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the gemstones remedies for sakata yoga and educational achievement

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dear guruji,

this guys problems began during JUPITER/MOON dasa.. sakata yoga


dasa and he was in great pain all these years , but of late he is


saturn/mercury, i have recommended pukhraj in index finger of right

hand and pearl in kanisthika on the right hand, also a

horse-shoe(kala ghoda) ring in the middle finger of left hand, SAKATA

yoga(of secrets and mental tension) has had major influence in his


achievements and life till now..

do u think that these remdies of gemstones are correctly choosen.

he is libra ascendant with jupiter and saturn in the 12th and moon

in the fifth houses resp.

waiting for your guidance,



his d.o.b:23 june 1981

time : 14:51

place: monghyr bihar india

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  • 6 years later...
sir i have a little query about sakata yoga.
As per an vadic astrologer, I have Sakata Yoga in my kundli.
My details
DOB 25/12/1987
TOB 1.35am
Place of birth:  Durgapur,West Bangal
Nearest city: asansol  
Country: India
Query/Problem:  sakata yoga.
i have remedy for sakata yoga but confuse, i search lot in google but i m not get satisfied result please help me sir 
remedy is - 
this remedy i saw a site 
(This is  a bad yoga which is formed when Guru or Chandra are in 6/8 positions from each other.
1. Guru can be in 6th from Chandra (Chandra will be in 8th from Guru)
2. Guru can be in 8th from Chandra (Chandra will be in 6th from Guru)
First type of Yoga can be also understood as Chandradhi Yoga, where Guru will give desire to achieve money and prosperity, while depending on its position from Lagna, this will be achieved. In such cases, a person should worship Indra.
In the second type of Yoga, a negative tendency will be more pronunced since Guru will refuse to support Chandra, and a lack of faith and spiritual loss is also indicated.
In general these two yogas give (Particularly the 2nd type), cause cycles of misfortune and bad health, general unpopularity and lack of intelligence, general knowledge
There are different ways to remedy the situation. First, you should check if any of the planets are in kendra.
1. If moon is in kendra, a person will be loved by people and blessed by Shiva
2. If Guru is in kendra, a person will be knowledgable and blessed by Vishnu
3. If both planets are not in kendra, the yoga is quite bad. In such cases check the dispositors of the lords of the houses, which should be worshipped either in Shiva or Vishnu rupa.
Therefore, keep in the mind that only these two planets can give a lasting fame. Moon will make you famous because people will love you which is the blessing of Shiva.  Guru will make you famous because of your knowledge, blessing of Vishnu. Therefore, if either of these is in Lagna/Arudha Lagna, you will become famous. 
If you look at the charts of Shri Krishna and Shri Rama, Moon in Lagna made them famous. Shri Ram worshipped Shiva at Rameshvaram, the blessing of Shiva showered upon him and gave him undying fame. Therefore, whenever a person is like a Vishnu, he worships Shiva. Whenever a person is like a Shiva (Guru in Lagna), he worships Vishnu.)
and 2nd is match with me but i do't know which planet is kandra moon or jupiter.
so my question is which planet is kandra in my horoscope? is it moon or Jupiter ?
or both is not kandra in my horoscope ?
or please provide a good and easy remedy for this, if it possible.
please replay me as soon as possibly....
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