: 04:00AM

> Zone: 5:30 DST: 0 India Longitude: 75E49 Latitude:

> 26N55.

> The main events are : Qualification : BE Mech,

> MTech ; Prepared for Civil Services Exam 1996 to 1998

> but could not succeed; First job 6 July 1998; Second

> job 28 dec 1998; Marriage 22 Jan 1999; One mishap in

> family 18 Feb 1999; Child birth 28 June 2000;

> Transfers in the job (a) minor transfers: March 2001;

> September 2002; March 2003 (b) major transfers : 22Dec

> 2000; 1June 2001; 20 March 2002; First Promotion 18

> Sept 2002; Second Promotion due after Dec 2004.

> Accidents/injuries: front tooth broken by falling

> accidently 1983; scooter accident face injury Sep1998

> The native is facing problems in official

> circles, which are affecting/ ruining his whole life.


> regards,

> Pankaj

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Dear all,

While I am studying the analysis vis-a-vis both Lagnas,

kindly predict:

1. My physical built

2. No of siblings & my relation with them & their status

3. Relations with parents, their longeivity, status etc.

4. Status of children

5. Wife's career aspects

6. Whether introvert/ extrovert? Interests? Speech qualities?

7. Enemies & harm by them

8. What kind of education I got Arts/Commerce... etc

9. What kind of job I am in?

10. Income prospects etc?

11. Any yoga for having a Car in near future or near Past...



It is becoming a good exercise comparing both Lagnas...






ashsam73 [ashsam73]

Tuesday, January 13, 2004 10:27 AM


Re: Quiz



Dear Pankaj and list members,


Here are my findings in your chart.


I have rectified your time by 4 mins to get Lagna at Gemini. Mostly

all events match as per this system.


Some observations


1) With 6th lord in 10th with 5 bindus, this makes u " allergic " to

authority. You do not like being told what to do.

2) You get 2 zeroes in SAV one given by Moon to lagna and Mars to 2nd


3) Mars is in 12th from 11th house.

4) Guru is in capricorn

5) Venus gets power from Moon (4:10)

6) Moon is in a house with 23 points in SAV and in nakshatra of Mars.


Timing of Events.


1) Preparation period and exams - 1996-98


Jupiter is LoE for 5th house and has good points however in 1998 the

period of Shani antra started. Shani has 2 points for 5th house.

However lagna/sun/moon is only in 1 sector of Shani in navamsa,

drekkhana and trimsamsa so average intellegence.


2) First and second job - july 6th 1998 and dec 28th 1998

Shani is with 5 bindus in lagna. Shani is in karak sthan for Job and

shani is samdharmi to LoD and LoE for 6th house i.e. Mars and Sun.

So it can come forward and give results. Shani is also LoD for 11th

house so is eager to give income. However Shani is giving -3 points

to 10th. So you may get a job however authority may elude u.


3) Marriage in Shani antra. Shani is samdharmi to 6th lord and Shani

has lowest points for 7th house and since there are 2 zeroes it

happened in the last sector of Shani antra. There is no delay in the

chart except for 2 zeroes in SAV.


4) Child birth happened in June 28th 2000. This means that

conception might have happened September 1999. September 1999 was

when Mercury antra started. Mercury is in House D with 5 bindus so

its eager to give results. Mercury also has 15 points for 5th house.

Gurus NK is samdharmi to Mercury as well as FK who is Venus in this

case is Samdharmi to Mercury.


5) Transfers have happened during 2001 march thru 2003 march. These

span thru Ketu antra (more like Guru) and Venus antra. Both Guru had

venus have high points for 3rd, 12th, 4th and 9th house.


6) First promotion - 18th Sept 2002.

This is during Ketu antra. Ketu here represents 3 plants namely

Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. He will act more like Jupiter as Juptier

has more bindus than venus and mercury for 7th house.

Guru has highest points for 10th house i.e. 25 points for 10th house

as well as Guru is LoD for 10th house so its eager to give results.

The result happened in last sector of Guru antra. Here guru also has

24 points for 11th house so he may also give higher income than

pervious period of Mercury as points are going up. Mercury has 20

point for 11th house and Guru has 24.


7) Accidents and Injuries happened in 1983 and Sept 1998.

If you observe closely, accidents are related to 7th house. Both the

accidents happened during Shani antra in different Mahadasha. In

1983, Rahu/Shani was running and in sept 1998, Guru/Shani was running.

Shani has lowest points for 7th house.


8) Currently shani is transitting a house with 0 bindus. Moon is

giving 0 points to lagna. Antra of Venus is running. Venus is

getting points from Moon and becoming very strong. There is

definitely going to be problems in marritial relations. Also Venus

is LoE for 12th house and Moon is 2nd lord. Moon rules 2nd house and

holds karaktwa for 7th house. Shani is transitting so it will create

full havoc. Next 2.5 yeas shani will be transitting 2nd house in

which Mars is giving zero points. Mars rules 6th and 11th.


This is a good chart to study Shanis transit over a house with zero

point and LoD or LoE antra running for 12th house.


Also here the native must be facing financial crisis also due to

Shani giving 0 points where it is transitting and Guru is giving 6

bindus to the place where he is transitting so the total is < 8.


When Guru moves into Virgo, Guru will be giving 3 bindus and Shani

will still be transitting a house with 0 points so total will be only



If interested you can attempt to time the events with Taurus lagna

and compare results.


A good chart study.


Thanking you,

Cheers !!!




, " pankaj_astrology "

<ssa@n...> wrote:

> Respected Guruvar,

> Pranaam.

> Kindly analyse following birth chart on astrological basis.

> It'll help me learing the application part.

> The birth details are : Jul 08,1973 Time: 04:00AM

> Zone: 5:30 DST: 0 India Longitude: 75E49 Latitude:

> 26N55.

> The main events are : Qualification : BE Mech,

> MTech ; Prepared for Civil Services Exam 1996 to 1998

> but could not succeed; First job 6 July 1998; Second

> job 28 dec 1998; Marriage 22 Jan 1999; One mishap in

> family 18 Feb 1999; Child birth 28 June 2000;

> Transfers in the job (a) minor transfers: March 2001;

> September 2002; March 2003 (b) major transfers : 22Dec

> 2000; 1June 2001; 20 March 2002; First Promotion 18

> Sept 2002; Second Promotion due after Dec 2004.

> Accidents/injuries: front tooth broken by falling

> accidently 1983; scooter accident face injury Sep1998

> The native is facing problems in official

> circles, which are affecting/ ruining his whole life.


> regards,

> Pankaj







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Dear Pankaj,

My answers in CAPS


, " Pankaj Sharma "

<ssa@n...> wrote:


> Dear all,

> While I am studying the analysis vis-a-vis both Lagnas,

> kindly predict:

> 1. My physical built




> 2. No of siblings & my relation with them & their status




> 3. Relations with parents, their longeivity, status etc.





> 4. Status of children







> 5. Wife's career aspects





> 6. Whether introvert/ extrovert? Interests? Speech qualities?







> 7. Enemies & harm by them




> 8. What kind of education I got Arts/Commerce... etc




> 9. What kind of job I am in?




> 10. Income prospects etc?




> 11. Any yoga for having a Car in near future or near Past...






> It is becoming a good exercise comparing both Lagnas...



> regards,

> Pankaj






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  • 2 years later...

Dear DB,


Let me try:


I am assuming that the birth time is correct.


asc is 20vir50


The stated period seems to be very suitable for acquiring a position

of good authority due to her work/occupation and gaining wealth. This

might be through promotion with good increment, a leadership position

etc. Also this might have happened effortlessly for the native with no

problems encountered at all. The native would have got good support

from his colleagues and friends.


Please let me know if I am completely off the mark.


Thanks & Regards,






, " devibhakt "

<devibhakt wrote:


> Here is a quiz for the list members -


> March 10, 1966

> 8:05pm

> Firozabad 27N09, 78E25


> What happened to this woman on December 10th, 2006. Source of data of

> birth is hospital record (surprisingly they had hospital records in

> those days!!!) and mother of this person, so I believe it is pretty

> accurate.


> DB


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I will give the answer on Sunday.



, " Manu Batura "

<manubatura wrote:


> Dear DB,


> Let me try:


> I am assuming that the birth time is correct.


> asc is 20vir50


> The stated period seems to be very suitable for acquiring a position

> of good authority due to her work/occupation and gaining wealth.


> might be through promotion with good increment, a leadership


> etc. Also this might have happened effortlessly for the native with


> problems encountered at all. The native would have got good support

> from his colleagues and friends.


> Please let me know if I am completely off the mark.


> Thanks & Regards,

> Manu





> , " devibhakt "

> <devibhakt@> wrote:

> >

> > Here is a quiz for the list members -

> >

> > March 10, 1966

> > 8:05pm

> > Firozabad 27N09, 78E25

> >

> > What happened to this woman on December 10th, 2006. Source of

data of

> > birth is hospital record (surprisingly they had hospital records


> > those days!!!) and mother of this person, so I believe it is


> > accurate.

> >

> > DB

> >


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, " Manu Batura "

<manubatura wrote:


> Dear DB,


> Let me try:


> I am assuming that the birth time is correct.


> asc is 20vir50


> The stated period seems to be very suitable for acquiring a position

> of good authority due to her work/occupation and gaining wealth. This

> might be through promotion with good increment, a leadership position

> etc. Also this might have happened effortlessly for the native with no

> problems encountered at all. The native would have got good support

> from his colleagues and friends.


> Please let me know if I am completely off the mark.


> Thanks & Regards,

> Manu




Dear DB,

taking the birth data to be correct....

10th dec antra of jupiter in MD of saturn going on.

saturn is the karak for houses 10 and 11 in the chart.

jupiter is loD or loE for houses 2,7,10 and 11th.

also jupiter is second strongest significator for 10th house and the

strongest for the 11th... also 3rd highest for 6th house

its also very strong for 2nd and 7th house both marak sthan too..

so some promotion with raise in salary or accident/health problem

might have occured on the date.

PDF is for mars and mercury....

just wanted to try out of curosity..

also if you could let me know the date of marriage of the native.

is it in moon antra of jupiter.. during may 83 to sep 84..





> , " devibhakt "

> <devibhakt@> wrote:

> >

> > Here is a quiz for the list members -

> >

> > March 10, 1966

> > 8:05pm

> > Firozabad 27N09, 78E25

> >

> > What happened to this woman on December 10th, 2006. Source of

data of

> > birth is hospital record (surprisingly they had hospital records in

> > those days!!!) and mother of this person, so I believe it is pretty

> > accurate.

> >

> > DB

> >


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Hello Devi,


The Lady got Married


She delivered a baby


She went overseas on a short trip








Friday, December 15, 2006 11:54 PM




Here is a quiz for the list members -


March 10, 1966


Firozabad 27N09, 78E25


What happened to this woman on December 10th, 2006. Source of data of

birth is hospital record (surprisingly they had hospital records in

those days!!!) and mother of this person, so I believe it is pretty











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Dear DB,


Not to be very cynical but the hospital records also might have some



Now here the date given you u is 10th dec 2006 so that is very close

to MD changing.


So even if the time is slightly different Me/Me can start. So that

much toleration might be there as this person was born when Rahu MD

was running. So slight difference in birth time will change dasha's

by a fair bit.


I do not know if this chart is of a male or female. You havent given



Since all have commented on Sa/Ju, I shall comment on Me/Me assuming

there is a slight difference in birth time. So that way we can cover



Firstly MD changes, so karaktwa will change from Sa to Me. Me is

Karak for 6th, 3rd, 11th and 8th. It is also placed in 7th house with

6 bindus so it will also act as Karak for 12th house in addition.


So some turning point in her life is seen where focus will be related

to the above houses.


Me is weak for 6th and 9th. On Dec 10th, 2006, Ma-Me is running. Me

is SD to 2nd lord Ve. Daily points are on rising trend so decision

take during this time will be beneficial in the longer run.


Also, one more thing to notice is that MD changes and Ju is powerful

for all houses however once Md changes and Me starts points for 6th

and 9th go down. So this person should take care of health as MD is

linked to 11th, 6th and 8th.


Also 11th points are less than 12th so more expenses in Me / Me and

that might be towards 6th and 9th house matters but more towards 6th

house matters. Which can be health related issues.


Anyways, I am out of time.

Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca





, " devibhakt "

<devibhakt wrote:


> Here is a quiz for the list members -


> March 10, 1966

> 8:05pm

> Firozabad 27N09, 78E25


> What happened to this woman on December 10th, 2006. Source of data of

> birth is hospital record (surprisingly they had hospital records in

> those days!!!) and mother of this person, so I believe it is pretty

> accurate.


> DB


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The chart is of a woman. She was diagnosed with brain tumor almost a

year ago. She was bed ridden, paralyzed for most of this time. She

could not speak, swollow food, or move her arms, etc....


She started having breathing problems two-three days before 10th

Dec. On 10th Dec, at about 11am, she passed away.





, " ashsam73 "

<ashsam73 wrote:


> Dear DB,


> Not to be very cynical but the hospital records also might have some

> difference.


> Now here the date given you u is 10th dec 2006 so that is very close

> to MD changing.


> So even if the time is slightly different Me/Me can start. So that

> much toleration might be there as this person was born when Rahu MD

> was running. So slight difference in birth time will change dasha's

> by a fair bit.


> I do not know if this chart is of a male or female. You havent


> that.


> Since all have commented on Sa/Ju, I shall comment on Me/Me assuming

> there is a slight difference in birth time. So that way we can


> both.


> Firstly MD changes, so karaktwa will change from Sa to Me. Me is

> Karak for 6th, 3rd, 11th and 8th. It is also placed in 7th house


> 6 bindus so it will also act as Karak for 12th house in addition.


> So some turning point in her life is seen where focus will be


> to the above houses.


> Me is weak for 6th and 9th. On Dec 10th, 2006, Ma-Me is running.


> is SD to 2nd lord Ve. Daily points are on rising trend so decision

> take during this time will be beneficial in the longer run.


> Also, one more thing to notice is that MD changes and Ju is powerful

> for all houses however once Md changes and Me starts points for 6th

> and 9th go down. So this person should take care of health as MD is

> linked to 11th, 6th and 8th.


> Also 11th points are less than 12th so more expenses in Me / Me and

> that might be towards 6th and 9th house matters but more towards 6th

> house matters. Which can be health related issues.


> Anyways, I am out of time.

> Cheers !!!

> Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca





> , " devibhakt "

> <devibhakt@> wrote:

> >

> > Here is a quiz for the list members -

> >

> > March 10, 1966

> > 8:05pm

> > Firozabad 27N09, 78E25

> >

> > What happened to this woman on December 10th, 2006. Source of

data of

> > birth is hospital record (surprisingly they had hospital records


> > those days!!!) and mother of this person, so I believe it is


> > accurate.

> >

> > DB

> >


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Dear DB,


Thanks much for your answer. Still a lot to learn I would say.


BTW, I think I need to mention this because Ash may not mention

himself. During my discussion with Ash regarding this chart, Ash

mentioned that this lady has tendency for cancer. He did not want to

mention this on the list explicitly due to the nature of the disease.

He did however mention in his post that me/me can give health related

issues and lot of expenditure due to health problems. It seems the

birth time does need rectification as Ash hinted.


Congrats Ash!


A good chart for further study. Thanks a lot.


Thanks & Regards,




, " devibhakt "

<devibhakt wrote:


> The chart is of a woman. She was diagnosed with brain tumor almost a

> year ago. She was bed ridden, paralyzed for most of this time. She

> could not speak, swollow food, or move her arms, etc....


> She started having breathing problems two-three days before 10th

> Dec. On 10th Dec, at about 11am, she passed away.


> DB



> , " ashsam73 "

> <ashsam73@> wrote:

> >

> > Dear DB,

> >

> > Not to be very cynical but the hospital records also might have some

> > difference.

> >

> > Now here the date given you u is 10th dec 2006 so that is very close

> > to MD changing.

> >

> > So even if the time is slightly different Me/Me can start. So that

> > much toleration might be there as this person was born when Rahu MD

> > was running. So slight difference in birth time will change dasha's

> > by a fair bit.

> >

> > I do not know if this chart is of a male or female. You havent

> given

> > that.

> >

> > Since all have commented on Sa/Ju, I shall comment on Me/Me assuming

> > there is a slight difference in birth time. So that way we can

> cover

> > both.

> >

> > Firstly MD changes, so karaktwa will change from Sa to Me. Me is

> > Karak for 6th, 3rd, 11th and 8th. It is also placed in 7th house

> with

> > 6 bindus so it will also act as Karak for 12th house in addition.

> >

> > So some turning point in her life is seen where focus will be

> related

> > to the above houses.

> >

> > Me is weak for 6th and 9th. On Dec 10th, 2006, Ma-Me is running.

> Me

> > is SD to 2nd lord Ve. Daily points are on rising trend so decision

> > take during this time will be beneficial in the longer run.

> >

> > Also, one more thing to notice is that MD changes and Ju is powerful

> > for all houses however once Md changes and Me starts points for 6th

> > and 9th go down. So this person should take care of health as MD is

> > linked to 11th, 6th and 8th.

> >

> > Also 11th points are less than 12th so more expenses in Me / Me and

> > that might be towards 6th and 9th house matters but more towards 6th

> > house matters. Which can be health related issues.

> >

> > Anyways, I am out of time.

> > Cheers !!!

> > Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca

> >

> >

> >

> >

> > , " devibhakt "

> > <devibhakt@> wrote:

> > >

> > > Here is a quiz for the list members -

> > >

> > > March 10, 1966

> > > 8:05pm

> > > Firozabad 27N09, 78E25

> > >

> > > What happened to this woman on December 10th, 2006. Source of

> data of

> > > birth is hospital record (surprisingly they had hospital records

> in

> > > those days!!!) and mother of this person, so I believe it is

> pretty

> > > accurate.

> > >

> > > DB

> > >

> >


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  • 1 year later...
Guest guest

Dear Anup and other members,

If the delay causing planet is related to 9th house, in that

case blessing may not work for controlling the delasy. But it can

give adjustment in marriage life. It is natural that two persons may

have dispute. But in every case it will not go to break the relation.

The nature of both husband and wife is responsible for this. If both

are head strong, and egoestic there is more chances of breaking. The

blessings ( we can say Sanskar of the person) have more effect in

this case. From the chart and moon sign we can come to some








, " Anup. M "

<dalh_1 wrote:


> Respected Guruji,


> In this quiz,you mentioned as...


> " He is married and is having happy married life " .


> But if we see from lagna,moon and sun's ratios from respective

> seventh lord,these are not healthy.

> From lagna and sun it is 7:7 and 2:12 in navamsa.

> From moon, venus and mars in same rasi and 6:8 in navamsa.

> In Sav,there is also 12 points difference of first and

> 7th house.Both karakas are effected by 6th lord.

> So qualitywise,problems in married life are expected

> as per KAS laws.

> Is this due to blessings from lagna and sun which undo

> all ill-effects of above combinations, leaving delay in marrige



> Or am i missing some more combinations which gave a happy

> married life?   

> Please teach us.


> Regards

> Anup


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Respected Guruji,


Thanks for explaining another good point.






--- On Sun, 8/3/08, Jugal Kalani <krushana wrote:

Jugal Kalani <krushana Re: Quiz Date: Sunday, August 3, 2008, 12:34 PM



Dear Anup and other members,If the delay causing planet is related to 9th house, in that case blessing may not work for controlling the delasy. But it can give adjustment in marriage life. It is natural that two persons may have dispute. But in every case it will not go to break the relation. The nature of both husband and wife is responsible for this. If both are head strong, and egoestic there is more chances of breaking. The blessings ( we can say Sanskar of the person) have more effect in this case. From the chart and moon sign we can come to some conclusion. thankskrushnaastrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, "Anup. M" <dalh_1 wrote:>> Respected Guruji,> > In this quiz,you mentioned as...> > "He is married and is having

happy married life".> > But if we see from lagna,moon and sun's ratios from respective> seventh lord,these are not healthy.> From lagna and sun it is 7:7 and 2:12 in navamsa.> From moon, venus and mars in same rasi and 6:8 in navamsa.> In Sav,there is also 12 points difference of first and > 7th house.Both karakas are effected by 6th lord.> So qualitywise, problems in married life are expected> as per KAS laws.> Is this due to blessings from lagna and sun which undo> all ill-effects of above combinations, leaving delay in marrige intact? > > Or am i missing some more combinations which gave a happy> married life? > Please teach us.> > Regards> Anup>

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  • 6 months later...

Dear Prabha ji,


Could you tell us whether it was a love marriage?

Any past event with month/year will help much for validation

of lagna.






--- On Mon, 23/2/09, prabha.acharya <prabha.acharya wrote:

prabha.acharya <prabha.acharya Quiz Date: Monday, 23 February, 2009, 8:43 AM



Respected Guruji, Ash ji, and List Members,Here is another quiz.The following chart may be analysed for the date of marriage as Quiznumber 5. What is the marriage date? Last date for the submission of analysis: 28-2-2009. Sex :Male Date of birth :21-03-1967 Time of birth : 04-24 AM Place of birth : Attayampatty( Salem District) Lattitude : 11N31 Longitude : 78E10 For Birth time verification, information about the native are 1) himself is an Elementary government school teacher 2) his father was a retired government elementary school teacher 3) his wife is an Elementary government school teacher 4) he has one female(first) and one male(second) children. 5) He has agricultural land and doing agriculture as his side business. 6) he has one married elder sister and one married elder brother.ThanksPrabha

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Prabha ji and Anup ji,



thing, I had solved this chart when it was given on another list and I did not

get the proper answer with the time given.

The problem I faced was that the events are given but no event is given

which has any timing. This makes it

more difficult especially when we are learning the Timing of Events portion and

we are doing our rectification using timing of event.



any case, it will be a good exercise if the people who will take part in the

quiz can solve it with both lagnas as with very

little time change the lagna changes.

It’s a borderline case.

So, in the quiz, please ask each member who will be solving to study

both charts and as per their effort give clear timing or those who are

beginning, should be able to pick the proper antra atleast if not the proper




the beginners, should cast the chart and solve it with both lagna’s

and try to first find the proper delay and pick the antra for both cases. Those who are more advanced students

should try to find the sector and those who are in KAS Pravin

class, should try to find the date as well.



or wrong will not matter, what will matter is the practice of technique.



Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca






On Behalf Of Anup. M

Friday February 27, 2009

8:31 AM
















Prabha ji,







you tell us whether it was a love marriage?




past event with month/year will help much for validation
























--- On Mon, 23/2/09, prabha.acharya <prabha.acharya




prabha.acharya <prabha.acharya



Monday, 23 February, 2009, 8:43 AM




Respected Guruji, Ash ji, and List Members,

Here is another quiz.

The following chart may be analysed for the date of marriage as Quiz

number 5.

What is the marriage date?

Last date for the submission of analysis: 28-2-2009.


Sex :Male

Date of birth :21-03-1967

Time of birth : 04-24 AM

Place of birth : Attayampatty( Salem District)

Lattitude : 11N31

Longitude : 78E10


For Birth time verification, information about the native are

1) himself is an Elementary government school teacher

2) his father was a retired government elementary school teacher

3) his wife is an Elementary government school teacher

4) he has one female(first) and one male(second) children.

5) He has agricultural land and doing agriculture as his side business.

6) he has one married elder sister and one married elder brother.

















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storage. Get

it now

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Respected Guruji, Ash ji, Prabha Ji, Anup Ji and List Members,


I Did not get a chance to check with other lagna hopefully tonight

late I can, I think that Mercury/Ketu (9/26/96-9/27/97)could have

given marriage, since according to the WS for 4:24 am time, only

Saturn and Venus are strong and they happen to rule house D and E.

Ketu SD is Venus and since in rahu star we look for rahu sign which is

MA I believe Mars is the stronger of the two. Mars aspects house E.


Mercury/Venus venus rules house D however, resides in the 12 from this



I am sure I have much to learn this is a very novice attempt and hope

to learn from all of you. Thank You.


Shalini Gupta


, " prabha.acharya "

<prabha.acharya wrote:


> Respected Guruji, Ash ji, and List Members,

> Here is another quiz.

> The following chart may be analysed for the date of marriage as Quiz

> number 5.

> What is the marriage date?

> Last date for the submission of analysis: 28-2-2009.


> Sex :Male

> Date of birth :21-03-1967

> Time of birth : 04-24 AM

> Place of birth : Attayampatty( Salem District)

> Lattitude : 11N31

> Longitude : 78E10


> For Birth time verification, information about the native are

> 1) himself is an Elementary government school teacher

> 2) his father was a retired government elementary school teacher

> 3) his wife is an Elementary government school teacher

> 4) he has one female(first) and one male(second) children.

> 5) He has agricultural land and doing agriculture as his side business.

> 6) he has one married elder sister and one married elder brother.


> Thanks

> Prabha


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Shalini ji,



give full calculation in clear way.

First step is to find delay. That

is given as per lesson i.e. delay of Sa and Ju and then factor in any 0’s,

check the karak and its status and mool karak and its status before

touching the WS which helps us select the proper significator.



have to first ascertain how much delay is there. This is the main problem that many face as

there is no concrete way to ascertain the delay. The value of that will come when u start to calculate

and ascertain the delay.





Cheers !!!

Ash -> http://www.ashtro.ca






On Behalf Of shalini3004

Friday February 27, 2009

3:13 PM




Re: Quiz







Respected Guruji, Ash ji, Prabha Ji, Anup Ji and List



I Did not get a chance to check with other lagna hopefully tonight

late I can, I think that Mercury/Ketu (9/26/96-9/27/97)could have

given marriage, since according to the WS for 4:24 am time, only

Saturn and Venus are strong and they happen to rule house D and E.

Ketu SD is Venus and since in rahu star we look for rahu sign which is

MA I believe Mars is the stronger of the two. Mars aspects house E.


Mercury/Venus venus rules house D however, resides in the 12 from this



I am sure I have much to learn this is a very novice attempt and hope

to learn from all of you. Thank You.


Shalini Gupta



" prabha.acharya "

<prabha.acharya wrote:


> Respected Guruji, Ash ji, and List Members,

> Here is another quiz.

> The following chart may be analysed for the date of marriage as Quiz

> number 5.

> What is the marriage date?

> Last date for the submission of analysis: 28-2-2009.


> Sex :Male

> Date of birth :21-03-1967

> Time of birth : 04-24 AM

> Place of birth : Attayampatty( Salem District)

> Lattitude : 11N31

> Longitude : 78E10


> For Birth time verification, information about the native are

> 1) himself is an Elementary government school teacher

> 2) his father was a retired government elementary school teacher

> 3) his wife is an Elementary government school teacher

> 4) he has one female(first) and one male(second) children.

> 5) He has agricultural land and doing agriculture as his side business.

> 6) he has one married elder sister and one married elder brother.


> Thanks

> Prabha


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Respected Guruji, Ashji, and List Members,

Thank you Ash ji for replying for the quiz.

The answer is the native got married on 24-2-1993

Sex :Male

Date of birth :21-03-1967

Time of birth : 04-24 AM

Place of birth : Attayampatty( Salem District)

Lattitude : 11N31

Longitude : 78E10


My analysis for the quiz.

LoA: Ju; LoB: Su; LoC: Ju; LoD: Ve; LoE: Sa

1. Sa in HoA, is with LoB and aspects HoC: Sa delay

2. Ju as LoA aspects LoB: Ju delay

Ju from its place is aspecting Sa, so Sa delay is reduced. So lets

take 25 yrs instead of the usual 27.5 yrs for Sa delay. That means at

that time Ju delay also gets over. After the native is 24 yrs ie in

year 1991, at that time Ju is in Leo, where it is in 7th house. In the

year Sept 1992, Ju enters Virgo and aspects 7th lord, Su. At that time

native is running Ju AD. Ju is SD to Ve and Ve is LoD.

Ju is also the FK. So Ju AD gave the marriage.

I did not go into the quality of marriage.

Actually only now I went through the wife's chart as well. The chart

according to KAS is matching like Ve, Ma, aspects with each other's

chart and almost all planets are stronger in almost all houses in her

chart. Here is the details for her chart.

DOB:29-3-1970 at 5.50AM in Salem, 15N42, 73E55.The first female child

born on 23-2-1994 at 1.27AM.





, " prabha.acharya "

<prabha.acharya wrote:


> Respected Guruji, Ash ji, and List Members,

> Here is another quiz.

> The following chart may be analysed for the date of marriage as Quiz

> number 5.

> What is the marriage date?

> Last date for the submission of analysis: 28-2-2009.


> Sex :Male

> Date of birth :21-03-1967

> Time of birth : 04-24 AM

> Place of birth : Attayampatty( Salem District)

> Lattitude : 11N31

> Longitude : 78E10


> For Birth time verification, information about the native are

> 1) himself is an Elementary government school teacher

> 2) his father was a retired government elementary school teacher

> 3) his wife is an Elementary government school teacher

> 4) he has one female(first) and one male(second) children.

> 5) He has agricultural land and doing agriculture as his side business.

> 6) he has one married elder sister and one married elder brother.


> Thanks

> Prabha


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Ref: Prabhaji's quiz 5, male, 21.03.67, 04:24 rs, 11.N.31; 78.E.10


Dear Prabha ji Group,


I regret that I could not analyze the quiz-5 before its due date, as I was out on official tour, and I will be again moving out of India for a week in next 2 days time.


Infact I thought of mailing Prabha ji to kindly hold the answer for a day more but by the time I opened the mail, the answer was already there.


Anyways, I chose to analyze the same as an exercise.


My analysis:


With 04:24 time I got 1Aq51, which I thought to be slightly incorrect because with this ascendant Ju is lord of 11th 2nd house and is placed strongly with 6 points (albeit in the 6th house) and it is aspecting 10th and 2nd house. So this must give the native good riches and high career in education line ( he anyways is in education line but not highly placed).


This I thought so.


Therefore I made the time 04:14 hrs and then I got 29Cp5.


With this there is Ju delay as Ju is in 7th house (house B) and Ju is aspecting LoA (Saturn).


The Ju delay ends up 21.07.1990


At that time the native was running the AD of Ra in MD of Sa.

Ra behave more like Ve here. So this native must have developed some kind of relationship / friendship / affair during this period.


But here Sa and Mo forms Boss-Subordinate relationship. Sa controls Moon (Mind). Moon is the lord of 7th placed 12th from it.


Sa is weak for house A,B,C for 7th house. So it might have somehow prevented the native from actually getting married. Sa was also opposing Ve during July 1990. But the native must have decided for marriage during this period (around Jan 1990 to Dec 1990).


The next AD was of Ju (Nov 1991 to June 1994).

Ju is LoE and has more than 20 points for 7th house. So it promotes the event of marriage.


The native has one zero in his SAV chart. The 2nd sector of Ju AD was during Oct 1992 to Aug 1993.

The native got married durring this period.


So Prabhaji, even when I considered birth time 10 minutes earlier and got a different Ascendant (29Cp5), the marriege period came out to be the same (as with birth time 04:24 hrs and Asc 1Aq51).


So as far as marriage is concerned, I do not find change in the resulting date with even 10 mins difference in birth time.


May be this further validates KAS principals in a strong manner.


Thanks Regards,

Nikhlesh Mathur



On Sat, 28 Feb 2009 07:46:00 +0530 wrote

>Respected Guruji, Ashji, and List Members,

>Thank you Ash ji for replying for the quiz.

>The answer is the native got married on 24-2-1993

>Sex                  :Male

>Date of birth   :21-03-1967

>Time of birth   : 04-24 AM

>Place of birth   : Attayampatty( Salem District)

>Lattitude         : 11N31

>Longitude       :  78E10


>My analysis for the quiz.

>LoA: Ju;    LoB: Su;     LoC: Ju;    LoD: Ve;     LoE: Sa

>1. Sa in HoA, is with LoB and aspects HoC: Sa delay

>2. Ju as LoA aspects LoB: Ju delay

>Ju from its place is aspecting Sa, so Sa delay is reduced. So lets

>take 25 yrs instead of the usual 27.5 yrs for Sa delay. That means at

>that time Ju delay also gets over. After the native is 24 yrs ie in

>year 1991, at that time Ju is in Leo, where it is in 7th house. In the

>year Sept 1992, Ju enters Virgo and aspects 7th lord, Su. At that time

>native is running Ju AD. Ju is SD to Ve and Ve is LoD.

>Ju is also the FK. So Ju AD gave the marriage.

>I did not go into the quality of marriage.

>Actually only now I went through the wife's chart as well. The chart

>according to KAS is matching like Ve, Ma, aspects with each other's

>chart and almost all planets are stronger in almost all houses in her

>chart. Here is the details for her chart.

>DOB:29-3-1970 at 5.50AM in Salem, 15N42, 73E55.The first female child

>born on 23-2-1994 at 1.27AM.





> , "prabha.acharya"

> wrote:


>> Respected Guruji, Ash ji, and List Members,

>> Here is another quiz.

>> The following chart may be analysed for the date of marriage as Quiz

>> number 5.

>> What is the marriage date?

>> Last date for the submission of analysis: 28-2-2009.


>> Sex                  :Male

>> Date of birth   :21-03-1967

>> Time of birth   : 04-24 AM

>> Place of birth   : Attayampatty( Salem District)

>> Lattitude         : 11N31

>> Longitude       :  78E10


>> For Birth time verification, information about the native are

>> 1) himself is an Elementary government school teacher

>> 2) his father was a retired government elementary school teacher

>> 3) his wife is an Elementary government school teacher

>> 4) he has one female(first) and one  male(second) children.

>> 5) He has agricultural land and doing agriculture as his side business.

>> 6) he has one married elder sister and one married elder brother.


>> Thanks

>> Prabha





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Dear Nikhilesh ji and List Members,

I am quoting few points below taken from the archives:

1. If the lord of sixth house is situated with more points, means more

then 4 points, Then It's aspect on any house/s will reduce the results

of that house (considering that house as house 'B'.)

2. In above case, If the lord of D and E are samdharmi to sixth lord,

or if they are in the navamansha of the sixth lord, then the result of

house B is more reduced.

3. If the lord of house 'A' is also samdharmi to sixth lord, then the

result is completely spoiled.

If more combinations are presents in the chart, the native is devoid

of the results indicated by the house 'B'.


According to my understanding the above points are for quality of

results and not with timing events.

So based on the above points, in case of the chart in question though

Ju is aspecting 10th house and 2nd house but because it is malefically

aspecting from 6th house the quality will not be 100% successful and

that may be the reason that - " So this must give the native good

riches and high career in education line (he anyways is in education

line but not highly placed). "

as mentioned by Nikhilesh ji will not hold true

I may be completely wrong and I would appreciate the feedback.



, " nikhlesh mathur "

<nikhleshmathur wrote:



> 28.02.09

> Ref: Prabhaji's quiz 5, male, 21.03.67, 04:24 rs, 11.N.31; 78.E.10


> Dear Prabha ji & Group,


> I regret that I could not analyze the quiz-5

before its due date, as I was out on official tour, and I will be

again moving out of India for a week in next 2 days time.


> Infact I thought of mailing Prabha ji to kindly hold the answer for

a day more but by the time I opened the mail, the answer was already



> Anyways, I chose to analyze the same as an exercise.


> My analysis:


> With 04:24 time I got 1Aq51, which I thought to be slightly

incorrect because with this ascendant Ju is lord of 11th & 2nd house

and is placed strongly with 6 points (albeit in the 6th house) and it

is aspecting 10th and 2nd house. So this must give the native good

riches and high career in education line ( he anyways is in education

line but not highly placed).


> This I thought so.


> Therefore I made the time 04:14 hrs and then I got 29Cp5.


> With this there is Ju delay as Ju is in 7th house (house B) and Ju

is aspecting LoA (Saturn).


> The Ju delay ends up 21.07.1990


> At that time the native was running the AD of Ra in MD of Sa.

> Ra behave more like Ve here. So this native must have developed some

kind of relationship / friendship / affair during this period.


> But here Sa and Mo forms Boss-Subordinate relationship. Sa controls

Moon (Mind). Moon is the lord of 7th placed 12th from it.


> Sa is weak for house A,B,C for 7th house. So it might have somehow

prevented the native from actually getting married. Sa was also

opposing Ve during July 1990. But the native must have decided for

marriage during this period (around Jan 1990 to Dec 1990).


> The next AD was of Ju (Nov 1991 to June 1994).

> Ju is LoE and has more than 20 points for 7th house. So it promotes

the event of marriage.


> The native has one zero in his SAV chart. The 2nd sector of Ju AD

was during Oct 1992 to Aug 1993.

> The native got married durring this period.


> So Prabhaji, even when I considered birth time 10 minutes earlier

and got a different Ascendant (29Cp5), the marriege period came out to

be the same (as with birth time 04:24 hrs and Asc 1Aq51).


> So as far as marriage is concerned, I do not find change in the

resulting date with even 10 mins difference in birth time.


> May be this further validates KAS principals in a strong manner.


> Thanks & Regards,

> Nikhlesh Mathur



> On Sat, 28 Feb 2009 07:46:00 +0530 wrote

> >Respected Guruji, Ashji, and List Members,

> >Thank you Ash ji for replying for the quiz.

> >The answer is the native got married on 24-2-1993

> >Sex                  :Male

> >Date of birth   :21-03-1967

> >Time of birth   : 04-24 AM

> >Place of birth   : Attayampatty( Salem District)

> >Lattitude         : 11N31

> >Longitude       :  78E10

> >

> >My analysis for the quiz.

> >LoA: Ju;    LoB: Su;     LoC: Ju;    LoD: Ve;     LoE: Sa

> >1. Sa in HoA, is with LoB and aspects HoC: Sa delay

> >2. Ju as LoA aspects LoB: Ju delay

> >Ju from its place is aspecting Sa, so Sa delay is reduced. So lets

> >take 25 yrs instead of the usual 27.5 yrs for Sa delay. That means at

> >that time Ju delay also gets over. After the native is 24 yrs ie in

> >year 1991, at that time Ju is in Leo, where it is in 7th house. In the

> >year Sept 1992, Ju enters Virgo and aspects 7th lord, Su. At that time

> >native is running Ju AD. Ju is SD to Ve and Ve is LoD.

> >Ju is also the FK. So Ju AD gave the marriage.

> >I did not go into the quality of marriage.

> >Actually only now I went through the wife's chart as well. The chart

> >according to KAS is matching like Ve, Ma, aspects with each other's

> >chart and almost all planets are stronger in almost all houses in her

> >chart. Here is the details for her chart.

> >DOB:29-3-1970 at 5.50AM in Salem, 15N42, 73E55.The first female child

> >born on 23-2-1994 at 1.27AM.

> >

> >Thanks

> >Prabha

> >

> > , " prabha.acharya "

> > wrote:

> >>

> >> Respected Guruji, Ash ji, and List Members,

> >> Here is another quiz.

> >> The following chart may be analysed for the date of marriage as Quiz

> >> number 5.

> >> What is the marriage date?

> >> Last date for the submission of analysis: 28-2-2009.

> >>  

> >> Sex                  :Male

> >> Date of birth   :21-03-1967

> >> Time of birth   : 04-24 AM

> >> Place of birth   : Attayampatty( Salem District)

> >> Lattitude         : 11N31

> >> Longitude       :  78E10

> >>

> >> For Birth time verification, information about the native are

> >> 1) himself is an Elementary government school teacher

> >> 2) his father was a retired government elementary school teacher

> >> 3) his wife is an Elementary government school teacher

> >> 4) he has one female(first) and one  male(second) children.

> >> 5) He has agricultural land and doing agriculture as his side


> >> 6) he has one married elder sister and one married elder brother.

> >>

> >> Thanks

> >> Prabha

> >>

> >

> >

> >


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Dear Prabha ji,


The quality of a house is spoiled to worst,the lord of house D or E

can lose their power for giving an event or can be too weak for croping

the an event.So here sometimes we see the event skips or not felt

even if shows it's presence.




--- On Sun, 1/3/09, prabha.acharya <prabha.acharya wrote:

prabha.acharya <prabha.acharya Re: Quiz Date: Sunday, 1 March, 2009, 12:23 AM



Dear Nikhilesh ji and List Members,I am quoting few points below taken from the archives:1. If the lord of sixth house is situated with more points, means morethen 4 points, Then It's aspect on any house/s will reduce the resultsof that house (considering that house as house 'B'..)2. In above case, If the lord of D and E are samdharmi to sixth lord,or if they are in the navamansha of the sixth lord, then the result ofhouse B is more reduced.3. If the lord of house 'A' is also samdharmi to sixth lord, then theresult is completely spoiled.If more combinations are presents in the chart, the native is devoidof the results indicated by the house 'B'.According to my understanding the above points are for quality ofresults and not with timing events. So based on the above points, in case of the chart in question thoughJu is aspecting 10th house and 2nd house but because it is

maleficallyaspecting from 6th house the quality will not be 100% successful andthat may be the reason that - "So this must give the native goodriches and high career in education line (he anyways is in educationline but not highly placed)." as mentioned by Nikhilesh ji will not hold trueI may be completely wrong and I would appreciate the feedback.ThanksPrabhaastrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, "nikhlesh mathur"<nikhleshmathur@ ...> wrote:>> > 28.02.09> Ref: Prabhaji's quiz 5, male, 21.03.67, 04:24 rs, 11.N.31; 78.E.10> > Dear Prabha ji & Group,> > I regret that I could not analyze the quiz-5before its due date, as I was out on official tour, and I will beagain moving out of India for a week in next 2 days time.> > Infact I

thought of mailing Prabha ji to kindly hold the answer fora day more but by the time I opened the mail, the answer was alreadythere.> > Anyways, I chose to analyze the same as an exercise.> > My analysis:> > With 04:24 time I got 1Aq51, which I thought to be slightlyincorrect because with this ascendant Ju is lord of 11th & 2nd houseand is placed strongly with 6 points (albeit in the 6th house) and itis aspecting 10th and 2nd house. So this must give the native goodriches and high career in education line ( he anyways is in educationline but not highly placed).> > This I thought so.> > Therefore I made the time 04:14 hrs and then I got 29Cp5.> > With this there is Ju delay as Ju is in 7th house (house B) and Juis aspecting LoA (Saturn).> > The Ju delay ends up 21.07.1990> > At that time the native was

running the AD of Ra in MD of Sa.> Ra behave more like Ve here. So this native must have developed somekind of relationship / friendship / affair during this period.> > But here Sa and Mo forms Boss-Subordinate relationship. Sa controlsMoon (Mind). Moon is the lord of 7th placed 12th from it.> > Sa is weak for house A,B,C for 7th house. So it might have somehowprevented the native from actually getting married. Sa was alsoopposing Ve during July 1990. But the native must have decided formarriage during this period (around Jan 1990 to Dec 1990).> > The next AD was of Ju (Nov 1991 to June 1994).> Ju is LoE and has more than 20 points for 7th house. So it promotesthe event of marriage.> > The native has one zero in his SAV chart. The 2nd sector of Ju ADwas during Oct 1992 to Aug 1993.> The native got married durring this period.> > So

Prabhaji, even when I considered birth time 10 minutes earlierand got a different Ascendant (29Cp5), the marriege period came out tobe the same (as with birth time 04:24 hrs and Asc 1Aq51).> > So as far as marriage is concerned, I do not find change in theresulting date with even 10 mins difference in birth time.> > May be this further validates KAS principals in a strong manner.> > Thanks & Regards,> Nikhlesh Mathur> > > On Sat, 28 Feb 2009 07:46:00 +0530 wrote> >Respected Guruji, Ashji, and List Members,> >Thank you Ash ji for replying for the quiz. > >The answer is the native got married on 24-2-1993> >Sex :Male> >Date of birth :21-03-1967> >Time of birth : 04-24 AM> >Place of birth : Attayampatty( Salem

District)> >Lattitude : 11N31> >Longitude : 78E10> >> >My analysis for the quiz.> >LoA: Ju; LoB: Su; LoC: Ju; LoD: Ve; LoE: Sa> >1. Sa in HoA, is with LoB and aspects HoC: Sa delay> >2. Ju as LoA aspects LoB: Ju delay> >Ju from its place is aspecting Sa, so Sa delay is reduced. So lets> >take 25 yrs instead of the usual 27.5 yrs for Sa delay. That means at> >that time Ju delay also gets over. After the native is 24 yrs ie in> >year 1991, at that time Ju is in Leo, where it is in 7th house. In the> >year Sept 1992, Ju enters Virgo and aspects 7th lord, Su. At that time> >native is running Ju AD. Ju is SD to Ve and Ve is LoD.> >Ju is also the FK. So Ju AD gave the marriage.> >I did not go into

the quality of marriage.> >Actually only now I went through the wife's chart as well. The chart> >according to KAS is matching like Ve, Ma, aspects with each other's> >chart and almost all planets are stronger in almost all houses in her> >chart. Here is the details for her chart. > >DOB:29-3-1970 at 5.50AM in Salem, 15N42, 73E55.The first female child> >born on 23-2-1994 at 1.27AM. > >> >Thanks> >Prabha> >> >astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, "prabha.acharya"> > wrote:> >>> >> Respected Guruji, Ash ji, and List Members,> >> Here is another quiz..> >> The following chart may be analysed for the date of marriage as Quiz> >> number 5. > >> What is the

marriage date? > >> Last date for the submission of analysis: 28-2-2009. > >> > >> Sex :Male > >> Date of birth :21-03-1967 > >> Time of birth : 04-24 AM > >> Place of birth : Attayampatty( Salem District) > >> Lattitude : 11N31 > >> Longitude : 78E10 > >> > >> For Birth time verification, information about the native are > >> 1) himself is an Elementary government school teacher > >> 2) his father was a retired government elementary school teacher > >> 3) his wife is an Elementary government school teacher > >> 4) he has one female(first) and one male(second) children. > >> 5) He has agricultural

land and doing agriculture as his sidebusiness. > >> 6) he has one married elder sister and one married elder brother.> >> > >> Thanks> >> Prabha> >>> >> >> >>

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Dear Anup ji

I was mentioning about the native being only a school teacher.

I am not considering here the marriage of the native.



, " Anup. M "

<dalh_1 wrote:


> Dear Prabha ji,


> The quality of a house is spoiled to worst,the lord of house D or E 

> can lose their power for giving an event or can be too weak for


> the an event.So here sometimes we see the event skips or not felt

> even if shows it's presence.


> Regards

> Anup



> --- On Sun, 1/3/09, prabha.acharya <prabha.acharya wrote:


> prabha.acharya <prabha.acharya

> Re: Quiz


> Sunday, 1 March, 2009, 12:23 AM

Dear Nikhilesh ji and List Members,

> I am quoting few points below taken from the archives:

> 1. If the lord of sixth house is situated with more points, means more

> then 4 points, Then It's aspect on any house/s will reduce the results

> of that house (considering that house as house 'B'.)

> 2. In above case, If the lord of D and E are samdharmi to sixth lord,

> or if they are in the navamansha of the sixth lord, then the result of

> house B is more reduced.

> 3. If the lord of house 'A' is also samdharmi to sixth lord, then the

> result is completely spoiled.

> If more combinations are presents in the chart, the native is devoid

> of the results indicated by the house 'B'.


> According to my understanding the above points are for quality of

> results and not with timing events.

> So based on the above points, in case of the chart in question though

> Ju is aspecting 10th house and 2nd house but because it is malefically

> aspecting from 6th house the quality will not be 100% successful and

> that may be the reason that - " So this must give the native good

> riches and high career in education line (he anyways is in education

> line but not highly placed). "

> as mentioned by Nikhilesh ji will not hold true

> I may be completely wrong and I would appreciate the feedback.

> Thanks

> Prabha

> astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, " nikhlesh mathur "

> <nikhleshmathur@ ...> wrote:

> >

> >

> > 28.02.09

> > Ref: Prabhaji's quiz 5, male, 21.03.67, 04:24 rs, 11.N.31; 78.E.10

> >

> > Dear Prabha ji & Group,

> >

> > I regret that I could not analyze the quiz-5

> before its due date, as I was out on official tour, and I will be

> again moving out of India for a week in next 2 days time.

> >

> > Infact I thought of mailing Prabha ji to kindly hold the answer for

> a day more but by the time I opened the mail, the answer was already

> there.

> >

> > Anyways, I chose to analyze the same as an exercise.

> >

> > My analysis:

> >

> > With 04:24 time I got 1Aq51, which I thought to be slightly

> incorrect because with this ascendant Ju is lord of 11th & 2nd house

> and is placed strongly with 6 points (albeit in the 6th house) and it

> is aspecting 10th and 2nd house. So this must give the native good

> riches and high career in education line ( he anyways is in education

> line but not highly placed).

> >

> > This I thought so.

> >

> > Therefore I made the time 04:14 hrs and then I got 29Cp5.

> >

> > With this there is Ju delay as Ju is in 7th house (house B) and Ju

> is aspecting LoA (Saturn).

> >

> > The Ju delay ends up 21.07.1990

> >

> > At that time the native was running the AD of Ra in MD of Sa.

> > Ra behave more like Ve here. So this native must have developed some

> kind of relationship / friendship / affair during this period.

> >

> > But here Sa and Mo forms Boss-Subordinate relationship. Sa controls

> Moon (Mind). Moon is the lord of 7th placed 12th from it.

> >

> > Sa is weak for house A,B,C for 7th house. So it might have somehow

> prevented the native from actually getting married. Sa was also

> opposing Ve during July 1990. But the native must have decided for

> marriage during this period (around Jan 1990 to Dec 1990).

> >

> > The next AD was of Ju (Nov 1991 to June 1994).

> > Ju is LoE and has more than 20 points for 7th house. So it promotes

> the event of marriage.

> >

> > The native has one zero in his SAV chart. The 2nd sector of Ju AD

> was during Oct 1992 to Aug 1993.

> > The native got married durring this period.

> >

> > So Prabhaji, even when I considered birth time 10 minutes earlier

> and got a different Ascendant (29Cp5), the marriege period came out to

> be the same (as with birth time 04:24 hrs and Asc 1Aq51).

> >

> > So as far as marriage is concerned, I do not find change in the

> resulting date with even 10 mins difference in birth time.

> >

> > May be this further validates KAS principals in a strong manner.

> >

> > Thanks & Regards,

> > Nikhlesh Mathur

> >

> >

> > On Sat, 28 Feb 2009 07:46:00 +0530 wrote

> > >Respected Guruji, Ashji, and List Members,

> > >Thank you Ash ji for replying for the quiz.

> > >The answer is the native got married on 24-2-1993

> > >Sex                  :Male

> > >Date of birth   :21-03-1967

> > >Time of birth   : 04-24 AM

> > >Place of birth   : Attayampatty( Salem District)

> > >Lattitude         : 11N31

> > >Longitude       :  78E10

> > >

> > >My analysis for the quiz.

> > >LoA: Ju;    LoB: Su;     LoC: Ju;    LoD: Ve;     LoE: Sa

> > >1. Sa in HoA, is with LoB and aspects HoC: Sa delay

> > >2. Ju as LoA aspects LoB: Ju delay

> > >Ju from its place is aspecting Sa, so Sa delay is reduced. So lets

> > >take 25 yrs instead of the usual 27.5 yrs for Sa delay. That means at

> > >that time Ju delay also gets over. After the native is 24 yrs ie in

> > >year 1991, at that time Ju is in Leo, where it is in 7th house.

In the

> > >year Sept 1992, Ju enters Virgo and aspects 7th lord, Su. At that


> > >native is running Ju AD. Ju is SD to Ve and Ve is LoD.

> > >Ju is also the FK. So Ju AD gave the marriage.

> > >I did not go into the quality of marriage.

> > >Actually only now I went through the wife's chart as well. The chart

> > >according to KAS is matching like Ve, Ma, aspects with each other's

> > >chart and almost all planets are stronger in almost all houses in her

> > >chart. Here is the details for her chart.

> > >DOB:29-3-1970 at 5.50AM in Salem, 15N42, 73E55.The first female child

> > >born on 23-2-1994 at 1.27AM.

> > >

> > >Thanks

> > >Prabha

> > >

> > >astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, " prabha.acharya "

> > > wrote:

> > >>

> > >> Respected Guruji, Ash ji, and List Members,

> > >> Here is another quiz.

> > >> The following chart may be analysed for the date of marriage as


> > >> number 5.

> > >> What is the marriage date?

> > >> Last date for the submission of analysis: 28-2-2009.

> > >>  

> > >> Sex                  :Male

> > >> Date of birth   :21-03-1967

> > >> Time of birth   : 04-24 AM

> > >> Place of birth   : Attayampatty( Salem District)

> > >> Lattitude         : 11N31

> > >> Longitude       :  78E10

> > >>

> > >> For Birth time verification, information about the native are

> > >> 1) himself is an Elementary government school teacher

> > >> 2) his father was a retired government elementary school teacher

> > >> 3) his wife is an Elementary government school teacher

> > >> 4) he has one female(first) and one  male(second) children.

> > >> 5) He has agricultural land and doing agriculture as his side

> business.

> > >> 6) he has one married elder sister and one married elder brother.

> > >>

> > >> Thanks

> > >> Prabha

> > >>

> > >

> > >

> > >

> >












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Dear Prabha ji,


Yes that was not for marriage but for career.


Here Jup is situated in 6th house with more points,so this will help

to give boost for the first house as well as result for the 9th house.

Also its aspect on 2nd house will enhance its power in 2nd house.


Thatway it can give better individuality to the native somehow.


Here in this chart Jup is more like 11th lord,but is in 6th house.

This may reduce quality for 4th house and 7th house but not of

first as well as 9th house which helps career.






--- On Sun, 1/3/09, prabha.acharya <prabha.acharya wrote:

prabha.acharya <prabha.acharya Re: Quiz Date: Sunday, 1 March, 2009, 1:24 AM



Dear Anup jiI was mentioning about the native being only a school teacher.I am not considering here the marriage of the native.ThanksPrabhaastrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, "Anup. M"<dalh_1 wrote:>> Dear Prabha ji,> > The quality of a house is spoiled to worst,the lord of house D or E > can lose their power for giving an event or can be too weak forcroping > the an event.So here sometimes we see the event skips or not felt > even if shows it's presence.> > Regards> Anup> > > --- On Sun, 1/3/09, prabha.acharya <prabha.acharya@ ...> wrote:> > prabha.acharya <prabha.acharya@ ....>> [astrologyandtiming events] Re: Quiz> To:

astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com> Sunday, 1 March, 2009, 12:23 AM> > > > > > > Dear Nikhilesh ji and List Members,> I am quoting few points below taken from the archives:> 1. If the lord of sixth house is situated with more points, means more> then 4 points, Then It's aspect on any house/s will reduce the results> of that house (considering that house as house 'B'.)> 2. In above case, If the lord of D and E are samdharmi to sixth lord,> or if they are in the navamansha of the sixth lord, then the result of> house B is more reduced.> 3. If the lord of house 'A' is also samdharmi to sixth lord, then the> result is completely spoiled.> If more combinations are presents in the chart, the native is devoid> of the results

indicated by the house 'B'.> > According to my understanding the above points are for quality of> results and not with timing events. > So based on the above points, in case of the chart in question though> Ju is aspecting 10th house and 2nd house but because it is malefically> aspecting from 6th house the quality will not be 100% successful and> that may be the reason that - "So this must give the native good> riches and high career in education line (he anyways is in education> line but not highly placed)." > as mentioned by Nikhilesh ji will not hold true> I may be completely wrong and I would appreciate the feedback.> Thanks> Prabha> astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, "nikhlesh mathur"> <nikhleshmathur@ ...> wrote:> >> > > > 28.02.09> > Ref: Prabhaji's quiz 5, male, 21.03.67, 04:24 rs,

11.N.31; 78.E.10> > > > Dear Prabha ji & Group,> > > > I regret that I could not analyze the quiz-5> before its due date, as I was out on official tour, and I will be> again moving out of India for a week in next 2 days time.> > > > Infact I thought of mailing Prabha ji to kindly hold the answer for> a day more but by the time I opened the mail, the answer was already> there.> > > > Anyways, I chose to analyze the same as an exercise.> > > > My analysis:> > > > With 04:24 time I got 1Aq51, which I thought to be slightly> incorrect because with this ascendant Ju is lord of 11th & 2nd house> and is placed strongly with 6 points (albeit in the 6th house) and it> is aspecting 10th and 2nd house. So this must give the native good> riches and high career in education line ( he

anyways is in education> line but not highly placed).> > > > This I thought so.> > > > Therefore I made the time 04:14 hrs and then I got 29Cp5.> > > > With this there is Ju delay as Ju is in 7th house (house B) and Ju> is aspecting LoA (Saturn).> > > > The Ju delay ends up 21.07..1990> > > > At that time the native was running the AD of Ra in MD of Sa.> > Ra behave more like Ve here. So this native must have developed some> kind of relationship / friendship / affair during this period.> > > > But here Sa and Mo forms Boss-Subordinate relationship. Sa controls> Moon (Mind). Moon is the lord of 7th placed 12th from it.> > > > Sa is weak for house A,B,C for 7th house. So it might have somehow> prevented the native from actually getting married. Sa was also> opposing

Ve during July 1990. But the native must have decided for> marriage during this period (around Jan 1990 to Dec 1990).> > > > The next AD was of Ju (Nov 1991 to June 1994).> > Ju is LoE and has more than 20 points for 7th house. So it promotes> the event of marriage.> > > > The native has one zero in his SAV chart. The 2nd sector of Ju AD> was during Oct 1992 to Aug 1993.> > The native got married durring this period.> > > > So Prabhaji, even when I considered birth time 10 minutes earlier> and got a different Ascendant (29Cp5), the marriege period came out to> be the same (as with birth time 04:24 hrs and Asc 1Aq51).> > > > So as far as marriage is concerned, I do not find change in the> resulting date with even 10 mins difference in birth time.> > > > May be this further validates KAS

principals in a strong manner.> > > > Thanks & Regards,> > Nikhlesh Mathur> > > > > > On Sat, 28 Feb 2009 07:46:00 +0530 wrote> > >Respected Guruji, Ashji, and List Members,> > >Thank you Ash ji for replying for the quiz. > > >The answer is the native got married on 24-2-1993> > >Sex :Male> > >Date of birth :21-03-1967> > >Time of birth : 04-24 AM> > >Place of birth : Attayampatty( Salem District)> > >Lattitude : 11N31> > >Longitude : 78E10> > >> > >My analysis for the quiz.> > >LoA: Ju; LoB: Su; LoC: Ju; LoD: Ve; LoE: Sa> >

>1. Sa in HoA, is with LoB and aspects HoC: Sa delay> > >2.. Ju as LoA aspects LoB: Ju delay> > >Ju from its place is aspecting Sa, so Sa delay is reduced. So lets> > >take 25 yrs instead of the usual 27.5 yrs for Sa delay. That means at> > >that time Ju delay also gets over. After the native is 24 yrs ie in> > >year 1991, at that time Ju is in Leo, where it is in 7th house.In the> > >year Sept 1992, Ju enters Virgo and aspects 7th lord, Su. At thattime> > >native is running Ju AD. Ju is SD to Ve and Ve is LoD.> > >Ju is also the FK. So Ju AD gave the marriage.> > >I did not go into the quality of marriage.> > >Actually only now I went through the wife's chart as well. The chart> > >according to KAS is matching like Ve, Ma, aspects with each other's> > >chart and almost all planets are

stronger in almost all houses in her> > >chart. Here is the details for her chart. > > >DOB:29-3-1970 at 5.50AM in Salem, 15N42, 73E55.The first female child> > >born on 23-2-1994 at 1.27AM. > > >> > >Thanks> > >Prabha> > >> > >astrologyandtiminge vents@ s.com, "prabha.acharya"> > > wrote:> > >>> > >> Respected Guruji, Ash ji, and List Members,> > >> Here is another quiz.> > >> The following chart may be analysed for the date of marriage asQuiz> > >> number 5. > > >> What is the marriage date? > > >> Last date for the submission of analysis: 28-2-2009. > > >> > > >> Sex :Male > > >> Date of

birth :21-03-1967 > > >> Time of birth : 04-24 AM > > >> Place of birth : Attayampatty( Salem District) > > >> Lattitude : 11N31 > > >> Longitude : 78E10 > > >> > > >> For Birth time verification, information about the native are > > >> 1) himself is an Elementary government school teacher > > >> 2) his father was a retired government elementary school teacher > > >> 3) his wife is an Elementary government school teacher > > >> 4) he has one female(first) and one male(second) children. > > >> 5) He has agricultural land and doing agriculture as his side> business. > > >> 6) he has one married elder sister and one married elder brother.> > >>

> > >> Thanks> > >> Prabha> > >>> > >> > >> > >> >> > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > > Add more friends to your messenger and enjoy! Go tohttp://messenger. / invite/>

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Ref: My analysis of Prabha ji's Quiz-5


Dear Prabhaji Group,


What you wrote quoting from the archives is correct. I agree with it.


But there were some other reasons as well which made me belive that Ju cannot be in this native's 6th house. I could not elaborate those in my analysis to justify my thinking of his having the Cp ascendant (and not Aq).


I am not saying this from his marriage date or quality of marriage point of view.I say this from the point of view of his financial position, status in society, status of job (rather, status in the job)etc.


Just as an example, Amitabh Bacchan's chart is of Aquarius ascendant having Ju in the 6th house.


But these are all in relative terms.


However, here I do not see much difference in the social status with respect to this native's Father (both are in teaching line and had been at the same level and the agriculture income could be a share or could have been commissioned by his Father).


But I have noted your points and will later try to re-analyze as to why Ju 'CAN BE' or 'CANNOT BE' in this native's 6th house.


In the meantime some more details about this native can help me others in the Group to focus on this issue. For example, since this man is now in his mid forties there is liklihood of some kind of diseases creeping in him, God forbid.

If we can know about those or some major illness's / operations etc in his past then we might be able to justify the placement of Ju in a better manner.


This is not related to marriage date as anyhow the period came out to be same irrespective of the two ascendants (Aq and Cp) under study.


Thanks Regards,

Nikhlesh Mathur




On Sun, 01 Mar 2009 00:23:22 +0530 wrote

>Dear Nikhilesh ji and List Members,

>I am quoting few points below taken from the archives:

>1. If the lord of sixth house is situated with more points, means more

>then 4 points, Then It's aspect on any house/s will reduce the results

>of that house (considering that house as house 'B'.)

>2. In above case, If the lord of D and E are samdharmi to sixth lord,

>or if they are in the navamansha of the sixth lord, then the result of

>house B is more reduced.

>3. If the lord of house 'A' is also samdharmi to sixth lord, then the

>result is completely spoiled.

>If more combinations are presents in the chart, the native is devoid

>of the results indicated by the house 'B'.


>According to my understanding the above points are for quality of

>results and not with timing events.

>So based on the above points, in case of the chart in question though

>Ju is aspecting 10th house and 2nd house but because it is malefically

>aspecting from 6th house the quality will not be 100% successful and

>that may be the reason that  - "So this must give the native good

>riches and high career in education line (he anyways is in education

>line but not highly placed)."

>as mentioned by Nikhilesh ji will not hold true

>I may be completely wrong and I would appreciate the feedback.



> , "nikhlesh  mathur"

> wrote:



>> 28.02.09

>> Ref: Prabhaji's quiz 5, male, 21.03.67, 04:24 rs, 11.N.31; 78.E.10


>> Dear Prabha ji Group,


>>                        I regret that I could not analyze the quiz-5

>before its due date, as I was out on official tour, and I will be

>again moving out of India for a week in next 2 days time.


>> Infact I thought of mailing Prabha ji to kindly hold the answer for

>a day more but by the time I opened the mail, the answer was already



>> Anyways, I chose to analyze the same as an exercise.


>> My analysis:


>>        With 04:24 time I got 1Aq51, which I thought to be slightly

>incorrect because with this ascendant Ju is lord of 11th 2nd house

>and is placed strongly with 6 points (albeit in the 6th house) and it

>is aspecting 10th and 2nd house. So this must give the native good

>riches and high career in education line ( he anyways is in education

>line but not highly placed).


>> This I thought so.


>> Therefore I made the time 04:14 hrs and then I got 29Cp5.


>> With this there is Ju delay as Ju is in 7th house (house B) and Ju

>is aspecting LoA (Saturn).


>> The Ju delay ends up 21.07.1990


>> At that time the native was running the AD of Ra in MD of Sa.

>> Ra behave more like Ve here. So this native must have developed some

>kind of relationship / friendship / affair during this period.


>> But here Sa and Mo forms Boss-Subordinate relationship. Sa controls

>Moon (Mind). Moon is the lord of 7th placed 12th from it.


>> Sa is weak for house A,B,C for 7th house. So it might have somehow

>prevented the native from actually getting married. Sa was also

>opposing Ve during July 1990. But the native must have decided for

>marriage during this period (around Jan 1990 to Dec 1990).


>> The next AD was of Ju (Nov 1991 to June 1994).

>> Ju is LoE and has more than 20 points for 7th house. So it promotes

>the event of marriage.


>> The native has one zero in his SAV chart. The 2nd sector of Ju AD

>was during Oct 1992 to Aug 1993.

>> The native got married durring this period.


>> So Prabhaji, even when I considered birth time 10 minutes earlier

>and got a different Ascendant (29Cp5), the marriege period came out to

>be the same (as with birth time 04:24 hrs and Asc 1Aq51).


>> So as far as marriage is concerned, I do not find change in the

>resulting date with even 10 mins difference in birth time.


>> May be this further validates KAS principals in a strong manner.


>> Thanks Regards,

>> Nikhlesh Mathur



>> On Sat, 28 Feb 2009 07:46:00 +0530  wrote

>> >Respected Guruji, Ashji, and List Members,

>> >Thank you Ash ji for replying for the quiz.

>> >The answer is the native got married on 24-2-1993

>> >Sex                  :Male

>> >Date of birth   :21-03-1967

>> >Time of birth   : 04-24 AM

>> >Place of birth   : Attayampatty( Salem District)

>> >Lattitude         : 11N31

>> >Longitude       :  78E10

>> >

>> >My analysis for the quiz.

>> >LoA: Ju;    LoB: Su;     LoC: Ju;    LoD: Ve;     LoE: Sa

>> >1. Sa in HoA, is with LoB and aspects HoC: Sa delay

>> >2. Ju as LoA aspects LoB: Ju delay

>> >Ju from its place is aspecting Sa, so Sa delay is reduced. So lets

>> >take 25 yrs instead of the usual 27.5 yrs for Sa delay. That means at

>> >that time Ju delay also gets over. After the native is 24 yrs ie in

>> >year 1991, at that time Ju is in Leo, where it is in 7th house. In the

>> >year Sept 1992, Ju enters Virgo and aspects 7th lord, Su. At that time

>> >native is running Ju AD. Ju is SD to Ve and Ve is LoD.

>> >Ju is also the FK. So Ju AD gave the marriage.

>> >I did not go into the quality of marriage.

>> >Actually only now I went through the wife's chart as well. The chart

>> >according to KAS is matching like Ve, Ma, aspects with each other's

>> >chart and almost all planets are stronger in almost all houses in her

>> >chart. Here is the details for her chart.

>> >DOB:29-3-1970 at 5.50AM in Salem, 15N42, 73E55.The first female child

>> >born on 23-2-1994 at 1.27AM.

>> >

>> >Thanks

>> >Prabha

>> >

>> > , "prabha.acharya"

>> > wrote:

>> >>

>> >> Respected Guruji, Ash ji, and List Members,

>> >> Here is another quiz.

>> >> The following chart may be analysed for the date of marriage as Quiz

>> >> number 5.

>> >> What is the marriage date?

>> >> Last date for the submission of analysis: 28-2-2009.

>> >>  

>> >> Sex                  :Male

>> >> Date of birth   :21-03-1967

>> >> Time of birth   : 04-24 AM

>> >> Place of birth   : Attayampatty( Salem District)

>> >> Lattitude         : 11N31

>> >> Longitude       :  78E10

>> >>

>> >> For Birth time verification, information about the native are

>> >> 1) himself is an Elementary government school teacher

>> >> 2) his father was a retired government elementary school teacher

>> >> 3) his wife is an Elementary government school teacher

>> >> 4) he has one female(first) and one  male(second) children.

>> >> 5) He has agricultural land and doing agriculture as his side


>> >> 6) he has one married elder sister and one married elder brother.

>> >>

>> >> Thanks

>> >> Prabha

>> >>

>> >

>> >

>> >





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